var main; function start(){ var c=document.getElementById("screen"); var screen = new Screen("100%","590",c); main = new backgrounds(screen); if(Math.random()>.7) main.addScene(15000, new lighting()); if(Math.random()>.6) main.addScene(15000, new nodes()); if(Math.random()>.6) main.addScene(15000, new islands()); main.addScene(15000, new terrain()); if(Math.random()>.2) main.addScene(15000, new title()); if(Math.random()>.2) main.addScene(15000, new lighting()); if(Math.random()>.2) main.addScene(15000, new nodes()); if(Math.random()>.2) main.addScene(15000, new islands()); if(Math.random()>.2) main.addScene(15000, new title()); main.addScene(15000, new lighting()); //main.addScene(15000, new classic()); main.start(); } function Screen(WIDTH, HEIGHT, CANVAS){ var isPercentWidth = (WIDTH+"").indexOf('%') === -1 ? false : true; var isPercentHeight = (HEIGHT+"").indexOf('%') === -1 ? false : true; var percentWidth = parseInt(WIDTH); var percentHeight = parseInt(HEIGHT); var width = parseInt(WIDTH); var height = parseInt(HEIGHT); var c = CANVAS; var ctx = c.getContext("2d"); if(isPercentWidth || isPercentHeight) window.addEventListener('resize', resizeCanvas, false); resizeCanvas(); function resizeCanvas() { if(window.innerWidth<767) height = 0; else if(window.innerWidth<992) height = 445; else if(window.innerWidth<1199) height = 505; else height = 595; if(isPercentWidth){ ctx.width = parseInt(window.innerWidth*(percentWidth/100.0)); width = ctx.width; c.width = ctx.width; } else{ ctx.width = width; c.width = width; } if(isPercentHeight){ ctx.height = parseInt(window.innerHeight*(percentHeight/100.0)); height = ctx.height; c.height = ctx.height; } else{ ctx.height = height; c.height =height; } //main.refresh(); } function setWidth(WIDTH){ isPercentWidth = (WIDTH+"").indexOf('%') === -1 ? false : true; percentWidth = parseInt(WIDTH); width = parseInt(WIDTH); resizeCanvas(); } function setHeight(HEIGHT){ isPercentHeight = (HEIGHT+"").indexOf('%') === -1 ? false : true; percentHeight = parseInt(HEIGHT); height = parseInt(HEIGHT); resizeCanvas(); } return { getWidth : function(){return width;}, getHeight : function(){return height;}, setWidth : setWidth, setHeight : setHeight, getCTX : function(){return ctx;} }; } function backgrounds(SCREEN){ var end=null, last=null, last=null, temp=null; var ctx = SCREEN.getCTX(); var date = new Date(); var list = new Array(); var listTime = new Array(); var startTime = null; var startSceneTime = null; var endSceneTime = null; var difSceneTime = -1; var activeScene=0; var activeThread = -1; var nextThreadWait = -1; var screen = SCREEN; var timeoutSceneLoopID = null, timeoutSceneID = null; function addScene(time, refreshCallback) { refreshCallback.setScreen( screen); list[list.length] = refreshCallback; listTime[listTime.length] = time; } function start() { var pos = 0; startTime = date.getTime(); sceneLoop(null,pos); } function sceneLoop(last,pos){ clearInterval(nextThreadWait); runScene(last, pos%list.length, (pos+1)%list.length); timeoutSceneLoopID = window.setTimeout(function(){ nextThreadWait = window.setInterval(function() { if(difSceneTime == -1 && > endSceneTime){ sceneLoop(pos, (pos+1)%list.length); clearInterval(nextThreadWait); } }, 16); }, getSceneTime(pos)); } function runScene(LAST, CUR, NEXT){ //timeoutSceneID = window.setTimeout(function(){ if(LAST != null){ getScene(LAST).end(); clearInterval(activeThread); } else{ getScene(CUR).setup(); preLoadImg(getScene(CUR)); } getScene(CUR).start(); activeThread = window.setInterval(function() { getScene(CUR).update(getScene(activeScene).refreshRate()); getScene(CUR).render(ctx); }, getScene(CUR).refreshRate()); activeScene = CUR; startSceneTime =; endSceneTime =; if(getScene(NEXT)!