geometry_vertex_count: 265 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 1 PollName: Triton LIB: 65 PC: 45 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 48 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Triton LIB: 65 PC: 45 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 221 Sworn: 18 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 40.2 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 265 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-1 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 199 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 10 PollName: Port Anson LIB: 12 PC: 40 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 21.8 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 57 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Port Anson LIB: 12 PC: 40 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 55 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 123 Sworn: 3 Large: 40 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 21.8 PCShare: 72.7 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.7 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 199 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-10 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 11 PollName: Miles Cove LIB: 16 PC: 12 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 58 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Miles Cove LIB: 16 PC: 12 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 30 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 121 Sworn: 2 Large: 16 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.3 PCShare: 40.0 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 24.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-11 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 107 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 12 PollName: South Brook LIB: 90 PC: 34 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 59 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: South Brook LIB: 90 PC: 34 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 11 Large: 90 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.3 PCShare: 26.6 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 107 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-12 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 308 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 13 PollName: South Brook LIB: 76 PC: 63 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 60 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: South Brook LIB: 76 PC: 63 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 142 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 29 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.5 PCShare: 44.4 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 308 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-13 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 191 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 14 PollName: Harry's Harbour LIB: 29 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 61 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Harry's Harbour LIB: 29 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 46 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 69 Sworn: 5 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.4 PCShare: 33.3 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 191 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-14 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 676 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 15 PollName: Jackson's Cove, Silverdale, Langdon's Cove, and Nickey's Nose Cove LIB: 32 PC: 16 NDP: 3 Result:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 62 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Jackson's Cove, Silverdale, Langdon's Cove, and Nickey's Nose Cove LIB: 32 PC: 16 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 51 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 108 Sworn: 5 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.7 PCShare: 31.4 NDPShare: 5.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 676 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-15 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 120 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 16 PollName: Rattling Brook LIB: 25 PC: 17 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 63 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Rattling Brook LIB: 25 PC: 17 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 44 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 82 Sworn: 6 Large: 25 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.8 PCShare: 38.6 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 120 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-16 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 187 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 17 PollName: King's Point LIB: 65 PC: 57 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.0 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 64 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: King's Point LIB: 65 PC: 57 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 228 Sworn: 11 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.0 PCShare: 45.6 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 187 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-17 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 188 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 18 PollName: King's Point LIB: 74 PC: 89 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 43.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 65 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: King's Point LIB: 74 PC: 89 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 170 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 275 Sworn: 33 Large: 89 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 52.4 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 188 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-18 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 322 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 19 PollName: Springdale LIB: 84 PC: 114 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 66 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Springdale LIB: 84 PC: 114 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 209 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 471 Sworn: 41 Large: 114 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.6 PCShare: 55.1 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 322 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-19 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 359 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 2 PollName: Brighton LIB: 40 PC: 42 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.4 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 49 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Brighton LIB: 40 PC: 42 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 147 Sworn: 13 Large: 42 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.4 PCShare: 46.7 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.3 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 359 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-2 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 20 PollName: Springdale LIB: 81 PC: 59 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 67 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Springdale LIB: 81 PC: 59 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 149 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 29 Large: 81 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.4 PCShare: 39.6 NDPShare: 6.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-20 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 105 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 21 PollName: Springdale LIB: 59 PC: 56 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 68 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Springdale LIB: 59 PC: 56 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 123 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 255 Sworn: 17 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: 45.9 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 105 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-21 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 157 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 22 PollName: Springdale LIB: 51 PC: 66 NDP: 16 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 69 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Springdale LIB: 51 PC: 66 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 23 Large: 66 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.3 PCShare: 49.6 NDPShare: 12.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 157 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-22 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 13 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 23 PollName: Springdale LIB: 48 PC: 28 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.5 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 70 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Springdale LIB: 48 PC: 28 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 78 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 92 Sworn: 43 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.5 PCShare: 35.9 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 13 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-23 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 152 Name: Bonavista: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 34 PollName: Charleston LIB: 35 PC: 13 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.0 PCShare: 26. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 139 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Charleston LIB: 35 PC: 13 NDP: 0 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 50 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 98 Sworn: 3 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 70.0 PCShare: 26.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 4.0 Turnout: 49.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 152 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-34 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 126 Name: Bonavista: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 35 PollName: Sweet Bay LIB: 28 PC: 7 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 15.2< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 140 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Sweet Bay LIB: 28 PC: 7 NDP: 1 IND: 10 Rejected: 0 Total: 46 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 76 Sworn: 4 Large: 28 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 15.2 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 21.7 Turnout: 57.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 126 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-35 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 209 Name: Bonavista: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 36 PollName: Brooklyn LIB: 41 PC: 13 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.1 PCShare: 20.6< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 141 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Brooklyn LIB: 41 PC: 13 NDP: 2 IND: 7 Rejected: 0 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 144 Sworn: 5 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 65.1 PCShare: 20.6 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 11.1 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 209 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-36 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 355 Name: Bonavista: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 37 PollName: Portland and Jamestown LIB: 33 PC: 24 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.2 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 142 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Portland and Jamestown LIB: 33 PC: 24 NDP: 2 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 62 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 153 Sworn: 9 Large: 33 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 53.2 PCShare: 38.7 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 4.8 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 355 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-37 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Bonavista: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 38 PollName: Winterbrook LIB: 11 PC: 17 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.9 PCShare: 58. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 143 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Winterbrook LIB: 11 PC: 17 NDP: 0 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 29 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 46 Sworn: 4 Large: 17 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 37.9 PCShare: 58.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 3.4 Turnout: 58.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-38 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Bonavista: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 39 PollName: Bloomfield LIB: 56 PC: 44 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 40. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 144 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Bloomfield LIB: 56 PC: 44 NDP: 1 IND: 8 Rejected: 1 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 12 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 40.4 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 7.3 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-39 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 124 Name: Bonavista: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 4 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Port Union) LIB: 172 PC: 14 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 109 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Port Union) LIB: 172 PC: 14 NDP: 2 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 190 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 287 Sworn: 22 Large: 172 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 90.5 PCShare: 7.4 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 1.1 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 124 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-4 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 147 Name: Bonavista: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 40 PollName: Bloomfield LIB: 57 PC: 26 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.0 PCShare: 28. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 145 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Bloomfield LIB: 57 PC: 26 NDP: 3 IND: 6 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 166 Sworn: 8 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 62.0 PCShare: 28.3 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 6.5 Turnout: 52.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 147 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-40 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 166 Name: Bonavista: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 41 PollName: Musgravetown LIB: 55 PC: 30 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.5 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 146 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Musgravetown LIB: 55 PC: 30 NDP: 2 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 173 Sworn: 19 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 62.5 PCShare: 34.1 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 1.1 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 166 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-41 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 238 Name: Bonavista: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 42 PollName: Musgravetown LIB: 64 PC: 34 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.4 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 147 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Musgravetown LIB: 64 PC: 34 NDP: 2 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 8 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 63.4 PCShare: 33.7 NDPShare: 2.0 IndShare: 1.0 Turnout: 42.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 238 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-42 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 89 Name: Bonavista: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 43 PollName: Cannings Cove LIB: 56 PC: 12 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 148 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Cannings Cove LIB: 56 PC: 12 NDP: 5 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 203 Sworn: 6 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 74.7 PCShare: 16.0 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 2.7 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 89 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-43 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 179 Name: Bonavista: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bunyans Cove LIB: 95 PC: 24 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.2 PCShare: 2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 149 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bunyans Cove LIB: 95 PC: 24 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 345 Sworn: 7 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.2 PCShare: 20.0 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 179 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-44 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 133 Name: Bonavista: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 45 PollName: Lethbridge LIB: 80 PC: 34 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.1 PCShare: 28. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 150 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: Lethbridge LIB: 80 PC: 34 NDP: 3 IND: 4 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 12 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 66.1 PCShare: 28.1 NDPShare: 2.5 IndShare: 3.3 Turnout: 51.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 133 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-45 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 167 Name: Bonavista: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 46 PollName: Lethbridge and Morley's Siding LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 151 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: Lethbridge and Morley's Siding LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 4 IND: 11 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 253 Sworn: 14 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 52.4 PCShare: 35.7 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 8.7 Turnout: 47.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 167 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-46 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 159 Name: Bonavista: 47 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 47 PollName: George's Brook LIB: 66 PC: 23 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 152 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-47 PollNumber: 47 PollName: George's Brook LIB: 66 PC: 23 NDP: 5 IND: 7 Rejected: 3 Total: 104 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 235 Sworn: 16 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 65.3 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 6.9 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 159 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-47 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 47.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Bonavista: 48 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 48 PollName: Milton LIB: 71 PC: 18 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.3 PCShare: 17.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 153 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-48 PollNumber: 48 PollName: Milton LIB: 71 PC: 18 NDP: 9 IND: 3 Rejected: 2 Total: 103 Cancelled: 3 Registered: 214 Sworn: 20 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 70.3 PCShare: 17.8 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 3.0 Turnout: 44.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-48 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 48.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 4 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 119 PC: 4 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.5 PCShare: 3.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 165 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 119 PC: 4 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 130 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 294 Sworn: 6 Large: 119 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.5 PCShare: 3.1 NDPShare: 5.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-4 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 139 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 5 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 135 PC: 6 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.1 PCShare: 4.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 166 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 135 PC: 6 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 142 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 283 Sworn: 9 Large: 135 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.1 PCShare: 4.2 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 139 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-5 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 346 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 6 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 150 PC: 11 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.5 PCShare: 6. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 167 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 150 PC: 11 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 164 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 8 Large: 150 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.5 PCShare: 6.7 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.2 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 346 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-6 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 269 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 7 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 101 PC: 7 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.4 PCShare: 6. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 168 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Burgeo LIB: 101 PC: 7 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 321 Sworn: 8 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.4 PCShare: 6.2 NDPShare: 4.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 269 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-7 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 225 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 8 PollName: Cape Ray LIB: 164 PC: 12 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 169 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Cape Ray LIB: 164 PC: 12 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 181 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 266 Sworn: 18 Large: 164 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.1 PCShare: 6.7 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 63.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 225 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-8 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 322 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 9 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 125 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.2 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 170 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 125 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 34 Large: 125 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.2 PCShare: 0.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 322 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-9 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 532 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 1 PollName: Fox Cove?Mortier LIB: 80 PC: 8 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.4 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 195 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Fox Cove?Mortier LIB: 80 PC: 8 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 232 Sworn: 15 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.4 PCShare: 7.3 NDPShare: 19.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 532 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-1 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 10 PollName: Lewin's Cove LIB: 66 PC: 7 NDP: 30 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 204 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Lewin's Cove LIB: 66 PC: 7 NDP: 30 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 12 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: 6.8 NDPShare: 29.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-10 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 331 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 11 PollName: Lewin's Cove and Big Salmonier LIB: 55 PC: 6 NDP: 29 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 205 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Lewin's Cove and Big Salmonier LIB: 55 PC: 6 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 3 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.1 PCShare: 6.7 NDPShare: 32.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 331 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-11 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 121 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 12 PollName: Epworth LIB: 37 PC: 4 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 206 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Epworth LIB: 37 PC: 4 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 53 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 109 Sworn: 3 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.8 PCShare: 7.5 NDPShare: 22.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 121 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-12 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 193 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 13 PollName: Little St. Lawrence LIB: 33 PC: 5 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.0 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 207 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Little St. Lawrence LIB: 33 PC: 5 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 44 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 93 Sworn: 4 Large: 33 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.0 PCShare: 11.4 NDPShare: 13.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 193 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-13 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 107 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 80 PC: 11 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.9 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 208 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 80 PC: 11 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 249 Sworn: 7 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.9 PCShare: 10.6 NDPShare: 12.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 107 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-14 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 121 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 57 PC: 5 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 209 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 57 PC: 5 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 81 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 165 Sworn: 4 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.3 PCShare: 6.3 NDPShare: 22.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 121 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-15 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 69 PC: 6 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.4 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 210 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 69 PC: 6 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 4 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.4 PCShare: 6.1 NDPShare: 23.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-16 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 59 PC: 8 NDP: 26 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.4 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 211 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. Lawrence LIB: 59 PC: 8 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 260 Sworn: 5 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.4 PCShare: 8.6 NDPShare: 28.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-17 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 101 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 18 PollName: Lawn LIB: 103 PC: 11 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.6 PCShare: 9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 212 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Lawn LIB: 103 PC: 11 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 10 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.6 PCShare: 9.2 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 101 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-18 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 66 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 33 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 90 PC: 18 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.9 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 227 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 90 PC: 18 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 14 Large: 90 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.9 PCShare: 15.4 NDPShare: 7.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 66 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-33 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 122 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 34 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 102 PC: 6 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 228 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 102 PC: 6 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 274 Sworn: 15 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.4 PCShare: 5.1 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 122 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-34 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 35 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 123 PC: 4 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 229 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 123 PC: 4 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 203 Sworn: 10 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.5 PCShare: 3.0 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-35 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 387 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 36 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 150 PC: 8 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 230 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 150 PC: 8 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 169 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 314 Sworn: 26 Large: 150 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.8 PCShare: 4.7 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 387 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-36 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 168 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 37 PollName: Grand Beach LIB: 8 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 231 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Grand Beach LIB: 8 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 9 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 48 Sworn: 0 Large: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.9 PCShare: 11.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 18.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 168 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-37 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 429 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 38 PollName: Frenchman's Cove LIB: 67 PC: 9 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.9 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 232 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Frenchman's Cove LIB: 67 PC: 9 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 141 Sworn: 5 Large: 67 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.9 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 11.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 429 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-38 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 163 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 39 PollName: Garnish LIB: 77 PC: 11 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 233 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Garnish LIB: 77 PC: 11 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 219 Sworn: 17 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.2 PCShare: 11.5 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 163 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-39 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 192 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 4 PollName: Burin LIB: 57 PC: 4 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.3 PCShare: 5. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 198 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Burin LIB: 57 PC: 4 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 6 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.3 PCShare: 5.0 NDPShare: 23.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 192 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-4 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 298 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 40 PollName: Garnish LIB: 66 PC: 24 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 234 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Garnish LIB: 66 PC: 24 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 16 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: 23.3 NDPShare: 12.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 298 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-40 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 465 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 41 PollName: Winterland and Tides Brook (cabin area) LIB: 112 PC: 13 NDP: 27 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 235 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Winterland and Tides Brook (cabin area) LIB: 112 PC: 13 NDP: 27 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 153 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 20 Large: 112 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.7 PCShare: 8.6 NDPShare: 17.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 465 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-41 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 383 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 42 PollName: Harbour Mille and Little Harbour East LIB: 51 PC: 4 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 236 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Harbour Mille and Little Harbour East LIB: 51 PC: 4 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 109 Sworn: 3 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.4 PCShare: 6.8 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 383 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-42 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 193 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 43 PollName: Little Bay East LIB: 57 PC: 1 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.9 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 237 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Little Bay East LIB: 57 PC: 1 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 101 Sworn: 8 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.9 PCShare: 1.6 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 193 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-43 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 261 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bay L'Argent LIB: 77 PC: 18 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.5 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 238 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bay L'Argent LIB: 77 PC: 18 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 181 Sworn: 20 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.5 PCShare: 17.6 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 261 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-44 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 103 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 45 PollName: St. Bernard's LIB: 85 PC: 32 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.5 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 239 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: St. Bernard's LIB: 85 PC: 32 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 263 Sworn: 21 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.5 PCShare: 25.4 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 103 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-45 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 46 PollName: Jacques Fontaine LIB: 44 PC: 5 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 240 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: Jacques Fontaine LIB: 44 PC: 5 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 52 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 101 Sworn: 3 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.6 PCShare: 9.6 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-46 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 245 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 5 PollName: Burin LIB: 70 PC: 11 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.6 PCShare: 1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 199 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Burin LIB: 70 PC: 11 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 197 Sworn: 14 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.6 PCShare: 10.8 NDPShare: 20.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 245 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-5 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 203 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 19 PollName: Wesleyville LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 792 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Wesleyville LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 81 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 1 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.6 PCShare: 28.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 203 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-19 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 17 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 2 PollName: Centreville LIB: 44 PC: 47 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 47.8 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 775 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Centreville LIB: 44 PC: 47 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 171 Sworn: 10 Large: 47 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.8 PCShare: 51.1 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 17 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-2 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 242 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 20 PollName: Pound Cove LIB: 50 PC: 19 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.4 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 793 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Pound Cove LIB: 50 PC: 19 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 99 Sworn: 14 Large: 50 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: 27.1 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 242 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-20 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 93 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 21 PollName: Templeman LIB: 26 PC: 10 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.2 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 794 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Templeman LIB: 26 PC: 10 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 48 Sworn: 6 Large: 26 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.2 PCShare: 27.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 93 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-21 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 375 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 22 PollName: Newtown LIB: 100 PC: 33 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 795 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Newtown LIB: 100 PC: 33 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 237 Sworn: 8 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.5 PCShare: 23.9 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 375 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-22 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 229 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 23 PollName: Lumsden LIB: 175 PC: 39 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.9 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 796 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Lumsden LIB: 175 PC: 39 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 219 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 365 Sworn: 18 Large: 175 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.9 PCShare: 17.8 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 229 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-23 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 127 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 24 PollName: Deadman's Bay LIB: 44 PC: 9 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 797 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Deadman's Bay LIB: 44 PC: 9 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 53 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 121 Sworn: 4 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.0 PCShare: 17.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 127 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-24 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 127 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 25 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 75 PC: 16 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 798 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 75 PC: 16 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 5 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.5 PCShare: 17.4 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 127 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-25 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 82 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 26 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 70 PC: 16 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 799 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 70 PC: 16 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 3 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.5 PCShare: 18.2 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 82 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-26 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 27 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 100 PC: 18 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 800 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Musgrave Harbour LIB: 100 PC: 18 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 22 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.4 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-27 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 28 PollName: Aspen Cove LIB: 36 PC: 20 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 801 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Aspen Cove LIB: 36 PC: 20 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 56 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 155 Sworn: 3 Large: 36 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.3 PCShare: 35.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-28 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 259 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 29 PollName: Ladle Cove LIB: 16 PC: 6 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.6 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 802 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Ladle Cove LIB: 16 PC: 6 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 23 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 68 Sworn: 4 Large: 16 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.6 PCShare: 26.1 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 259 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-29 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 3 PollName: Dover LIB: 52 PC: 4 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 776 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Dover LIB: 52 PC: 4 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 56 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 242 Sworn: 5 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.9 PCShare: 7.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 22.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-3 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 184 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 30 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 19 PC: 13 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 803 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 19 PC: 13 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 37 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 112 Sworn: 6 Large: 19 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 35.1 NDPShare: 13.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 184 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-30 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 31 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 42 PC: 23 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 804 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 42 PC: 23 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 204 Sworn: 4 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 33.3 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-31 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 134 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 32 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 44 PC: 22 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 805 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Carmanville LIB: 44 PC: 22 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 4 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.7 PCShare: 32.8 NDPShare: 1.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 134 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-32 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 45 Name: Harbour Main: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 10 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 30 PC: 27 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 544 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 30 PC: 27 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 8 Large: 30 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 37.5 NDPShare: 20.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 45 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-10 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 170 Name: Harbour Main: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 11 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 37 PC: 33 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.6 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 545 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 37 PC: 33 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 17 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.6 PCShare: 37.1 NDPShare: 21.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 170 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-11 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 277 Name: Harbour Main: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 12 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 58 PC: 72 NDP: 40 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 33.7 PCShare: 41 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 546 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 58 PC: 72 NDP: 40 IND: 2 Rejected: 6 Total: 178 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 293 Sworn: 53 Large: 72 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 33.7 PCShare: 41.9 NDPShare: 23.3 IndShare: 1.2 Turnout: 51.4 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 277 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-12 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Harbour Main: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 13 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 41 PC: 49 NDP: 26 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 35.3 PCShare: 42 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 547 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 41 PC: 49 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 29 Large: 49 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.3 PCShare: 42.2 NDPShare: 22.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.7 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-13 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 70 Name: Harbour Main: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 14 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 42 PC: 45 NDP: 27 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 36.5 PCShare: 39 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 548 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 42 PC: 45 NDP: 27 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 195 Sworn: 26 Large: 45 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 36.5 PCShare: 39.1 NDPShare: 23.5 IndShare: 0.9 Turnout: 52.0 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 70 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-14 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 107 Name: Harbour Main: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 15 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 44 PC: 55 NDP: 45 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 30.6 PCShare: 38 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 549 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 44 PC: 55 NDP: 45 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 144 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 222 Sworn: 29 Large: 55 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.6 PCShare: 38.2 NDPShare: 31.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.4 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 107 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-15 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 95 Name: Harbour Main: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 16 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 32 PC: 63 NDP: 21 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 27.1 PCShare: 53 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 550 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Holyrood LIB: 32 PC: 63 NDP: 21 IND: 2 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 37 Large: 63 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 27.1 PCShare: 53.4 NDPShare: 17.8 IndShare: 1.7 Turnout: 49.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 95 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-16 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Harbour Main: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 17 PollName: Holyrood (North Arm) LIB: 30 PC: 113 NDP: 40 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 16.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 551 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Holyrood (North Arm) LIB: 30 PC: 113 NDP: 40 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 185 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 310 Sworn: 34 Large: 113 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 16.3 PCShare: 61.4 NDPShare: 21.7 IndShare: 0.5 Turnout: 53.8 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-17 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 95 Name: Harbour Main: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 18 PollName: Lakeview LIB: 20 PC: 17 NDP: 24 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 32.8 PCShare: 2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 552 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Lakeview LIB: 20 PC: 17 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 61 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 112 Sworn: 7 Large: 24 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.8 PCShare: 27.9 NDPShare: 39.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 95 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-18 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 275 Name: Harbour Main: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 19 PollName: Chapel's Cove LIB: 31 PC: 73 NDP: 62 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 18.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 553 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Chapel's Cove LIB: 31 PC: 73 NDP: 62 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 168 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 305 Sworn: 25 Large: 73 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 18.7 PCShare: 44.0 NDPShare: 37.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.9 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 275 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-19 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 36 Name: Harbour Main: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 2 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 32 PC: 16 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 536 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 32 PC: 16 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 293 Sworn: 15 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 27.6 NDPShare: 17.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 18.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 36 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-2 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 258 Name: Harbour Main: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 20 PollName: Harbour Main (Crossroads) LIB: 77 PC: 43 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 554 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Harbour Main (Crossroads) LIB: 77 PC: 43 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 195 Sworn: 17 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.9 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 9.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 258 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-20 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 112 Name: Harbour Main: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 21 PollName: Harbour Main LIB: 31 PC: 49 NDP: 31 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 27.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 555 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Harbour Main LIB: 31 PC: 49 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 13 Large: 49 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.9 PCShare: 44.1 NDPShare: 27.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.2 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 112 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-21 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Harbour Main: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 22 PollName: Avondale LIB: 37 PC: 47 NDP: 36 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 30.8 PCShare: 39 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 556 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Avondale LIB: 37 PC: 47 NDP: 36 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 202 Sworn: 13 Large: 47 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.8 PCShare: 39.2 NDPShare: 30.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.8 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-22 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 276 Name: Harbour Main: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 23 PollName: Avondale LIB: 26 PC: 43 NDP: 65 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 19.1 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 557 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Avondale LIB: 26 PC: 43 NDP: 65 IND: 2 Rejected: 2 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 19 Large: 65 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 19.1 PCShare: 31.6 NDPShare: 47.8 IndShare: 1.5 Turnout: 54.5 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 276 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-23 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 232 Name: Harbour Main: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 24 PollName: Conception Harbour LIB: 31 PC: 31 NDP: 75 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 22.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 558 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Conception Harbour LIB: 31 PC: 31 NDP: 75 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 15 Large: 75 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 22.3 PCShare: 22.3 NDPShare: 54.0 IndShare: 1.4 Turnout: 56.5 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 232 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-24 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Labrador West: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 1 PollName: Wabush LIB: 65 PC: 13 NDP: 93 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.0 PCShare: 7.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1125 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Wabush LIB: 65 PC: 13 NDP: 93 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 171 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 270 Sworn: 36 Large: 93 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.0 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 54.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.9 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-1 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Labrador West: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 10 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 37 PC: 26 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1134 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 37 PC: 26 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 197 Sworn: 7 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: 32.9 NDPShare: 20.