xdg-utils xdg-utils provides the official utilities for managing MIME types and default applications according to the #XDG standard. Most importantly, it provides /usr/bin/xdg-open which many applications use to open a file with its default application. It is desktop-environment-independent in the sense that it attempts to use each environment's native default application tool and provides its own mechanism if no known environment is detected. Examples: # determine a file's MIME type $ xdg-mime query filetype photo.jpeg image/jpeg # determine the default application for a MIME type $ xdg-mime query default image/jpeg gimp.desktop # change the default application for a MIME type $ xdg-mime default feh.desktop image/jpeg # open a file with its default application $ xdg-open photo.jpeg # shortcut to open all web MIME types with a single application $ xdg-settings set default-web-browser firefox.desktop # shortcut for setting the default application for a URL scheme $ xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler irc xchat.desktop