=null) { getScene(NEXT).setup(); preLoadImg(getScene(NEXT)); } //}, getSceneTime(CUR)); } function pause() { if(difSceneTime == -1) { difSceneTime =; clearInterval(activeThread); activeThread = window.setInterval(function() { getScene(activeScene).render(ctx); }, getScene(activeScene).refreshRate()); } else { clearInterval(activeThread); endSceneTime =; startSceneTime =; activeThread = window.setInterval(function() { getScene(activeScene).update(getScene(activeScene).refreshRate()); getScene(activeScene).render(ctx); }, getScene(activeScene).refreshRate()); difSceneTime = -1; } } function getScene(POS){ return list[POS]; } function getSceneTime(POS){ return listTime[POS]; } function preLoadImg(refreshCallback){ for (i=0;i0;i--){ var tempObj = list[NEW+i-1]; var tempTime = listTime[NEW+i-1]; list[NEW+i-1] = list[NEW+i]; listTime[NEW+i-1] = listTime[NEW+i]; list[NEW+i] = tempObj; listTime[NEW+i] = tempTime; } } if(OLD == activeScene)activeScene = NEW; else if(OLD >= activeScene&& NEW <= activeScene)activeScene++; else if(OLD <= activeScene&& NEW >= activeScene)activeScene--; } return { backScene : backScene, addScene : addScene, changeOrder : changeOrder, nextScene : nextScene, playScene : playScene, pause : pause, start : start, refresh : refresh, getDone : getDone, getList : getList, getCtx : function(){return ctx;}, getActive : getActive }; } function classic(){ var img = new Array(); var imgLoc = ["","","","","","","",""]; var screen = null; var mx=0, my=0; var noiceGen; var houseCount = 0; function mouseMove(event) { mx = event.pageX; my = event.pageY; } function setup() { } function refreshRate(){ return 100; } function start() { window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, false); noiceGen = new perlinNoise(1); return end; } function render(ctx){ houseCount = 0; for(var y=0;y=-1;x--) { var ax =0,ay=-20; if(y%2==1){ax-=35;} //console.log ( mx ); if(Math.abs(x*70-mx)<210&&Math.abs(y*20-my)<80) if((Math.abs(x-mx/70)+Math.abs(y-my/20))<=4) ay -= (4-(Math.abs(x-mx/70)+Math.abs(y-my/20))); if(noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)<-.2) ctx.drawImage(img[0],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); //else if(noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)<-.13) //ctx.drawImage(img[1],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); else{ if(parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%2==1)ctx.drawImage(img[2],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); else if(parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%3==0)ctx.drawImage(img[3],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); else if(parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%2==0)ctx.drawImage(img[5],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); else ctx.drawImage(img[4],x*70+ax,y*20+ay); } if(noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)>.6&&parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%2==1)ctx.drawImage(img[6],x*70+ax,y*20+ay-80); else if(noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)>.4&&parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%3==0)ctx.drawImage(img[6],x*70+ax,y*20+ay-80); else if(noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)>.1&&parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%15==0)ctx.drawImage(img[6],x*70+ax,y*20+ay-80); else