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-10 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Labrador West: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 11 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 31 PC: 21 NDP: 43 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 32.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1135 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 31 PC: 21 NDP: 43 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 22 Large: 43 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.6 PCShare: 22.1 NDPShare: 45.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-11 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Labrador West: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 12 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 55 PC: 24 NDP: 43 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1136 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 55 PC: 24 NDP: 43 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 243 Sworn: 11 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.1 PCShare: 19.7 NDPShare: 35.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-12 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Labrador West: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 13 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 57 PC: 26 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1137 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 57 PC: 26 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 20 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.3 PCShare: 25.2 NDPShare: 19.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-13 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Labrador West: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 14 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 49 PC: 21 NDP: 33 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1138 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 49 PC: 21 NDP: 33 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 20 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.6 PCShare: 20.4 NDPShare: 32.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-14 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 47 Name: Labrador West: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 15 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 42 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1139 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 42 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 123 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 25 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.2 PCShare: 18.7 NDPShare: 34.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 47 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-15 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Labrador West: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 16 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 57 PC: 27 NDP: 30 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1140 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 57 PC: 27 NDP: 30 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 15 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 23.7 NDPShare: 26.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-16 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 36 Name: Labrador West: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 17 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 52 PC: 28 NDP: 25 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1141 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 52 PC: 28 NDP: 25 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 14 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.5 PCShare: 26.7 NDPShare: 23.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 36 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-17 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Labrador West: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 18 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 43 PC: 22 NDP: 40 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1142 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 43 PC: 22 NDP: 40 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 15 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.0 PCShare: 21.0 NDPShare: 38.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-18 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Labrador West: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 19 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 30 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1143 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 30 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 311 Sworn: 22 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: 31.9 NDPShare: 21.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-19 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 125 Name: Labrador West: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 2 PollName: Wabush LIB: 63 PC: 32 NDP: 67 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.9 PCShare: 19. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1126 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Wabush LIB: 63 PC: 32 NDP: 67 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 162 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 262 Sworn: 45 Large: 67 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.9 PCShare: 19.8 NDPShare: 41.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.8 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 125 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-2 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Labrador West: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 20 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 53 PC: 18 NDP: 41 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1144 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 53 PC: 18 NDP: 41 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 315 Sworn: 28 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.3 PCShare: 16.1 NDPShare: 36.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-20 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 36 Name: Labrador West: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 21 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 58 PC: 21 NDP: 41 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1145 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 58 PC: 21 NDP: 41 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 263 Sworn: 15 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.3 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 34.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 36 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-21 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 92 Name: Labrador West: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 22 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 37 PC: 30 NDP: 48 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 32.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1146 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 37 PC: 30 NDP: 48 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 29 Large: 48 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.2 PCShare: 26.1 NDPShare: 41.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.1 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 92 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-22 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 66 Name: Labrador West: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Labrador West PollNumber: 23 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 32 PC: 15 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1147 PEDName: Labrador West PEDNumber: 21 PEDPOLL: 21-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Labrador City LIB: 32 PC: 15 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 174 Sworn: 14 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 25.9 NDPShare: 19.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 66 Sept9_Dist: Labrador West DistPoll: 21-23 DIST: 21.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Mount Scio: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 25 PollName: Paradise LIB: 56 PC: 36 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.8 PCShare: 34. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1344 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Paradise LIB: 56 PC: 36 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 3 Registered: 226 Sworn: 22 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.8 PCShare: 34.6 NDPShare: 11.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-25 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Mount Scio: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 26 PollName: Paradise LIB: 32 PC: 49 NDP: 13 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.0 PCShare: 52.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1345 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Paradise LIB: 32 PC: 49 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 16 Large: 49 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.0 PCShare: 52.1 NDPShare: 13.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-26 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Mount Scio: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 27 PollName: Paradise LIB: 68 PC: 32 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 26. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1346 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Paradise LIB: 68 PC: 32 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 37 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 26.2 NDPShare: 18.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-27 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 45 Name: Mount Scio: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 28 PollName: Paradise LIB: 61 PC: 49 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.5 PCShare: 36. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1347 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Paradise LIB: 61 PC: 49 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 320 Sworn: 37 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.5 PCShare: 36.6 NDPShare: 17.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 45 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-28 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 153 Name: Mount Scio: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 29 PollName: Paradise LIB: 51 PC: 25 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 28. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1348 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Paradise LIB: 51 PC: 25 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 353 Sworn: 29 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 28.1 NDPShare: 14.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 153 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-29 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Mount Scio: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 55 PC: 16 NDP: 52 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.7 PCShare: 13 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1319 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 55 PC: 16 NDP: 52 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 123 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 364 Sworn: 21 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.7 PCShare: 13.0 NDPShare: 42.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-3 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Mount Scio: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 30 PollName: Paradise LIB: 50 PC: 39 NDP: 26 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 33. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1349 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Paradise LIB: 50 PC: 39 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 333 Sworn: 17 Large: 50 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 33.9 NDPShare: 22.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-30 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Mount Scio: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 31 PollName: Paradise LIB: 37 PC: 36 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 42. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1350 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Paradise LIB: 37 PC: 36 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 245 Sworn: 10 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 42.4 NDPShare: 14.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-31 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Mount Scio: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 32 PollName: Paradise LIB: 34 PC: 31 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.7 PCShare: 40. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1351 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Paradise LIB: 34 PC: 31 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 76 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 264 Sworn: 14 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.7 PCShare: 40.8 NDPShare: 14.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-32 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Mount Scio: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 33 PollName: Paradise LIB: 26 PC: 24 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40.0 PCShare: 36. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1352 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Paradise LIB: 26 PC: 24 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 65 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 257 Sworn: 5 Large: 26 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.0 PCShare: 36.9 NDPShare: 23.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 24.8 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-33 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Mount Scio: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 4 PollName: St. John's LIB: 45 PC: 28 NDP: 58 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 34.4 PCShare: 21 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1320 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: St. John's LIB: 45 PC: 28 NDP: 58 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 131 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 334 Sworn: 31 Large: 58 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.4 PCShare: 21.4 NDPShare: 44.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-4 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Mount Scio: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 5 PollName: St. John's LIB: 31 PC: 30 NDP: 56 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 26.5 PCShare: 25 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1321 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: St. John's LIB: 31 PC: 30 NDP: 56 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 274 Sworn: 23 Large: 56 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 26.5 PCShare: 25.6 NDPShare: 47.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-5 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Mount Scio: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 6 PollName: St. John's LIB: 46 PC: 38 NDP: 47 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 35.1 PCShare: 29 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1322 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: St. John's LIB: 46 PC: 38 NDP: 47 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 319 Sworn: 30 Large: 47 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.1 PCShare: 29.0 NDPShare: 35.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-6 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Mount Scio: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 7 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 17 NDP: 50 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.7 PCShare: 14 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1323 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 17 NDP: 50 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 365 Sworn: 27 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.7 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 42.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-7 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Mount Scio: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's LIB: 61 PC: 25 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.6 PCShare: 25 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1324 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's LIB: 61 PC: 25 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 101 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 336 Sworn: 27 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.6 PCShare: 25.3 NDPShare: 13.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-8 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Mount Scio: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's LIB: 32 PC: 26 NDP: 28 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 30 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1325 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's LIB: 32 PC: 26 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 21 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 30.2 NDPShare: 32.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.7 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-9 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 150 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 1 PollName: Salmonier Line LIB: 42 PC: 24 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.8 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 910 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Salmonier Line LIB: 42 PC: 24 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 112 Sworn: 19 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.8 PCShare: 32.4 NDPShare: 10.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 150 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-1 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 257 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 10 PollName: Dildo and Broad Cove LIB: 115 PC: 49 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 919 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Dildo and Broad Cove LIB: 115 PC: 49 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 173 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 323 Sworn: 19 Large: 115 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.3 PCShare: 28.7 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 257 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-10 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 113 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 11 PollName: South Dildo LIB: 52 PC: 16 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 920 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: South Dildo LIB: 52 PC: 16 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 154 Sworn: 14 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.3 PCShare: 21.3 NDPShare: 9.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 113 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-11 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 168 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 12 PollName: Old Shop and Spread Eagle LIB: 52 PC: 27 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 921 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Old Shop and Spread Eagle LIB: 52 PC: 27 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 87 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 202 Sworn: 6 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.8 PCShare: 31.0 NDPShare: 9.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 168 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-12 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 315 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 13 PollName: Blaketown LIB: 70 PC: 21 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.9 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 922 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Blaketown LIB: 70 PC: 21 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 212 Sworn: 18 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.9 PCShare: 21.9 NDPShare: 5.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 315 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-13 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 14 PollName: Blaketown LIB: 63 PC: 27 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.3 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 923 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Blaketown LIB: 63 PC: 27 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 3 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.3 PCShare: 28.4 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-14 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 101 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 15 PollName: Markland LIB: 58 PC: 6 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 924 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Markland LIB: 58 PC: 6 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 190 Sworn: 1 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.1 PCShare: 8.7 NDPShare: 7.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 101 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-15 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 186 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 16 PollName: Whitbourne and Placentia Junction LIB: 120 PC: 34 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 925 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Whitbourne and Placentia Junction LIB: 120 PC: 34 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 162 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 317 Sworn: 11 Large: 120 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.1 PCShare: 21.0 NDPShare: 4.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 186 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-16 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 17 PollName: Dunville LIB: 127 PC: 28 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.9 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 926 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Dunville LIB: 127 PC: 28 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 157 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 319 Sworn: 17 Large: 127 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.9 PCShare: 18.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-17 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 151 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 18 PollName: Dunville LIB: 132 PC: 46 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.9 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 927 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Dunville LIB: 132 PC: 46 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 181 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 311 Sworn: 19 Large: 132 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.9 PCShare: 25.4 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 151 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-18 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 250 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 19 PollName: Fox Harbour LIB: 73 PC: 42 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.9 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 928 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Fox Harbour LIB: 73 PC: 42 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 179 Sworn: 20 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.9 PCShare: 36.2 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 250 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-19 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 925 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 2 PollName: Brigus Junction?Mahers and Middle Gull Pond LIB: 37 PC: 17 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 911 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Brigus Junction?Mahers and Middle Gull Pond LIB: 37 PC: 17 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 57 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 106 Sworn: 14 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.9 PCShare: 29.8 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 925 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-2 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 450 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 20 PollName: Ship Harbour LIB: 46 PC: 9 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 929 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Ship Harbour LIB: 46 PC: 9 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 55 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 115 Sworn: 3 Large: 46 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.6 PCShare: 16.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 450 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-20 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 190 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 21 PollName: Dunville LIB: 86 PC: 20 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 930 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Dunville LIB: 86 PC: 20 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 208 Sworn: 11 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.1 PCShare: 18.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 190 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-21 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 89 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 22 PollName: Jerseyside LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.0 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 931 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Jerseyside LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 73 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 151 Sworn: 8 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.0 PCShare: 23.3 NDPShare: 2.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 89 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-22 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 23 PollName: Freshwater LIB: 94 PC: 26 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 932 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Freshwater LIB: 94 PC: 26 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 18 Large: 94 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.6 PCShare: 20.6 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-23 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 108 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 51 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 51 PollName: Marystown (Little Bay) LIB: 75 PC: 16 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1018 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-51 PollNumber: 51 PollName: Marystown (Little Bay) LIB: 75 PC: 16 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 94 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 165 Sworn: 6 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.6 PCShare: 17.2 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 108 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-51 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 51.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 342 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 52 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 52 PollName: Marystown (Little Bay) LIB: 90 PC: 20 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1019 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-52 PollNumber: 52 PollName: Marystown (Little Bay) LIB: 90 PC: 20 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 184 Sworn: 19 Large: 90 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.9 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 3.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 342 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-52 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 52.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 53 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 53 PollName: Creston LIB: 67 PC: 15 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1020 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-53 PollNumber: 53 PollName: Creston LIB: 67 PC: 15 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 165 Sworn: 10 Large: 67 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.3 PCShare: 16.9 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-53 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 53.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 88 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 54 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 54 PollName: Creston LIB: 65 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.2 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1021 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-54 PollNumber: 54 PollName: Creston LIB: 65 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 81 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 137 Sworn: 17 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.2 PCShare: 18.5 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 88 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-54 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 54.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 103 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 55 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 55 PollName: Creston LIB: 100 PC: 13 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.7 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1022 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-55 PollNumber: 55 PollName: Creston LIB: 100 PC: 13 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 36 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.7 PCShare: 11.0 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 103 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-55 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 55.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 110 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 6 PollName: Long Cove LIB: 51 PC: 105 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 32.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 973 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Long Cove LIB: 51 PC: 105 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 158 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 14 Large: 105 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.3 PCShare: 66.5 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.7 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 110 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-6 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 85 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 7 PollName: Thornlea LIB: 44 PC: 21 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.7 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 974 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Thornlea LIB: 44 PC: 21 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 65 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 91 Sworn: 7 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.7 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 85 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-7 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 211 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 8 PollName: Fairhaven LIB: 35 PC: 21 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 975 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Fairhaven LIB: 35 PC: 21 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 56 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 81 Sworn: 3 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.5 PCShare: 37.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 211 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-8 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 9 PollName: Bellevue LIB: 65 PC: 51 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.2 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 976 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Bellevue LIB: 65 PC: 51 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 170 Sworn: 17 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.2 PCShare: 42.5 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 64.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-9 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 726 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 1 PollName: Straitsview, Hay Cove, L'Anse?aux?Meadows, Noddy Bay and Quirpon LIB: 122 PC: 8 NDP: 7 Res timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1028 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Straitsview, Hay Cove, L'Anse?aux?Meadows, Noddy Bay and Quirpon LIB: 122 PC: 8 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 9 Large: 122 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.1 PCShare: 5.8 NDPShare: 5.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 726 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-1 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 182 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 64 PC: 3 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.8 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1037 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 64 PC: 3 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 168 Sworn: 8 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.8 PCShare: 4.3 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 182 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-10 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 83 PC: 4 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.3 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1038 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 83 PC: 4 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 210 Sworn: 7 Large: 83 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.3 PCShare: 4.5 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-11 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 181 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 114 PC: 9 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1039 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 114 PC: 9 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 14 Large: 114 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.9 PCShare: 7.3 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 181 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-12 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 45 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1040 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 45 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 48 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 222 Sworn: 13 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.7 PCShare: 2.1 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 20.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-13 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 123 PC: 11 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1041 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. Anthony LIB: 123 PC: 11 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 11 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.1 PCShare: 8.1 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-14 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 518 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 15 PollName: Goose Cove East LIB: 76 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1042 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Goose Cove East LIB: 76 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 175 Sworn: 2 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.4 PCShare: 1.3 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 518 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-15 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1200 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 16 PollName: Cook's Harbour, Wild Bight, Cape Norman, North Boat Harbour LIB: 96 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1043 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Cook's Harbour, Wild Bight, Cape Norman, North Boat Harbour LIB: 96 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 104 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 177 Sworn: 5 Large: 96 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.2 PCShare: 4.9 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 1200 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-16 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 283 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 17 PollName: Green Island Brook, Lower Cove and Eddies Cove LIB: 105 PC: 13 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1044 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Green Island Brook, Lower Cove and Eddies Cove LIB: 105 PC: 13 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 198 Sworn: 8 Large: 105 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.1 PCShare: 10.7 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 283 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-17 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 151 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 18 PollName: Green Island Cove and Pines Cove LIB: 116 PC: 12 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 L timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1045 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Green Island Cove and Pines Cove LIB: 116 PC: 12 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 181 Sworn: 15 Large: 116 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.6 PCShare: 9.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 151 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-18 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 200 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 19 PollName: Sandy Cove and Shoal Cove East LIB: 91 PC: 8 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1046 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Sandy Cove and Shoal Cove East LIB: 91 PC: 8 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 178 Sworn: 6 Large: 91 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.9 PCShare: 8.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 200 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-19 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 489 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 2 PollName: Griquet LIB: 113 PC: 10 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1029 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Griquet LIB: 113 PC: 10 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 12 Large: 113 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.7 PCShare: 7.9 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 489 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-2 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 212 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 20 PollName: Savage Cove LIB: 109 PC: 3 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1047 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Savage Cove LIB: 109 PC: 3 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 157 Sworn: 13 Large: 109 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.3 PCShare: 2.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 212 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-20 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 525 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 21 PollName: Flower's Cove and Nameless Cove LIB: 147 PC: 12 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1048 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Flower's Cove and Nameless Cove LIB: 147 PC: 12 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 161 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 259 Sworn: 10 Large: 147 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.3 PCShare: 7.5 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 525 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-21 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 270 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 22 PollName: Deadman's Cove, Salmon Rock and Bear Cove LIB: 48 PC: 7 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1049 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Deadman's Cove, Salmon Rock and Bear Cove LIB: 48 PC: 7 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 56 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 105 Sworn: 2 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.7 PCShare: 12.5 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 270 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-22 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 23 PollName: Anchor Point LIB: 110 PC: 14 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1050 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Anchor Point LIB: 110 PC: 14 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 134 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 230 Sworn: 7 Large: 110 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.7 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-23 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 251 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 24 PollName: Pigeon Cove, Black Duck Cove, and St. Barbe LIB: 124 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1051 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Pigeon Cove, Black Duck Cove, and St. Barbe LIB: 124 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 3 Large: 124 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.6 PCShare: 10.7 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 251 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-24 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 180 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 25 PollName: Forresters Point LIB: 89 PC: 10 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1052 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Forresters Point LIB: 89 PC: 10 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 178 Sworn: 8 Large: 89 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.9 PCShare: 10.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 180 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-25 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 437 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 26 PollName: Blue Cove and Pond Cove LIB: 52 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1053 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Blue Cove and Pond Cove LIB: 52 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 57 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 97 Sworn: 1 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.2 PCShare: 7.0 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.2 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 437 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-26 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 202 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 27 PollName: Bird Cove LIB: 82 PC: 11 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.4 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1054 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Bird Cove LIB: 82 PC: 11 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 143 Sworn: 13 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.4 PCShare: 11.5 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 202 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-27 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 512 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 28 PollName: Plum Point and Brig Bay LIB: 57 PC: 19 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1055 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Plum Point and Brig Bay LIB: 57 PC: 19 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 202 Sworn: 2 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.3 PCShare: 23.8 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 512 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-28 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 400 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 29 PollName: Castor River South and Castor River North LIB: 101 PC: 10 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1056 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Castor River South and Castor River North LIB: 101 PC: 10 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 7 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.6 PCShare: 8.8 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 400 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-29 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 147 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. Lunaire LIB: 101 PC: 8 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.8 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1030 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. Lunaire LIB: 101 PC: 8 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 253 Sworn: 10 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.8 PCShare: 7.3 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 147 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-3 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 26 Name: Terra Nova: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 10 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 57 PC: 41 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.8 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1580 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 57 PC: 41 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 249 Sworn: 13 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.8 PCShare: 39.4 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 26 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-10 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 81 Name: Terra Nova: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 11 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 53 PC: 69 NDP: 27 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 35.6 PCShare: 4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1581 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 53 PC: 69 NDP: 27 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 150 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 283 Sworn: 13 Large: 69 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.6 PCShare: 46.3 NDPShare: 18.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.7 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 81 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-11 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Terra Nova: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 12 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 63 PC: 42 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1582 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 63 PC: 42 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 18 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.1 PCShare: 34.7 NDPShare: 13.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-12 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Terra Nova: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 13 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 56 PC: 39 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1583 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 56 PC: 39 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 23 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.7 PCShare: 33.9 NDPShare: 17.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-13 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Terra Nova: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 14 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 55 PC: 33 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1584 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 55 PC: 33 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 274 Sworn: 26 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: 30.6 NDPShare: 18.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-14 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 270 Name: Terra Nova: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 15 PollName: Lady Cove and Weybridge LIB: 41 PC: 13 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1585 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Lady Cove and Weybridge LIB: 41 PC: 13 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 149 Sworn: 25 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.7 PCShare: 17.3 NDPShare: 28.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 270 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-15 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 409 Name: Terra Nova: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 16 PollName: Hickman's Harbour and Robinson Bight LIB: 53 PC: 52 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1586 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Hickman's Harbour and Robinson Bight LIB: 53 PC: 52 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 295 Sworn: 7 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.0 PCShare: 38.2 NDPShare: 22.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.4 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 409 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-16 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 87 Name: Terra Nova: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 17 PollName: Britannia and Lower Lance Cove LIB: 30 PC: 20 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1587 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Britannia and Lower Lance Cove LIB: 30 PC: 20 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 62 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 155 Sworn: 10 Large: 30 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 19.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.6 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 87 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-17 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 99 Name: Terra Nova: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 18 PollName: Petley LIB: 17 PC: 11 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.5 PCShare: 33.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1588 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Petley LIB: 17 PC: 11 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 33 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 106 Sworn: 1 Large: 17 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.5 PCShare: 33.3 NDPShare: 15.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 99 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-18 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 149 Name: Terra Nova: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 19 PollName: Snook's Harbour and Aspen Brook LIB: 19 PC: 9 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1589 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Snook's Harbour and Aspen Brook LIB: 19 PC: 9 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 37 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 83 Sworn: 8 Large: 19 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 24.3 NDPShare: 24.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 149 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-19 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 139 Name: Terra Nova: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 2 PollName: Butter Cove and Gooseberry Cove LIB: 54 PC: 14 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1572 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Butter Cove and Gooseberry Cove LIB: 54 PC: 14 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 135 Sworn: 8 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.0 PCShare: 19.4 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 139 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-2 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 272 Name: Terra Nova: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 20 PollName: Elliott's Cove and Random Heights LIB: 20 PC: 14 NDP: 26 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 33. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1590 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Elliott's Cove and Random Heights LIB: 20 PC: 14 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 60 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 131 Sworn: 8 Large: 26 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 23.3 NDPShare: 43.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 272 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-20 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: Terra Nova: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 21 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 53 PC: 38 NDP: 62 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 34.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1591 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 53 PC: 38 NDP: 62 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 154 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 28 Large: 62 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.6 PCShare: 24.8 NDPShare: 40.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.6 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-21 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 76 Name: Terra Nova: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 22 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 53 PC: 44 NDP: 27 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 42.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1592 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 53 PC: 44 NDP: 27 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 299 Sworn: 16 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.7 PCShare: 35.5 NDPShare: 21.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 76 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-22 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Terra Nova: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 23 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 71 PC: 64 NDP: 37 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1593 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 71 PC: 64 NDP: 37 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 172 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 372 Sworn: 28 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.3 PCShare: 37.2 NDPShare: 21.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-23 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Terra Nova: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 24 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 37 PC: 40 NDP: 23 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 37.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1594 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 37 PC: 40 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 233 Sworn: 15 Large: 40 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.0 PCShare: 40.0 NDPShare: 23.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.3 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-24 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 160 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 24 PollName: Springdale LIB: 55 PC: 63 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 44.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 71 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Springdale LIB: 55 PC: 63 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 125 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 268 Sworn: 17 Large: 63 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.4 PCShare: 50.8 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 160 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-24 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 25 PollName: Springdale LIB: 44 PC: 30 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.7 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 72 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Springdale LIB: 44 PC: 30 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 11 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 38.0 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-25 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 115 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 26 PollName: Springdale LIB: 54 PC: 51 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.0 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 73 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Springdale LIB: 54 PC: 51 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 264 Sworn: 17 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.0 PCShare: 44.3 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 115 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-26 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 347 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 27 PollName: Little Bay, Coffee Cove and St. Patricks LIB: 79 PC: 21 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 L timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 74 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Little Bay, Coffee Cove and St. Patricks LIB: 79 PC: 21 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 17 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.7 PCShare: 20.4 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 347 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-27 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 975 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 28 PollName: Little Bay Islands LIB: 35 PC: 0 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 75 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Little Bay Islands LIB: 35 PC: 0 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 39 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 86 Sworn: 2 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.7 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 10.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 975 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-28 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 151 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 29 PollName: Beachside LIB: 31 PC: 35 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 47.0 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 76 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Beachside LIB: 31 PC: 35 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 66 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 125 Sworn: 6 Large: 35 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.0 PCShare: 53.