fips: 51001
Locality: Accomack County, VA
Residents: 26,902
Uninsured_residents: 5,485
Percent_uninsured: 20.4%
County Name: Accomack
State-County: VA-Accomack
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 192.5120289
GEO_ID: 05000US51001
GEO_ID2: 51001
Geographic Name: Accomack County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 1

name: Accomack
County Name: Accomack
State-County: VA-Accomack
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 192.5120289
GEO_ID: 05000US51001
Geographic Name: Accomack County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 1
FIPS formula: 51001.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 8
fips: 51003
Locality: Albemarle County, VA
Residents: 79,223
Uninsured_residents: 10,588
Percent_uninsured: 13.4%
County Name: Albemarle
State-County: VA-Albemarle
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 995.9630507
GEO_ID: 05000US51003
GEO_ID2: 51003
Geographic Name: Albemarle County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 3

name: Albemarle
County Name: Albemarle
State-County: VA-Albemarle
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 995.9630507
GEO_ID: 05000US51003
Geographic Name: Albemarle County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 3
FIPS formula: 51003.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 110
fips: 51005
Locality: Alleghany County, VA
Residents: 12,835
Uninsured_residents: 1,810
Percent_uninsured: 14.1%
County Name: Alleghany
State-County: VA-Alleghany
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.8964535
GEO_ID: 05000US51005
GEO_ID2: 51005
Geographic Name: Alleghany County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 5

name: Alleghany
County Name: Alleghany
State-County: VA-Alleghany
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.8964535
GEO_ID: 05000US51005
Geographic Name: Alleghany County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 5
FIPS formula: 51005.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 101
fips: 51007
Locality: Amelia County, VA
Residents: 10,758
Uninsured_residents: 2,122
Percent_uninsured: 19.7%
County Name: Amelia
State-County: VA-Amelia
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 295.5057883
GEO_ID: 05000US51007
GEO_ID2: 51007
Geographic Name: Amelia County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 7

name: Amelia
County Name: Amelia
State-County: VA-Amelia
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 295.5057883
GEO_ID: 05000US51007
Geographic Name: Amelia County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 7
FIPS formula: 51007.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 12
fips: 51009
Locality: Amherst County, VA
Residents: 25,809
Uninsured_residents: 4,289
Percent_uninsured: 16.6%
County Name: Amherst
State-County: VA-Amherst
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 95.27755592
GEO_ID: 05000US51009
GEO_ID2: 51009
Geographic Name: Amherst County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 9

name: Amherst
County Name: Amherst
State-County: VA-Amherst
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 95.27755592
GEO_ID: 05000US51009
Geographic Name: Amherst County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 9
FIPS formula: 51009.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 63
fips: 51011
Locality: Appomattox County, VA
Residents: 12,408
Uninsured_residents: 2,082
Percent_uninsured: 16.8%
County Name: Appomattox
State-County: VA-Appomattox
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 746.5760913
GEO_ID: 05000US51011
GEO_ID2: 51011
Geographic Name: Appomattox County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 11

name: Appomattox
County Name: Appomattox
State-County: VA-Appomattox
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 746.5760913
GEO_ID: 05000US51011
Geographic Name: Appomattox County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 11
FIPS formula: 51011.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 56
fips: 51013
Locality: Arlington County, VA
Residents: 193,188
Uninsured_residents: 20,143
Percent_uninsured: 10.4%
County Name: Arlington
State-County: VA-Arlington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 97.09015298
GEO_ID: 05000US51013
GEO_ID2: 51013
Geographic Name: Arlington County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 13

name: Arlington
County Name: Arlington
State-County: VA-Arlington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 97.09015298
GEO_ID: 05000US51013
Geographic Name: Arlington County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 13
FIPS formula: 51013.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 127
fips: 51015
Locality: Augusta County, VA
Residents: 59,024
Uninsured_residents: 8,603
Percent_uninsured: 14.6%
County Name: Augusta
State-County: VA-Augusta
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 892.195683
GEO_ID: 05000US51015
GEO_ID2: 51015
Geographic Name: Augusta County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 15

name: Augusta
County Name: Augusta
State-County: VA-Augusta
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 892.195683
GEO_ID: 05000US51015
Geographic Name: Augusta County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 15
FIPS formula: 51015.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 97
fips: 51017
Locality: Bath County, VA
Residents: 3,611
Uninsured_residents: 603
Percent_uninsured: 16.7%
County Name: Bath
State-County: VA-Bath
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 650.1969643
GEO_ID: 05000US51017
GEO_ID2: 51017
Geographic Name: Bath County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 17

name: Bath
County Name: Bath
State-County: VA-Bath
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 650.1969643
GEO_ID: 05000US51017
Geographic Name: Bath County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 17
FIPS formula: 51017.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 60
fips: 51019
Locality: Bedford County, VA
Residents: 57,406
Uninsured_residents: 8,359
Percent_uninsured: 14.6%
County Name: Bedford
State-County: VA-Bedford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 220.7029166
GEO_ID: 05000US51019
GEO_ID2: 51019
Geographic Name: Bedford County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 19

name: Bedford
County Name: Bedford
State-County: VA-Bedford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 220.7029166
GEO_ID: 05000US51019
Geographic Name: Bedford County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 19
FIPS formula: 51019.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 98
fips: 51021
Locality: Bland County, VA
Residents: 4,989
Uninsured_residents: 729
Percent_uninsured: 14.6%
County Name: Bland
State-County: VA-Bland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 350.7931583
GEO_ID: 05000US51021
GEO_ID2: 51021
Geographic Name: Bland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 21

name: Bland
County Name: Bland
State-County: VA-Bland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 350.7931583
GEO_ID: 05000US51021
Geographic Name: Bland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 21
FIPS formula: 51021.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 96
fips: 51023
Locality: Botetourt County, VA
Residents: 26,999
Uninsured_residents: 3,131
Percent_uninsured: 11.6%
County Name: Botetourt
State-County: VA-Botetourt
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 287.7303287
GEO_ID: 05000US51023
GEO_ID2: 51023
Geographic Name: Botetourt County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 23

name: Botetourt
County Name: Botetourt
State-County: VA-Botetourt
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 287.7303287
GEO_ID: 05000US51023
Geographic Name: Botetourt County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 23
FIPS formula: 51023.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 122
fips: 51025
Locality: Brunswick County, VA
Residents: 12,315
Uninsured_residents: 2,107
Percent_uninsured: 17.1%
County Name: Brunswick
State-County: VA-Brunswick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 105.1260278
GEO_ID: 05000US51025
GEO_ID2: 51025
Geographic Name: Brunswick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 25

name: Brunswick
County Name: Brunswick
State-County: VA-Brunswick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 105.1260278
GEO_ID: 05000US51025
Geographic Name: Brunswick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 25
FIPS formula: 51025.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 50
fips: 51027
Locality: Buchanan County, VA
Residents: 18,948
Uninsured_residents: 2,938
Percent_uninsured: 15.5%
County Name: Buchanan
State-County: VA-Buchanan
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 768.8089518
GEO_ID: 05000US51027
GEO_ID2: 51027
Geographic Name: Buchanan County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 27

name: Buchanan
County Name: Buchanan
State-County: VA-Buchanan
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 768.8089518
GEO_ID: 05000US51027
Geographic Name: Buchanan County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 27
FIPS formula: 51027.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 89
fips: 51029
Locality: Buckingham County, VA
Residents: 12,723
Uninsured_residents: 2,483
Percent_uninsured: 19.5%
County Name: Buckingham
State-County: VA-Buckingham
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 103.0513293
GEO_ID: 05000US51029
GEO_ID2: 51029
Geographic Name: Buckingham County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 29

name: Buckingham
County Name: Buckingham
State-County: VA-Buckingham
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 103.0513293
GEO_ID: 05000US51029
Geographic Name: Buckingham County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 29
FIPS formula: 51029.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 15
fips: 51031
Locality: Campbell County, VA
Residents: 46,112
Uninsured_residents: 7,422
Percent_uninsured: 16.1%
County Name: Campbell
State-County: VA-Campbell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 969.1358732
GEO_ID: 05000US51031
GEO_ID2: 51031
Geographic Name: Campbell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 31

name: Campbell
County Name: Campbell
State-County: VA-Campbell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 969.1358732
GEO_ID: 05000US51031
Geographic Name: Campbell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 31
FIPS formula: 51031.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 70
fips: 51033
Locality: Caroline County, VA
Residents: 24,375
Uninsured_residents: 3,892
Percent_uninsured: 16.0%
County Name: Caroline
State-County: VA-Caroline
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 332.5117246
GEO_ID: 05000US51033
GEO_ID2: 51033
Geographic Name: Caroline County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 33