if(houseCount<2&&noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)>.1&&noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)<.2&&parseInt((1)*noiceGen.getHeight(x/2.0,y/2.0)*600)%100==1){ctx.drawImage(img[7],x*70+ax,y*20+ay-75);houseCount++;} } } function update(delta){ } function end(){ window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, false); } return { end : end, img : img, imgLoc : imgLoc, refreshRate : refreshRate, update : update, render : render, start : start, setScreen : function(m){screen = m;}, setup : function(){return setup();}, run : function(ctx,t){return run(ctx,t);}, toString : function(){return "Iso-World";} }; } function lighting(){ var img = new Array(); var imgLoc = []; var screen = null; var mx=0, my=0; var noiceGen; var houseCount = 0; var time =; var faceList = new Array(); var lightList = new Array(); function mouseMove(event) { mx = event.pageX; my = event.pageY; } function point3D(X,Y,Z){ var x = X; var y = Y; var z = Z; return { setX : function(a){x=a}, setY : function(a){y=a}, setZ : function(a){z=a}, getX : function(){return x;}, getY : function(){return y;}, getZ : function(){return z;}, sub : function(pnt){x -= pnt.getX();y -= pnt.getY();z -= pnt.getZ();}, add : function(pnt){x += pnt.getX();y += pnt.getY();z += pnt.getZ();}, mul : function(pnt){x *= pnt.getX();y *= pnt.getY();z *= pnt.getZ();}, getSub : function(pnt){return new point3D(x - pnt.getX(),y - pnt.getY(),z - pnt.getZ());}, getAdd : function(pnt){return new point3D(x + pnt.getX(),y + pnt.getY(),z + pnt.getZ());}, getCross : function(pnt){return new point3D(y*pnt.getZ()-pnt.getY()*z,z*pnt.getX()-pnt.getZ()*x,x*pnt.getY()-pnt.getX()*y);}, getNormal : function(){var len = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);return new point3D(x/len,y/len,z/len);}, getLength : function(){var len = Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z);return len;}, getDot : function(pnt){return x*pnt.getX()+y*pnt.getY()+z*pnt.getZ();} }; } function face(colorSet){ var list = new Array(); var color = colorSet; var render = function(ctx){ var x = list[list.length-1].getX(), y = list[list.length-1].getY(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x,y); for (var i = 0; i < list.length ; i++) { x = list[i].getX(); y = list[i].getY(); ctx.lineTo(x,y); } ctx.closePath(); ctx.strokeStyle = "#CCCCCC"; // ctx.stroke(); ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.fill(); } var lightSource = function(pnt1,pnt2,pnt3){ var x = 0, y = 0, z = 0; for (var i = 0; i < 3 ; i++) { x += list[i].getX(); y += list[i].getY(); z += list[i].getZ(); } x /= 3;y /= 3;z /= 3; var sumPnt = new point3D(x,y,z); var normal1 = list[1].getSub(list[0]).getCross(list[2].getSub(list[0])).getNormal(); var normal2 = pnt1.getSub(sumPnt).getNormal(); var normal3 = pnt2.getSub(sumPnt).getNormal(); var normal4 = pnt3.getSub(sumPnt).getNormal(); var distance1 = pnt1.getSub(sumPnt).getLength(); var distance2 = pnt2.getSub(sumPnt).getLength(); var distance3 = pnt3.getSub(sumPnt).getLength(); var num1 = normal1.getDot(normal2)*(800/distance1)+.2; var num2 = normal1.getDot(normal3)*(800/distance2)+.2; var num3 = normal1.getDot(normal4)*(800/distance3)+.2; color = "rgb("+parseInt(num1*255)+","+parseInt(num2*255)+","+parseInt(num3*255)+")"; } return { add : function(i){list[list.length]=i;}, get : function(i){return list[i];}, render : function(ctx){ render(ctx);}, lightSource : function(pnt1,pnt2,pnt3){ lightSource(pnt1,pnt2,pnt3);}, size : function(i){return list.length;} }; } function