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 151 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-29 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 203 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 3 PollName: Triton LIB: 77 PC: 40 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 50 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Triton LIB: 77 PC: 40 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 14 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.6 PCShare: 33.1 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 203 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-3 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 30 PollName: Sheppardville LIB: 29 PC: 7 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.4 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 77 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Sheppardville LIB: 29 PC: 7 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 39 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 73 Sworn: 7 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.4 PCShare: 17.9 NDPShare: 7.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-30 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 670 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 31 PollName: Westport and Purbeck's Cove LIB: 35 PC: 46 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 78 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Westport and Purbeck's Cove LIB: 35 PC: 46 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 172 Sworn: 8 Large: 46 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.2 PCShare: 54.1 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 670 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-31 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 32 PollName: Middle Arm LIB: 19 PC: 35 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 35.2 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 79 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Middle Arm LIB: 19 PC: 35 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 54 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 158 Sworn: 3 Large: 35 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.2 PCShare: 64.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.5 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-32 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 174 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 33 PollName: Middle Arm LIB: 29 PC: 43 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.2 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 80 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Middle Arm LIB: 29 PC: 43 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 178 Sworn: 3 Large: 43 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.2 PCShare: 58.1 NDPShare: 2.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 174 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-33 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 279 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 34 PollName: Smith's Harbour LIB: 24 PC: 31 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.9 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 81 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Smith's Harbour LIB: 24 PC: 31 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 56 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 100 Sworn: 9 Large: 31 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.9 PCShare: 55.4 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 279 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-34 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 439 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 35 PollName: Burlington LIB: 24 PC: 82 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 22.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 82 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Burlington LIB: 24 PC: 82 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 254 Sworn: 12 Large: 82 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 22.4 PCShare: 76.6 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.2 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 439 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-35 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 93 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 36 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 107 PC: 46 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.1 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 83 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 107 PC: 46 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 167 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 258 Sworn: 35 Large: 107 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: 27.5 NDPShare: 8.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 93 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-36 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 37 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 41 PC: 26 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 84 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 41 PC: 26 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 160 Sworn: 11 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.6 PCShare: 37.1 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-37 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 145 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 38 PollName: Fleur De Lys LIB: 68 PC: 43 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 85 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Fleur De Lys LIB: 68 PC: 43 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 123 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 212 Sworn: 18 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.3 PCShare: 35.0 NDPShare: 9.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 145 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-38 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 14 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 33 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 36 PC: 60 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 35.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1309 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 36 PC: 60 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 17 Large: 60 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.3 PCShare: 58.8 NDPShare: 5.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 14 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-33 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 34 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 44 PC: 54 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1310 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 44 PC: 54 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 192 Sworn: 51 Large: 54 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.9 PCShare: 47.8 NDPShare: 13.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-34 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 68 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 35 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 85 PC: 55 NDP: 17 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.1< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1311 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 85 PC: 55 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 157 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 330 Sworn: 47 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.1 PCShare: 35.0 NDPShare: 10.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 68 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-35 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 70 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 36 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 137 PC: 129 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1312 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 137 PC: 129 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 279 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 148 Large: 137 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.1 PCShare: 46.2 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 64.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 70 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-36 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 4 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 64 NDP: 22 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 39.9 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1280 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 64 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 145 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 25 Large: 64 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.9 PCShare: 44.8 NDPShare: 15.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-4 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 5 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 56 PC: 69 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.1 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1281 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 56 PC: 69 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 24 Large: 69 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.1 PCShare: 51.9 NDPShare: 6.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-5 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 6 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 80 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.7 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1282 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 80 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 151 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 22 Large: 80 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.7 PCShare: 53.3 NDPShare: 8.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-6 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 61 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 7 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 73 PC: 54 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.7 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1283 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 73 PC: 54 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 303 Sworn: 24 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.7 PCShare: 39.7 NDPShare: 6.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 61 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-7 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 8 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 75 PC: 52 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.1 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1284 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 75 PC: 52 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 313 Sworn: 25 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.1 PCShare: 38.2 NDPShare: 6.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-8 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 9 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 44 PC: 54 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1285 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 44 PC: 54 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 209 Sworn: 8 Large: 54 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.5 PCShare: 50.9 NDPShare: 7.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-9 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 75 Name: Mount Pearl North: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 30 PC: 44 NDP: 13 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.5 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1237 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 30 PC: 44 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 230 Sworn: 28 Large: 44 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.5 PCShare: 50.6 NDPShare: 14.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 75 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-1 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 121 Name: Mount Pearl North: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 10 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 51 PC: 66 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1246 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 51 PC: 66 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 34 Large: 66 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.1 PCShare: 53.2 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 121 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-10 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Mount Pearl North: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 11 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 78 PC: 116 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.6 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1247 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 78 PC: 116 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 204 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 49 Large: 116 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.6 PCShare: 57.4 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-11 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 239 Name: Mount Pearl North: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 12 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 58 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1248 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 58 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 276 Sworn: 28 Large: 58 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 56.9 NDPShare: 9.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 239 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-12 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Mount Pearl North: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 13 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 49 PC: 37 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1249 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 49 PC: 37 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 266 Sworn: 19 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.3 PCShare: 40.2 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-13 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Mount Pearl North: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 14 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 65 PC: 68 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1250 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 65 PC: 68 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 46 Large: 68 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.1 PCShare: 48.2 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-14 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 78 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 24 PollName: Freshwater LIB: 95 PC: 27 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 933 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Freshwater LIB: 95 PC: 27 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 19 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.8 PCShare: 21.3 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 78 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-24 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 82 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 25 PollName: Jerseyside LIB: 47 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 934 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Jerseyside LIB: 47 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 148 Sworn: 10 Large: 47 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.6 PCShare: 23.8 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 82 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-25 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 240 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 26 PollName: Placentia LIB: 122 PC: 52 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 935 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Placentia LIB: 122 PC: 52 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 181 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 321 Sworn: 27 Large: 122 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.8 PCShare: 28.9 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 240 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-26 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 133 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 27 PollName: Placentia LIB: 66 PC: 27 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.8 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 936 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Placentia LIB: 66 PC: 27 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 192 Sworn: 8 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.8 PCShare: 28.1 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 133 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-27 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 303 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 28 PollName: Placentia LIB: 123 PC: 48 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.1 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 937 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Placentia LIB: 123 PC: 48 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 174 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 362 Sworn: 14 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.1 PCShare: 27.7 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 303 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-28 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 363 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 29 PollName: Placentia LIB: 95 PC: 44 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 938 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Placentia LIB: 95 PC: 44 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 244 Sworn: 11 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.4 PCShare: 31.2 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 363 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-29 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 271 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 3 PollName: Whitbourne and Ocean Pond LIB: 98 PC: 67 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 912 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Whitbourne and Ocean Pond LIB: 98 PC: 67 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 180 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 339 Sworn: 29 Large: 98 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.4 PCShare: 37.9 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 271 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-3 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 342 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 30 PollName: Point Verde LIB: 62 PC: 26 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.5 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 939 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Point Verde LIB: 62 PC: 26 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 146 Sworn: 10 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.5 PCShare: 29.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 342 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-30 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 799 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 31 PollName: Ship Cove, Great Barasway, Little Barasway and Gooseberry Cove LIB: 2 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 940 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Ship Cove, Great Barasway, Little Barasway and Gooseberry Cove LIB: 2 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 7 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 18 Sworn: 1 Large: 4 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 28.6 PCShare: 57.1 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 799 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-31 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 387 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 32 PollName: Angel's Cove and Patrick's Cove LIB: 13 PC: 23 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 941 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Angel's Cove and Patrick's Cove LIB: 13 PC: 23 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 69 Sworn: 5 Large: 23 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.1 PCShare: 63.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 387 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-32 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 347 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 33 PollName: Cuslett LIB: 5 PC: 8 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 38.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 942 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Cuslett LIB: 5 PC: 8 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 13 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 33 Sworn: 2 Large: 8 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.5 PCShare: 61.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.1 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 347 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-33 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 249 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 34 PollName: St. Bride's LIB: 32 PC: 83 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 27.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 943 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: St. Bride's LIB: 32 PC: 83 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 281 Sworn: 11 Large: 83 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.8 PCShare: 72.2 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 249 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-34 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 136 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 35 PollName: Point Lance LIB: 9 PC: 54 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 80-89.9 LibShare: 13.8 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 944 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Point Lance LIB: 9 PC: 54 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 65 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 87 Sworn: 4 Large: 54 Result: PC - 80-89.9 CatColour: #002880 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #002880 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 13.8 PCShare: 83.1 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 71.4 OldResultC: #006EDB geometry_v: 136 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-35 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 350 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 36 PollName: Branch LIB: 84 PC: 71 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.2 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 945 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Branch LIB: 84 PC: 71 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 155 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 220 Sworn: 24 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.2 PCShare: 45.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 63.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 350 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-36 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 982 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 37 PollName: North Harbour (St. Mary's Bay) LIB: 44 PC: 12 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 946 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: North Harbour (St. Mary's Bay) LIB: 44 PC: 12 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 57 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 82 Sworn: 3 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.2 PCShare: 21.1 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 67.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 982 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-37 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 322 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 38 PollName: Colinet and Harricott LIB: 77 PC: 29 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 947 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Colinet and Harricott LIB: 77 PC: 29 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 166 Sworn: 13 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.0 PCShare: 27.1 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 322 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-38 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Terra Nova: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 25 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 58 PC: 51 NDP: 29 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 42.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1595 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Shoal Harbour LIB: 58 PC: 51 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 139 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 258 Sworn: 52 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.0 PCShare: 37.0 NDPShare: 21.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.8 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-25 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 92 Name: Terra Nova: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 26 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 57 PC: 42 NDP: 33 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1596 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 57 PC: 42 NDP: 33 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 297 Sworn: 14 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.2 PCShare: 31.8 NDPShare: 25.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.8 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 92 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-26 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Terra Nova: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 27 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 58 PC: 36 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1597 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 58 PC: 36 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 443 Sworn: 22 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.4 PCShare: 28.8 NDPShare: 24.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-27 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Terra Nova: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 28 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 42 PC: 30 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1598 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Clarenville LIB: 42 PC: 30 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 303 Sworn: 22 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 35.7 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-28 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 230 Name: Terra Nova: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 29 PollName: Port Blandford LIB: 80 PC: 61 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1599 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Port Blandford LIB: 80 PC: 61 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 145 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 208 Sworn: 19 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 42.1 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 63.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 230 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-29 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 503 Name: Terra Nova: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 3 PollName: Little Hearts Ease LIB: 53 PC: 37 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1573 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Little Hearts Ease LIB: 53 PC: 37 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 9 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 34.9 NDPShare: 15.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 503 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-3 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Terra Nova: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 30 PollName: Port Blandford LIB: 65 PC: 53 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1600 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Port Blandford LIB: 65 PC: 53 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 123 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 188 Sworn: 18 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: 43.1 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-30 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 172 Name: Terra Nova: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 31 PollName: Charlottetown, Bonavista Bay LIB: 69 PC: 55 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1601 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Charlottetown, Bonavista Bay LIB: 69 PC: 55 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 201 Sworn: 14 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 44.0 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 172 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-31 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 171 Name: Terra Nova: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 32 PollName: Terra Nova LIB: 24 PC: 18 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 42 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1602 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Terra Nova LIB: 24 PC: 18 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 42 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 63 Sworn: 9 Large: 24 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 42.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 171 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-32 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Terra Nova: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 33 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 47 PC: 144 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 24.1 PCShare: 73 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1603 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 47 PC: 144 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 195 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 372 Sworn: 46 Large: 144 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 24.1 PCShare: 73.8 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.7 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-33 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 104 Name: Terra Nova: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 34 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 42 PC: 85 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 32.6 PCShare: 65. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1604 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 42 PC: 85 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 243 Sworn: 17 Large: 85 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.6 PCShare: 65.9 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 104 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-34 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 80 Name: Terra Nova: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 35 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 46 PC: 108 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 29.5 PCShare: 69 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1605 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 46 PC: 108 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 156 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 312 Sworn: 33 Large: 108 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.5 PCShare: 69.2 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.2 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 80 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-35 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 228 Name: Terra Nova: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 36 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 42 PC: 91 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 29.8 PCShare: 64. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1606 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 42 PC: 91 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 277 Sworn: 23 Large: 91 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.8 PCShare: 64.5 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 228 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-36 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 166 Name: Terra Nova: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 37 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 64 PC: 83 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.6 PCShare: 53. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1607 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Glovertown LIB: 64 PC: 83 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 154 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 343 Sworn: 21 Large: 83 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.6 PCShare: 53.9 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 166 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-37 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 289 Name: Terra Nova: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 38 PollName: Traytown and Culls Harbour LIB: 75 PC: 76 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1608 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Traytown and Culls Harbour LIB: 75 PC: 76 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 163 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 277 Sworn: 19 Large: 76 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.3 PCShare: 46.9 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.1 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 289 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-38 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 188 Name: Terra Nova: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 39 PollName: Sandringham LIB: 38 PC: 44 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 44.2 PCShare: 51 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1609 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Sandringham LIB: 38 PC: 44 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 183 Sworn: 7 Large: 44 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.2 PCShare: 51.2 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 188 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-39 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 425 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 39 PollName: Coachman's Cove LIB: 23 PC: 15 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 86 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Coachman's Cove LIB: 23 PC: 15 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 41 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 82 Sworn: 7 Large: 23 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.1 PCShare: 36.6 NDPShare: 7.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 425 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-39 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 308 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 4 PollName: Triton LIB: 70 PC: 66 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 51 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Triton LIB: 70 PC: 66 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 15 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 47.1 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 308 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-4 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 135 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 40 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 63 PC: 29 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 87 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 63 PC: 29 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 16 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.3 PCShare: 29.6 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 135 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-40 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 339 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 41 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 52 PC: 30 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.9 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 88 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Baie Verte LIB: 52 PC: 30 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 182 Sworn: 21 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.9 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 11.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 339 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-41 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 135 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 42 PollName: Seal Cove LIB: 74 PC: 22 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.5 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 89 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Seal Cove LIB: 74 PC: 22 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 254 Sworn: 8 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.5 PCShare: 21.6 NDPShare: 5.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 135 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-42 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 45 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 43 PollName: Wild Cove LIB: 20 PC: 5 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.7 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 90 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Wild Cove LIB: 20 PC: 5 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 30 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 55 Sworn: 1 Large: 20 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 16.7 NDPShare: 16.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 45 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-43 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 44 PollName: Ming's Bight LIB: 53 PC: 54 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 91 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Ming's Bight LIB: 53 PC: 54 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 9 Large: 54 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.6 PCShare: 49.5 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-44 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 180 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 45 PollName: Woodstock LIB: 68 PC: 7 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 92 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: Woodstock LIB: 68 PC: 7 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 145 Sworn: 5 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.3 PCShare: 9.1 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 180 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-45 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 493 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 46 PollName: Pacquet LIB: 40 PC: 23 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 93 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: Pacquet LIB: 40 PC: 23 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 142 Sworn: 9 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.5 PCShare: 36.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 493 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-46 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 311 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 47 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 47 PollName: Nippers Harbour LIB: 34 PC: 3 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 94 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-47 PollNumber: 47 PollName: Nippers Harbour LIB: 34 PC: 3 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 38 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 71 Sworn: 1 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.5 PCShare: 7.9 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 311 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-47 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 47.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 630 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 48 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 48 PollName: Brent's Cove and Snooks Arm LIB: 47 PC: 15 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 95 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-48 PollNumber: 48 PollName: Brent's Cove and Snooks Arm LIB: 47 PC: 15 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 147 Sworn: 5 Large: 47 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.4 PCShare: 23.4 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 630 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-48 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 48.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 88 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 49 PollName: Harbour Round LIB: 59 PC: 8 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.5 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 96 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: Harbour Round LIB: 59 PC: 8 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 152 Sworn: 4 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.5 PCShare: 11.6 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 88 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-49 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 532 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 5 PollName: Pilley's Island LIB: 79 PC: 35 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 52 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Pilley's Island LIB: 79 PC: 35 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 12 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.7 PCShare: 30.4 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 532 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-5 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 490 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 50 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 50 PollName: La Scie and Tilt Cove LIB: 96 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 97 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-50 PollNumber: 50 PollName: La Scie and Tilt Cove LIB: 96 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 204 Sworn: 6 Large: 96 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.7 PCShare: 13.4 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 490 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-50 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 50.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 51 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 51 PollName: Shoe Cove LIB: 37 PC: 46 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 43.5 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 98 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-51 PollNumber: 51 PollName: Shoe Cove LIB: 37 PC: 46 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 5 Large: 46 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.5 PCShare: 54.1 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-51 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 51.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 52 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 52 PollName: La Scie LIB: 92 PC: 17 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 99 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-52 PollNumber: 52 PollName: La Scie LIB: 92 PC: 17 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 253 Sworn: 17 Large: 92 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.9 PCShare: 15.3 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-52 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 52.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 74 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 3 PollName: Cartwright LIB: 49 PC: 0 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94.2 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 336 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Cartwright LIB: 49 PC: 0 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 53 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 164 Sworn: 3 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.2 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 74 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-3 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 167 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 4 PollName: Paradise River LIB: 7 PC: 0 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 100.0 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 337 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Paradise River LIB: 7 PC: 0 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 7 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 8 Sworn: 1 Large: 7 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 100.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 77.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 167 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-4 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 201 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 5 PollName: Pinsent's Arm LIB: 28 PC: 0 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 338 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Pinsent's Arm LIB: 28 PC: 0 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 30 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 55 Sworn: 3 Large: 28 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.3 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 201 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-5 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 365 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 6 PollName: Norman's Bay LIB: 9 PC: 0 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 339 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Norman's Bay LIB: 9 PC: 0 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 12 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 29 Sworn: 2 Large: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 25.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 365 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-6 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 99 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 7 PollName: Charlottetown LIB: 127 PC: 1 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 340 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Charlottetown LIB: 127 PC: 1 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 130 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 13 Large: 127 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.7 PCShare: 0.8 NDPShare: 1.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 99 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-7 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 105 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 8 PollName: Port Hope Simpson LIB: 50 PC: 2 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 341 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Port Hope Simpson LIB: 50 PC: 2 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 53 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 176 Sworn: 7 Large: 50 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.2 PCShare: 3.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 105 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-8 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 273 Name: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PollNumber: 9 PollName: Williams Harbour LIB: 11 PC: 0 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 100.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 342 PEDName: Cartwright?L'Anse au Clair PEDNumber: 7 PEDPOLL: 7-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Williams Harbour LIB: 11 PC: 0 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 11 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 26 Sworn: 0 Large: 11 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 100.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 273 Sept9_Dist: Catwright - L'Anse au Clair DistPoll: 7-9 DIST: 7.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 1 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 31 PC: 65 NDP: 27 Result: PC - 50-59.9 Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 359 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 31 PC: 65 NDP: 27 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 289 Sworn: 10 Large: 65 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 25.2 PCShare: 52.8 NDPShare: 22.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-1 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 67 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 10 PollName: Wabana LIB: 8 PC: 84 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 90-99.9 LibShare: 8.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 368 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Wabana LIB: 8 PC: 84 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 5 Large: 84 Result: PC - 90-99.9 CatColour: #00184d LibCat: #ffe6e6 PCCat: #00184d NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 8.6 PCShare: 90.3 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #0054A8 geometry_v: 67 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-10 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 171 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 11 PollName: Wabana LIB: 13 PC: 49 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 19.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 369 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Wabana LIB: 13 PC: 49 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 187 Sworn: 12 Large: 49 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 19.4 PCShare: 73.1 NDPShare: 7.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.2 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 171 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-11 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 101 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 12 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 34 PC: 56 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 370 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 34 PC: 56 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 12 Large: 56 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.0 PCShare: 56.0 NDPShare: 10.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 101 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-12 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 47 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 13 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 44 PC: 46 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 40-49.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 371 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 44 PC: 46 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 13 Large: 46 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.9 PCShare: 43.8 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.5 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 47 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-13 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 137 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 14 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 34 PC: 69 NDP: 28 Result: PC - 50-59.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 372 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 34 PC: 69 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 131 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 34 Large: 69 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 26.0 PCShare: 52.7 NDPShare: 21.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 137 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-14 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 15 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 36 PC: 63 NDP: 17 Result: PC - 50-59.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 373 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 36 PC: 63 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 17 Large: 63 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.0 PCShare: 54.3 NDPShare: 14.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-15 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 117 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 16 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 21 PC: 73 NDP: 21 Result: PC - 60-69.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 374 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 21 PC: 73 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 115 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 269 Sworn: 7 Large: 73 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 18.3 PCShare: 63.5 NDPShare: 18.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.7 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 117 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-16 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Conception Bay East - Bell Island: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PollNumber: 17 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 38 PC: 50 NDP: 19 Result: PC - 40-49.9 Li timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 375 PEDName: Conception Bay East?Bell Island PEDNumber: 8 PEDPOLL: 8-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Portugal Cove ? St. Philip's LIB: 38 PC: 50 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 200 Sworn: 29 Large: 50 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.5 PCShare: 46.7 NDPShare: 17.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.7 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay East - Bell Island DistPoll: 8-17 DIST: 8.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Corner Brook: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 20 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 82 PC: 20 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 20 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 82 PC: 20 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 20 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.1 PCShare: 17.1 NDPShare: 12.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-20 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Corner Brook: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 21 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 14 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 21 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 14 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 180 Sworn: 11 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.6 PCShare: 19.7 NDPShare: 19.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-21 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Corner Brook: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 22 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 73 PC: 14 NDP: 17 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 22 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 73 PC: 14 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 15 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.2 PCShare: 13.5 NDPShare: 16.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-22 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Corner Brook: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 23 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 60 PC: 13 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 23 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 60 PC: 13 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 224 Sworn: 10 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.9 PCShare: 16.5 NDPShare: 7.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-23 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 154 Name: Corner Brook: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 24 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 53 PC: 7 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 24 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 53 PC: 7 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 268 Sworn: 15 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.6 PCShare: 9.7 NDPShare: 16.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 25.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 154 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-24 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 112 Name: Corner Brook: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 25 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 77 PC: 20 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 25 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 77 PC: 20 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 16 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: 17.2 NDPShare: 16.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 112 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-25 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Corner Brook: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 26 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 75 PC: 10 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 26 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 75 PC: 10 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 98 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 338 Sworn: 4 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.3 PCShare: 10.3 NDPShare: 12.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-26 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Corner Brook: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 27 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 74 PC: 25 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 27 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 74 PC: 25 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 290 Sworn: 4 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.7 PCShare: 20.8 NDPShare: 17.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-27 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Corner Brook: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 28 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 11 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 28 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 11 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 67 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 174 Sworn: 6 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: 16.4 NDPShare: 19.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-28 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 62 Name: Corner Brook: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 29 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 39 PC: 9 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 29 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 39 PC: 9 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 67 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 6 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.1 PCShare: 13.6 NDPShare: 27.