name: Caroline
County Name: Caroline
State-County: VA-Caroline
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 332.5117246
GEO_ID: 05000US51033
Geographic Name: Caroline County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 33
FIPS formula: 51033.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 74
fips: 51035
Locality: Carroll County, VA
Residents: 24,381
Uninsured_residents: 4,535
Percent_uninsured: 18.6%
County Name: Carroll
State-County: VA-Carroll
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.592341
GEO_ID: 05000US51035
GEO_ID2: 51035
Geographic Name: Carroll County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 35

name: Carroll
County Name: Carroll
State-County: VA-Carroll
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.592341
GEO_ID: 05000US51035
Geographic Name: Carroll County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 35
FIPS formula: 51035.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 21
fips: 51036
Locality: Charles City County, VA
Residents: 6,023
Uninsured_residents: 1,210
Percent_uninsured: 20.1%
County Name: Charles City
State-County: VA-Charles City
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 8.379045135
GEO_ID: 05000US51036
GEO_ID2: 51036
Geographic Name: Charles City County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 36

name: Charles City
County Name: Charles City
State-County: VA-Charles City
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 8.379045135
GEO_ID: 05000US51036
Geographic Name: Charles City County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 36
FIPS formula: 51036.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 10
fips: 51037
Locality: Charlotte County, VA
Residents: 10,169
Uninsured_residents: 2,002
Percent_uninsured: 19.7%
County Name: Charlotte
State-County: VA-Charlotte
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 846.208502
GEO_ID: 05000US51037
GEO_ID2: 51037
Geographic Name: Charlotte County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 37

name: Charlotte
County Name: Charlotte
State-County: VA-Charlotte
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 846.208502
GEO_ID: 05000US51037
Geographic Name: Charlotte County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 37
FIPS formula: 51037.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 13
fips: 51041
Locality: Chesterfield County, VA
Residents: 278,872
Uninsured_residents: 36,246
Percent_uninsured: 13.0%
County Name: Chesterfield
State-County: VA-Chesterfield
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 630.9683703
GEO_ID: 05000US51041
GEO_ID2: 51041
Geographic Name: Chesterfield County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 41

name: Chesterfield
County Name: Chesterfield
State-County: VA-Chesterfield
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 630.9683703
GEO_ID: 05000US51041
Geographic Name: Chesterfield County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 41
FIPS formula: 51041.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 114
fips: 51043
Locality: Clarke County, VA
Residents: 11,652
Uninsured_residents: 1,436
Percent_uninsured: 12.3%
County Name: Clarke
State-County: VA-Clarke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 27.71942581
GEO_ID: 05000US51043
GEO_ID2: 51043
Geographic Name: Clarke County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 43

name: Clarke
County Name: Clarke
State-County: VA-Clarke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 27.71942581
GEO_ID: 05000US51043
Geographic Name: Clarke County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 43
FIPS formula: 51043.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 118
fips: 51045
Locality: Craig County, VA
Residents: 4,266
Uninsured_residents: 666
Percent_uninsured: 15.6%
County Name: Craig
State-County: VA-Craig
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 117.6435246
GEO_ID: 05000US51045
GEO_ID2: 51045
Geographic Name: Craig County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 45

name: Craig
County Name: Craig
State-County: VA-Craig
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 117.6435246
GEO_ID: 05000US51045
Geographic Name: Craig County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 45
FIPS formula: 51045.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 84
fips: 51047
Locality: Culpeper County, VA
Residents: 39,843
Uninsured_residents: 6,787
Percent_uninsured: 17.0%
County Name: Culpeper
State-County: VA-Culpeper
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 744.1672172
GEO_ID: 05000US51047
GEO_ID2: 51047
Geographic Name: Culpeper County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 47

name: Culpeper
County Name: Culpeper
State-County: VA-Culpeper
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 744.1672172
GEO_ID: 05000US51047
Geographic Name: Culpeper County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 47
FIPS formula: 51047.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 52
fips: 51049
Locality: Cumberland County, VA
Residents: 8,385
Uninsured_residents: 1,702
Percent_uninsured: 20.3%
County Name: Cumberland
State-County: VA-Cumberland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 53.24291748
GEO_ID: 05000US51049
GEO_ID2: 51049
Geographic Name: Cumberland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 49

name: Cumberland
County Name: Cumberland
State-County: VA-Cumberland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 53.24291748
GEO_ID: 05000US51049
Geographic Name: Cumberland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 49
FIPS formula: 51049.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 9
fips: 51051
Locality: Dickenson County, VA
Residents: 12,987
Uninsured_residents: 2,089
Percent_uninsured: 16.1%
County Name: Dickenson
State-County: VA-Dickenson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 968.0148487
GEO_ID: 05000US51051
GEO_ID2: 51051
Geographic Name: Dickenson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 51

name: Dickenson
County Name: Dickenson
State-County: VA-Dickenson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 968.0148487
GEO_ID: 05000US51051
Geographic Name: Dickenson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 51
FIPS formula: 51051.0
Has error: Fixed - removed duplicate endpoints
Rank (out of 134): 71
fips: 51053
Locality: Dinwiddie County, VA
Residents: 23,568
Uninsured_residents: 3,599
Percent_uninsured: 15.3%
County Name: Dinwiddie
State-County: VA-Dinwiddie
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 312.0752628
GEO_ID: 05000US51053
GEO_ID2: 51053
Geographic Name: Dinwiddie County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 53

name: Dinwiddie
County Name: Dinwiddie
State-County: VA-Dinwiddie
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 312.0752628
GEO_ID: 05000US51053
Geographic Name: Dinwiddie County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 53
FIPS formula: 51053.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 93
fips: 51057
Locality: Essex County, VA
Residents: 9,264
Uninsured_residents: 1,553
Percent_uninsured: 16.8%
County Name: Essex
State-County: VA-Essex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 227.5649552
GEO_ID: 05000US51057
GEO_ID2: 51057
Geographic Name: Essex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 57

name: Essex
County Name: Essex
State-County: VA-Essex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 227.5649552
GEO_ID: 05000US51057
Geographic Name: Essex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 57
FIPS formula: 51057.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 57
fips: 51059
Locality: Fairfax County, VA
Residents: 970,961
Uninsured_residents: 119,119
Percent_uninsured: 12.3%
County Name: Fairfax
State-County: VA-Fairfax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 20.67024754
GEO_ID: 05000US51059
GEO_ID2: 51059
Geographic Name: Fairfax County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 59

name: Fairfax
County Name: Fairfax
State-County: VA-Fairfax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 20.67024754
GEO_ID: 05000US51059
Geographic Name: Fairfax County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 59
FIPS formula: 51059.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 119
fips: 51061
Locality: Fauquier County, VA
Residents: 56,538
Uninsured_residents: 7,188
Percent_uninsured: 12.7%
County Name: Fauquier
State-County: VA-Fauquier
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 598.7542163
GEO_ID: 05000US51061
GEO_ID2: 51061
Geographic Name: Fauquier County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 61

name: Fauquier
County Name: Fauquier
State-County: VA-Fauquier
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 598.7542163
GEO_ID: 05000US51061
Geographic Name: Fauquier County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 61
FIPS formula: 51061.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 116
fips: 51063
Locality: Floyd County, VA
Residents: 12,655
Uninsured_residents: 2,331
Percent_uninsured: 18.4%
County Name: Floyd
State-County: VA-Floyd
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 818.740382
GEO_ID: 05000US51063
GEO_ID2: 51063
Geographic Name: Floyd County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 63

name: Floyd
County Name: Floyd
State-County: VA-Floyd
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 818.740382
GEO_ID: 05000US51063
Geographic Name: Floyd County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 63
FIPS formula: 51063.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 27
fips: 51065
Locality: Fluvanna County, VA
Residents: 20,556
Uninsured_residents: 2,796
Percent_uninsured: 13.6%
County Name: Fluvanna
State-County: VA-Fluvanna
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 336.0156693
GEO_ID: 05000US51065
GEO_ID2: 51065
Geographic Name: Fluvanna County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 65

name: Fluvanna
County Name: Fluvanna
State-County: VA-Fluvanna
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 336.0156693
GEO_ID: 05000US51065
Geographic Name: Fluvanna County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 65
FIPS formula: 51065.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 108
fips: 51067
Locality: Franklin County, VA
Residents: 45,191
Uninsured_residents: 8,156
Percent_uninsured: 18.0%
County Name: Franklin
State-County: VA-Franklin
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 75.46105059
GEO_ID: 05000US51067
GEO_ID2: 51067
Geographic Name: Franklin County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 67

