#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import requests tables = [] with open('tables.txt') as f: tables = f.readlines() tables = [i.strip() for i in tables] tables_error = [] with open('tables_error.txt') as f: tables_error = f.readlines() tables_error = [i.strip() for i in tables_error] existing_data = os.listdir('./data') for table in tables: data_file = "{}.zip".format(table) if table in tables_error or data_file in existing_data: continue r = requests.get("https://fusiontables.googleusercontent.com/exporttable?query=select+*+from+{}&o=zip".format(table)) if r.status_code == 200: print("Saving ./data/{}".format(data_file)) with open("./data/{}".format(data_file), 'wb') as f: f.write(r.content) else: print("Adding {} to tables_error.txt".format(table)) with open('./tables_error.txt', 'a') as f: f.write("{}\n".format(table))