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 62 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-29 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Corner Brook: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 3 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 56 PC: 21 NDP: 25 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 3 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 56 PC: 21 NDP: 25 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 10 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.9 PCShare: 20.6 NDPShare: 24.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-3 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Corner Brook: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 30 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 8 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 30 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 43 PC: 8 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 5 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.2 PCShare: 12.5 NDPShare: 20.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-30 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Corner Brook: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 31 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 15 PC: 2 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 31 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 15 PC: 2 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 19 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 216 Sworn: 5 Large: 15 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.9 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 10.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 8.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-31 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Corner Brook: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 32 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 50 PC: 7 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 32 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 50 PC: 7 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 227 Sworn: 14 Large: 50 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.5 PCShare: 10.1 NDPShare: 17.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-32 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 7 Name: Corner Brook: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 33 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 25 PC: 5 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 33 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 25 PC: 5 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 35 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 154 Sworn: 5 Large: 25 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 22.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 7 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-33 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 45 Name: Corner Brook: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 34 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 72 PC: 15 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 34 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 72 PC: 15 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 221 Sworn: 39 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.9 PCShare: 14.2 NDPShare: 17.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 45 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-34 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Gander: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 14 PollName: Gander LIB: 63 PC: 5 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: 5.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 882 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Gander LIB: 63 PC: 5 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 11 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: 5.5 NDPShare: 25.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-14 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Gander: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 15 PollName: Gander LIB: 40 PC: 9 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 13.0 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 883 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Gander LIB: 40 PC: 9 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 259 Sworn: 11 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 13.0 NDPShare: 29.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 25.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-15 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Gander: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 16 PollName: Gander LIB: 29 PC: 8 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: 14.0 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 884 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Gander LIB: 29 PC: 8 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 57 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 1 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: 14.0 NDPShare: 35.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-16 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Gander: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 17 PollName: Gander LIB: 18 PC: 1 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 3.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 885 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Gander LIB: 18 PC: 1 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 27 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 165 Sworn: 10 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 3.7 NDPShare: 29.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 15.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-17 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Gander: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 18 PollName: Gander LIB: 48 PC: 6 NDP: 42 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 6.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 886 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Gander LIB: 48 PC: 6 NDP: 42 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 275 Sworn: 7 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 6.3 NDPShare: 43.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-18 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Gander: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 19 PollName: Gander LIB: 87 PC: 6 NDP: 45 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.0 PCShare: 4.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 887 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Gander LIB: 87 PC: 6 NDP: 45 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 283 Sworn: 21 Large: 87 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.0 PCShare: 4.3 NDPShare: 32.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-19 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 62 Name: Gander: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 2 PollName: Gambo LIB: 71 PC: 8 NDP: 35 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.3 PCShare: 7.0 N timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 870 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Gambo LIB: 71 PC: 8 NDP: 35 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 315 Sworn: 11 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.3 PCShare: 7.0 NDPShare: 30.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 62 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-2 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Gander: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 20 PollName: Gander LIB: 75 PC: 8 NDP: 53 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.1 PCShare: 5.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 888 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Gander LIB: 75 PC: 8 NDP: 53 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 301 Sworn: 14 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.1 PCShare: 5.9 NDPShare: 39.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-20 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 7 Name: Gander: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 21 PollName: Gander LIB: 53 PC: 12 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 13.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 889 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Gander LIB: 53 PC: 12 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 110 Sworn: 31 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 13.8 NDPShare: 25.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 7 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-21 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Gander: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 22 PollName: Gander LIB: 69 PC: 7 NDP: 32 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.9 PCShare: 6.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 890 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Gander LIB: 69 PC: 7 NDP: 32 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 297 Sworn: 19 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.9 PCShare: 6.5 NDPShare: 29.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-22 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Gander: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 23 PollName: Gander LIB: 58 PC: 8 NDP: 39 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 7.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 891 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Gander LIB: 58 PC: 8 NDP: 39 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 278 Sworn: 2 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 37.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-23 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Gander: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 24 PollName: Gander LIB: 84 PC: 6 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: 5.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 892 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Gander LIB: 84 PC: 6 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 9 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: 5.4 NDPShare: 18.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-24 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Gander: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 25 PollName: Gander LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.7 PCShare: 6.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 893 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Gander LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 7 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.7 PCShare: 6.8 NDPShare: 42.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-25 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Gander: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 26 PollName: Gander LIB: 98 PC: 5 NDP: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.0 PCShare: 3.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 894 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Gander LIB: 98 PC: 5 NDP: 35 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 270 Sworn: 42 Large: 98 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.0 PCShare: 3.6 NDPShare: 25.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-26 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Gander: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 27 PollName: Gander LIB: 53 PC: 3 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.7 PCShare: 3.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 895 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Gander LIB: 53 PC: 3 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 24 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.7 PCShare: 3.9 NDPShare: 26.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-27 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 68 Name: Gander: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Gander PollNumber: 28 PollName: Gander LIB: 110 PC: 11 NDP: 27 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 7.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 896 PEDName: Gander PEDNumber: 15 PEDPOLL: 15-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Gander LIB: 110 PC: 11 NDP: 27 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 341 Sworn: 51 Large: 110 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 7.4 NDPShare: 18.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 68 Sept9_Dist: Gander DistPoll: 15-28 DIST: 15.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 24 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 51 PC: 10 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 469 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 51 PC: 10 NDP: 2 IND: 9 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 230 Sworn: 9 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 70.8 PCShare: 13.9 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 12.5 Turnout: 30.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-24 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 67 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 25 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 12 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 470 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 12 NDP: 5 IND: 26 Rejected: 3 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 13 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 58.7 PCShare: 11.5 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 25.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 67 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-25 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 89 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 26 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 35 PC: 38 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 471 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 35 PC: 38 NDP: 3 IND: 11 Rejected: 1 Total: 88 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 225 Sworn: 11 Large: 38 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 40.2 PCShare: 43.7 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 12.6 Turnout: 37.3 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 89 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-26 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 27 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 36 PC: 25 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 472 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 36 PC: 25 NDP: 0 IND: 21 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 237 Sworn: 12 Large: 36 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 43.9 PCShare: 30.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 25.6 Turnout: 32.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-27 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 28 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 32 PC: 30 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 473 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 32 PC: 30 NDP: 5 IND: 19 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 212 Sworn: 9 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 34.9 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 22.1 Turnout: 38.9 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-28 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 264 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 29 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 45 PC: 27 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 474 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 45 PC: 27 NDP: 9 IND: 23 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 30 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 43.3 PCShare: 26.0 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 22.1 Turnout: 35.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 264 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-29 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 3 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 66 PC: 26 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 448 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 66 PC: 26 NDP: 3 IND: 23 Rejected: 2 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 13 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 55.9 PCShare: 22.0 NDPShare: 2.5 IndShare: 19.5 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-3 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 152 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 30 PollName: Badger and Joe's Lake LIB: 97 PC: 32 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 475 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Badger and Joe's Lake LIB: 97 PC: 32 NDP: 5 IND: 27 Rejected: 0 Total: 161 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 259 Sworn: 44 Large: 97 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 60.2 PCShare: 19.9 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 16.8 Turnout: 53.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 152 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-30 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 165 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 31 PollName: Badger LIB: 117 PC: 47 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.0 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 476 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Badger LIB: 117 PC: 47 NDP: 3 IND: 13 Rejected: 0 Total: 180 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 395 Sworn: Large: 117 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 65.0 PCShare: 26.1 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 7.2 Turnout: 45.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 165 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-31 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 32 PollName: Millertown LIB: 25 PC: 14 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.6 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 477 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Millertown LIB: 25 PC: 14 NDP: 0 IND: 6 Rejected: 0 Total: 45 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 71 Sworn: 9 Large: 25 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 55.6 PCShare: 31.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 13.3 Turnout: 56.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-32 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 95 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 33 PollName: Buchans Junction LIB: 39 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.8< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 478 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Buchans Junction LIB: 39 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 46 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 73 Sworn: 3 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 84.8 PCShare: 13.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 2.2 Turnout: 60.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 95 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-33 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 34 PollName: Buchans LIB: 106 PC: 18 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 479 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Buchans LIB: 106 PC: 18 NDP: 3 IND: 13 Rejected: 1 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 7 Large: 106 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: 12.9 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 9.3 Turnout: 49.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-34 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 85 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 35 PollName: Buchans LIB: 86 PC: 29 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 480 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Buchans LIB: 86 PC: 29 NDP: 6 IND: 16 Rejected: 1 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 281 Sworn: 8 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 62.8 PCShare: 21.2 NDPShare: 4.4 IndShare: 11.7 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 85 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-35 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 4 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 68 PC: 34 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 449 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 68 PC: 34 NDP: 7 IND: 40 Rejected: 0 Total: 149 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 306 Sworn: 19 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 45.6 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 26.8 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-4 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 5 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 43 PC: 14 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 450 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 43 PC: 14 NDP: 4 IND: 31 Rejected: 2 Total: 94 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 210 Sworn: 12 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #afaf83 LibShare: 46.7 PCShare: 15.2 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 33.7 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-5 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 97 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 6 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 57 PC: 18 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 451 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 57 PC: 18 NDP: 5 IND: 17 Rejected: 0 Total: 97 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 277 Sworn: 11 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 58.8 PCShare: 18.6 NDPShare: 5.2 IndShare: 17.5 Turnout: 33.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 97 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-6 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 120 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 34 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 90 PC: 19 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.4 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 662 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 90 PC: 19 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 236 Sworn: 10 Large: 90 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.4 PCShare: 15.7 NDPShare: 9.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 120 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-34 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 35 PollName: Sally's Cove LIB: 4 PC: 3 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 663 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Sally's Cove LIB: 4 PC: 3 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 7 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 21 Sworn: 0 Large: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 42.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-35 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 133 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 36 PollName: St. Pauls LIB: 77 PC: 11 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.2 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 664 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: St. Pauls LIB: 77 PC: 11 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 2 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.2 PCShare: 11.5 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 133 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-36 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 511 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 37 PollName: Cow Head LIB: 69 PC: 19 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 665 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Cow Head LIB: 69 PC: 19 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 166 Sworn: 17 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.0 PCShare: 20.7 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 511 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-37 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 38 PollName: Cow Head LIB: 74 PC: 13 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.3 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 666 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Cow Head LIB: 74 PC: 13 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 185 Sworn: 10 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.3 PCShare: 13.4 NDPShare: 10.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-38 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 253 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 39 PollName: Parson's Pond and Three Mile Rock LIB: 70 PC: 9 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 667 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Parson's Pond and Three Mile Rock LIB: 70 PC: 9 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 11 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.4 PCShare: 11.0 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 253 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-39 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 225 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 4 PollName: Hampden LIB: 131 PC: 23 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 632 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Hampden LIB: 131 PC: 23 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 159 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 365 Sworn: 15 Large: 131 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 14.5 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 225 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-4 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 226 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 40 PollName: Parson's Pond LIB: 61 PC: 7 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 668 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Parson's Pond LIB: 61 PC: 7 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 158 Sworn: 7 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 9.5 NDPShare: 8.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 226 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-40 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 463 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 41 PollName: Portland Creek LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.1 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 669 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Portland Creek LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 45 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 62 Sworn: 4 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.1 PCShare: 11.4 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 68.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 463 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-41 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 508 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 42 PollName: Daniel's Harbour LIB: 89 PC: 6 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.4 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 670 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Daniel's Harbour LIB: 89 PC: 6 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 224 Sworn: 10 Large: 89 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.4 PCShare: 5.8 NDPShare: 7.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 508 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-42 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 116 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 43 PollName: Bellburns LIB: 31 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 671 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Bellburns LIB: 31 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 37 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 51 Sworn: 2 Large: 31 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.1 PCShare: 11.1 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 69.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 116 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-43 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 106 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 5 PollName: Rooms, George's Cove, Fox Point and Beaches LIB: 26 PC: 6 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 633 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Rooms, George's Cove, Fox Point and Beaches LIB: 26 PC: 6 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 69 Sworn: 6 Large: 26 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.2 PCShare: 16.7 NDPShare: 11.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 106 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-5 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 596 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 6 PollName: Howley LIB: 107 PC: 29 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 634 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Howley LIB: 107 PC: 29 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 146 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 25 Large: 107 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.3 PCShare: 19.9 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 596 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-6 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 7 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 140 PC: 35 NDP: 17 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 635 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 140 PC: 35 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 193 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 276 Sworn: 79 Large: 140 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.9 PCShare: 18.2 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-7 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 8 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 100 PC: 17 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 636 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 100 PC: 17 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 132 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 26 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.3 PCShare: 13.0 NDPShare: 10.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-8 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 68 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 9 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 88 PC: 30 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.7 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 637 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 88 PC: 30 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 29 Large: 88 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.7 PCShare: 22.1 NDPShare: 13.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 68 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-9 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 162 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 22 PollName: Garden Cove LIB: 38 PC: 7 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.9 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 989 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Garden Cove LIB: 38 PC: 7 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 47 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 73 Sworn: 7 Large: 38 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.9 PCShare: 14.9 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 162 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-22 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 513 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 23 PollName: Swift Current LIB: 92 PC: 35 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 990 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Swift Current LIB: 92 PC: 35 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 170 Sworn: 16 Large: 92 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.9 PCShare: 27.3 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 69.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 513 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-23 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 173 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 24 PollName: Monkstown LIB: 6 PC: 17 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 26.1 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 991 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Monkstown LIB: 6 PC: 17 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 23 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 30 Sworn: 1 Large: 17 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 26.1 PCShare: 73.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 74.2 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 173 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-24 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 129 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 25 PollName: Terrenceville LIB: 60 PC: 25 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 992 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Terrenceville LIB: 60 PC: 25 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 207 Sworn: 4 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.6 PCShare: 29.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 129 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-25 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 115 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 26 PollName: Terrenceville LIB: 48 PC: 34 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 993 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Terrenceville LIB: 48 PC: 34 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 220 Sworn: 2 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.8 PCShare: 41.0 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 115 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-26 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 86 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 27 PollName: Grand Le Pierre LIB: 45 PC: 41 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 994 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Grand Le Pierre LIB: 45 PC: 41 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 190 Sworn: 12 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.3 PCShare: 47.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 86 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-27 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 28 PollName: English Harbour East LIB: 60 PC: 3 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 995 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: English Harbour East LIB: 60 PC: 3 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 126 Sworn: 5 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.2 PCShare: 4.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-28 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 29 PollName: Boat Harbour West LIB: 46 PC: 17 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 996 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Boat Harbour West LIB: 46 PC: 17 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 65 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 129 Sworn: 10 Large: 46 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.8 PCShare: 26.2 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-29 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 3 PollName: Chapel Arm LIB: 27 PC: 70 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 27.0 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 970 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Chapel Arm LIB: 27 PC: 70 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 159 Sworn: 11 Large: 70 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.0 PCShare: 70.0 NDPShare: 3.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.8 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-3 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 340 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 30 PollName: Petite Forte LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.1 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 997 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Petite Forte LIB: 37 PC: 5 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 42 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 69 Sworn: 5 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.1 PCShare: 11.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 340 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-30 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 750 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 31 PollName: South East Bight LIB: 36 PC: 14 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 998 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: South East Bight LIB: 36 PC: 14 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 50 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 75 Sworn: 1 Large: 36 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.0 PCShare: 28.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 750 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-31 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 32 PollName: Brookside LIB: 17 PC: 16 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 999 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Brookside LIB: 17 PC: 16 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 34 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 57 Sworn: 0 Large: 17 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 47.1 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-32 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 33 PollName: Parkers Cove LIB: 76 PC: 27 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1000 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Parkers Cove LIB: 76 PC: 27 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 236 Sworn: 14 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.8 PCShare: 26.2 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-33 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 34 PollName: Rushoon LIB: 76 PC: 27 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1001 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Rushoon LIB: 76 PC: 27 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 13 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.4 PCShare: 25.7 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-34 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 144 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 35 PollName: Baine Harbour LIB: 40 PC: 29 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1002 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Baine Harbour LIB: 40 PC: 29 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 100 Sworn: 6 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 42.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 144 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-35 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Placentia West - Bellevue: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PollNumber: 36 PollName: Red Harbour LIB: 51 PC: 24 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1003 PEDName: Placentia West?Bellevue PEDNumber: 28 PEDPOLL: 28-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Red Harbour LIB: 51 PC: 24 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 6 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.6 PCShare: 30.4 NDPShare: 5.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Placentia West - Bellevue DistPoll: 28-36 DIST: 28.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 24 PC: 9 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1455 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 24 PC: 9 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 55 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 142 Sworn: 7 Large: 24 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.6 PCShare: 16.4 NDPShare: 40.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-19 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 34 PC: 8 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1438 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 34 PC: 8 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 73 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 160 Sworn: 18 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.6 PCShare: 11.0 NDPShare: 42.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-2 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 48 PC: 14 NDP: 48 Result: Tie LibShare: 43.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1456 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 48 PC: 14 NDP: 48 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 435 Sworn: 28 Large: 48 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.6 PCShare: 12.7 NDPShare: 43.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.8 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-20 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 16 PC: 0 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1457 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 16 PC: 0 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 18 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 216 Sworn: 4 Large: 16 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.9 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 11.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 8.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-21 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 47 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's LIB: 50 PC: 27 NDP: 28 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.6 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1458 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's LIB: 50 PC: 27 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 18 Large: 50 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.6 PCShare: 25.7 NDPShare: 26.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 47 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-22 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 11 NDP: 61 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.3 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1459 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 11 NDP: 61 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 269 Sworn: 18 Large: 61 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 10.2 NDPShare: 56.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-23 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 12 NDP: 90 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.4 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1460 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 12 NDP: 90 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 171 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 316 Sworn: 20 Large: 90 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.4 PCShare: 7.0 NDPShare: 52.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.9 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-24 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 58 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 10 NDP: 59 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1461 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 10 NDP: 59 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 29 Large: 59 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.7 PCShare: 7.9 NDPShare: 46.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.3 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 58 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-25 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's LIB: 18 PC: 8 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1462 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's LIB: 18 PC: 8 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 35 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 131 Sworn: 0 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 22.9 NDPShare: 25.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-26 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 19 NDP: 77 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 29.9 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1463 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 19 NDP: 77 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 256 Sworn: 18 Large: 77 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.9 PCShare: 13.9 NDPShare: 56.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-27 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's LIB: 104 PC: 11 NDP: 50 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1464 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's LIB: 104 PC: 11 NDP: 50 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 165 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 297 Sworn: 28 Large: 104 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.0 PCShare: 6.7 NDPShare: 30.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-28 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 62 PC: 11 NDP: 65 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.9 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1465 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 62 PC: 11 NDP: 65 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 28 Large: 65 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.9 PCShare: 8.0 NDPShare: 47.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.0 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-29 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 2 NDP: 69 Result: NDP - 60-69.9 LibShare: 33.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1439 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 2 NDP: 69 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 38 Large: 69 Result: NDP - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b35300 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #b35300 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.6 PCShare: 1.9 NDPShare: 64.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.2 OldResultC: #FA7D00 geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-3 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 65 PC: 15 NDP: 79 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40.9 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1466 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 65 PC: 15 NDP: 79 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 159 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 281 Sworn: 29 Large: 79 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.9 PCShare: 9.4 NDPShare: 49.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-30 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 63 PC: 13 NDP: 75 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1467 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 63 PC: 13 NDP: 75 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 153 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 224 Sworn: 29 Large: 75 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 8.6 NDPShare: 49.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.5 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-31 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 7 NDP: 42 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1468 PEDName: St. John's East?Quidi Vidi PEDNumber: 32 PEDPOLL: 32-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 7 NDP: 42 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 282 Sworn: 34 Large: 42 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.6 PCShare: 7.8 NDPShare: 46.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.5 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: St. John's East - Quidi Vidi DistPoll: 32-32 DIST: 32.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 53 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 53 PollName: La Scie LIB: 82 PC: 11 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 100 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-53 PollNumber: 53 PollName: La Scie LIB: 82 PC: 11 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 2 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.0 PCShare: 11.0 NDPShare: 7.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-53 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 53.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 967 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 6 PollName: Lushes Bight?Beaumont LIB: 77 PC: 10 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 53 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Lushes Bight?Beaumont LIB: 77 PC: 10 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 187 Sworn: 8 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.6 PCShare: 11.1 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 967 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-6 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 110 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 7 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 45 PC: 36 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.9 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 54 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 45 PC: 36 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 195 Sworn: 27 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.9 PCShare: 42.4 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 110 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-7 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 8 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 24 PC: 27 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 55 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 24 PC: 27 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 55 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 204 Sworn: 4 Large: 27 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.6 PCShare: 49.1 NDPShare: 7.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.4 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-8 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 52 Name: Baie Verte - Green Bay: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PollNumber: 9 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 34 PC: 61 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 34.0 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 56 PEDName: Baie Verte?Green Bay PEDNumber: 1 PEDPOLL: 1-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Robert's Arm LIB: 34 PC: 61 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 13 Large: 61 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.0 PCShare: 61.0 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.9 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 52 Sept9_Dist: Baie Verte - Green Bay DistPoll: 1-9 DIST: 1.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 139 Name: Bonavista: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 1 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Little Catalina) LIB: 189 PC: 12 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 106 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Little Catalina) LIB: 189 PC: 12 NDP: 0 IND: 2 Rejected: 3 Total: 206 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 301 Sworn: 34 Large: 189 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 93.1 PCShare: 5.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 1.0 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 139 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-1 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 216 Name: Bonavista: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 10 PollName: Goose Cove and Dunfield LIB: 58 PC: 3 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.1 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 115 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Goose Cove and Dunfield LIB: 58 PC: 3 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 119 Sworn: 6 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.1 PCShare: 4.8 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 216 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-10 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 213 Name: Bonavista: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 11 PollName: New Bonaventure and Old Bonaventure LIB: 23 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 116 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: New Bonaventure and Old Bonaventure LIB: 23 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 7 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 79 Sworn: 12 Large: 23 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 63.9 PCShare: 16.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 19.4 Turnout: 39.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 213 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-11 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: Bonavista: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 12 PollName: Trouty LIB: 15 PC: 6 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.2 PCShare: 27.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 117 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Trouty LIB: 15 PC: 6 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 23 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 55 Sworn: 2 Large: 15 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.2 PCShare: 27.3 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-12 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Bonavista: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 13 PollName: Keels LIB: 24 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.0 PCShare: 13.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 118 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Keels LIB: 24 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 31 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 51 Sworn: 3 Large: 24 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 80.0 PCShare: 13.3 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 3.3 Turnout: 57.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-13 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Bonavista: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 14 PollName: Duntara LIB: 14 PC: 3 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 14.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 119 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Duntara LIB: 14 PC: 3 NDP: 1 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 21 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 34 Sworn: 2 Large: 14 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 14.3 Turnout: 58.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-14 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Bonavista: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 15 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 64 PC: 63 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.8 PCShare: 47.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 120 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 64 PC: 63 NDP: 1 IND: 6 Rejected: 0 Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 233 Sworn: 19 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 47.8 PCShare: 47.0 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 4.5 Turnout: 53.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-15 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Bonavista: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 16 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 57 PC: 52 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.5 PCShare: 43.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 121 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 57 PC: 52 NDP: 0 IND: 11 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 7 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 47.5 PCShare: 43.3 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 9.2 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-16 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 92 Name: Bonavista: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 17 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 57 PC: 39 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.9 PCShare: 38.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 122 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 57 PC: 39 NDP: 0 IND: 6 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 324 Sworn: 8 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 55.9 PCShare: 38.2 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 5.9 Turnout: 30.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 92 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-17 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Bonavista: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 18 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 73 PC: 52 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.7 PCShare: 38.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 123 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 73 PC: 52 NDP: 1 IND: 10 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 307 Sworn: 12 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 53.7 PCShare: 38.2 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 7.4 Turnout: 42.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-18 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 237 Name: Bonavista: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 19 PollName: Elliston, Maberly, and The Neck LIB: 101 PC: 44 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 124 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Elliston, Maberly, and The Neck LIB: 101 PC: 44 NDP: 2 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 255 Sworn: 19 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 67.3 PCShare: 29.3 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 2.0 Turnout: 54.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 237 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-19 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 100 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 38 PollName: Islington LIB: 111 PC: 4 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 316 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Islington LIB: 111 PC: 4 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 4 Large: 111 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.1 PCShare: 3.4 NDPShare: 2.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 69.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 100 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-38 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 179 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 39 PollName: Heart's Delight LIB: 265 PC: 21 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 317 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Heart's Delight LIB: 265 PC: 21 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 292 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 415 Sworn: 17 Large: 265 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.1 PCShare: 7.2 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 67.