name: Franklin
County Name: Franklin
State-County: VA-Franklin
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 75.46105059
GEO_ID: 05000US51067
Geographic Name: Franklin County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 67
FIPS formula: 51067.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 34
fips: 51069
Locality: Frederick County, VA
Residents: 68,207
Uninsured_residents: 9,929
Percent_uninsured: 14.6%
County Name: Frederick
State-County: VA-Frederick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 890.1753674
GEO_ID: 05000US51069
GEO_ID2: 51069
Geographic Name: Frederick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 69

name: Frederick
County Name: Frederick
State-County: VA-Frederick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 890.1753674
GEO_ID: 05000US51069
Geographic Name: Frederick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 69
FIPS formula: 51069.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 99
fips: 51071
Locality: Giles County, VA
Residents: 14,042
Uninsured_residents: 2,232
Percent_uninsured: 15.9%
County Name: Giles
State-County: VA-Giles
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 412.7836939
GEO_ID: 05000US51071
GEO_ID2: 51071
Geographic Name: Giles County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 71

name: Giles
County Name: Giles
State-County: VA-Giles
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 412.7836939
GEO_ID: 05000US51071
Geographic Name: Giles County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 71
FIPS formula: 51071.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 77
fips: 51073
Locality: Gloucester County, VA
Residents: 31,168
Uninsured_residents: 4,677
Percent_uninsured: 15.0%
County Name: Gloucester
State-County: VA-Gloucester
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 853.5541179
GEO_ID: 05000US51073
GEO_ID2: 51073
Geographic Name: Gloucester County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 73

name: Gloucester
County Name: Gloucester
State-County: VA-Gloucester
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 853.5541179
GEO_ID: 05000US51073
Geographic Name: Gloucester County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 73
FIPS formula: 51073.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 94
fips: 51075
Locality: Goochland County, VA
Residents: 16,809
Uninsured_residents: 1,608
Percent_uninsured: 9.6%
County Name: Goochland
State-County: VA-Goochland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 924.4761254
GEO_ID: 05000US51075
GEO_ID2: 51075
Geographic Name: Goochland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 75

name: Goochland
County Name: Goochland
State-County: VA-Goochland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 924.4761254
GEO_ID: 05000US51075
Geographic Name: Goochland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 75
FIPS formula: 51075.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 132
fips: 51077
Locality: Grayson County, VA
Residents: 12,252
Uninsured_residents: 2,247
Percent_uninsured: 18.3%
County Name: Grayson
State-County: VA-Grayson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 410.9301569
GEO_ID: 05000US51077
GEO_ID2: 51077
Geographic Name: Grayson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 77

name: Grayson
County Name: Grayson
State-County: VA-Grayson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 410.9301569
GEO_ID: 05000US51077
Geographic Name: Grayson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 77
FIPS formula: 51077.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 30
fips: 51079
Locality: Greene County, VA
Residents: 16,144
Uninsured_residents: 2,893
Percent_uninsured: 17.9%
County Name: Greene
State-County: VA-Greene
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 756.625971
GEO_ID: 05000US51079
GEO_ID2: 51079
Geographic Name: Greene County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 79

name: Greene
County Name: Greene
State-County: VA-Greene
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 756.625971
GEO_ID: 05000US51079
Geographic Name: Greene County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 79
FIPS formula: 51079.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 37
fips: 51081
Locality: Greensville County, VA
Residents: 7,177
Uninsured_residents: 1,014
Percent_uninsured: 14.1%
County Name: Greensville
State-County: VA-Greensville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 25.04796067
GEO_ID: 05000US51081
GEO_ID2: 51081
Geographic Name: Greensville County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 81

name: Greensville
County Name: Greensville
State-County: VA-Greensville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 25.04796067
GEO_ID: 05000US51081
Geographic Name: Greensville County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 81
FIPS formula: 51081.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 100
fips: 51083
Locality: Halifax County, VA
Residents: 28,859
Uninsured_residents: 4,775
Percent_uninsured: 16.5%
County Name: Halifax
State-County: VA-Halifax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 307.0270088
GEO_ID: 05000US51083
GEO_ID2: 51083
Geographic Name: Halifax County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 83

name: Halifax
County Name: Halifax
State-County: VA-Halifax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 307.0270088
GEO_ID: 05000US51083
Geographic Name: Halifax County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 83
FIPS formula: 51083.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 64
fips: 51085
Locality: Hanover County, VA
Residents: 84,019
Uninsured_residents: 8,295
Percent_uninsured: 9.9%
County Name: Hanover
State-County: VA-Hanover
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 996.188649
GEO_ID: 05000US51085
GEO_ID2: 51085
Geographic Name: Hanover County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 85

name: Hanover
County Name: Hanover
State-County: VA-Hanover
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 996.188649
GEO_ID: 05000US51085
Geographic Name: Hanover County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 85
FIPS formula: 51085.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 130
fips: 51087
Locality: Henrico County, VA
Residents: 268,918
Uninsured_residents: 37,772
Percent_uninsured: 14.0%
County Name: Henrico
State-County: VA-Henrico
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 622.7963022
GEO_ID: 05000US51087
GEO_ID2: 51087
Geographic Name: Henrico County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 87

name: Henrico
County Name: Henrico
State-County: VA-Henrico
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 622.7963022
GEO_ID: 05000US51087
Geographic Name: Henrico County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 87
FIPS formula: 51087.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 103
fips: 51089
Locality: Henry County, VA
Residents: 42,993
Uninsured_residents: 8,552
Percent_uninsured: 19.9%
County Name: Henry
State-County: VA-Henry
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 781.6199172
GEO_ID: 05000US51089
GEO_ID2: 51089
Geographic Name: Henry County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 89

name: Henry
County Name: Henry
State-County: VA-Henry
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 781.6199172
GEO_ID: 05000US51089
Geographic Name: Henry County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 89
FIPS formula: 51089.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 11
fips: 51091
Locality: Highland County, VA
Residents: 1,687
Uninsured_residents: 427
Percent_uninsured: 25.3%
County Name: Highland
State-County: VA-Highland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 724.8669673
GEO_ID: 05000US51091
GEO_ID2: 51091
Geographic Name: Highland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 91

name: Highland
County Name: Highland
State-County: VA-Highland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 724.8669673
GEO_ID: 05000US51091
Geographic Name: Highland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 91
FIPS formula: 51091.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 1
fips: 51093
Locality: Isle of Wight County, VA
Residents: 29,722
Uninsured_residents: 3,717
Percent_uninsured: 12.5%
County Name: Isle of Wight
State-County: VA-Isle of Wight
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 515.1249053
GEO_ID: 05000US51093
GEO_ID2: 51093
Geographic Name: Isle of Wight County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 93

name: Isle of Wight
County Name: Isle of Wight
State-County: VA-Isle of Wight
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 515.1249053
GEO_ID: 05000US51093
Geographic Name: Isle of Wight County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 93
FIPS formula: 51093.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 117
fips: 51095
Locality: James City County, VA
Residents: 52,289
Uninsured_residents: 6,030
Percent_uninsured: 11.5%
County Name: James City
State-County: VA-James City
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 843.1981531
GEO_ID: 05000US51095
GEO_ID2: 51095
Geographic Name: James City County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 95

name: James City
County Name: James City
State-County: VA-James City
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 843.1981531
GEO_ID: 05000US51095
Geographic Name: James City County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 95
FIPS formula: 51095.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 123
fips: 51097
Locality: King and Queen County, VA
Residents: 5,748
Uninsured_residents: 1,069
Percent_uninsured: 18.6%
County Name: King and Queen
State-County: VA-King and Queen
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 988.3218627
GEO_ID: 05000US51097
GEO_ID2: 51097
Geographic Name: King and Queen County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 97

name: King and Queen
County Name: King and Queen
State-County: VA-King and Queen
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 988.3218627
GEO_ID: 05000US51097
Geographic Name: King and Queen County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 97
FIPS formula: 51097.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 22
fips: 51099
Locality: King George County, VA
Residents: 21,232
Uninsured_residents: 2,122
Percent_uninsured: 10.0%
County Name: King George
State-County: VA-King George
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 11.26512787
GEO_ID: 05000US51099
GEO_ID2: 51099
Geographic Name: King George County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 99

name: King George
County Name: King George
State-County: VA-King George
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 11.26512787
GEO_ID: 05000US51099
Geographic Name: King George County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 99
FIPS formula: 51099.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 128
fips: 51101
Locality: King William County, VA
Residents: 13,937
Uninsured_residents: 2,050
Percent_uninsured: 14.7%
County Name: King William
State-County: VA-King William
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 557.1798146
GEO_ID: 05000US51101
GEO_ID2: 51101
Geographic Name: King William County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 101