setup() { noiceGen = new perlinNoise(1); } function refreshRate(){ return 32; } function start() { window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, false); var size = 40; var noiceMul =100; var noiceScale = 6; var width = screen.getWidth()/size+1; var height = 15; for(var x = 0;x=1&&y>=1){ //var r=170, g=170, b=90; var r=0, g=90, b=0; r -= parseInt(40*(map[x][y].getZ()-map[x-1][y].getZ()+map[x][y].getZ()-map[x][y-1].getZ()) ); g -= parseInt(40*(map[x][y].getZ()-map[x-1][y].getZ()+map[x][y].getZ()-map[x][y-1].getZ()) ); b -= parseInt(40*(map[x][y].getZ()-map[x-1][y].getZ()+map[x][y].getZ()-map[x][y-1].getZ()) ); color[x-1][y-1] = "rgba("+r+","+g+","+b+", 1)"; //alert((x-1)+" "+(y-1)); } }} var render = function(ctx2){ // Store the current transformation matrix; // Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // Restore the transform ctx.restore(); var count =0; var count2 =0; for (var x = 0; x < map.length-1 ; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < map[0].length-1 ; y++) { //alert(map[x][y].getScreenX()); count2++; var x1 = map[x][y].getScreenX()+camera.getX(); var y1 = map[x][y].getScreenY()+camera.getY(); var x2 = map[x][y+1].getScreenX()+camera.getX(); var y2 = map[x][y+1].getScreenY()+camera.getY(); var x3 = map[x+1][y+1].getScreenX()+camera.getX(); var y3 = map[x+1][y+1].getScreenY()+camera.getY(); var x4 = map[x+1][y].getScreenX()+camera.getX(); var y4 = map[x+1][y].getScreenY()+camera.getY(); if((x1<0&&x2<0&&x3<0&&x4<0)) continue; if((y1<0&&y2<0&&y3<0&&y4<0)) continue; if((x1>screen.getWidth()&&x2>screen.getWidth()&&x3>screen.getWidth()&&x4>screen.getWidth())) continue; if((y1>screen.getHeight()&&y2>screen.getHeight()&&y3>screen.getHeight()&&y4>screen.getHeight())) continue; count++; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1,y1); ctx.lineTo(x2,y2); ctx.lineTo(x3,y3); ctx.lineTo(x4,y4); ctx.lineTo(x1,y1); ctx.closePath();//This affects teh alpha. ctx.fillStyle = color[x][y]; ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(10,60,10, .4)"; ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // }} ctx2.globalAlpha = 0.45; ctx2.drawImage(canvas,0,0); ctx2.globalAlpha = 1; } var getHeight = function(x,y){ if(x<0||y<0) return 0; if(x>map.length-1||y>map[0].length-1) return 0; var X = Math.floor(x); var Y = Math.floor(y); var riX = (x-X); var riY = (y-Y); var rX = 1-(x-X); var rY = 1-(y-Y); return (rX*rY*map[X][Y].getZ()+riX*rY*map[X+1][Y].getZ()+riY*riX*map[X+1][Y+1].getZ()+riY*rX*map[X][Y+1].getZ()) } return { render : function(g){render(g);}, getHeight : function(x,y){return getHeight(x,y);} }; } function start() { window.addEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, false); map = new Grid(parseInt(screen.getWidth()/ratioX)+3,parseInt(screen.getHeight()/ratioY)+3); for(var i=0;i<5;i++){ noiseList[i] = new Image(40,40); noiseList[i].src = createNoise(noiseList[i]); } return end; } function render(ctx){ var pat2 =ctx.createPattern(noiseList[t%5],"repeat"); var grd = ctx.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1200); // light blue grd.addColorStop(0, '#FFF'); // dark blue grd.addColorStop(1, '#000'); ctx.fillStyle = grd; ctx.fillRect (0, 0, screen.getWidth(), screen.getHeight()); ctx.fillStyle = pat2; ctx.fillRect (0, 0, screen.getWidth(), screen.getHeight()); ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(70,40,0, .4)"; map.render(ctx); } function update(delta){ camera.setY(-100); camera.setX(2*screen.getWidth()/5); time += delta; t++; if(time>3000){ time = 0; map = new