Electric Field

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought"
Albert von Szent-Gyorgyi

The simplest assumption is "action-at-a-distance".  They just "know" about each other's presence.  If one of the charges moves the other charge is aware of this immediately.  This sounds like "magic" with today's scientific understanding. 
The mechanism to remove the magic was proposed by Michael Faraday  faraday - the electric field.  Every charge creates its own electric field in the space around it (actually the space around it means all space); other charges then interact with this field.  When a charge moves it creates a disturbance in its electric field which is propagated away from the charge at the speed of light.

exclamation In developing his theory of gravitation Newton was aware of the same "action-at-a-distance" problem.  To solve the problem, in a similar manner, we introduce the concept of the gravitational field.

exclamation Note that the concept of the electric field is a convenient construct to describe electromagnetic phenomena, but its true existence is neither proven nor essential.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe."
Albert Einstein


Dr. C. L. Davis
Physics Department
University of Louisville
email: c.l.davis@louisville.edu