name: King William
County Name: King William
State-County: VA-King William
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 557.1798146
GEO_ID: 05000US51101
Geographic Name: King William County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 101
FIPS formula: 51101.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 95
fips: 51103
Locality: Lancaster County, VA
Residents: 7,713
Uninsured_residents: 1,337
Percent_uninsured: 17.3%
County Name: Lancaster
State-County: VA-Lancaster
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 202.7302088
GEO_ID: 05000US51103
GEO_ID2: 51103
Geographic Name: Lancaster County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 103

name: Lancaster
County Name: Lancaster
State-County: VA-Lancaster
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 202.7302088
GEO_ID: 05000US51103
Geographic Name: Lancaster County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 103
FIPS formula: 51103.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 47
fips: 51105
Locality: Lee County, VA
Residents: 20,001
Uninsured_residents: 3,260
Percent_uninsured: 16.3%
County Name: Lee
State-County: VA-Lee
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 783.6995386
GEO_ID: 05000US51105
GEO_ID2: 51105
Geographic Name: Lee County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 105

name: Lee
County Name: Lee
State-County: VA-Lee
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 783.6995386
GEO_ID: 05000US51105
Geographic Name: Lee County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 105
FIPS formula: 51105.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 66
fips: 51107
Locality: Loudoun County, VA
Residents: 298,032
Uninsured_residents: 27,802
Percent_uninsured: 9.3%
County Name: Loudoun
State-County: VA-Loudoun
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 715.6077185
GEO_ID: 05000US51107
GEO_ID2: 51107
Geographic Name: Loudoun County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 107

name: Loudoun
County Name: Loudoun
State-County: VA-Loudoun
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 715.6077185
GEO_ID: 05000US51107
Geographic Name: Loudoun County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 107
FIPS formula: 51107.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 133
fips: 51109
Locality: Louisa County, VA
Residents: 28,393
Uninsured_residents: 4,723
Percent_uninsured: 16.6%
County Name: Louisa
State-County: VA-Louisa
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 56.05926842
GEO_ID: 05000US51109
GEO_ID2: 51109
Geographic Name: Louisa County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 109

name: Louisa
County Name: Louisa
State-County: VA-Louisa
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 56.05926842
GEO_ID: 05000US51109
Geographic Name: Louisa County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 109
FIPS formula: 51109.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 62
fips: 51111
Locality: Lunenburg County, VA
Residents: 9,554
Uninsured_residents: 1,822
Percent_uninsured: 19.1%
County Name: Lunenburg
State-County: VA-Lunenburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 262.6903318
GEO_ID: 05000US51111
GEO_ID2: 51111
Geographic Name: Lunenburg County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 111

name: Lunenburg
County Name: Lunenburg
State-County: VA-Lunenburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 262.6903318
GEO_ID: 05000US51111
Geographic Name: Lunenburg County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 111
FIPS formula: 51111.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 16
fips: 51113
Locality: Madison County, VA
Residents: 10,744
Uninsured_residents: 1,995
Percent_uninsured: 18.6%
County Name: Madison
State-County: VA-Madison
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 424.3848402
GEO_ID: 05000US51113
GEO_ID2: 51113
Geographic Name: Madison County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 113

name: Madison
County Name: Madison
State-County: VA-Madison
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 424.3848402
GEO_ID: 05000US51113
Geographic Name: Madison County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 113
FIPS formula: 51113.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 23
fips: 51115
Locality: Mathews County, VA
Residents: 6,610
Uninsured_residents: 1,067
Percent_uninsured: 16.1%
County Name: Mathews
State-County: VA-Mathews
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 849.8629447
GEO_ID: 05000US51115
GEO_ID2: 51115
Geographic Name: Mathews County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 115

name: Mathews
County Name: Mathews
State-County: VA-Mathews
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 849.8629447
GEO_ID: 05000US51115
Geographic Name: Mathews County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 115
FIPS formula: 51115.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 69
fips: 51117
Locality: Mecklenburg County, VA
Residents: 24,603
Uninsured_residents: 4,603
Percent_uninsured: 18.7%
County Name: Mecklenburg
State-County: VA-Mecklenburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 505.3219319
GEO_ID: 05000US51117
GEO_ID2: 51117
Geographic Name: Mecklenburg County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 117

name: Mecklenburg
County Name: Mecklenburg
State-County: VA-Mecklenburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 505.3219319
GEO_ID: 05000US51117
Geographic Name: Mecklenburg County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 117
FIPS formula: 51117.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 18
fips: 51119
Locality: Middlesex County, VA
Residents: 7,746
Uninsured_residents: 1,362
Percent_uninsured: 17.6%
County Name: Middlesex
State-County: VA-Middlesex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 971.9727296
GEO_ID: 05000US51119
GEO_ID2: 51119
Geographic Name: Middlesex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 119

name: Middlesex
County Name: Middlesex
State-County: VA-Middlesex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 971.9727296
GEO_ID: 05000US51119
Geographic Name: Middlesex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 119
FIPS formula: 51119.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 42
fips: 51121
Locality: Montgomery County, VA
Residents: 76,209
Uninsured_residents: 12,040
Percent_uninsured: 15.8%
County Name: Montgomery
State-County: VA-Montgomery
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 110.5258747
GEO_ID: 05000US51121
GEO_ID2: 51121
Geographic Name: Montgomery County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 121

name: Montgomery
County Name: Montgomery
State-County: VA-Montgomery
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 110.5258747
GEO_ID: 05000US51121
Geographic Name: Montgomery County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 121
FIPS formula: 51121.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 79
fips: 51125
Locality: Nelson County, VA
Residents: 12,054
Uninsured_residents: 2,201
Percent_uninsured: 18.3%
County Name: Nelson
State-County: VA-Nelson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 851.206589
GEO_ID: 05000US51125
GEO_ID2: 51125
Geographic Name: Nelson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 125

name: Nelson
County Name: Nelson
State-County: VA-Nelson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 851.206589
GEO_ID: 05000US51125
Geographic Name: Nelson County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 125
FIPS formula: 51125.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 31
fips: 51127
Locality: New Kent County, VA
Residents: 15,758
Uninsured_residents: 2,089
Percent_uninsured: 13.3%
County Name: New Kent
State-County: VA-New Kent
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 688.7998163
GEO_ID: 05000US51127
GEO_ID2: 51127
Geographic Name: New Kent County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 127

name: New Kent
County Name: New Kent
State-County: VA-New Kent
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 688.7998163
GEO_ID: 05000US51127
Geographic Name: New Kent County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 127
FIPS formula: 51127.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 112
fips: 51131
Locality: Northampton County, VA
Residents: 9,543
Uninsured_residents: 2,048
Percent_uninsured: 21.5%
County Name: Northampton
State-County: VA-Northampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 107.847936
GEO_ID: 05000US51131
GEO_ID2: 51131
Geographic Name: Northampton County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 131

name: Northampton
County Name: Northampton
State-County: VA-Northampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 107.847936
GEO_ID: 05000US51131
Geographic Name: Northampton County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 131
FIPS formula: 51131.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 4
fips: 51133
Locality: Northumberland County, VA
Residents: 8,627
Uninsured_residents: 1,610
Percent_uninsured: 18.7%
County Name: Northumberland
State-County: VA-Northumberland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 773.2866442
GEO_ID: 05000US51133
GEO_ID2: 51133
Geographic Name: Northumberland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 133

name: Northumberland
County Name: Northumberland
State-County: VA-Northumberland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 773.2866442
GEO_ID: 05000US51133
Geographic Name: Northumberland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 133
FIPS formula: 51133.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 19
fips: 51135
Locality: Nottoway County, VA
Residents: 11,698
Uninsured_residents: 2,179
Percent_uninsured: 18.6%
County Name: Nottoway
State-County: VA-Nottoway
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 997.9577591
GEO_ID: 05000US51135
GEO_ID2: 51135
Geographic Name: Nottoway County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 135

name: Nottoway
County Name: Nottoway
State-County: VA-Nottoway
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 997.9577591
GEO_ID: 05000US51135
Geographic Name: Nottoway County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 135
FIPS formula: 51135.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 20
fips: 51137
Locality: Orange County, VA
Residents: 27,319
Uninsured_residents: 4,311
Percent_uninsured: 15.8%
County Name: Orange
State-County: VA-Orange
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 127.0769427
GEO_ID: 05000US51137
GEO_ID2: 51137
Geographic Name: Orange County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 137

name: Orange
County Name: Orange
State-County: VA-Orange
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 127.0769427
GEO_ID: 05000US51137
Geographic Name: Orange County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 137
FIPS formula: 51137.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 80
fips: 51139
Locality: Page County, VA
Residents: 19,747
Uninsured_residents: 3,512
Percent_uninsured: 17.8%
County Name: Page
State-County: VA-Page
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 816.3818401
GEO_ID: 05000US51139
GEO_ID2: 51139
Geographic Name: Page County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 139