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 179 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-39 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 297 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 4 PollName: Grates Cove LIB: 42 PC: 5 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 282 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Grates Cove LIB: 42 PC: 5 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 52 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 139 Sworn: 1 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 9.8 NDPShare: 7.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 297 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-4 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 122 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 40 PollName: Heart's Desire LIB: 88 PC: 8 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 318 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Heart's Desire LIB: 88 PC: 8 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 178 Sworn: 4 Large: 88 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.9 PCShare: 8.1 NDPShare: 3.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 122 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-40 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 431 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 41 PollName: Heart's Content LIB: 162 PC: 11 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 319 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Heart's Content LIB: 162 PC: 11 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 175 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 333 Sworn: 7 Large: 162 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.6 PCShare: 6.3 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 431 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-41 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 281 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 42 PollName: New Perlican LIB: 85 PC: 8 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 320 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: New Perlican LIB: 85 PC: 8 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 169 Sworn: 7 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.5 PCShare: 8.4 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 281 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-42 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 281 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 43 PollName: Winterton and Turk's Cove LIB: 127 PC: 9 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 321 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Winterton and Turk's Cove LIB: 127 PC: 9 NDP: 1 IND: 2 Rejected: Total: 139 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 203 Sworn: 13 Large: 127 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 91.4 PCShare: 6.5 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 1.4 Turnout: 64.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 281 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-43 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 137 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 44 PollName: Winterton LIB: 102 PC: 4 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 322 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Winterton LIB: 102 PC: 4 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 194 Sworn: 3 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.7 PCShare: 3.6 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 137 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-44 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 199 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 45 PollName: Hant's Harbour LIB: 127 PC: 11 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 323 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: Hant's Harbour LIB: 127 PC: 11 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 276 Sworn: 13 Large: 127 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.0 PCShare: 7.5 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 199 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-45 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 99 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 46 PollName: New Chelsea LIB: 41 PC: 2 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 324 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: New Chelsea LIB: 41 PC: 2 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 48 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 82 Sworn: 5 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.2 PCShare: 4.3 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 99 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-46 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 367 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 47 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 47 PollName: Lead Cove, Sibley's Cove, Brownsdale and New Melbourne LIB: 123 PC: 17 NDP: 8 Result: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 325 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-47 PollNumber: 47 PollName: Lead Cove, Sibley's Cove, Brownsdale and New Melbourne LIB: 123 PC: 17 NDP: 8 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 150 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 308 Sworn: 8 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 82.6 PCShare: 11.4 NDPShare: 5.4 IndShare: 0.7 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 367 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-47 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 47.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 163 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 48 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 48 PollName: Cavendish LIB: 150 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 326 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-48 PollNumber: 48 PollName: Cavendish LIB: 150 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 158 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 232 Sworn: 6 Large: 150 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.5 PCShare: 3.2 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 163 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-48 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 48.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 216 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 49 PollName: Whiteway LIB: 131 PC: 18 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 327 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: Whiteway LIB: 131 PC: 18 NDP: 4 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 155 Cancelled: 3 Registered: 322 Sworn: 6 Large: 131 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 85.1 PCShare: 11.7 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.6 Turnout: 47.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 216 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-49 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 280 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 5 PollName: Old Perlican LIB: 109 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 283 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Old Perlican LIB: 109 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 2 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 301 Sworn: 10 Large: 109 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 92.4 PCShare: 4.2 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 1.7 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 280 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-5 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 6 PollName: Old Perlican LIB: 103 PC: 3 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 284 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Old Perlican LIB: 103 PC: 3 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 229 Sworn: 9 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.8 PCShare: 2.7 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-6 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 506 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 7 PollName: Lower Island Cove, Caplin Cove and Low Point LIB: 111 PC: 8 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80- timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 285 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Lower Island Cove, Caplin Cove and Low Point LIB: 111 PC: 8 NDP: 5 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 290 Sworn: 10 Large: 111 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 88.8 PCShare: 6.4 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.8 Turnout: 41.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 506 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-7 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Conception Bay South: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay South PollNumber: 6 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 74 PC: 64 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 409 PEDName: Conception Bay South PEDNumber: 9 PEDPOLL: 9-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 74 PC: 64 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 149 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 345 Sworn: 40 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.7 PCShare: 43.0 NDPShare: 7.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay South DistPoll: 9-6 DIST: 9.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 287 Name: Conception Bay South: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay South PollNumber: 7 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 60 PC: 54 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 410 PEDName: Conception Bay South PEDNumber: 9 PEDPOLL: 9-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 60 PC: 54 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 288 Sworn: 18 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.6 PCShare: 42.9 NDPShare: 9.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 287 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay South DistPoll: 9-7 DIST: 9.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Conception Bay South: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay South PollNumber: 8 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 31 PC: 36 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 411 PEDName: Conception Bay South PEDNumber: 9 PEDPOLL: 9-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 31 PC: 36 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 7 Large: 36 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.3 PCShare: 48.0 NDPShare: 10.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.5 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay South DistPoll: 9-8 DIST: 9.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Conception Bay South: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Conception Bay South PollNumber: 9 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 25 PC: 41 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 412 PEDName: Conception Bay South PEDNumber: 9 PEDPOLL: 9-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 25 PC: 41 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 220 Sworn: 10 Large: 41 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 54.7 NDPShare: 12.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Conception Bay South DistPoll: 9-9 DIST: 9.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 58 Name: Corner Brook: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 1 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 106 PC: 32 NDP: 36 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 106 PC: 32 NDP: 36 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 174 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 351 Sworn: 15 Large: 106 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 18.4 NDPShare: 20.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 58 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-1 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 58 Name: Corner Brook: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 10 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 80 PC: 4 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 10 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 80 PC: 4 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 217 Sworn: 9 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.6 PCShare: 4.1 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 58 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-10 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Corner Brook: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 11 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 78 PC: 15 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 11 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 78 PC: 15 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 15 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.2 PCShare: 14.9 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-11 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 19 Name: Corner Brook: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 12 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 40 PC: 15 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 12 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 40 PC: 15 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 187 Sworn: 3 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 21.7 NDPShare: 20.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 19 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-12 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Corner Brook: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 13 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 49 PC: 14 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 13 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 49 PC: 14 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 173 Sworn: 5 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.1 PCShare: 20.6 NDPShare: 7.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-13 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Corner Brook: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 14 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 63 PC: 9 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 14 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 63 PC: 9 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 8 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: 9.9 NDPShare: 20.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-14 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Corner Brook: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 15 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 78 PC: 18 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 15 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 78 PC: 18 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 233 Sworn: 7 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-15 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 26 Name: Corner Brook: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 16 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 79 PC: 22 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 16 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 79 PC: 22 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 271 Sworn: 13 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: 18.5 NDPShare: 15.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 26 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-16 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Corner Brook: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 17 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 82 PC: 17 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 17 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 82 PC: 17 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 243 Sworn: 10 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.9 PCShare: 14.9 NDPShare: 13.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-17 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 69 Name: Corner Brook: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 18 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 105 PC: 24 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.5 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 18 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 105 PC: 24 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 294 Sworn: 38 Large: 105 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.5 PCShare: 17.0 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 69 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-18 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Corner Brook: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 19 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 63 PC: 23 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 19 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 63 PC: 23 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 231 Sworn: 16 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.4 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 14.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-19 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 22 Name: Corner Brook: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 2 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 64 PC: 34 NDP: 34 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 2 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 64 PC: 34 NDP: 34 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 18 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.5 PCShare: 25.8 NDPShare: 25.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 22 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-2 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 203 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 13 PollName: Irishtown and Hughes Brook LIB: 163 PC: 13 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 597 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Irishtown and Hughes Brook LIB: 163 PC: 13 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 181 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 399 Sworn: 17 Large: 163 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.1 PCShare: 7.2 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 203 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-13 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 14 PollName: Irishtown LIB: 146 PC: 8 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 598 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Irishtown LIB: 146 PC: 8 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 158 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 278 Sworn: 26 Large: 146 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.4 PCShare: 5.1 NDPShare: 2.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-14 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 68 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 15 PollName: Summerside LIB: 99 PC: 16 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 599 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Summerside LIB: 99 PC: 16 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 11 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.6 PCShare: 13.7 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 68 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-15 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 358 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 16 PollName: Summerside LIB: 131 PC: 14 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 600 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Summerside LIB: 131 PC: 14 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 160 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 283 Sworn: 16 Large: 131 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 8.8 NDPShare: 8.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 358 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-16 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 17 PollName: Meadows LIB: 118 PC: 8 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.7 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 601 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Meadows LIB: 118 PC: 8 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 13 Large: 118 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.7 PCShare: 6.0 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-17 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 144 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 18 PollName: Meadows LIB: 114 PC: 8 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 602 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Meadows LIB: 114 PC: 8 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 208 Sworn: 8 Large: 114 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.9 PCShare: 6.5 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 144 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-18 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 231 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 19 PollName: Gillams LIB: 135 PC: 22 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 603 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Gillams LIB: 135 PC: 22 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 168 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 298 Sworn: 33 Large: 135 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.4 PCShare: 13.1 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 231 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-19 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 2 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 73 PC: 15 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 586 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 73 PC: 15 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 10 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.7 PCShare: 15.2 NDPShare: 11.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-2 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 197 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 20 PollName: McIvers LIB: 108 PC: 27 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.5 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 604 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: McIvers LIB: 108 PC: 27 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 15 Large: 108 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.5 PCShare: 18.9 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 197 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-20 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 211 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 21 PollName: McIvers LIB: 62 PC: 19 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.7 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 605 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: McIvers LIB: 62 PC: 19 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 169 Sworn: 10 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.7 PCShare: 22.9 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 211 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-21 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 75 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 22 PollName: Cox's Cove LIB: 102 PC: 11 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 606 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Cox's Cove LIB: 102 PC: 11 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 6 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: 9.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 75 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-22 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 126 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 23 PollName: Cox's Cove LIB: 115 PC: 21 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.7 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 607 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Cox's Cove LIB: 115 PC: 21 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 10 Large: 115 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.7 PCShare: 15.1 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 126 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-23 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 188 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 24 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 77 PC: 7 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.5 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 608 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 77 PC: 7 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 205 Sworn: 14 Large: 77 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.5 PCShare: 7.9 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 188 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-24 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 84 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 25 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 103 PC: 14 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.1 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 609 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 103 PC: 14 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 8 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.1 PCShare: 11.3 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 84 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-25 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 265 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 26 PollName: Lark Harbour LIB: 119 PC: 5 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.0 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 610 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Lark Harbour LIB: 119 PC: 5 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 193 Sworn: 17 Large: 119 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.0 PCShare: 3.9 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 265 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-26 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 27 PollName: Lark Harbour LIB: 116 PC: 8 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.3 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 611 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Lark Harbour LIB: 116 PC: 8 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 127 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 180 Sworn: 14 Large: 116 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.3 PCShare: 6.3 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-27 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 70 Name: Lake Melville: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 16 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 18 PC: 11 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1168 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 18 PC: 11 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 37 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 142 Sworn: 17 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.6 PCShare: 29.7 NDPShare: 21.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 70 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-16 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 69 Name: Lake Melville: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 17 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 64 PC: 24 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1169 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 64 PC: 24 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 28 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.4 PCShare: 23.8 NDPShare: 12.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 69 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-17 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 148 Name: Lake Melville: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 18 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 52 PC: 23 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1170 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 52 PC: 23 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 213 Sworn: 24 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.7 PCShare: 24.2 NDPShare: 21.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 148 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-18 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 84 Name: Lake Melville: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 19 PollName: North West River LIB: 58 PC: 39 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.7 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1171 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: North West River LIB: 58 PC: 39 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 224 Sworn: 7 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.7 PCShare: 36.1 NDPShare: 10.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 84 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-19 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 97 Name: Lake Melville: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 2 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 54 PC: 24 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1154 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 54 PC: 24 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 81 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 197 Sworn: 16 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 29.6 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 97 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-2 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: Lake Melville: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 20 PollName: North West River LIB: 65 PC: 33 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1172 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: North West River LIB: 65 PC: 33 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 186 Sworn: 17 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.6 PCShare: 30.3 NDPShare: 10.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-20 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Lake Melville: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 21 PollName: Sheshatshiu LIB: 7 PC: 22 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 17.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1173 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Sheshatshiu LIB: 7 PC: 22 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 39 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 306 Sworn: 12 Large: 22 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 17.9 PCShare: 56.4 NDPShare: 25.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 12.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-21 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Lake Melville: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 22 PollName: Sheshatshiu LIB: 18 PC: 37 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 30.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1174 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Sheshatshiu LIB: 18 PC: 37 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 60 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 321 Sworn: 15 Large: 37 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.0 PCShare: 61.7 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 17.9 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-22 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 61 Name: Lake Melville: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 23 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 58 PC: 11 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1175 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 58 PC: 11 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 174 Sworn: 11 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.3 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 10.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 61 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-23 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Lake Melville: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 24 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 72 PC: 18 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1176 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 72 PC: 18 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 237 Sworn: 18 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.3 PCShare: 17.8 NDPShare: 10.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-24 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Lake Melville: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 25 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 104 PC: 20 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1177 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 104 PC: 20 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 36 Large: 104 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.6 PCShare: 15.5 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-25 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 304 Name: Lake Melville: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 26 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 57 PC: 32 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1178 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 57 PC: 32 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 333 Sworn: 21 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.6 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 10.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 304 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-26 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Lake Melville: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 27 PollName: Churchill Falls LIB: 48 PC: 26 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.8 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1179 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Churchill Falls LIB: 48 PC: 26 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 177 Sworn: 21 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.8 PCShare: 30.2 NDPShare: 14.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-27 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Lake Melville: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 28 PollName: Churchill Falls LIB: 38 PC: 22 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.5 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1180 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Churchill Falls LIB: 38 PC: 22 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 66 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 154 Sworn: 15 Large: 38 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.5 PCShare: 33.8 NDPShare: 7.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-28 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 12 Name: Lake Melville: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 3 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 35 PC: 31 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1155 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 35 PC: 31 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 182 Sworn: 9 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.6 PCShare: 43.1 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 12 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-3 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 52 Name: Lake Melville: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 4 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 68 PC: 16 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1156 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 68 PC: 16 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 16 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.7 PCShare: 17.6 NDPShare: 7.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 52 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-4 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 19 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 70 PC: 25 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1295 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 70 PC: 25 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 16 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.3 PCShare: 24.0 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-19 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 2 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 80 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1278 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 80 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 145 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 316 Sworn: 16 Large: 80 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.3 PCShare: 55.2 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-2 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 17 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 20 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 31 PC: 38 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 39.2 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1296 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 31 PC: 38 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 190 Sworn: 8 Large: 38 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.2 PCShare: 48.1 NDPShare: 12.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 17 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-20 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 18 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 21 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 41 PC: 35 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1297 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 41 PC: 35 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 221 Sworn: 15 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.6 PCShare: 38.9 NDPShare: 15.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 18 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-21 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 22 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 43 PC: 31 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1298 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 43 PC: 31 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 13 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 36.0 NDPShare: 14.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-22 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 10 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 23 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 50 NDP: 21 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 37.2 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1299 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 50 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 293 Sworn: 15 Large: 50 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 44.2 NDPShare: 18.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.7 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 10 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-23 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 10 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 24 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 54 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1300 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 54 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 278 Sworn: 17 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: 43.5 NDPShare: 9.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 10 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-24 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 22 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 25 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 68 PC: 43 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1301 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 68 PC: 43 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 289 Sworn: 24 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 35.2 NDPShare: 9.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 22 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-25 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 16 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 26 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 28 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.0 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1302 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 28 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 295 Sworn: 17 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.0 PCShare: 29.5 NDPShare: 10.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 16 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-26 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 45 PC: 29 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.4 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1303 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 45 PC: 29 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 17 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.4 PCShare: 29.9 NDPShare: 23.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-27 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 22 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 28 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 43 PC: 43 NDP: 10 Result: Tie LibShare: 44.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1304 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 43 PC: 43 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 32 Large: 43 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.8 PCShare: 44.8 NDPShare: 10.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 22 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-28 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 16 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 43 PC: 30 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.4 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1305 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 43 PC: 30 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 213 Sworn: 16 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.4 PCShare: 38.0 NDPShare: 7.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 16 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-29 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 3 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 66 PC: 78 NDP: 23 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 39.5 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1279 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 66 PC: 78 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 168 Cancelled: 25 Registered: 326 Sworn: 18 Large: 78 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.5 PCShare: 46.7 NDPShare: 13.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.8 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-3 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 106 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 75 PC: 105 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1306 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 75 PC: 105 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 194 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 287 Sworn: 78 Large: 105 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.7 PCShare: 54.1 NDPShare: 7.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 106 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-30 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 17 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 56 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1307 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 56 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 32 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.7 PCShare: 41.2 NDPShare: 8.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 17 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-31 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 18 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 56 PC: 79 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1308 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 56 PC: 79 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 254 Sworn: 26 Large: 79 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.2 PCShare: 58.1 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 18 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-32 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Mount Pearl North: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 3 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 47 PC: 72 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.6 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1239 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 47 PC: 72 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 313 Sworn: 21 Large: 72 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.6 PCShare: 57.6 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-3 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Mount Pearl North: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 30 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 51 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1266 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 51 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 236 Sworn: 40 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.2 PCShare: 45.5 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-30 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Mount Pearl North: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 31 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 45 PC: 53 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40.9 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1267 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 45 PC: 53 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 21 Large: 53 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.9 PCShare: 48.2 NDPShare: 10.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.5 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-31 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Mount Pearl North: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 32 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 50 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1268 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 50 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 221 Sworn: 25 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 43.1 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-32 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Mount Pearl North: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 33 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 72 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1269 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 72 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 20 Large: 72 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: 62.1 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.4 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-33 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Mount Pearl North: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 34 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 52 PC: 52 NDP: 14 Result: Tie LibShare: 44.1 PCShare: 44. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1270 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 52 PC: 52 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 295 Sworn: 14 Large: 52 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.1 PCShare: 44.1 NDPShare: 11.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.2 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-34 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Mount Pearl North: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 35 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 46 PC: 80 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1271 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 46 PC: 80 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 26 Large: 80 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.1 PCShare: 59.3 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-35 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Mount Pearl North: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 36 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 59 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1272 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 59 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 27 Large: 59 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: 47.6 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.2 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-36 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Mount Pearl North: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 37 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 51 PC: 80 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1273 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 51 PC: 80 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 26 Large: 80 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.8 PCShare: 59.3 NDPShare: 3.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-37 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Mount Pearl North: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 4 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 48 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1240 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 48 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 18 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 45.7 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-4 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Mount Pearl North: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 5 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 72 PC: 56 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1241 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 72 PC: 56 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 230 Sworn: 26 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.8 PCShare: 43.4 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-5 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Mount Pearl North: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 6 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 33 PC: 54 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1242 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 33 PC: 54 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 237 Sworn: 15 Large: 54 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.7 PCShare: 55.1 NDPShare: 11.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-6 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Mount Pearl North: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 7 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 72 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 30.9 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1243 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 72 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 15 Large: 72 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.9 PCShare: 65.5 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.5 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-7 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 49 Name: Mount Pearl North: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 8 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 29 PC: 46 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.9 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1244 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 29 PC: 46 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 207 Sworn: 14 Large: 46 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.9 PCShare: 55.4 NDPShare: 9.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 49 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-8 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 129 Name: Mount Pearl North: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 9 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 53 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.6 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1245 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 54 PC: 53 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 307 Sworn: 24 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.6 PCShare: 43.8 NDPShare: 11.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 129 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-9 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 39 Name: Mount Scio: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Scio PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 23 NDP: 48 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 33.6 PCShare: 21 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1317 PEDName: Mount Scio PEDNumber: 26 PEDPOLL: 26-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 36 PC: 23 NDP: 48 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 30 Large: 48 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.6 PCShare: 21.5 NDPShare: 44.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.0 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 39 Sept9_Dist: Mount Scio DistPoll: 26-1 DIST: 26.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 590 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 38 PollName: Winterhouse and Black Duck Brook LIB: 34 PC: 18 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1558 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Winterhouse and Black Duck Brook LIB: 34 PC: 18 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 98 Sworn: 4 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.6 PCShare: 31.6 NDPShare: 8.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 590 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-38 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 39 PollName: Lourdes LIB: 74 PC: 29 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.9 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1559 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Lourdes LIB: 74 PC: 29 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 217 Sworn: 11 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.9 PCShare: 26.6 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-39 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 411 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 4 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 18 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1524 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 18 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 24 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 198 Sworn: 6 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.3 PCShare: 17.4 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 11.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 411 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-4 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 93 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 40 PollName: Lourdes LIB: 67 PC: 30 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.7 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1560 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Lourdes LIB: 67 PC: 30 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 208 Sworn: 11 Large: 67 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.7 PCShare: 29.4 NDPShare: 4.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 93 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-40 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 147 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 41 PollName: Three Rock Cove LIB: 37 PC: 32 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1561 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Three Rock Cove LIB: 37 PC: 32 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 73 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 147 Sworn: 6 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.7 PCShare: 43.8 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 147 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-41 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 261 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 42 PollName: Mainland LIB: 68 PC: 54 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1562 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Mainland LIB: 68 PC: 54 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 265 Sworn: 15 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.7 PCShare: 41.9 NDPShare: 5.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 261 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-42 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 274 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 43 PollName: De Grau and Cape St. George LIB: 43 PC: 64 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1563 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: De Grau and Cape St. George LIB: 43 PC: 64 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 16 Large: 64 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.1 PCShare: 58.2 NDPShare: 2.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 274 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-43 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 67 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 44 PollName: De Grau LIB: 34 PC: 71 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 31.2 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1564 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: De Grau LIB: 34 PC: 71 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 200 Sworn: 23 Large: 71 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.2 PCShare: 65.1 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 67 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-44 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 87 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 45 PollName: Marches Point and Red Brook LIB: 47 PC: 53 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1565 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: Marches Point and Red Brook LIB: 47 PC: 53 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 209 Sworn: 13 Large: 53 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.1 PCShare: 52.0 NDPShare: 2.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 87 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-45 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 162 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 46 PollName: Sheaves Cove LIB: 33 PC: 14 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.3 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1566 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: Sheaves Cove LIB: 33 PC: 14 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 49 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 82 Sworn: 12 Large: 33 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.3 PCShare: 28.6 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 162 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-46 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 5 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 44 PC: 9 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1525 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 44 PC: 9 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 181 Sworn: 9 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.7 PCShare: 13.4 NDPShare: 20.