Name: Boko Bakery (Elgin Street)
Coordinates: 45.417398, -75.690130
Address: 280 Elgin Street, Ottawa, ON K2P 1M2
Description: Boko Bakery is perhaps best remembered at its Centretown location -- where it has been a fixture on Elgin Street since 1993.
Photo Credit: Google Street View, August 2017.
Name: Boko Bakery and Restaurant (expansion)
Coordinates: 45.427670, -75.691148
Address: 87 George Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 6Z9
Description: According to the Ottawa Citizen in 1995, Boko Bakery "doubled in size" in the Market Mall. This is a copy of that menu.
Photo Credit: Boko Bakery Facebook page, Oct 25, 2018.
Name: Boko Bakery (Byward Market)
Coordinates: 45.427465, -75.691633
Address: 87 George Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 6Z9
Description: Boko Bakery was originally located in the Byward Market, opening in 1982.
Photo Credit: Advertisement from the Ottawa Citizen, Oct. 23, 1982.