name: Page
County Name: Page
State-County: VA-Page
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 816.3818401
GEO_ID: 05000US51139
Geographic Name: Page County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 139
FIPS formula: 51139.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 39
fips: 51141
Locality: Patrick County, VA
Residents: 14,438
Uninsured_residents: 2,671
Percent_uninsured: 18.5%
County Name: Patrick
State-County: VA-Patrick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 788.5169002
GEO_ID: 05000US51141
GEO_ID2: 51141
Geographic Name: Patrick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 141

name: Patrick
County Name: Patrick
State-County: VA-Patrick
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 788.5169002
GEO_ID: 05000US51141
Geographic Name: Patrick County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 141
FIPS formula: 51141.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 25
fips: 51143
Locality: Pittsylvania County, VA
Residents: 51,495
Uninsured_residents: 8,970
Percent_uninsured: 17.4%
County Name: Pittsylvania
State-County: VA-Pittsylvania
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 135.5532255
GEO_ID: 05000US51143
GEO_ID2: 51143
Geographic Name: Pittsylvania County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 143

name: Pittsylvania
County Name: Pittsylvania
State-County: VA-Pittsylvania
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 135.5532255
GEO_ID: 05000US51143
Geographic Name: Pittsylvania County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 143
FIPS formula: 51143.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 46
fips: 51145
Locality: Powhatan County, VA
Residents: 21,918
Uninsured_residents: 3,075
Percent_uninsured: 14.0%
County Name: Powhatan
State-County: VA-Powhatan
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 2.233596795
GEO_ID: 05000US51145
GEO_ID2: 51145
Geographic Name: Powhatan County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 145

name: Powhatan
County Name: Powhatan
State-County: VA-Powhatan
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 2.233596795
GEO_ID: 05000US51145
Geographic Name: Powhatan County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 145
FIPS formula: 51145.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 104
fips: 51147
Locality: Prince Edward County, VA
Residents: 16,147
Uninsured_residents: 2,819
Percent_uninsured: 17.5%
County Name: Prince Edward
State-County: VA-Prince Edward
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 861.3334172
GEO_ID: 05000US51147
GEO_ID2: 51147
Geographic Name: Prince Edward County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 147

name: Prince Edward
County Name: Prince Edward
State-County: VA-Prince Edward
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 861.3334172
GEO_ID: 05000US51147
Geographic Name: Prince Edward County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 147
FIPS formula: 51147.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 45
fips: 51149
Locality: Prince George County, VA
Residents: 27,882
Uninsured_residents: 3,198
Percent_uninsured: 11.5%
County Name: Prince George
State-County: VA-Prince George
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 672.5820876
GEO_ID: 05000US51149
GEO_ID2: 51149
Geographic Name: Prince George County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 149

name: Prince George
County Name: Prince George
State-County: VA-Prince George
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 672.5820876
GEO_ID: 05000US51149
Geographic Name: Prince George County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 149
FIPS formula: 51149.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 124
fips: 51153
Locality: Prince William County, VA
Residents: 383,412
Uninsured_residents: 53,105
Percent_uninsured: 13.9%
County Name: Prince William
State-County: VA-Prince William
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 910.6344874
GEO_ID: 05000US51153
GEO_ID2: 51153
Geographic Name: Prince William County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 153

name: Prince William
County Name: Prince William
State-County: VA-Prince William
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 910.6344874
GEO_ID: 05000US51153
Geographic Name: Prince William County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 153
FIPS formula: 51153.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 106
fips: 51155
Locality: Pulaski County, VA
Residents: 27,776
Uninsured_residents: 4,367
Percent_uninsured: 15.7%
County Name: Pulaski
State-County: VA-Pulaski
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 989.0051477
GEO_ID: 05000US51155
GEO_ID2: 51155
Geographic Name: Pulaski County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 155

name: Pulaski
County Name: Pulaski
State-County: VA-Pulaski
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 989.0051477
GEO_ID: 05000US51155
Geographic Name: Pulaski County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 155
FIPS formula: 51155.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 82
fips: 51157
Locality: Rappahannock County, VA
Residents: 5,946
Uninsured_residents: 947
Percent_uninsured: 15.9%
County Name: Rappahannock
State-County: VA-Rappahannock
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 50.99301567
GEO_ID: 05000US51157
GEO_ID2: 51157
Geographic Name: Rappahannock County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 157

name: Rappahannock
County Name: Rappahannock
State-County: VA-Rappahannock
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 50.99301567
GEO_ID: 05000US51157
Geographic Name: Rappahannock County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 157
FIPS formula: 51157.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 75
fips: 51159
Locality: Richmond County, VA
Residents: 5,887
Uninsured_residents: 1,091
Percent_uninsured: 18.5%
County Name: Richmond
State-County: VA-Richmond
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 671.6844623
GEO_ID: 05000US51159
GEO_ID2: 51159
Geographic Name: Richmond County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 159

name: Richmond
County Name: Richmond
State-County: VA-Richmond
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 671.6844623
GEO_ID: 05000US51159
Geographic Name: Richmond County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 159
FIPS formula: 51159.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 24
fips: 51161
Locality: Roanoke County, VA
Residents: 74,485
Uninsured_residents: 8,503
Percent_uninsured: 11.4%
County Name: Roanoke
State-County: VA-Roanoke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 590.507086
GEO_ID: 05000US51161
GEO_ID2: 51161
Geographic Name: Roanoke County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 161

name: Roanoke
County Name: Roanoke
State-County: VA-Roanoke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 590.507086
GEO_ID: 05000US51161
Geographic Name: Roanoke County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 161
FIPS formula: 51161.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 125
fips: 51163
Locality: Rockbridge County, VA
Residents: 17,654
Uninsured_residents: 3,054
Percent_uninsured: 17.3%
County Name: Rockbridge
State-County: VA-Rockbridge
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 381.0747209
GEO_ID: 05000US51163
GEO_ID2: 51163
Geographic Name: Rockbridge County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 163

name: Rockbridge
County Name: Rockbridge
State-County: VA-Rockbridge
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 381.0747209
GEO_ID: 05000US51163
Geographic Name: Rockbridge County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 163
FIPS formula: 51163.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 48
fips: 51165
Locality: Rockingham County, VA
Residents: 63,467
Uninsured_residents: 11,556
Percent_uninsured: 18.2%
County Name: Rockingham
State-County: VA-Rockingham
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 251.4397371
GEO_ID: 05000US51165
GEO_ID2: 51165
Geographic Name: Rockingham County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 165

name: Rockingham
County Name: Rockingham
State-County: VA-Rockingham
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 251.4397371
GEO_ID: 05000US51165
Geographic Name: Rockingham County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 165
FIPS formula: 51165.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 32
fips: 51167
Locality: Russell County, VA
Residents: 24,097
Uninsured_residents: 4,108
Percent_uninsured: 17.0%
County Name: Russell
State-County: VA-Russell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 328.2201359
GEO_ID: 05000US51167
GEO_ID2: 51167
Geographic Name: Russell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 167

name: Russell
County Name: Russell
State-County: VA-Russell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 328.2201359
GEO_ID: 05000US51167
Geographic Name: Russell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 167
FIPS formula: 51167.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 51
fips: 51169
Locality: Scott County, VA
Residents: 18,064
Uninsured_residents: 2,937
Percent_uninsured: 16.3%
County Name: Scott
State-County: VA-Scott
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 419.0065883
GEO_ID: 05000US51169
GEO_ID2: 51169
Geographic Name: Scott County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 169

name: Scott
County Name: Scott
State-County: VA-Scott
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 419.0065883
GEO_ID: 05000US51169
Geographic Name: Scott County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 169
FIPS formula: 51169.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 67
fips: 51171
Locality: Shenandoah County, VA
Residents: 34,198
Uninsured_residents: 6,140
Percent_uninsured: 18.0%
County Name: Shenandoah
State-County: VA-Shenandoah
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 37.08678072
GEO_ID: 05000US51171
GEO_ID2: 51171
Geographic Name: Shenandoah County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 171

name: Shenandoah
County Name: Shenandoah
State-County: VA-Shenandoah
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 37.08678072
GEO_ID: 05000US51171
Geographic Name: Shenandoah County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 171
FIPS formula: 51171.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 36
fips: 51173
Locality: Smyth County, VA
Residents: 26,125
Uninsured_residents: 4,578
Percent_uninsured: 17.5%
County Name: Smyth
State-County: VA-Smyth
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 714.5211654
GEO_ID: 05000US51173
GEO_ID2: 51173
Geographic Name: Smyth County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 173

