County Name: Brevard
State-County: FL-Brevard
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 667.2429111
GEO_ID: 05000US12009
GEO_ID2: 12009
Geographic Name: Brevard County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 9
FIPS formula: 12009
Has error:
No-nit policy: No
What to expect: Students with nits, but not lice bugs, are allowed in school. Students with live lice are sent home with treatment information.
color-value: 2
County Name: Escambia
State-County: FL-Escambia
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 336.5990515
GEO_ID: 05000US12033
GEO_ID2: 12033
Geographic Name: Escambia County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 33
FIPS formula: 12033
Has error:
No-nit policy: No
What to expect: Students with nits, but not lice bugs, are allowed in school. Students with live lice are sent home. According to Superintendent Malcolm Thomas, the district will provide lice shampoo to families that cannot afford it.
color-value: 2
County Name: Indian River
State-County: FL-Indian River
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 692.3587319
GEO_ID: 05000US12061
GEO_ID2: 12061
Geographic Name: Indian River County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 61
FIPS formula: 12061
Has error:
No-nit policy: Yes
What to expect: Students with nits are not allowed in school. Students must be evaluated by a physician and bring a note when returning to school.
color-value: 1
County Name: Lee
State-County: FL-Lee
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 567.4519172
GEO_ID: 05000US12071
GEO_ID2: 12071
Geographic Name: Lee County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 71
FIPS formula: 12071
Has error: Yes - missing bigger polygon
No-nit policy: Yes
What to expect: Students with nits are not allowed in school. Parents are notified if a student has lice.
color-value: 1
County Name: Leon
State-County: FL-Leon
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 521.9650605
GEO_ID: 05000US12073
GEO_ID2: 12073
Geographic Name: Leon County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 73
FIPS formula: 12073
Has error:
No-nit policy: Yes
What to expect: Students with nits are not allowed in school. Parent notification policy dictates that, when a third or more of students in a class have lice, the principal will notify parents.
color-value: 1
County Name: Orange
State-County: FL-Orange
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 948.8372389
GEO_ID: 05000US12095
GEO_ID2: 12095
Geographic Name: Orange County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 95
FIPS formula: 12095
Has error:
No-nit policy: Yes
What to expect: Students with nits are not allowed in school, but nit-related absences are excused.
color-value: 1
County Name: Osceola
State-County: FL-Osceola
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 745.654891
GEO_ID: 05000US12097
GEO_ID2: 12097
Geographic Name: Osceola County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 97
FIPS formula: 12097
Has error:
No-nit policy: Yes
What to expect: Students with nits are not allowed in school. The school will perform lice checks if a student in the class is found to have lice.
color-value: 1
County Name: Santa Rosa
State-County: FL-Santa Rosa
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 662.7748169
GEO_ID: 05000US12113
GEO_ID2: 12113
Geographic Name: Santa Rosa County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 113
FIPS formula: 12113
Has error:
No-nit policy: No
What to expect: Students with nits, but not lice bugs, are allowed in school.
color-value: 2
County Name: Seminole
State-County: FL-Seminole
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 136.0121481
GEO_ID: 05000US12117
GEO_ID2: 12117
Geographic Name: Seminole County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 117
FIPS formula: 12117
Has error:
No-nit policy: No
What to expect: Students with nits, but not lice bugs, are allowed in school.
color-value: 2
County Name: Volusia
State-County: FL-Volusia
state abbr: fl
State Abbr.: FL
value: 389.9536681
GEO_ID: 05000US12127
GEO_ID2: 12127
Geographic Name: Volusia County, Florida
STATE num: 12
COUNTY num: 127
FIPS formula: 12127
Has error:
No-nit policy: No
What to expect: Students with nits, but not lice bugs, are allowed in school
color-value: 2