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-5 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 6 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 20 PC: 3 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1526 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 20 PC: 3 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 31 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 189 Sworn: 11 Large: 20 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.5 PCShare: 9.7 NDPShare: 25.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 15.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-6 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 7 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 49 PC: 18 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1527 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 49 PC: 18 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 271 Sworn: 13 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.2 PCShare: 24.3 NDPShare: 9.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-7 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 8 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 112 PC: 26 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1528 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 112 PC: 26 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 152 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 294 Sworn: 17 Large: 112 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.7 PCShare: 17.1 NDPShare: 9.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-8 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 210 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 9 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 68 PC: 12 NDP: 17 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.1 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1529 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 68 PC: 12 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 310 Sworn: 7 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.1 PCShare: 12.4 NDPShare: 17.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 210 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-9 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 165 Name: Terra Nova: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Terra Nova PollNumber: 1 PollName: Southport LIB: 9 PC: 9 NDP: 5 Result: Tie LibShare: 39.1 PCShare: 39.1 NDPS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1571 PEDName: Terra Nova PEDNumber: 35 PEDPOLL: 35-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Southport LIB: 9 PC: 9 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 23 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 53 Sworn: 1 Large: 9 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.1 PCShare: 39.1 NDPShare: 21.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.6 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 165 Sept9_Dist: Terra Nova DistPoll: 35-1 DIST: 35.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 226 Name: Bonavista: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 2 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Catalina) LIB: 204 PC: 8 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 107 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Catalina) LIB: 204 PC: 8 NDP: 0 IND: 1 Rejected: 2 Total: 215 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 45 Large: 204 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 95.8 PCShare: 3.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.5 Turnout: 64.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 226 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-2 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Bonavista: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 20 PollName: Bonavista and Spillars Cove LIB: 89 PC: 74 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 125 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Bonavista and Spillars Cove LIB: 89 PC: 74 NDP: 1 IND: 6 Rejected: 2 Total: 172 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 312 Sworn: 15 Large: 89 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 52.4 PCShare: 43.5 NDPShare: 0.6 IndShare: 3.5 Turnout: 52.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-20 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Bonavista: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 21 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 71 PC: 46 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 37.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 126 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 71 PC: 46 NDP: 1 IND: 6 Rejected: 2 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 15 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 37.1 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 4.8 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-21 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Bonavista: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 74 PC: 47 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.5 PCShare: 35.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 127 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 74 PC: 47 NDP: 0 IND: 10 Rejected: 1 Total: 132 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 12 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 56.5 PCShare: 35.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 7.6 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-22 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 122 Name: Bonavista: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 23 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 81 PC: 42 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 31.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 128 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 81 PC: 42 NDP: 1 IND: 9 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 18 Large: 81 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 31.6 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 6.8 Turnout: 54.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 122 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-23 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Bonavista: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 24 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 66 PC: 55 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: 44.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 129 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 66 PC: 55 NDP: 1 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 227 Sworn: 17 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: 44.0 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 2.4 Turnout: 51.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-24 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 118 Name: Bonavista: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 80 PC: 86 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.5 PCShare: 48.9< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 130 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bonavista LIB: 80 PC: 86 NDP: 3 IND: 7 Rejected: 1 Total: 177 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 287 Sworn: 25 Large: 86 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 45.5 PCShare: 48.9 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 4.0 Turnout: 56.7 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 118 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-25 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 248 Name: Bonavista: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 26 PollName: Birchy Cove and Newmans Cove LIB: 41 PC: 17 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.2 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 131 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Birchy Cove and Newmans Cove LIB: 41 PC: 17 NDP: 1 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 61 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 142 Sworn: 6 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 67.2 PCShare: 27.9 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 3.3 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 248 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-26 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 227 Name: Bonavista: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 27 PollName: Amherst Cove LIB: 27 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.1 PCShare: 14 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 132 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Amherst Cove LIB: 27 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 35 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 56 Sworn: 8 Large: 27 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 77.1 PCShare: 14.3 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 2.9 Turnout: 54.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 227 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-27 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 357 Name: Bonavista: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 28 PollName: Knights Cove and Stock Cove LIB: 13 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 133 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Knights Cove and Stock Cove LIB: 13 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 4 Rejected: 0 Total: 23 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 63 Sworn: 1 Large: 13 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 56.5 PCShare: 26.1 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 17.4 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 357 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-28 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 105 Name: Bonavista: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 29 PollName: King's Cove LIB: 29 PC: 21 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 36 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 134 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: King's Cove LIB: 29 PC: 21 NDP: 6 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 86 Sworn: 7 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 36.2 NDPShare: 10.3 IndShare: 3.4 Turnout: 62.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 105 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-29 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 138 Name: Bonavista: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 3 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Catalina) LIB: 168 PC: 9 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 108 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Catalina) LIB: 168 PC: 9 NDP: 4 IND: 4 Rejected: 2 Total: 187 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 41 Large: 168 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 90.8 PCShare: 4.9 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 2.2 Turnout: 57.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 138 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-3 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 219 Name: Bonavista: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 30 PollName: Open Hall, Red Cliff and Tickle Cove LIB: 26 PC: 19 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 135 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Open Hall, Red Cliff and Tickle Cove LIB: 26 PC: 19 NDP: 0 IND: 10 Rejected: 0 Total: 55 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 99 Sworn: 5 Large: 26 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 47.3 PCShare: 34.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 18.2 Turnout: 52.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 219 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-30 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 330 Name: Bonavista: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 31 PollName: Plate Cove East and Plate Cove West LIB: 61 PC: 32 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 136 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Plate Cove East and Plate Cove West LIB: 61 PC: 32 NDP: 4 IND: 9 Rejected: 1 Total: 107 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 216 Sworn: 5 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 57.5 PCShare: 30.2 NDPShare: 3.8 IndShare: 8.5 Turnout: 48.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 330 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-31 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 343 Name: Bonavista: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 32 PollName: Summerville LIB: 35 PC: 9 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.5 PCShare: 19. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 137 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Summerville LIB: 35 PC: 9 NDP: 2 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 47 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 116 Sworn: 8 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 74.5 PCShare: 19.1 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 2.1 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 343 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-32 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 181 Name: Bonavista: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 33 PollName: Princeton and Southern Bay LIB: 52 PC: 17 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 138 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Princeton and Southern Bay LIB: 52 PC: 17 NDP: 1 IND: 7 Rejected: 1 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 4 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 67.5 PCShare: 22.1 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 9.1 Turnout: 54.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 181 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-33 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 215 Name: Exploits: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 4 PollName: Phillips Head LIB: 25 PC: 17 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.5 PCShare: 40 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 680 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Phillips Head LIB: 25 PC: 17 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 42 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 116 Sworn: 1 Large: 25 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.5 PCShare: 40.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 215 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-4 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Exploits: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 40 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 57 PC: 48 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 716 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 57 PC: 48 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 256 Sworn: 12 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.8 PCShare: 45.3 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-40 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Exploits: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 41 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 52 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 717 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 52 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 264 Sworn: 28 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.7 PCShare: 44.1 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-41 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 545 Name: Exploits: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 5 PollName: Leading Tickles LIB: 31 PC: 118 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 20.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 681 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Leading Tickles LIB: 31 PC: 118 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 151 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 311 Sworn: 8 Large: 118 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 20.5 PCShare: 78.1 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.3 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 545 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-5 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 132 Name: Exploits: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 6 PollName: Glovers Harbour LIB: 3 PC: 41 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 90-99.9 LibShare: 6.7 PCShare: 91. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 682 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Glovers Harbour LIB: 3 PC: 41 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 45 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 74 Sworn: 4 Large: 41 Result: PC - 90-99.9 CatColour: #00184d LibCat: #ffe6e6 PCCat: #00184d NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 6.7 PCShare: 91.1 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.7 OldResultC: #0054A8 geometry_v: 132 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-6 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 676 Name: Exploits: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 7 PollName: Point Leamington and Western Arm LIB: 53 PC: 60 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 46.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 683 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Point Leamington and Western Arm LIB: 53 PC: 60 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 252 Sworn: 18 Large: 60 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.5 PCShare: 52.6 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 676 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-7 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 251 Name: Exploits: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 8 PollName: Pleasantview and Bobby's Cove LIB: 13 PC: 18 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 36.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 684 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Pleasantview and Bobby's Cove LIB: 13 PC: 18 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 34 Sworn: 11 Large: 18 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.1 PCShare: 50.0 NDPShare: 13.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 80.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 251 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-8 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Exploits: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 9 PollName: Point Leamington LIB: 46 PC: 88 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 33.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 685 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Point Leamington LIB: 46 PC: 88 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 13 Large: 88 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.8 PCShare: 64.7 NDPShare: 1.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.3 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-9 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 95 Name: Ferryland: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 1 PollName: Maddox Cove LIB: 70 PC: 84 NDP: 29 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.3 PCShare: 45. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 723 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Maddox Cove LIB: 70 PC: 84 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 183 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 305 Sworn: 24 Large: 84 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.3 PCShare: 45.9 NDPShare: 15.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.6 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 95 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-1 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Ferryland: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 64 PC: 43 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 732 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 64 PC: 43 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 23 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 37.1 NDPShare: 7.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-10 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Ferryland: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 45 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 733 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 45 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 20 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 42.1 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-11 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Ferryland: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 41 PC: 51 NDP: 16 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.0 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 734 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 41 PC: 51 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 11 Large: 51 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.0 PCShare: 47.2 NDPShare: 14.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-12 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Ferryland: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 100 PC: 53 NDP: 28 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.2 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 735 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 100 PC: 53 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 181 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 299 Sworn: 55 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.2 PCShare: 29.3 NDPShare: 15.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-13 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Ferryland: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 54 PC: 50 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.6 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 736 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 54 PC: 50 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 270 Sworn: 20 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.6 PCShare: 43.1 NDPShare: 10.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-14 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Ferryland: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 79 PC: 68 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.6 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 737 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 79 PC: 68 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 167 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 316 Sworn: 24 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.6 PCShare: 41.0 NDPShare: 11.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-15 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Ferryland: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 63 PC: 63 NDP: 7 Result: Tie LibShare: 47.4 PCShare: 47.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 738 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 63 PC: 63 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 285 Sworn: 0 Large: 63 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.4 PCShare: 47.4 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.7 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-16 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Ferryland: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 66 NDP: 8 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 739 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 66 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 278 Sworn: 17 Large: 66 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.6 PCShare: 51.2 NDPShare: 6.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-17 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Ferryland: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 40 PC: 63 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 740 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 40 PC: 63 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 29 Large: 63 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.2 PCShare: 53.8 NDPShare: 12.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-18 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 106 Name: Ferryland: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 53 PC: 59 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 741 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 53 PC: 59 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 19 Large: 59 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.1 PCShare: 48.0 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 106 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-19 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Ferryland: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 2 PollName: Petty Harbour LIB: 28 PC: 57 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 28.0 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 724 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Petty Harbour LIB: 28 PC: 57 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 146 Sworn: 12 Large: 57 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 28.0 PCShare: 57.0 NDPShare: 15.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 63.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-2 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 97 Name: Ferryland: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 53 PC: 70 NDP: 17 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.9 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 742 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 53 PC: 70 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 255 Sworn: 25 Large: 70 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.9 PCShare: 50.0 NDPShare: 12.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 97 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-20 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Ferryland: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 21 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 85 PC: 134 NDP: 25 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.8 PCShare: 54. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 743 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 85 PC: 134 NDP: 25 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 244 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 311 Sworn: 53 Large: 134 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.8 PCShare: 54.9 NDPShare: 10.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 67.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-21 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 124 Name: Ferryland: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 46 PC: 86 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 31.5 PCShare: 58.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 744 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 46 PC: 86 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 146 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 210 Sworn: 22 Large: 86 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.5 PCShare: 58.9 NDPShare: 9.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 124 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-22 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Ferryland: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 23 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 73 PC: 92 NDP: 24 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.6 PCShare: 48.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 745 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Bay Bulls LIB: 73 PC: 92 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 189 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 33 Large: 92 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.6 PCShare: 48.7 NDPShare: 12.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.2 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-23 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Ferryland: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 24 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 63 PC: 167 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 25.8 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 746 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 63 PC: 167 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 244 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 347 Sworn: 76 Large: 167 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 25.8 PCShare: 68.4 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.7 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-24 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 102 Name: Ferryland: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 25 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 49 PC: 110 NDP: 13 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 28.5 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 747 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 49 PC: 110 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 172 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 333 Sworn: 16 Large: 110 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 28.5 PCShare: 64.0 NDPShare: 7.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.3 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 102 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-25 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 105 Name: Ferryland: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 26 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 56 PC: 82 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.8 PCShare: 55 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 748 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Witless Bay LIB: 56 PC: 82 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 266 Sworn: 20 Large: 82 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.8 PCShare: 55.4 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 105 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-26 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 132 Name: Ferryland: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mobile LIB: 24 PC: 81 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 21.8 PCShare: 73.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 749 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mobile LIB: 24 PC: 81 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 169 Sworn: 23 Large: 81 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 21.8 PCShare: 73.6 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.3 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 132 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-27 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 297 Name: Ferryland: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 28 PollName: Bauline East, Burnt Cove and St. Michael's LIB: 49 PC: 88 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 750 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Bauline East, Burnt Cove and St. Michael's LIB: 49 PC: 88 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 216 Sworn: 22 Large: 88 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.8 PCShare: 62.4 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.2 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 297 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-28 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 118 Name: Ferryland: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 29 PollName: Tors Cove LIB: 74 PC: 128 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.1 PCShare: 59. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 751 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Tors Cove LIB: 74 PC: 128 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 217 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 38 Large: 128 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.1 PCShare: 59.0 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 118 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-29 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 102 Name: Ferryland: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 3 PollName: Petty Harbour LIB: 49 PC: 45 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 725 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Petty Harbour LIB: 49 PC: 45 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 170 Sworn: 14 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.1 PCShare: 43.3 NDPShare: 9.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 102 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-3 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 211 Name: Ferryland: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 30 PollName: Brigus South LIB: 18 PC: 12 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.2 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 752 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Brigus South LIB: 18 PC: 12 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 39 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 63 Sworn: 6 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.2 PCShare: 30.8 NDPShare: 23.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 211 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-30 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 21 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 45 PC: 14 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 507 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 45 PC: 14 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 118 Sworn: 4 Large: 45 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.3 PCShare: 23.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-21 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 22 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 71 PC: 41 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 508 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 71 PC: 41 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 5 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.4 PCShare: 36.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-22 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 23 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 56 PC: 50 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 509 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 56 PC: 50 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 179 Sworn: 12 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: 47.2 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-23 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 399 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 24 PollName: Bryant's Cove LIB: 110 PC: 38 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 510 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Bryant's Cove LIB: 110 PC: 38 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 10 Large: 110 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 25.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 399 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-24 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 25 PollName: Harbour Grace South LIB: 97 PC: 39 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 511 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Harbour Grace South LIB: 97 PC: 39 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 214 Sworn: 17 Large: 97 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.3 PCShare: 28.3 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-25 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 108 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 26 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 63 PC: 34 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 512 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 63 PC: 34 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 4 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.4 PCShare: 33.7 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 108 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-26 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 27 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 52 PC: 26 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 513 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 52 PC: 26 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 5 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.1 PCShare: 29.5 NDPShare: 11.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-27 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 28 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 86 PC: 37 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 514 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 86 PC: 37 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 130 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 263 Sworn: 7 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.2 PCShare: 28.5 NDPShare: 5.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-28 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 29 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 41 PC: 16 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 515 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 41 PC: 16 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 176 Sworn: 8 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.5 PCShare: 27.1 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-29 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 124 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 3 PollName: Coley's Point LIB: 73 PC: 58 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 489 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Coley's Point LIB: 73 PC: 58 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 243 Sworn: 18 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.5 PCShare: 43.3 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 124 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-3 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 30 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 69 PC: 66 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 516 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 69 PC: 66 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 322 Sworn: 9 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.9 PCShare: 46.8 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-30 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 149 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 31 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 517 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 58 PC: 23 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 253 Sworn: 2 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.4 PCShare: 26.7 NDPShare: 5.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 149 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-31 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 105 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 32 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 78 PC: 25 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 518 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Harbour Grace LIB: 78 PC: 25 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 270 Sworn: 4 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.6 PCShare: 23.6 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 105 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-32 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 33 PollName: Riverhead, Harbour Grace LIB: 54 PC: 28 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 519 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Riverhead, Harbour Grace LIB: 54 PC: 28 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 84 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 6 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.1 PCShare: 33.7 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-33 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 61 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 34 PollName: Riverhead, Harbour Grace LIB: 74 PC: 29 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 520 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Riverhead, Harbour Grace LIB: 74 PC: 29 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 6 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.8 PCShare: 27.4 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 61 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-34 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 11 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 35 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 79 PC: 70 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 521 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 79 PC: 70 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 221 Sworn: 9 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.7 PCShare: 46.7 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 11 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-35 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 413 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 2 PollName: Sops Arm LIB: 55 PC: 21 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 630 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Sops Arm LIB: 55 PC: 21 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 145 Sworn: 9 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.6 PCShare: 26.6 NDPShare: 3.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 413 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-2 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 20 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 115 PC: 26 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.7 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 648 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 115 PC: 26 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 152 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 289 Sworn: 47 Large: 115 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.7 PCShare: 17.1 NDPShare: 7.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-20 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 21 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 101 PC: 25 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 649 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Deer Lake LIB: 101 PC: 25 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 42 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 18.4 NDPShare: 7.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-21 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 199 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 22 PollName: Reidville LIB: 163 PC: 32 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.5 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 650 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Reidville LIB: 163 PC: 32 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 217 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 356 Sworn: 29 Large: 163 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.5 PCShare: 14.8 NDPShare: 9.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 199 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-22 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 23 PollName: Cormack LIB: 84 PC: 18 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 651 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Cormack LIB: 84 PC: 18 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 205 Sworn: 31 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.7 PCShare: 15.8 NDPShare: 10.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-23 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 24 PollName: Cormack LIB: 95 PC: 21 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 652 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Cormack LIB: 95 PC: 21 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 18 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.2 PCShare: 17.1 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-24 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1198 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bonne Bay Pond and Wiltondale LIB: 54 PC: 13 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 653 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bonne Bay Pond and Wiltondale LIB: 54 PC: 13 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 107 Sworn: 10 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: 16.7 NDPShare: 14.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 1198 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-25 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 26 PollName: Trout River LIB: 119 PC: 11 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.5 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 654 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Trout River LIB: 119 PC: 11 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 199 Sworn: 5 Large: 119 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.5 PCShare: 8.3 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 65.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-26 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 27 PollName: Trout River LIB: 120 PC: 18 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.1 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 655 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Trout River LIB: 120 PC: 18 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 9 Large: 120 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.1 PCShare: 12.8 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 64.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-27 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 28 PollName: Woody Pont, Curzon Village, and Winter House Brook LIB: 99 PC: 38 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 656 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Woody Pont, Curzon Village, and Winter House Brook LIB: 99 PC: 38 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 276 Sworn: 13 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.0 PCShare: 25.3 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-28 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 222 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 29 PollName: Glenburnie, Birchy Head and Shoal Brook LIB: 100 PC: 12 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 657 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Glenburnie, Birchy Head and Shoal Brook LIB: 100 PC: 12 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 205 Sworn: 7 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.0 PCShare: 10.1 NDPShare: 5.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 222 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-29 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 366 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 3 PollName: Pollard's Point LIB: 117 PC: 19 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.2 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 631 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Pollard's Point LIB: 117 PC: 19 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 17 Large: 117 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.2 PCShare: 13.7 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 366 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-3 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 172 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 30 PollName: Norris Point LIB: 105 PC: 17 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.9 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 658 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Norris Point LIB: 105 PC: 17 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 17 Large: 105 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.9 PCShare: 12.8 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 172 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-30 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 145 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 31 PollName: Norris Point LIB: 103 PC: 17 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 659 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Norris Point LIB: 103 PC: 17 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 129 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 6 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.8 PCShare: 13.2 NDPShare: 7.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 145 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-31 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 49 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 32 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 102 PC: 14 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 660 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 102 PC: 14 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 10 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.3 PCShare: 11.6 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 49 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-32 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 86 Name: Humber - Gros Morne: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PollNumber: 33 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 79 PC: 11 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 661 PEDName: Humber?Gros Morne PEDNumber: 20 PEDPOLL: 20-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Rocky Harbour LIB: 79 PC: 11 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 224 Sworn: 12 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.3 PCShare: 11.5 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 86 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Gros Morne DistPoll: 20-33 DIST: 20.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 490 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 39 PollName: Mount Carmel, Mitchell's Brook and St. Catherine's LIB: 137 PC: 35 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 948 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Mount Carmel, Mitchell's Brook and St. Catherine's LIB: 137 PC: 35 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 176 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 24 Large: 137 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.8 PCShare: 19.9 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 490 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-39 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 106 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 4 PollName: New Harbour LIB: 95 PC: 60 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 913 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: New Harbour LIB: 95 PC: 60 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 166 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 301 Sworn: 27 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.6 PCShare: 36.4 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 106 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-4 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 503 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 40 PollName: St. Joseph's, Forest Field and Newbridge LIB: 37 PC: 28 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 L timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 949 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: St. Joseph's, Forest Field and Newbridge LIB: 37 PC: 28 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 8 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 38.9 NDPShare: 9.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 503 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-40 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 132 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 41 PollName: O'Donnells LIB: 42 PC: 8 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 950 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: O'Donnells LIB: 42 PC: 8 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 51 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 119 Sworn: 5 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 15.7 NDPShare: 2.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 132 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-41 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 537 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 42 PollName: Admiral's Beach LIB: 62 PC: 27 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 951 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Admiral's Beach LIB: 62 PC: 27 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 120 Sworn: 7 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.1 PCShare: 29.7 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 71.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 537 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-42 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 167 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 43 PollName: Mall Bay LIB: 10 PC: 4 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 952 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Mall Bay LIB: 10 PC: 4 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 14 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 19 Sworn: 1 Large: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: 28.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 70.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 167 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-43 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 300 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 44 PollName: Riverhead LIB: 65 PC: 25 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.1 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 953 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Riverhead LIB: 65 PC: 25 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 94 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 133 Sworn: 9 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.1 PCShare: 26.6 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 66.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 300 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-44 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 188 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 45 PollName: St. Mary's LIB: 52 PC: 23 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 954 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: St. Mary's LIB: 52 PC: 23 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 76 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 156 Sworn: 5 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.4 PCShare: 30.3 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 188 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-45 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 455 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 46 PollName: St. Mary's LIB: 62 PC: 36 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 955 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: St. Mary's LIB: 62 PC: 36 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 177 Sworn: 6 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.8 PCShare: 35.3 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 455 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-46 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 223 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 47 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 47 PollName: Point La Haye LIB: 21 PC: 12 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.6 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 956 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-47 PollNumber: 47 PollName: Point La Haye LIB: 21 PC: 12 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 33 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 81 Sworn: 1 Large: 21 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.6 PCShare: 36.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.2 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 223 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-47 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 47.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 652 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 48 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 48 PollName: Gaskiers LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.0 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 957 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-48 PollNumber: 48 PollName: Gaskiers LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 119 Sworn: 9 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.0 PCShare: 22.7 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 652 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-48 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 48.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 767 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 49 PollName: St. Vincent's LIB: 56 PC: 40 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 958 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: St. Vincent's LIB: 56 PC: 40 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 150 Sworn: 10 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.3 PCShare: 41.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 767 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-49 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 89 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 5 PollName: Hopeall LIB: 53 PC: 17 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.8 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 914 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Hopeall LIB: 53 PC: 17 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 148 Sworn: 10 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.8 PCShare: 22.1 NDPShare: 9.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 89 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-5 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 156 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 50 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 50 PollName: St. Stephen's and Peter's River LIB: 42 PC: 35 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 959 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-50 PollNumber: 50 PollName: St. Stephen's and Peter's River LIB: 42 PC: 35 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 81 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 114 Sworn: 6 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.9 PCShare: 43.2 NDPShare: 4.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 67.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 156 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-50 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 50.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 349 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 6 PollName: Green's Harbour LIB: 82 PC: 34 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 915 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Green's Harbour LIB: 82 PC: 34 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 9 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.6 PCShare: 27.2 NDPShare: 7.