name: Smyth
County Name: Smyth
State-County: VA-Smyth
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 714.5211654
GEO_ID: 05000US51173
Geographic Name: Smyth County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 173
FIPS formula: 51173.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 44
fips: 51175
Locality: Southampton County, VA
Residents: 14,257
Uninsured_residents: 2,188
Percent_uninsured: 15.3%
County Name: Southampton
State-County: VA-Southampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 422.9790531
GEO_ID: 05000US51175
GEO_ID2: 51175
Geographic Name: Southampton County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 175

name: Southampton
County Name: Southampton
State-County: VA-Southampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 422.9790531
GEO_ID: 05000US51175
Geographic Name: Southampton County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 175
FIPS formula: 51175.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 92
fips: 51177
Locality: Spotsylvania County, VA
Residents: 110,571
Uninsured_residents: 14,959
Percent_uninsured: 13.5%
County Name: Spotsylvania
State-County: VA-Spotsylvania
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.7278955
GEO_ID: 05000US51177
GEO_ID2: 51177
Geographic Name: Spotsylvania County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 177

name: Spotsylvania
County Name: Spotsylvania
State-County: VA-Spotsylvania
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 875.7278955
GEO_ID: 05000US51177
Geographic Name: Spotsylvania County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 177
FIPS formula: 51177.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 109
fips: 51179
Locality: Stafford County, VA
Residents: 117,074
Uninsured_residents: 12,542
Percent_uninsured: 10.7%
County Name: Stafford
State-County: VA-Stafford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 805.5427794
GEO_ID: 05000US51179
GEO_ID2: 51179
Geographic Name: Stafford County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 179

name: Stafford
County Name: Stafford
State-County: VA-Stafford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 805.5427794
GEO_ID: 05000US51179
Geographic Name: Stafford County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 179
FIPS formula: 51179.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 126
fips: 51181
Locality: Surry County, VA
Residents: 5,824
Uninsured_residents: 912
Percent_uninsured: 15.7%
County Name: Surry
State-County: VA-Surry
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 686.9551888
GEO_ID: 05000US51181
GEO_ID2: 51181
Geographic Name: Surry County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 181

name: Surry
County Name: Surry
State-County: VA-Surry
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 686.9551888
GEO_ID: 05000US51181
Geographic Name: Surry County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 181
FIPS formula: 51181.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 83
fips: 51183
Locality: Sussex County, VA
Residents: 7,979
Uninsured_residents: 1,402
Percent_uninsured: 17.6%
County Name: Sussex
State-County: VA-Sussex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 801.8832171
GEO_ID: 05000US51183
GEO_ID2: 51183
Geographic Name: Sussex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 183

name: Sussex
County Name: Sussex
State-County: VA-Sussex
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 801.8832171
GEO_ID: 05000US51183
Geographic Name: Sussex County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 183
FIPS formula: 51183.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 43
fips: 51185
Locality: Tazewell County, VA
Residents: 35,966
Uninsured_residents: 6,039
Percent_uninsured: 16.8%
County Name: Tazewell
State-County: VA-Tazewell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 156.0937896
GEO_ID: 05000US51185
GEO_ID2: 51185
Geographic Name: Tazewell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 185

name: Tazewell
County Name: Tazewell
State-County: VA-Tazewell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 156.0937896
GEO_ID: 05000US51185
Geographic Name: Tazewell County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 185
FIPS formula: 51185.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 55
fips: 51187
Locality: Warren County, VA
Residents: 32,297
Uninsured_residents: 5,141
Percent_uninsured: 15.9%
County Name: Warren
State-County: VA-Warren
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 624.1290857
GEO_ID: 05000US51187
GEO_ID2: 51187
Geographic Name: Warren County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 187

name: Warren
County Name: Warren
State-County: VA-Warren
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 624.1290857
GEO_ID: 05000US51187
Geographic Name: Warren County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 187
FIPS formula: 51187.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 76
fips: 51191
Locality: Washington County, VA
Residents: 43,944
Uninsured_residents: 7,033
Percent_uninsured: 16.0%
County Name: Washington
State-County: VA-Washington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 427.0757502
GEO_ID: 05000US51191
GEO_ID2: 51191
Geographic Name: Washington County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 191

name: Washington
County Name: Washington
State-County: VA-Washington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 427.0757502
GEO_ID: 05000US51191
Geographic Name: Washington County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 191
FIPS formula: 51191.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 73
fips: 51193
Locality: Westmoreland County, VA
Residents: 13,933
Uninsured_residents: 2,742
Percent_uninsured: 19.7%
County Name: Westmoreland
State-County: VA-Westmoreland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 265.6820771
GEO_ID: 05000US51193
GEO_ID2: 51193
Geographic Name: Westmoreland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 193

name: Westmoreland
County Name: Westmoreland
State-County: VA-Westmoreland
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 265.6820771
GEO_ID: 05000US51193
Geographic Name: Westmoreland County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 193
FIPS formula: 51193.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 14
fips: 51195
Locality: Wise County, VA
Residents: 33,255
Uninsured_residents: 5,182
Percent_uninsured: 15.6%
County Name: Wise
State-County: VA-Wise
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 687.8898602
GEO_ID: 05000US51195
GEO_ID2: 51195
Geographic Name: Wise County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 195

name: Wise
County Name: Wise
State-County: VA-Wise
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 687.8898602
GEO_ID: 05000US51195
Geographic Name: Wise County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 195
FIPS formula: 51195.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 85
fips: 51197
Locality: Wythe County, VA
Residents: 24,081
Uninsured_residents: 4,159
Percent_uninsured: 17.3%
County Name: Wythe
State-County: VA-Wythe
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 704.3601675
GEO_ID: 05000US51197
GEO_ID2: 51197
Geographic Name: Wythe County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 197

name: Wythe
County Name: Wythe
State-County: VA-Wythe
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 704.3601675
GEO_ID: 05000US51197
Geographic Name: Wythe County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 197
FIPS formula: 51197.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 49
fips: 51199
Locality: York County, VA
Residents: 56,720
Uninsured_residents: 5,635
Percent_uninsured: 9.9%
County Name: York
State-County: VA-York
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 776.8656485
GEO_ID: 05000US51199
GEO_ID2: 51199
Geographic Name: York County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 199

name: York
County Name: York
State-County: VA-York
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 776.8656485
GEO_ID: 05000US51199
Geographic Name: York County, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 199
FIPS formula: 51199.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 129
fips: 51510
Locality: Alexandria city, VA
Residents: 128,510
Uninsured_residents: 18,109
Percent_uninsured: 14.1%
County Name: Alexandria
State-County: VA-Alexandria
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 559.0313485
GEO_ID: 05000US51510
GEO_ID2: 51510
Geographic Name: Alexandria city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 510

name: Alexandria
County Name: Alexandria
State-County: VA-Alexandria
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 559.0313485
GEO_ID: 05000US51510
Geographic Name: Alexandria city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 510
FIPS formula: 51510.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 102
fips: 51515
Locality: Bedford city, VA
Residents: 4,772
Uninsured_residents: 741
Percent_uninsured: 15.5%
County Name: Bedford
State-County: VA-Bedford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51515
GEO_ID2: 51515
Geographic Name: Bedford city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 515

name: Bedford
County Name: Bedford
State-County: VA-Bedford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51515
Geographic Name: Bedford city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 515
FIPS formula: 51515.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 87
fips: 51520
Locality: Bristol city, VA
Residents: 14,273
Uninsured_residents: 2,212
Percent_uninsured: 15.5%
County Name: Bristol
State-County: VA-Bristol
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 597.5412362
GEO_ID: 05000US51520
GEO_ID2: 51520
Geographic Name: Bristol city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 520

name: Bristol
County Name: Bristol
State-County: VA-Bristol
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 597.5412362
GEO_ID: 05000US51520
Geographic Name: Bristol city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 520
FIPS formula: 51520.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 90
fips: 51530
Locality: Buena Vista city, VA
Residents: 5,277
Uninsured_residents: 883
Percent_uninsured: 16.7%
County Name: Buena Vista
State-County: VA-Buena Vista
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 632.3306442
GEO_ID: 05000US51530
GEO_ID2: 51530
Geographic Name: Buena Vista city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 530

name: Buena Vista
County Name: Buena Vista
State-County: VA-Buena Vista
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 632.3306442
GEO_ID: 05000US51530
Geographic Name: Buena Vista city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 530
FIPS formula: 51530.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 58
fips: 51540
Locality: Charlottesville city, VA
Residents: 37,724
Uninsured_residents: 6,789
Percent_uninsured: 18.0%
County Name: Charlottesville
State-County: VA-Charlottesville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51540
GEO_ID2: 51540
Geographic Name: Charlottesville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 540

