
127 lines
3.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
import pymongo
def checkpoint(message):
"""Prints [CHeckpoint] <message>
print("[Checkpoint] {}".format(message))
def get_info(id):
"""Looks up all data for an id
checkpoint("Looking up data for id \'{}\'".format(id))
# Connect to mongodb & return user
collection = pymongo.MongoClient().group23.bac_monitoring
return collection.find({'id': 123456})[0]
def add_drink(id):
"""Adds 1 drink to the user
checkpoint("Adding 1 drink for id \'{}\'".format(id))
## Connect to mongodb & add drink
collection = pymongo.MongoClient().group23.bac_monitoring
curr_time = int(
collection.update({'id': id}, {'$push': {'drinks': curr_time}})
def remove_drinks(id=None, finished_drinks=None):
"""Remove finished drinks. Removes all drinks from all ids
if id==None, all drinks from specific if if finished_drinks==None, otherwise
removes drinks in finished_drinks
# Connecto to mongodb
collection = pymongo.MongoClient().group23.bac_monitoring
# Remove all drinks from all users
if id == None:
checkpoint('Removing all drinks for all users')
collection.update({}, {'$set': {'drinks': []}}, multi=True)
# Remove all drinks for specific user
elif finished_drinks == None:
checkpoint("Removing all drinks for user \'{}\'".format(id))
collection.update({'id': id}, {'$set': {'drinks': []}})
# Remove only specified drinks
checkpoint("Removing drinks: \'{}\' for user \'{}\'"
.format(finished_drinks, id))
for drink in finished_drinks:
collection.update({'id': id}, {'$pull': {'drinks': drink}})
def allowed_drinks(id):
"""Gets the amount of drinks someone is allowed to have, taking into account
their body weight & gender
## Calculate current BAC
# Lookup BAC for 1 drink
user_info = get_info(id)
bac_lookup = {'M': {'100': .06, '120': .05, '140': .045, '160': .04,
'180': .035, '200': .03, '220': .033, '240': .025},
'F': {'100': .07, '120': .06, '140': .05, '160': .04,
'180': .04, '200': .035, '220': .03, '240': .03}}
# Lookup gender & rounded weight
weight = int(20 * round(float(user_info['weight']) / 20))
one_drink = bac_lookup[user_info['gender']][str(weight)]
# Add up BAC for each drink
bac = 0
finished_drinks = []
# According the the BAC chart, for ever 40 minutes .01% is subtracted from BAC
# and there are 2400 seconds on 40 minutes
curr_time = int( / 2400
for drink in user_info['drinks']:
# Calculate drinking time and bac
drink_time = drink / 2400
drinking_time = curr_time - drink_time
# Calculate BAC from specific drink, or remove it
drink_bac = one_drink - (drinking_time * .01)
if drink_bac == 0:
bac += drink_bac
# Debugging
checkpoint("BAC for \'{}\': {}".format(id, bac))
# Remove all drinks not contributing to current BAC
remove_drinks(id, finished_drinks)
# Intoxicated, no drinks consumed, or some drinks consumed
drinks_left = 0
if bac == 0:
drinks_left = int(.06 / one_drink)
elif bac < .06:
drinks_left = int(.06 / bac)
checkpoint("Allowed drinks for id \'{}\': {}".format(id, drinks_left))
return drinks_left
def main():
"""Create & start 'drinks' queue for submitting drinks
# Create order queue
# Start consuming drink queue
# Arguments
id = 123456
#remove_drinks(id, [1523206500])