Grid(parseInt(screen.getWidth()/ratioX/2)+3,parseInt(screen.getHeight()/ratioY/2)+3); } } function end(){ window.removeEventListener("mousemove", mouseMove, false); } return { end : end, img : img, imgLoc : imgLoc, refreshRate : refreshRate, update : update, render : render, start : start, setScreen : function(m){screen = m;}, setup : function(){return setup();}, run : function(ctx,t){return run(ctx,t);}, toString : function(){return "Terrain";} }; } function nodes(){ /* Needed Vars for scene */ var img = new Array(); var imgLoc = []; var screen = null; var list = new Array(); var t = 0; function drawNode(ctx,x,y,r){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false); ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow'; ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 5; ctx.strokeStyle = '#003300'; ctx.stroke(); } function drawLine(ctx, con1, con2){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(con1.getX(), con1.getY()); ctx.lineTo(con2.getX(), con2.getY()); ctx.stroke(); } function connector(X,Y,W){ var x = X; var y = Y; var attached = new Array(); var width = W; return { clear : function(){attached = new Array()}, add : function(add){attached[attached.length]=add;add.add2(this);}, add2 : function(add){attached[attached.length]=add;}, clicked : function(x2,y2){return (Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x-x2,2)+Math.pow(y-y2,2))10000) { for(var q= 0;q=list.length) { if(pixelSize<5){ reset(); list = buildList(); } else{ pixelSize =parseInt( pixelSize/2); scale *= 2; list = buildList(); pos = 0; } } } function setup() { noiceGen = new perlinNoise(1); } function refreshRate(){ return 60; } function start() { reset(); list = buildList(); return end; } function render(ctx){ drawList(ctx); } function update(delta){ t += delta; if(t > 30){ count = 4*scale; t = 0; } } function end(){ } return { end : end, img : img, imgLoc : imgLoc, refreshRate : refreshRate, update : update, render : render, start : start, setScreen : function(m){screen = m;}, setup : function(){return setup();}, run : function(ctx,t){return run(ctx,t);}, toString : function(){return "Pixel Islands";} }; } function title(){ //Please dont judge me this is old code. -David /* Needed Vars for scene */ var img = new Array(); var imgLoc = []; var screen = null; var letterS = [1,0, 2,0, 3,0, 0,1, 0,2, 1,2, 2,2, 3,2, 3,3, 2,4, 1,4, 0,4]; var letterP = [0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 0,1, 0,2, 1,2,2,2, 2,1, 0,3,0,4]; var letterE = [0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 0,1, 0,2, 1,2, 0,3,0,4,1,4,2,4]; var letterD = [0,0, 1,0,2,0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3,0,4,1,4 ,2,4 ,3,1,3,2,3,3]; var letterA = [0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 3,0,2,2, 0,1, 0,2, 1,2, 0,3, 0,4, 3,4,3,1,3,2,3,3]; var letterC = [0,0, 1,0, 2,0, 0,1, 0,2, 0,3,0,4,1,4,2,4]; var letterM = [0,0, 2,0,1,0, 0,2, 0,1, 2,1,2,2,2,3,2,4, 4,4, 0,3, 0,4 ,3,0 ,4,1 ,4,2, 4,3, 4,4, 4,4]; var R1 = 200; var G1 = 200; var B1 = 200; var R2 = 138; var G2 = 181; var B2 = 255; var S1 = Math.random()*500+500; var S2 = Math.random()*500+500; var S3 = Math.random()*500+500; var t =; function ranA(){return Math.random()-.5;} var ar = 1+ranA(), ag = 2+ranA(), ab = 2+ranA(); function setup() { } function refreshRate(){ return 60; } function start() { return end; } function render(ctx){ Color2 = '#A0C8FF'; function c(num,a) {return ('0' + Math.floor((num-(num/3))+Math.sin((t*a)*6.28/18000) *(num/3)).toString(16)).substr(-2);} function l(letter,x,y){ for(var q=0;q