name: Charlottesville
County Name: Charlottesville
State-County: VA-Charlottesville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51540
Geographic Name: Charlottesville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 540
FIPS formula: 51540.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 35
fips: 51550
Locality: Chesapeake city, VA
Residents: 196,615
Uninsured_residents: 24,062
Percent_uninsured: 12.2%
County Name: Chesapeake
State-County: VA-Chesapeake
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 403.8535527
GEO_ID: 05000US51550
GEO_ID2: 51550
Geographic Name: Chesapeake city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 550

name: Chesapeake
County Name: Chesapeake
State-County: VA-Chesapeake
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 403.8535527
GEO_ID: 05000US51550
Geographic Name: Chesapeake city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 550
FIPS formula: 51550.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 120
fips: 51570
Locality: Colonial Heights city, VA
Residents: 13,925
Uninsured_residents: 2,147
Percent_uninsured: 15.4%
County Name: Colonial Heights
State-County: VA-Colonial Heights
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 990.6488672
GEO_ID: 05000US51570
GEO_ID2: 51570
Geographic Name: Colonial Heights city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 570

name: Colonial Heights
County Name: Colonial Heights
State-County: VA-Colonial Heights
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 990.6488672
GEO_ID: 05000US51570
Geographic Name: Colonial Heights city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 570
FIPS formula: 51570.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 91
fips: 51580
Locality: Covington city, VA
Residents: 4,776
Uninsured_residents: 742
Percent_uninsured: 15.5%
County Name: Covington
State-County: VA-Covington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51580
GEO_ID2: 51580
Geographic Name: Covington city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 580

name: Covington
County Name: Covington
State-County: VA-Covington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51580
Geographic Name: Covington city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 580
FIPS formula: 51580.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 86
fips: 51590
Locality: Danville city, VA
Residents: 34,290
Uninsured_residents: 5,732
Percent_uninsured: 16.7%
County Name: Danville
State-County: VA-Danville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 997.9094912
GEO_ID: 05000US51590
GEO_ID2: 51590
Geographic Name: Danville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 590

name: Danville
County Name: Danville
State-County: VA-Danville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 997.9094912
GEO_ID: 05000US51590
Geographic Name: Danville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 590
FIPS formula: 51590.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 59
fips: 51595
Locality: Emporia city, VA
Residents: 4,867
Uninsured_residents: 788
Percent_uninsured: 16.2%
County Name: Emporia
State-County: VA-Emporia
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51595
GEO_ID2: 51595
Geographic Name: Emporia city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 595

name: Emporia
County Name: Emporia
State-County: VA-Emporia
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51595
Geographic Name: Emporia city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 595
FIPS formula: 51595.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 68
fips: 51600
Locality: Fairfax city, VA
Residents: 19,143
Uninsured_residents: 2,517
Percent_uninsured: 13.1%
County Name: Fairfax
State-County: VA-Fairfax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51600
GEO_ID2: 51600
Geographic Name: Fairfax city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 600

name: Fairfax
County Name: Fairfax
State-County: VA-Fairfax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51600
Geographic Name: Fairfax city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 600
FIPS formula: 51600.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 113
fips: 51610
Locality: Falls Church city, VA
Residents: 11,217
Uninsured_residents: 843
Percent_uninsured: 7.5%
County Name: Falls Church
State-County: VA-Falls Church
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51610
GEO_ID2: 51610
Geographic Name: Falls Church city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 610

name: Falls Church
County Name: Falls Church
State-County: VA-Falls Church
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51610
Geographic Name: Falls Church city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 610
FIPS formula: 51610.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 134
fips: 51620
Locality: Franklin city, VA
Residents: 7,123
Uninsured_residents: 1,129
Percent_uninsured: 15.9%
County Name: Franklin
State-County: VA-Franklin
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51620
GEO_ID2: 51620
Geographic Name: Franklin city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 620

name: Franklin
County Name: Franklin
State-County: VA-Franklin
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51620
Geographic Name: Franklin city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 620
FIPS formula: 51620.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 78
fips: 51630
Locality: Fredericksburg city, VA
Residents: 20,879
Uninsured_residents: 3,738
Percent_uninsured: 17.9%
County Name: Fredericksburg
State-County: VA-Fredericksburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51630
GEO_ID2: 51630
Geographic Name: Fredericksburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 630

name: Fredericksburg
County Name: Fredericksburg
State-County: VA-Fredericksburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51630
Geographic Name: Fredericksburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 630
FIPS formula: 51630.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 38
fips: 51640
Locality: Galax city, VA
Residents: 5,545
Uninsured_residents: 1,158
Percent_uninsured: 20.9%
County Name: Galax
State-County: VA-Galax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 90.59463322
GEO_ID: 05000US51640
GEO_ID2: 51640
Geographic Name: Galax city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 640

name: Galax
County Name: Galax
State-County: VA-Galax
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 90.59463322
GEO_ID: 05000US51640
Geographic Name: Galax city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 640
FIPS formula: 51640.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 5
fips: 51650
Locality: Hampton city, VA
Residents: 115,894
Uninsured_residents: 16,070
Percent_uninsured: 13.9%
County Name: Hampton
State-County: VA-Hampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 191.2417906
GEO_ID: 05000US51650
GEO_ID2: 51650
Geographic Name: Hampton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 650

name: Hampton
County Name: Hampton
State-County: VA-Hampton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 191.2417906
GEO_ID: 05000US51650
Geographic Name: Hampton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 650
FIPS formula: 51650.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 105
fips: 51660
Locality: Harrisonburg city, VA
Residents: 38,860
Uninsured_residents: 8,778
Percent_uninsured: 22.6%
County Name: Harrisonburg
State-County: VA-Harrisonburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 756.5104411
GEO_ID: 05000US51660
GEO_ID2: 51660
Geographic Name: Harrisonburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 660

name: Harrisonburg
County Name: Harrisonburg
State-County: VA-Harrisonburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 756.5104411
GEO_ID: 05000US51660
Geographic Name: Harrisonburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 660
FIPS formula: 51660.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 3
fips: 51670
Locality: Hopewell city, VA
Residents: 19,398
Uninsured_residents: 3,558
Percent_uninsured: 18.3%
County Name: Hopewell
State-County: VA-Hopewell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 50.24385057
GEO_ID: 05000US51670
GEO_ID2: 51670
Geographic Name: Hopewell city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 670

name: Hopewell
County Name: Hopewell
State-County: VA-Hopewell
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 50.24385057
GEO_ID: 05000US51670
Geographic Name: Hopewell city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 670
FIPS formula: 51670.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 29
fips: 51678
Locality: Lexington city, VA
Residents: 3,327
Uninsured_residents: 614
Percent_uninsured: 18.5%
County Name: Lexington
State-County: VA-Lexington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51678
GEO_ID2: 51678
Geographic Name: Lexington city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 678

name: Lexington
County Name: Lexington
State-County: VA-Lexington
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51678
Geographic Name: Lexington city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 678
FIPS formula: 51678.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 26
fips: 51680
Locality: Lynchburg city, VA
Residents: 56,880
Uninsured_residents: 9,468
Percent_uninsured: 16.6%
County Name: Lynchburg
State-County: VA-Lynchburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 685.8219905
GEO_ID: 05000US51680
GEO_ID2: 51680
Geographic Name: Lynchburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 680

name: Lynchburg
County Name: Lynchburg
State-County: VA-Lynchburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 685.8219905
GEO_ID: 05000US51680
Geographic Name: Lynchburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 680
FIPS formula: 51680.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 61
fips: 51683
Locality: Manassas city, VA
Residents: 36,293
Uninsured_residents: 7,496
Percent_uninsured: 20.7%
County Name: Manassas
State-County: VA-Manassas
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51683
GEO_ID2: 51683
Geographic Name: Manassas city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 683

name: Manassas
County Name: Manassas
State-County: VA-Manassas
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51683
Geographic Name: Manassas city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 683
FIPS formula: 51683.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 6
fips: 51685
Locality: Manassas Park city, VA
Residents: 14,502
Uninsured_residents: 3,347
Percent_uninsured: 23.1%
County Name: Manassas Park
State-County: VA-Manassas Park
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 784.3033668
GEO_ID: 05000US51685
GEO_ID2: 51685
Geographic Name: Manassas Park city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 685