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 349 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-6 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Placentia - St. Mary's: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PollNumber: 7 PollName: Green's Harbour LIB: 68 PC: 44 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.1 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 916 PEDName: Placentia?St. Mary's PEDNumber: 27 PEDPOLL: 27-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Green's Harbour LIB: 68 PC: 44 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 8 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.1 PCShare: 37.6 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Placentia - St. Mary's DistPoll: 27-7 DIST: 27.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 19 Name: Waterford Valley: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 74 PC: 18 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.3 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1725 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 74 PC: 18 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 214 Sworn: 15 Large: 74 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.3 PCShare: 17.8 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 19 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-14 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Waterford Valley: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 86 PC: 26 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1726 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 86 PC: 26 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 291 Sworn: 28 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.7 PCShare: 19.3 NDPShare: 17.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-15 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 67 Name: Waterford Valley: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 71 PC: 45 NDP: 41 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1727 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 71 PC: 45 NDP: 41 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 157 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 305 Sworn: 32 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.2 PCShare: 28.7 NDPShare: 26.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.6 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 67 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-16 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Waterford Valley: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 87 PC: 23 NDP: 40 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1728 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 87 PC: 23 NDP: 40 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 290 Sworn: 27 Large: 87 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.0 PCShare: 15.3 NDPShare: 26.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-17 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Waterford Valley: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 86 PC: 24 NDP: 38 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1729 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 86 PC: 24 NDP: 38 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 299 Sworn: 23 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.1 PCShare: 16.2 NDPShare: 25.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-18 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 20 Name: Waterford Valley: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 71 PC: 26 NDP: 39 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1730 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 71 PC: 26 NDP: 39 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 269 Sworn: 23 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.2 PCShare: 19.1 NDPShare: 28.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 20 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-19 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Waterford Valley: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's (Shea Heights) LIB: 158 PC: 7 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1713 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's (Shea Heights) LIB: 158 PC: 7 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 166 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 258 Sworn: 29 Large: 158 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.2 PCShare: 4.2 NDPShare: 0.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-2 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Waterford Valley: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 72 PC: 29 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1731 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 72 PC: 29 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 20 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.6 PCShare: 23.2 NDPShare: 19.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-20 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 117 Name: Waterford Valley: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 80 PC: 41 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1732 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 80 PC: 41 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 3 Registered: 358 Sworn: 31 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 29.3 NDPShare: 13.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 117 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-21 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Waterford Valley: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 80 PC: 28 NDP: 32 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1733 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 80 PC: 28 NDP: 32 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 273 Sworn: 33 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 20.0 NDPShare: 22.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-22 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: Waterford Valley: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 34 PC: 18 NDP: 28 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 42.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1734 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 34 PC: 18 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 10 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.5 PCShare: 22.5 NDPShare: 35.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-23 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Waterford Valley: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 63 PC: 16 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1735 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 63 PC: 16 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 94 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 247 Sworn: 22 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.0 PCShare: 17.0 NDPShare: 16.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-24 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Waterford Valley: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 65 PC: 13 NDP: 25 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1736 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 65 PC: 13 NDP: 25 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 230 Sworn: 15 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.1 PCShare: 12.6 NDPShare: 24.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-25 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Waterford Valley: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 69 PC: 21 NDP: 30 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1737 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 69 PC: 21 NDP: 30 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 20 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.5 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 25.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-26 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Waterford Valley: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 56 PC: 12 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1738 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 56 PC: 12 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 256 Sworn: 19 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.9 PCShare: 13.5 NDPShare: 23.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-27 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Waterford Valley: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 38 PC: 8 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.7 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1739 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's (Kilbride) LIB: 38 PC: 8 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 67 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 254 Sworn: 14 Large: 38 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.7 PCShare: 11.9 NDPShare: 31.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 25.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-28 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 234 Name: Bonavista: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 49 PollName: Harcourt and Barton LIB: 53 PC: 13 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.8 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 154 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: Harcourt and Barton LIB: 53 PC: 13 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 12 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.8 PCShare: 18.8 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 234 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-49 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Bonavista: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 5 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Melrose) LIB: 98 PC: 22 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 110 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Trinity Bay North (Melrose) LIB: 98 PC: 22 NDP: 0 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 191 Sworn: 10 Large: 98 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 80.3 PCShare: 18.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 1.6 Turnout: 60.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-5 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 157 Name: Bonavista: 50 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 50 PollName: Monroe, Waterville, Gin Cove and White Rock LIB: 17 PC: 14 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 155 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-50 PollNumber: 50 PollName: Monroe, Waterville, Gin Cove and White Rock LIB: 17 PC: 14 NDP: 4 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 36 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 70 Sworn: 1 Large: 17 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 47.2 PCShare: 38.9 NDPShare: 11.1 IndShare: 2.8 Turnout: 50.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 157 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-50 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 50.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 277 Name: Bonavista: 51 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 51 PollName: Burgoyne's Cove, New Burnt Cove, Clifton and Hodder's Cove LIB: 15 PC: 11 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 156 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-51 PollNumber: 51 PollName: Burgoyne's Cove, New Burnt Cove, Clifton and Hodder's Cove LIB: 15 PC: 11 NDP: 4 IND: 4 Rejected: 1 Total: 35 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 96 Sworn: 8 Large: 15 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 44.1 PCShare: 32.4 NDPShare: 11.8 IndShare: 11.8 Turnout: 33.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 277 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-51 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 51.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 204 Name: Bonavista: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 6 PollName: English Harbour and Champney's East LIB: 18 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.2< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 111 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: English Harbour and Champney's East LIB: 18 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 7 Rejected: 0 Total: 26 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 77 Sworn: 2 Large: 18 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 69.2 PCShare: 3.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 26.9 Turnout: 32.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 204 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-6 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 240 Name: Bonavista: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 7 PollName: Champney's West and Champney's Arm LIB: 42 PC: 3 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 112 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Champney's West and Champney's Arm LIB: 42 PC: 3 NDP: 3 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 49 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 80 Sworn: 5 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 85.7 PCShare: 6.1 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 2.0 Turnout: 57.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 240 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-7 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 294 Name: Bonavista: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 8 PollName: Port Rexton and Trinity East LIB: 89 PC: 17 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.6 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 113 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Port Rexton and Trinity East LIB: 89 PC: 17 NDP: 13 IND: 21 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 281 Sworn: 18 Large: 89 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #d7d7c1 LibShare: 63.6 PCShare: 12.1 NDPShare: 9.3 IndShare: 15.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 294 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-8 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 480 Name: Bonavista: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Bonavista PollNumber: 9 PollName: Trinity LIB: 44 PC: 7 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.6 PCShare: 11.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 114 PEDName: Bonavista PEDNumber: 2 PEDPOLL: 2-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Trinity LIB: 44 PC: 7 NDP: 5 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 86 Sworn: 10 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 74.6 PCShare: 11.9 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 5.1 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 480 Sept9_Dist: Bonavista DistPoll: 2-9 DIST: 2.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 1 PollName: Grey River LIB: 58 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 98.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 162 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Grey River LIB: 58 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 96 Sworn: 5 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 98.3 PCShare: 1.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-1 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 68 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 10 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 99 PC: 1 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.1 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 171 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 99 PC: 1 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 11 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.1 PCShare: 1.0 NDPShare: 2.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 68 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-10 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 11 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 134 PC: 2 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 172 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 134 PC: 2 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 12 Large: 134 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.1 PCShare: 1.4 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-11 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 12 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 113 PC: 1 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 173 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 113 PC: 1 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 214 Sworn: 15 Large: 113 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.4 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-12 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 81 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 13 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 111 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 174 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 111 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 11 Large: 111 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.1 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 81 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-13 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 14 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 108 PC: 3 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 175 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 108 PC: 3 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 11 Large: 108 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.4 PCShare: 2.7 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-14 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 82 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 15 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 110 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 176 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 110 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 244 Sworn: 9 Large: 110 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.0 PCShare: 4.3 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.2 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 82 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-15 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 16 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 115 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 98.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 177 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 115 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 212 Sworn: 9 Large: 115 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 98.3 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-16 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 170 Name: Cape St. Francis: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 20 PollName: Torbay LIB: 36 PC: 108 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 23.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 265 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Torbay LIB: 36 PC: 108 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 154 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 316 Sworn: 24 Large: 108 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 23.4 PCShare: 70.1 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.3 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 170 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-20 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 217 Name: Cape St. Francis: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 21 PollName: Torbay LIB: 31 PC: 88 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 24.8 PCShare: 7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 266 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Torbay LIB: 31 PC: 88 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 126 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 22 Large: 88 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 24.8 PCShare: 70.4 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.5 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 217 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-21 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 442 Name: Cape St. Francis: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 22 PollName: Flatrock and Torbay LIB: 33 PC: 172 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 80-89.9 LibShare: 15.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 267 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Flatrock and Torbay LIB: 33 PC: 172 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 212 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 327 Sworn: 58 Large: 172 Result: PC - 80-89.9 CatColour: #002880 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #002880 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 15.6 PCShare: 81.1 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.1 OldResultC: #006EDB geometry_v: 442 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-22 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: Cape St. Francis: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 23 PollName: Flatrock LIB: 30 PC: 210 NDP: 20 Result: PC - 80-89.9 LibShare: 11.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 268 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Flatrock LIB: 30 PC: 210 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 264 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 302 Sworn: 58 Large: 210 Result: PC - 80-89.9 CatColour: #002880 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #002880 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 11.5 PCShare: 80.8 NDPShare: 7.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 73.3 OldResultC: #006EDB geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-23 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 298 Name: Cape St. Francis: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 24 PollName: Flatrock LIB: 31 PC: 183 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 80-89.9 LibShare: 13.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 269 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Flatrock LIB: 31 PC: 183 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 226 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 342 Sworn: 66 Large: 183 Result: PC - 80-89.9 CatColour: #002880 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #002880 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 13.7 PCShare: 81.0 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.4 OldResultC: #006EDB geometry_v: 298 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-24 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 780 Name: Cape St. Francis: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 25 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 49 PC: 113 NDP: 19 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 27.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 270 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 49 PC: 113 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 182 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 320 Sworn: 46 Large: 113 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.1 PCShare: 62.4 NDPShare: 10.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.7 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 780 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-25 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Cape St. Francis: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 26 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 39 PC: 149 NDP: 24 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 18.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 271 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 39 PC: 149 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 213 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 31 Large: 149 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 18.4 PCShare: 70.3 NDPShare: 11.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.8 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-26 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 677 Name: Cape St. Francis: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 27 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 39 PC: 113 NDP: 21 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 22.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 272 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 39 PC: 113 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 174 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 273 Sworn: 24 Large: 113 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 22.5 PCShare: 65.3 NDPShare: 12.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 677 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-27 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Cape St. Francis: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 28 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 26 PC: 131 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 15.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 273 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Pouch Cove LIB: 26 PC: 131 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 169 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 300 Sworn: 23 Large: 131 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 15.4 PCShare: 77.5 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.3 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-28 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 438 Name: Cape St. Francis: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 29 PollName: Bauline LIB: 41 PC: 107 NDP: 19 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 24.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 274 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Bauline LIB: 41 PC: 107 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 169 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 255 Sworn: 35 Large: 107 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 24.6 PCShare: 64.1 NDPShare: 11.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.3 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 438 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-29 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Cape St. Francis: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 3 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 42 PC: 125 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 248 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 42 PC: 125 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 182 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 31 Large: 125 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 23.1 PCShare: 68.7 NDPShare: 8.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.3 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-3 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 483 Name: Cape St. Francis: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 4 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 44 PC: 109 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 249 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 44 PC: 109 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 165 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 258 Sworn: 26 Large: 109 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 26.7 PCShare: 66.1 NDPShare: 7.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.1 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 483 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-4 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 49 Name: Cape St. Francis: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 5 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 38 PC: 152 NDP: 23 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 250 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 38 PC: 152 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 213 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 50 Large: 152 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 17.8 PCShare: 71.4 NDPShare: 10.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.2 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 49 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-5 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 185 Name: Cape St. Francis: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 6 PollName: Torbay LIB: 73 PC: 90 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 251 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Torbay LIB: 73 PC: 90 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 176 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 349 Sworn: 48 Large: 90 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 51.4 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 185 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-6 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 263 Name: Cape St. Francis: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 7 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove and Torbay LIB: 63 PC: 128 NDP: 21 Result: PC - 60-69.9 Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 252 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove and Torbay LIB: 63 PC: 128 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 212 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 54 Large: 128 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.7 PCShare: 60.4 NDPShare: 9.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.2 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 263 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-7 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Cape St. Francis: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 8 PollName: Torbay LIB: 70 PC: 108 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 253 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Torbay LIB: 70 PC: 108 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 189 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 43 Large: 108 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 57.4 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-8 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Corner Brook: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 35 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 79 PC: 16 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 35 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 79 PC: 16 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 290 Sworn: 9 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.1 PCShare: 14.8 NDPShare: 12.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-35 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 22 Name: Corner Brook: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 36 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 60 PC: 12 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 36 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 60 PC: 12 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 271 Sworn: 11 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.2 PCShare: 14.6 NDPShare: 12.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 22 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-36 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 56 Name: Corner Brook: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 37 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 34 PC: 6 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 37 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 34 PC: 6 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 47 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 158 Sworn: 5 Large: 34 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.3 PCShare: 12.8 NDPShare: 14.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 56 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-37 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 23 Name: Corner Brook: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 38 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 41 PC: 7 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 38 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 41 PC: 7 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 67 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 202 Sworn: 4 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.2 PCShare: 10.4 NDPShare: 28.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 23 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-38 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 36 Name: Corner Brook: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 39 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 70 PC: 18 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 39 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 70 PC: 18 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 9 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.3 PCShare: 17.8 NDPShare: 12.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 36 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-39 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Corner Brook: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 4 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 56 PC: 17 NDP: 39 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 4 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 56 PC: 17 NDP: 39 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 257 Sworn: 11 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 15.2 NDPShare: 34.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-4 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 27 Name: Corner Brook: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 40 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 39 PC: 16 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 40 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 39 PC: 16 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 204 Sworn: 14 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.9 PCShare: 25.0 NDPShare: 14.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 27 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-40 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Corner Brook: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 41 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 44 PC: 10 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 41 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 44 PC: 10 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 60 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 202 Sworn: 13 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.3 PCShare: 16.7 NDPShare: 10.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-41 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Corner Brook: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 42 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 68 PC: 16 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 42 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 68 PC: 16 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 5 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: 15.1 NDPShare: 20.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-42 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Corner Brook: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 43 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 41 PC: 10 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 43 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 41 PC: 10 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 53 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 187 Sworn: 3 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.4 PCShare: 18.9 NDPShare: 3.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-43 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Corner Brook: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 5 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 84 PC: 21 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 5 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 84 PC: 21 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 335 Sworn: 21 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.6 PCShare: 16.4 NDPShare: 18.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-5 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 63 Name: Corner Brook: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 6 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 69 PC: 18 NDP: 41 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 6 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 69 PC: 18 NDP: 41 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 129 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 258 Sworn: 17 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.9 PCShare: 14.1 NDPShare: 32.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 63 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-6 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Corner Brook: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 7 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 65 PC: 31 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 7 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 65 PC: 31 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 248 Sworn: 12 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.6 PCShare: 26.1 NDPShare: 19.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-7 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 287 Name: Corner Brook: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 8 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 47 PC: 16 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 8 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 47 PC: 16 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 263 Sworn: 18 Large: 47 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.6 PCShare: 19.3 NDPShare: 24.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 287 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-8 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: Corner Brook: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Corner Brook PollNumber: 9 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 62 PC: 4 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 9 PEDName: Corner Brook PEDNumber: 10 PEDPOLL: 10-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 62 PC: 4 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 233 Sworn: 11 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.5 PCShare: 5.2 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: Corner Brook DistPoll: 10-9 DIST: 10.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1669 Name: Exploits: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 1 PollName: Fortune Harbour LIB: 17 PC: 16 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 677 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Fortune Harbour LIB: 17 PC: 16 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 33 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 63 Sworn: 8 Large: 17 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.5 PCShare: 48.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 1669 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-1 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Exploits: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 42 PC: 64 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.3 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 701 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 42 PC: 64 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 300 Sworn: 15 Large: 64 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.3 PCShare: 59.8 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-25 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 89 Name: Exploits: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 26 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 53 PC: 76 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.6 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 702 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 53 PC: 76 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 28 Large: 76 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.6 PCShare: 56.7 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 89 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-26 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Exploits: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 27 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 41 PC: 71 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 36.0 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 703 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 41 PC: 71 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 21 Large: 71 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.0 PCShare: 62.3 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-27 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 565 Name: Exploits: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 28 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 38 PC: 58 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.4 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 704 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 38 PC: 58 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 9 Large: 58 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.4 PCShare: 58.6 NDPShare: 3.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 565 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-28 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 74 Name: Exploits: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 29 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 48 PC: 80 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 36.6 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 705 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 48 PC: 80 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 263 Sworn: 23 Large: 80 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.6 PCShare: 61.1 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 74 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-29 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 3640 Name: Exploits: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 3 PollName: Point of Bay, Charles Brook, Ritter's Arm, Brook Harbour and Winter Tickle LIB: 34 PC: 39 NDP: 1 Result: P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 679 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Point of Bay, Charles Brook, Ritter's Arm, Brook Harbour and Winter Tickle LIB: 34 PC: 39 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 121 Sworn: 14 Large: 39 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.9 PCShare: 52.7 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 3640 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-3 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Exploits: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 30 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 44 PC: 47 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 706 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 44 PC: 47 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 6 Large: 47 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: 51.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-30 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 75 Name: Exploits: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 31 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 65 PC: 48 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 707 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 65 PC: 48 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 115 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 4 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.0 PCShare: 42.1 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 75 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-31 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 74 Name: Exploits: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 32 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 33 PC: 71 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 31.1 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 708 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 33 PC: 71 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 14 Large: 71 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.1 PCShare: 67.0 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 74 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-32 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 76 Name: Exploits: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 33 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 36 PC: 84 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 29.0 PCShare: 6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 709 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 36 PC: 84 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 21 Large: 84 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.0 PCShare: 67.7 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 76 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-33 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Exploits: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 34 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 39 PC: 57 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.6 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 710 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Bishop's Falls LIB: 39 PC: 57 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 233 Sworn: 8 Large: 57 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.6 PCShare: 56.4 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-34 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 180 Name: Exploits: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 35 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor and Wooddale LIB: 36 PC: 33 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 711 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor and Wooddale LIB: 36 PC: 33 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 131 Sworn: 8 Large: 36 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 45.8 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 180 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-35 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Exploits: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 36 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 38 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 712 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 61 PC: 38 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 277 Sworn: 25 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.0 PCShare: 35.5 NDPShare: 7.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-36 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Exploits: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 37 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 95 PC: 66 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 713 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 95 PC: 66 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 170 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 299 Sworn: 57 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.2 PCShare: 39.1 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-37 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Exploits: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 38 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 60 PC: 56 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 714 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 60 PC: 56 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 273 Sworn: 15 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 46.7 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-38 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 55 Name: Exploits: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Exploits PollNumber: 39 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 39 PC: 37 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 715 PEDName: Exploits PEDNumber: 11 PEDPOLL: 11-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 39 PC: 37 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 7 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.6 PCShare: 48.1 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 55 Sept9_Dist: Exploits DistPoll: 11-39 DIST: 11.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Ferryland: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 46 PollName: St. Shotts LIB: 10 PC: 32 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 23.3 PCShare: 74.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 768 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: St. Shotts LIB: 10 PC: 32 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 43 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 75 Sworn: 1 Large: 32 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 23.3 PCShare: 74.4 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.6 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-46 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Ferryland: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 5 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 35 PC: 43 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 39.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 727 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 35 PC: 43 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 237 Sworn: 18 Large: 43 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.8 PCShare: 48.9 NDPShare: 11.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.5 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-5 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 56 Name: Ferryland: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 6 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 56 PC: 59 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.3 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 728 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 56 PC: 59 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 213 Sworn: 23 Large: 59 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.3 PCShare: 48.8 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 56 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-6 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 85 Name: Ferryland: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 7 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 34 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 729 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 34 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 17 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.1 PCShare: 36.6 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 85 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-7 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 100 Name: Ferryland: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 46 PC: 49 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 46.9 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 730 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 46 PC: 49 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 245 Sworn: 16 Large: 49 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.9 PCShare: 50.0 NDPShare: 3.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 100 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-8 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 15 Name: Ferryland: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Ferryland PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 46 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 731 PEDName: Ferryland PEDNumber: 12 PEDPOLL: 12-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's (Goulds) LIB: 55 PC: 46 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 232 Sworn: 19 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.9 PCShare: 42.6 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 15 Sept9_Dist: Ferryland DistPoll: 12-9 DIST: 12.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 81 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 1 PollName: Cape Freels North LIB: 58 PC: 19 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 774 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Cape Freels North LIB: 58 PC: 19 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 100 Sworn: 7 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.3 PCShare: 24.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 72.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 81 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-1 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 95 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 10 PollName: Wareham LIB: 87 PC: 44 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.9 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 783 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Wareham LIB: 87 PC: 44 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 280 Sworn: 6 Large: 87 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.9 PCShare: 32.8 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 95 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-10 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 112 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 11 PollName: Indian Bay LIB: 40 PC: 29 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.1 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 784 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Indian Bay LIB: 40 PC: 29 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 152 Sworn: 3 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.1 PCShare: 39.2 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 112 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-11 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 502 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 12 PollName: Greenspond LIB: 154 PC: 28 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 785 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Greenspond LIB: 154 PC: 28 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 186 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 258 Sworn: 13 Large: 154 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.8 PCShare: 15.1 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 68.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 502 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-12 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 104 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 13 PollName: Valleyfield LIB: 125 PC: 40 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 786 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Valleyfield LIB: 125 PC: 40 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 166 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 288 Sworn: 14 Large: 125 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.3 PCShare: 24.1 NDPShare: 0.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 104 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-13 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 14 PollName: Pools Island LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 787 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Pools Island LIB: 54 PC: 17 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 131 Sworn: 5 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.0 PCShare: 23.0 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-14 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 266 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 15 PollName: Badger's Quay LIB: 78 PC: 54 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 788 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Badger's Quay LIB: 78 PC: 54 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 276 Sworn: 6 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.9 PCShare: 39.4 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 266 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-15 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 16 PollName: Badger's Quay LIB: 59 PC: 41 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 789 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Badger's Quay LIB: 59 PC: 41 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 177 Sworn: 17 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.4 PCShare: 40.6 NDPShare: 1.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.1 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-16 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 146 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 17 PollName: Brookfield LIB: 38 PC: 21 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.4 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 790 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Brookfield LIB: 38 PC: 21 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 131 Sworn: 10 Large: 38 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.4 PCShare: 35.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 146 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-17 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 165 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 18 PollName: Wesleyville LIB: 59 PC: 32 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.1 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 791 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Wesleyville LIB: 59 PC: 32 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 183 Sworn: 7 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: 34.8 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 165 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-18 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 397 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 48 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 48 PollName: Shoal Bay, Fogo Island Centre and Barr'd Islands LIB: 43 PC: 11 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 821 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-48 PollNumber: 48 PollName: Shoal Bay, Fogo Island Centre and Barr'd Islands LIB: 43 PC: 11 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 54 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 154 Sworn: 1 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.6 PCShare: 20.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 397 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-48 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 48.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 193 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 49 PollName: Joe Batt's Arm LIB: 75 PC: 4 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 822 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: Joe Batt's Arm LIB: 75 PC: 4 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 165 Sworn: 6 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.5 PCShare: 4.9 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 193 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-49 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 5 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 54 PC: 25 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.5 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 778 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 54 PC: 25 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 240 Sworn: 4 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.5 PCShare: 31.3 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-5 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 186 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 50 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 50 PollName: Joe Batt's Arm LIB: 94 PC: 9 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 823 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-50 PollNumber: 50 PollName: Joe Batt's Arm LIB: 94 PC: 9 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 236 Sworn: 7 Large: 94 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.0 PCShare: 8.3 NDPShare: 4.