country: Albania
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Antigua and Barbuda
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Argentina
sum(sentiment): 6
positive: 6
negative: 0
count(*): 6
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 6 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 6 wifi names
country: Australia
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Austria
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Belarus
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Belgium
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Brazil
sum(sentiment): 26
positive: 26
negative: 0
count(*): 26
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 26 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 26 wifi names
country: Canada
sum(sentiment): 14
positive: 18
negative: 4
count(*): 22
Positive Percentage: 64%
Positivity ratio: 0.636363636
color: #466CBD
comment: Obama positivity: 63.6363636363636%
There are 18 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 4 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 22 wifi names
country: Chile
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 4
negative: 0
count(*): 4
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 4 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 4 wifi names
country: China
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 5
negative: 1
count(*): 6
Positive Percentage: 67%
Positivity ratio: 0.666666667
color: #466CBD
comment: Obama positivity: 66.6666666666667%
There are 5 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 6 wifi names
country: Colombia
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Costa Rica
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Croatia
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Cyprus
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Czech Republic
sum(sentiment): 3
positive: 3
negative: 0
count(*): 3
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 3 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 3 wifi names
country: Denmark
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 4
negative: 0
count(*): 4
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 4 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 4 wifi names
country: Finland
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 4
negative: 0
count(*): 4
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 4 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 4 wifi names
country: France
sum(sentiment): 6
positive: 6
negative: 0
count(*): 6
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 6 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 6 wifi names
country: Germany
sum(sentiment): 26
positive: 29
negative: 3
count(*): 32
Positive Percentage: 81%
Positivity ratio: 0.8125
color: #244B9E
comment: Obama positivity: 81.25%
There are 29 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 3 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 32 wifi names
country: Greece
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Haiti
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Hong Kong-China
sum(sentiment): 8
positive: 8
negative: 0
count(*): 8
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 8 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 8 wifi names
country: Hungary
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: India
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Indonesia
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Israel
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Italy
sum(sentiment): 8
positive: 9
negative: 1
count(*): 10
Positive Percentage: 80%
Positivity ratio: 0.8
color: #365DB3
comment: Obama positivity: 80%
There are 9 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 10 wifi names
country: Japan
sum(sentiment): 5
positive: 5
negative: 0
count(*): 5
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 5 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 5 wifi names
country: Kuwait
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Kyrgyzstan
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Malaysia
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 8
negative: 4
count(*): 12
Positive Percentage: 33%
Positivity ratio: 0.333333333
color: #7692CF
comment: Obama positivity: 33.3333333333333%
There are 8 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 4 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 12 wifi names
country: Mexico
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Norway
sum(sentiment): 5
positive: 5
negative: 0
count(*): 5
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 5 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 5 wifi names
country: Peru
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Philippines
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Poland
sum(sentiment): 5
positive: 6
negative: 1
count(*): 7
Positive Percentage: 71%
Positivity ratio: 0.714285714
color: #365DB3
comment: Obama positivity: 71.4285714285714%
There are 6 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 7 wifi names
country: Republic of Latvia
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Romania
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 4
negative: 0
count(*): 4
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 4 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 4 wifi names
country: Russia
sum(sentiment): 26
positive: 27
negative: 1
count(*): 28
Positive Percentage: 93%
Positivity ratio: 0.928571429
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 92.8571428571429%
There are 27 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 28 wifi names
country: Saudi Arabia
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Singapore
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: Slovakia
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: South Korea
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: Spain
sum(sentiment): 10
positive: 10
negative: 0
count(*): 10
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 10 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 10 wifi names
country: Sweden
sum(sentiment): 5
positive: 5
negative: 0
count(*): 5
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 5 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 5 wifi names
country: Switzerland
sum(sentiment): 5
positive: 5
negative: 0
count(*): 5
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 5 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 5 wifi names
country: Taiwan
sum(sentiment): 14
positive: 14
negative: 0
count(*): 14
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 14 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 14 wifi names
country: Thailand
sum(sentiment): 4
positive: 4
negative: 0
count(*): 4
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 4 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 4 wifi names
country: The Netherlands
sum(sentiment): 8
positive: 9
negative: 1
count(*): 10
Positive Percentage: 80%
Positivity ratio: 0.8
color: #365DB3
comment: Obama positivity: 80%
There are 9 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 10 wifi names
country: Ukraine
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names
country: United Arab Emirates
sum(sentiment): 1
positive: 1
negative: 0
count(*): 1
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 1 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 1 wifi names
country: United Kingdom
sum(sentiment): 6
positive: 7
negative: 1
count(*): 8
Positive Percentage: 75%
Positivity ratio: 0.75
color: #365DB3
comment: Obama positivity: 75%
There are 7 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 1 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 8 wifi names
country: United States
sum(sentiment): 46
positive: 401
negative: 355
count(*): 756
Positive Percentage: 6%
Positivity ratio: 0.060846561
color: #D0DCF7
comment: Obama positivity: 6.08465608465608%
There are 401 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 355 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Based on 756 wifi names
country: Vietnam
sum(sentiment): 2
positive: 2
negative: 0
count(*): 2
Positive Percentage: 100%
Positivity ratio: 1
color: #83390
comment: Obama positivity: 100%
There are 2 wifi names indicating positive sentiment and 0 indicating negative sentiment towards Obama
Better take this result with a pinch of salt - it's based on only 2 wifi names