name: Manassas Park
County Name: Manassas Park
State-County: VA-Manassas Park
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 784.3033668
GEO_ID: 05000US51685
Geographic Name: Manassas Park city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 685
FIPS formula: 51685.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 2
fips: 51690
Locality: Martinsville city, VA
Residents: 11,004
Uninsured_residents: 1,763
Percent_uninsured: 16.0%
County Name: Martinsville
State-County: VA-Martinsville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51690
GEO_ID2: 51690
Geographic Name: Martinsville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 690

name: Martinsville
County Name: Martinsville
State-County: VA-Martinsville
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51690
Geographic Name: Martinsville city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 690
FIPS formula: 51690.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 72
fips: 51700
Locality: Newport News city, VA
Residents: 154,258
Uninsured_residents: 24,313
Percent_uninsured: 15.8%
County Name: Newport News
State-County: VA-Newport News
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 611.588777
GEO_ID: 05000US51700
GEO_ID2: 51700
Geographic Name: Newport News city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 700

name: Newport News
County Name: Newport News
State-County: VA-Newport News
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 611.588777
GEO_ID: 05000US51700
Geographic Name: Newport News city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 700
FIPS formula: 51700.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 81
fips: 51710
Locality: Norfolk city, VA
Residents: 190,051
Uninsured_residents: 33,579
Percent_uninsured: 17.7%
County Name: Norfolk
State-County: VA-Norfolk
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 560.1979721
GEO_ID: 05000US51710
GEO_ID2: 51710
Geographic Name: Norfolk city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 710

name: Norfolk
County Name: Norfolk
State-County: VA-Norfolk
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 560.1979721
GEO_ID: 05000US51710
Geographic Name: Norfolk city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 710
FIPS formula: 51710.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 40
fips: 51720
Locality: Norton city, VA
Residents: 3,518
Uninsured_residents: 415
Percent_uninsured: 11.8%
County Name: Norton
State-County: VA-Norton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51720
GEO_ID2: 51720
Geographic Name: Norton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 720

name: Norton
County Name: Norton
State-County: VA-Norton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51720
Geographic Name: Norton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 720
FIPS formula: 51720.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 121
fips: 51730
Locality: Petersburg city, VA
Residents: 27,391
Uninsured_residents: 4,829
Percent_uninsured: 17.6%
County Name: Petersburg
State-County: VA-Petersburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 682.593125
GEO_ID: 05000US51730
GEO_ID2: 51730
Geographic Name: Petersburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 730

name: Petersburg
County Name: Petersburg
State-County: VA-Petersburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 682.593125
GEO_ID: 05000US51730
Geographic Name: Petersburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 730
FIPS formula: 51730.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 41
fips: 51735
Locality: Poquoson city, VA
Residents: 9,910
Uninsured_residents: 977
Percent_uninsured: 9.9%
County Name: Poquoson
State-County: VA-Poquoson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 121.2238853
GEO_ID: 05000US51735
GEO_ID2: 51735
Geographic Name: Poquoson city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 735

name: Poquoson
County Name: Poquoson
State-County: VA-Poquoson
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 121.2238853
GEO_ID: 05000US51735
Geographic Name: Poquoson city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 735
FIPS formula: 51735.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 131
fips: 51740
Locality: Portsmouth city, VA
Residents: 80,922
Uninsured_residents: 12,548
Percent_uninsured: 15.5%
County Name: Portsmouth
State-County: VA-Portsmouth
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 813.9459055
GEO_ID: 05000US51740
GEO_ID2: 51740
Geographic Name: Portsmouth city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 740

name: Portsmouth
County Name: Portsmouth
State-County: VA-Portsmouth
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 813.9459055
GEO_ID: 05000US51740
Geographic Name: Portsmouth city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 740
FIPS formula: 51740.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 88
fips: 51750
Locality: Radford city, VA
Residents: 12,465
Uninsured_residents: 2,290
Percent_uninsured: 18.4%
County Name: Radford
State-County: VA-Radford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51750
GEO_ID2: 51750
Geographic Name: Radford city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 750

name: Radford
County Name: Radford
State-County: VA-Radford
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51750
Geographic Name: Radford city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 750
FIPS formula: 51750.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 28
fips: 51760
Locality: Richmond city, VA
Residents: 174,323
Uninsured_residents: 32,957
Percent_uninsured: 18.9%
County Name: Richmond
State-County: VA-Richmond
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51760
GEO_ID2: 51760
Geographic Name: Richmond city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 760

name: Richmond
County Name: Richmond
State-County: VA-Richmond
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51760
Geographic Name: Richmond city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 760
FIPS formula: 51760.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 17
fips: 51770
Locality: Roanoke city, VA
Residents: 83,001
Uninsured_residents: 15,082
Percent_uninsured: 18.2%
County Name: Roanoke
State-County: VA-Roanoke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51770
GEO_ID2: 51770
Geographic Name: Roanoke city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 770

name: Roanoke
County Name: Roanoke
State-County: VA-Roanoke
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51770
Geographic Name: Roanoke city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 770
FIPS formula: 51770.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 33
fips: 51775
Locality: Salem city, VA
Residents: 19,135
Uninsured_residents: 2,609
Percent_uninsured: 13.6%
County Name: Salem
State-County: VA-Salem
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 834.1225566
GEO_ID: 05000US51775
GEO_ID2: 51775
Geographic Name: Salem city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 775

name: Salem
County Name: Salem
State-County: VA-Salem
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 834.1225566
GEO_ID: 05000US51775
Geographic Name: Salem city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 775
FIPS formula: 51775.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 107
fips: 51790
Locality: Staunton city, VA
Residents: 18,454
Uninsured_residents: 3,106
Percent_uninsured: 16.8%
County Name: Staunton
State-County: VA-Staunton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 716.8333038
GEO_ID: 05000US51790
GEO_ID2: 51790
Geographic Name: Staunton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 790

name: Staunton
County Name: Staunton
State-County: VA-Staunton
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 716.8333038
GEO_ID: 05000US51790
Geographic Name: Staunton city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 790
FIPS formula: 51790.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 54
fips: 51800
Locality: Suffolk city, VA
Residents: 73,889
Uninsured_residents: 9,441
Percent_uninsured: 12.8%
County Name: Suffolk
State-County: VA-Suffolk
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 13.5074337
GEO_ID: 05000US51800
GEO_ID2: 51800
Geographic Name: Suffolk city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 800

name: Suffolk
County Name: Suffolk
State-County: VA-Suffolk
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 13.5074337
GEO_ID: 05000US51800
Geographic Name: Suffolk city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 800
FIPS formula: 51800.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 115
fips: 51810
Locality: Virginia Beach city, VA
Residents: 385,897
Uninsured_residents: 51,174
Percent_uninsured: 13.3%
County Name: Virginia Beach
State-County: VA-Virginia Beach
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 947.2911514
GEO_ID: 05000US51810
GEO_ID2: 51810
Geographic Name: Virginia Beach city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 810

name: Virginia Beach
County Name: Virginia Beach
State-County: VA-Virginia Beach
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 947.2911514
GEO_ID: 05000US51810
Geographic Name: Virginia Beach city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 810
FIPS formula: 51810.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 111
fips: 51820
Locality: Waynesboro city, VA
Residents: 17,772
Uninsured_residents: 2,928
Percent_uninsured: 16.5%
County Name: Waynesboro
State-County: VA-Waynesboro
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 178.9545879
GEO_ID: 05000US51820
GEO_ID2: 51820
Geographic Name: Waynesboro city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 820

name: Waynesboro
County Name: Waynesboro
State-County: VA-Waynesboro
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 178.9545879
GEO_ID: 05000US51820
Geographic Name: Waynesboro city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 820
FIPS formula: 51820.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 65
fips: 51830
Locality: Williamsburg city, VA
Residents: 8,467
Uninsured_residents: 1,441
Percent_uninsured: 17.0%
County Name: Williamsburg
State-County: VA-Williamsburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 683.3495755
GEO_ID: 05000US51830
GEO_ID2: 51830
Geographic Name: Williamsburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 830

name: Williamsburg
County Name: Williamsburg
State-County: VA-Williamsburg
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
value: 683.3495755
GEO_ID: 05000US51830
Geographic Name: Williamsburg city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 830
FIPS formula: 51830.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 53
fips: 51840
Locality: Winchester city, VA
Residents: 22,075
Uninsured_residents: 4,511
Percent_uninsured: 20.4%
County Name: Winchester
State-County: VA-Winchester
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51840
GEO_ID2: 51840
Geographic Name: Winchester city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 840

name: Winchester
County Name: Winchester
State-County: VA-Winchester
state abbr: va
State Abbr.: VA
GEO_ID: 05000US51840
Geographic Name: Winchester city, Virginia
STATE num: 51
COUNTY num: 840
FIPS formula: 51840.0
Has error:
Rank (out of 134): 7