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 186 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-50 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 50.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 395 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 51 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 51 PollName: Tilting LIB: 56 PC: 44 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.8 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 824 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-51 PollNumber: 51 PollName: Tilting LIB: 56 PC: 44 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 161 Sworn: 8 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.8 PCShare: 42.3 NDPShare: 3.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 395 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-51 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 51.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 267 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 52 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 52 PollName: Fogo LIB: 79 PC: 17 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 825 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-52 PollNumber: 52 PollName: Fogo LIB: 79 PC: 17 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 259 Sworn: 6 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.2 PCShare: 16.8 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 267 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-52 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 52.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 114 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 53 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 53 PollName: Fogo LIB: 73 PC: 7 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.9 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 826 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-53 PollNumber: 53 PollName: Fogo LIB: 73 PC: 7 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 9 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.9 PCShare: 8.1 NDPShare: 7.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 114 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-53 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 53.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 151 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 54 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 54 PollName: Deep Bay LIB: 30 PC: 0 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 100.0 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 827 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-54 PollNumber: 54 PollName: Deep Bay LIB: 30 PC: 0 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 30 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 88 Sworn: 3 Large: 30 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 100.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 151 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-54 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 54.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 155 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 55 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 55 PollName: Island Harbour LIB: 49 PC: 9 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 828 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-55 PollNumber: 55 PollName: Island Harbour LIB: 49 PC: 9 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 115 Sworn: 1 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.5 PCShare: 15.5 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 155 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-55 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 55.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 100 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 6 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 56 PC: 25 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.7 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 779 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 56 PC: 25 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 84 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 4 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.7 PCShare: 29.8 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 100 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-6 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 39 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 7 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 78 PC: 32 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.6 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 780 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Hare Bay LIB: 78 PC: 32 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 12 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.6 PCShare: 28.6 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 39 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-7 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 185 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 8 PollName: Trinity LIB: 55 PC: 59 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 48.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 781 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Trinity LIB: 55 PC: 59 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 249 Sworn: 4 Large: 59 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.2 PCShare: 51.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 185 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-8 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 9 PollName: Centreville LIB: 64 PC: 37 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 782 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Centreville LIB: 64 PC: 37 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 170 Sworn: 15 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.7 PCShare: 36.3 NDPShare: 1.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-9 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 99 Name: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PollNumber: 1 PollName: Rencontre East LIB: 24 PC: 30 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 38.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 836 PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PEDNumber: 14 PEDPOLL: 14-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Rencontre East LIB: 24 PC: 30 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 93 Sworn: 10 Large: 30 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.1 PCShare: 47.6 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.1 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 99 Sept9_Dist: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune DistPoll: 14-1 DIST: 14.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 164 Name: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PollNumber: 10 PollName: Seal Cove LIB: 91 PC: 29 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 845 PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PEDNumber: 14 PEDPOLL: 14-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Seal Cove LIB: 91 PC: 29 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 13 Large: 91 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.7 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 164 Sept9_Dist: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune DistPoll: 14-10 DIST: 14.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 224 Name: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PollNumber: 11 PollName: Sandyville LIB: 37 PC: 12 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 846 PEDName: Fortune Bay?Cape La Hune PEDNumber: 14 PEDPOLL: 14-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Sandyville LIB: 37 PC: 12 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 54 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 77 Sworn: 13 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.5 PCShare: 22.2 NDPShare: 9.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 224 Sept9_Dist: Fortune Bay - Cape La Hune DistPoll: 14-11 DIST: 14.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 324 Name: Harbour Main: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 25 PollName: Conception Harbour (Crossroads) and Bacon Cove LIB: 31 PC: 52 NDP: 49 Result: PC - 30-39.9 Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 559 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Conception Harbour (Crossroads) and Bacon Cove LIB: 31 PC: 52 NDP: 49 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 228 Sworn: 16 Large: 52 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 23.0 PCShare: 38.5 NDPShare: 36.3 IndShare: 2.2 Turnout: 55.3 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 324 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-25 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 269 Name: Harbour Main: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 26 PollName: Colliers LIB: 39 PC: 45 NDP: 47 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 29.8 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 560 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Colliers LIB: 39 PC: 45 NDP: 47 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 132 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 16 Large: 47 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.8 PCShare: 34.4 NDPShare: 35.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.2 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 269 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-26 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 209 Name: Harbour Main: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 27 PollName: Colliers LIB: 34 PC: 53 NDP: 46 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 25.6 PCShare: 39 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 561 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Colliers LIB: 34 PC: 53 NDP: 46 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 257 Sworn: 9 Large: 53 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 25.6 PCShare: 39.8 NDPShare: 34.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 209 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-27 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 275 Name: Harbour Main: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 28 PollName: Marysvale LIB: 31 PC: 32 NDP: 36 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 31.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 562 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Marysvale LIB: 31 PC: 32 NDP: 36 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 222 Sworn: 12 Large: 36 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.3 PCShare: 32.3 NDPShare: 36.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.7 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 275 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-28 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 207 Name: Harbour Main: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 29 PollName: Marysvale LIB: 23 PC: 15 NDP: 30 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 32.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 563 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Marysvale LIB: 23 PC: 15 NDP: 30 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 169 Sworn: 6 Large: 30 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 32.9 PCShare: 21.4 NDPShare: 42.9 IndShare: 2.9 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 207 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-29 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 56 Name: Harbour Main: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 3 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 42 PC: 41 NDP: 26 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: 38.5 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 537 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 42 PC: 41 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 251 Sworn: 28 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.5 PCShare: 37.6 NDPShare: 23.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 56 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-3 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Harbour Main: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 30 PollName: Georgetown LIB: 48 PC: 18 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 564 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Georgetown LIB: 48 PC: 18 NDP: 22 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 90 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 22 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 53.3 PCShare: 20.0 NDPShare: 24.4 IndShare: 2.2 Turnout: 36.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-30 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 58 Name: Harbour Main: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 31 PollName: Brigus LIB: 56 PC: 30 NDP: 25 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 26. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 565 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Brigus LIB: 56 PC: 30 NDP: 25 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 11 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 26.8 NDPShare: 22.3 IndShare: 0.9 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 58 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-31 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 156 Name: Harbour Main: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 32 PollName: Brigus LIB: 73 PC: 21 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.8 PCShare: 17. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 566 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Brigus LIB: 73 PC: 21 NDP: 23 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 269 Sworn: 21 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 60.8 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 19.2 IndShare: 2.5 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 156 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-32 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 200 Name: Harbour Main: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 33 PollName: Cupids LIB: 61 PC: 26 NDP: 17 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.5 PCShare: 24. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 567 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Cupids LIB: 61 PC: 26 NDP: 17 IND: 4 Rejected: 1 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 15 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 56.5 PCShare: 24.1 NDPShare: 15.7 IndShare: 3.7 Turnout: 53.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 200 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-33 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Harbour Main: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 34 PollName: Cupids LIB: 42 PC: 26 NDP: 32 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40.8 PCShare: 25. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 568 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Cupids LIB: 42 PC: 26 NDP: 32 IND: 3 Rejected: 1 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 20 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 40.8 PCShare: 25.2 NDPShare: 31.1 IndShare: 2.9 Turnout: 46.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-34 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 91 Name: Harbour Main: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 35 PollName: Cupids Crossing LIB: 19 PC: 17 NDP: 30 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 LibShare: 27.9 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 569 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Cupids Crossing LIB: 19 PC: 17 NDP: 30 IND: 2 Rejected: 1 Total: 69 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 181 Sworn: 13 Large: 30 Result: NDP - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff851a LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 27.9 PCShare: 25.0 NDPShare: 44.1 IndShare: 2.9 Turnout: 35.6 OldResultC: #FFB061 geometry_v: 91 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-35 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 84 Name: Harbour Main: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 36 PollName: South River LIB: 44 PC: 16 NDP: 10 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 570 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: South River LIB: 44 PC: 16 NDP: 10 IND: 6 Rejected: 0 Total: 76 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 212 Sworn: 4 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 57.9 PCShare: 21.1 NDPShare: 13.2 IndShare: 7.9 Turnout: 35.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 84 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-36 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 324 Name: Harbour Main: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 37 PollName: South River LIB: 56 PC: 40 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 571 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: South River LIB: 56 PC: 40 NDP: 9 IND: 8 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 32 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 49.6 PCShare: 35.4 NDPShare: 8.0 IndShare: 7.1 Turnout: 43.8 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 324 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-37 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 292 Name: Harbour Main: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 38 PollName: Clarke's Beach LIB: 39 PC: 28 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 43.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 572 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Clarke's Beach LIB: 39 PC: 28 NDP: 19 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 325 Sworn: 15 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 43.8 PCShare: 31.5 NDPShare: 21.3 IndShare: 3.4 Turnout: 26.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 292 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-38 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 81 Name: Harbour Main: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Main PollNumber: 39 PollName: Clarke's Beach LIB: 43 PC: 37 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.3 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 573 PEDName: Harbour Main PEDNumber: 18 PEDPOLL: 18-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Clarke's Beach LIB: 43 PC: 37 NDP: 6 IND: 3 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 264 Sworn: 15 Large: 43 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 48.3 PCShare: 41.6 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 3.4 Turnout: 31.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 81 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Main DistPoll: 18-39 DIST: 18.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1340 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 2 PollName: Herring Neck, Salt Harbour Island and Merritt's Harbour LIB: 55 PC: 42 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1186 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Herring Neck, Salt Harbour Island and Merritt's Harbour LIB: 55 PC: 42 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 168 Sworn: 4 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.5 PCShare: 41.6 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 1340 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-2 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 91 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 20 PollName: Summerford LIB: 50 PC: 69 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.0 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1204 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Summerford LIB: 50 PC: 69 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 11 Large: 69 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.0 PCShare: 58.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 91 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-20 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 160 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 21 PollName: Summerford LIB: 67 PC: 48 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.3 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1205 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Summerford LIB: 67 PC: 48 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 210 Sworn: 1 Large: 67 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.3 PCShare: 40.3 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 160 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-21 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 343 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 22 PollName: Cottlesville LIB: 68 PC: 50 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1206 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Cottlesville LIB: 68 PC: 50 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 209 Sworn: 9 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.8 PCShare: 40.3 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 343 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-22 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 614 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 23 PollName: Summerford LIB: 68 PC: 79 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 46.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1207 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Summerford LIB: 68 PC: 79 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 147 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 255 Sworn: 21 Large: 79 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.3 PCShare: 53.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 614 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-23 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1112 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 24 PollName: Boyd's Cove, Boyd's Harbour and Pickett's Brook LIB: 31 PC: 57 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 60-69.9< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1208 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Boyd's Cove, Boyd's Harbour and Pickett's Brook LIB: 31 PC: 57 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 94 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 177 Sworn: 8 Large: 57 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.0 PCShare: 60.6 NDPShare: 6.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.8 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 1112 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-24 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 330 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 25 PollName: Birchy Bay LIB: 65 PC: 20 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.7 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1209 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Birchy Bay LIB: 65 PC: 20 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 87 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 239 Sworn: 7 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.7 PCShare: 23.0 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 330 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-25 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 196 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 26 PollName: Birchy Bay LIB: 50 PC: 64 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.7 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1210 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Birchy Bay LIB: 50 PC: 64 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 17 Large: 64 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.7 PCShare: 54.7 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 196 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-26 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 163 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 27 PollName: Baytona LIB: 64 PC: 45 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.7 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1211 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Baytona LIB: 64 PC: 45 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 201 Sworn: 16 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.7 PCShare: 40.5 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 163 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-27 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 371 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 28 PollName: Loon Bay LIB: 27 PC: 53 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 31.4 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1212 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Loon Bay LIB: 27 PC: 53 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 140 Sworn: 18 Large: 53 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.4 PCShare: 61.6 NDPShare: 7.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.4 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 371 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-28 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 186 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 29 PollName: Campbellton LIB: 57 PC: 45 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.8 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1213 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Campbellton LIB: 57 PC: 45 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 184 Sworn: 11 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.8 PCShare: 41.7 NDPShare: 5.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 186 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-29 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 145 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 3 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 31 PC: 89 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 25.6 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1187 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 31 PC: 89 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 211 Sworn: 11 Large: 89 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 25.6 PCShare: 73.6 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.5 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 145 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-3 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 614 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 30 PollName: Comfort Cove?Newstead LIB: 60 PC: 16 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1214 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Comfort Cove?Newstead LIB: 60 PC: 16 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 77 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 12 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.9 PCShare: 20.8 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 614 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-30 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 245 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 31 PollName: Comfort Cove?Newstead LIB: 28 PC: 40 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.4< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1215 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Comfort Cove?Newstead LIB: 28 PC: 40 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 71 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 161 Sworn: 7 Large: 40 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.4 PCShare: 56.3 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 245 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-31 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 371 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 32 PollName: Michael's Harbour & Campbellton LIB: 85 PC: 48 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1216 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Michael's Harbour & Campbellton LIB: 85 PC: 48 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 136 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 245 Sworn: 15 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.0 PCShare: 35.6 NDPShare: 1.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 371 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-32 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 33 PollName: Lewisporte LIB: 97 PC: 36 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.8 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1217 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Lewisporte LIB: 97 PC: 36 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 269 Sworn: 19 Large: 97 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.8 PCShare: 26.3 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-33 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 61 Name: Mount Pearl North: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 15 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 52 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1251 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 57 PC: 52 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 258 Sworn: 24 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.1 PCShare: 44.8 NDPShare: 6.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 61 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-15 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Mount Pearl North: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 16 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 67 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.7 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1252 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 67 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 249 Sworn: 37 Large: 67 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 48.2 NDPShare: 10.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.6 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-16 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 13 Name: Mount Pearl North: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 17 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 99 PC: 86 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.6 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1253 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 99 PC: 86 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 192 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 340 Sworn: 38 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.6 PCShare: 44.8 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 13 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-17 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Mount Pearl North: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 18 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 78 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1254 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 78 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 341 Sworn: 46 Large: 78 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.2 PCShare: 52.7 NDPShare: 8.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-18 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 19 Name: Mount Pearl North: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 19 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 91 PC: 98 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.5 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1255 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 91 PC: 98 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 204 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 315 Sworn: 92 Large: 98 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.5 PCShare: 49.0 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.1 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 19 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-19 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 80 Name: Mount Pearl North: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's and Mount Pearl LIB: 124 PC: 194 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1238 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's and Mount Pearl LIB: 124 PC: 194 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 331 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 374 Sworn: 173 Large: 194 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.7 PCShare: 59.0 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 80 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-2 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Mount Pearl North: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 20 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 32 PC: 44 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1256 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 32 PC: 44 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 265 Sworn: 27 Large: 44 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.6 PCShare: 51.8 NDPShare: 10.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-20 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 136 Name: Mount Pearl North: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 21 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 75 PC: 81 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.2 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1257 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 75 PC: 81 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 168 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 68 Large: 81 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.2 PCShare: 48.8 NDPShare: 6.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.2 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 136 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-21 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Mount Pearl North: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 22 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 47 PC: 78 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1258 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 47 PC: 78 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 245 Sworn: 30 Large: 78 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.3 PCShare: 56.9 NDPShare: 8.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-22 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 63 Name: Mount Pearl North: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 23 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 55 PC: 66 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 43.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1259 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 55 PC: 66 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 23 Large: 66 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 43.7 PCShare: 52.4 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 63 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-23 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Mount Pearl North: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 24 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 52 PC: 49 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1260 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 52 PC: 49 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 196 Sworn: 30 Large: 52 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.1 PCShare: 46.2 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.9 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-24 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 13 Name: Mount Pearl North: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 25 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 37 PC: 47 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1261 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 37 PC: 47 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 16 Large: 47 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.8 PCShare: 50.5 NDPShare: 9.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 13 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-25 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Mount Pearl North: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 26 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 66 NDP: 19 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 28.6 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1262 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 66 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 295 Sworn: 20 Large: 66 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 28.6 PCShare: 55.5 NDPShare: 16.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.8 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-26 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 50 Name: Mount Pearl North: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 55 PC: 75 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1263 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 55 PC: 75 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 137 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 271 Sworn: 30 Large: 75 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.1 PCShare: 54.7 NDPShare: 5.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 50 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-27 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: Mount Pearl North: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 28 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 57 NDP: 11 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1264 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 34 PC: 57 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 25 Large: 57 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 55.9 NDPShare: 10.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-28 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Mount Pearl North: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl North PollNumber: 29 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 76 PC: 58 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.1 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1265 PEDName: Mount Pearl North PEDNumber: 24 PEDPOLL: 24-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 76 PC: 58 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 146 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 324 Sworn: 24 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.1 PCShare: 39.7 NDPShare: 8.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl North DistPoll: 24-29 DIST: 24.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 101 Name: Torngat Mountains: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 2 PollName: Postville LIB: 62 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1660 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Postville LIB: 62 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 151 Sworn: 0 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.9 PCShare: 1.6 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 101 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-2 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 830 Name: Torngat Mountains: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 3 PollName: Natuashish LIB: 81 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1661 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Natuashish LIB: 81 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 356 Sworn: 23 Large: 81 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.2 PCShare: 4.7 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 22.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 830 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-3 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Torngat Mountains: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 4 PollName: Hopedale LIB: 123 PC: 1 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1662 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Hopedale LIB: 123 PC: 1 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 132 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 412 Sworn: 15 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.2 PCShare: 0.8 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-4 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Torngat Mountains: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 5 PollName: Makkovik LIB: 102 PC: 4 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1663 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Makkovik LIB: 102 PC: 4 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 114 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 270 Sworn: 14 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: 3.5 NDPShare: 6.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-5 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 51 Name: Torngat Mountains: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 6 PollName: Nain LIB: 151 PC: 5 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.2 PCShare: 3.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1664 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Nain LIB: 151 PC: 5 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 163 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 369 Sworn: 21 Large: 151 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.2 PCShare: 3.1 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 51 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-6 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Torngat Mountains: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 7 PollName: Nain LIB: 118 PC: 2 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.9 PCShare: 1.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1665 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Nain LIB: 118 PC: 2 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 355 Sworn: 15 Large: 118 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.9 PCShare: 1.6 NDPShare: 5.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-7 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 132 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 119 PC: 55 NDP: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1670 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 119 PC: 55 NDP: 48 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 224 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 353 Sworn: 87 Large: 119 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.6 PCShare: 24.8 NDPShare: 21.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 132 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-1 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 94 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's LIB: 99 PC: 62 NDP: 48 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1679 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's LIB: 99 PC: 62 NDP: 48 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 209 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 340 Sworn: 82 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.4 PCShare: 29.7 NDPShare: 23.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 94 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-10 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 111 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's LIB: 42 PC: 42 NDP: 51 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 31.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1680 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's LIB: 42 PC: 42 NDP: 51 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 19 Large: 51 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.1 PCShare: 31.1 NDPShare: 37.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 111 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-11 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 49 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's LIB: 61 PC: 50 NDP: 40 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1681 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's LIB: 61 PC: 50 NDP: 40 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 152 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 310 Sworn: 24 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.4 PCShare: 33.1 NDPShare: 26.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.5 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 49 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-12 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's LIB: 28 PC: 29 NDP: 18 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 37.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1682 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's LIB: 28 PC: 29 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 150 Sworn: 12 Large: 29 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.3 PCShare: 38.7 NDPShare: 24.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.3 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-13 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 44 PC: 32 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 44.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1683 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 44 PC: 32 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 16 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.0 PCShare: 32.0 NDPShare: 24.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-14 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 31 PC: 58 NDP: 34 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 25.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1684 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 31 PC: 58 NDP: 34 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 274 Sworn: 19 Large: 58 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 25.2 PCShare: 47.2 NDPShare: 27.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.3 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-15 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 33 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 56 NDP: 43 Result: PC - 30-39.9 LibShare: 34.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1685 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 56 NDP: 43 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 152 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 27 Large: 56 Result: PC - 30-39.9 CatColour: #4d85ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.4 PCShare: 37.1 NDPShare: 28.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.8 OldResultC: #DBEDFF geometry_v: 33 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-16 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 29 PC: 22 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1686 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 29 PC: 22 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 155 Sworn: 12 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.3 PCShare: 34.4 NDPShare: 20.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.3 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-17 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 57 PC: 28 NDP: 29 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1687 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 57 PC: 28 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 228 Sworn: 13 Large: 57 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 24.6 NDPShare: 25.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-18 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 58 NDP: 38 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 41.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1688 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 69 PC: 58 NDP: 38 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 167 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 22 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.8 PCShare: 35.2 NDPShare: 23.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-19 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 93 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 26 PC: 12 NDP: 40 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 LibShare: 33.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1671 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 26 PC: 12 NDP: 40 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 235 Sworn: 9 Large: 40 Result: NDP - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e66b00 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #e66b00 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 33.3 PCShare: 15.4 NDPShare: 51.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.0 OldResultC: #FF962E geometry_v: 93 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-2 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 54 PC: 38 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1689 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 54 PC: 38 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 116 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 257 Sworn: 19 Large: 54 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.6 PCShare: 32.8 NDPShare: 20.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-20 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 39 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 51 NDP: 56 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 LibShare: 32.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1690 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 52 PC: 51 NDP: 56 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 160 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 22 Large: 56 Result: NDP - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ffa04d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.7 PCShare: 32.1 NDPShare: 35.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.6 OldResultC: #FFC994 geometry_v: 39 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-21 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 63 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 26 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1691 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: St. John's LIB: 66 PC: 45 NDP: 26 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 137 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 309 Sworn: 20 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.2 PCShare: 32.8 NDPShare: 19.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.6 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 63 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-22 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's LIB: 37 PC: 49 NDP: 49 Result: Tie LibShare: 27.4 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1692 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: St. John's LIB: 37 PC: 49 NDP: 49 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 278 Sworn: 16 Large: 49 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffa04d IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.4 PCShare: 36.3 NDPShare: 36.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.9 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-23 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 41 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's LIB: 51 PC: 46 NDP: 36 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: 38.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1693 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: St. John's LIB: 51 PC: 46 NDP: 36 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 133 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 297 Sworn: 16 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.3 PCShare: 34.6 NDPShare: 27.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 41 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-24 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 17 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 38 NDP: 29 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 LibShare: 38.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1694 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: St. John's LIB: 41 PC: 38 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 109 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 249 Sworn: 3 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 30-39.9 CatColour: #ff4d4d LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.0 PCShare: 35.2 NDPShare: 26.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.3 OldResultC: #FFB3B3 geometry_v: 17 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-25 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 25 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's LIB: 43 PC: 54 NDP: 17 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 37.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1695 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: St. John's LIB: 43 PC: 54 NDP: 17 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 272 Sworn: 7 Large: 54 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.7 PCShare: 47.4 NDPShare: 14.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 25 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-26 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's LIB: 85 PC: 60 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1696 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: St. John's LIB: 85 PC: 60 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 167 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 309 Sworn: 19 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.2 PCShare: 36.1 NDPShare: 12.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-27 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's LIB: 47 PC: 18 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1697 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: St. John's LIB: 47 PC: 18 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 87 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 223 Sworn: 21 Large: 47 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.0 PCShare: 20.7 NDPShare: 25.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-28 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 21 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 58 NDP: 10 Result: Tie LibShare: 46.0 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1698 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 58 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 126 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 254 Sworn: 14 Large: 58 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.0 PCShare: 46.0 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 21 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-29 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 43 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 44 PC: 32 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 45.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1672 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: St. John's LIB: 44 PC: 32 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 15 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 45.4 PCShare: 33.0 NDPShare: 21.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.6 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 43 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-3 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 42 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1699 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: St. John's LIB: 58 PC: 42 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 120 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 320 Sworn: 13 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.3 PCShare: 35.0 NDPShare: 16.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-30 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 32 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 66 PC: 54 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1700 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: St. John's LIB: 66 PC: 54 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 291 Sworn: 13 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.1 PCShare: 38.6 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 32 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-31 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 59 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1701 PEDName: Virginia Waters?Pleasantville PEDNumber: 38 PEDPOLL: 38-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 59 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 353 Sworn: 9 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.7 PCShare: 39.3 NDPShare: 12.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Virginia Waters - Pleasantville DistPoll: 38-32 DIST: 38.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Waterford Valley: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's LIB: 49 PC: 16 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.3 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1719 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: St. John's LIB: 49 PC: 16 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 87 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 186 Sworn: 21 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.3 PCShare: 18.4 NDPShare: 25.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-8 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Waterford Valley: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Waterford Valley PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's LIB: 37 PC: 7 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 49.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1720 PEDName: Waterford Valley PEDNumber: 39 PEDPOLL: 39-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: St. John's LIB: 37 PC: 7 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 76 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 193 Sworn: 16 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ff851a IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.3 PCShare: 9.3 NDPShare: 41.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Waterford Valley DistPoll: 39-9 DIST: 39.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Windsor Lake: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 147 PC: 40 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1358 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: St. John's LIB: 147 PC: 40 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 205 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 321 Sworn: 37 Large: 147 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.4 PCShare: 19.7 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-1 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Windsor Lake: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's LIB: 63 PC: 19 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1367 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: St. John's LIB: 63 PC: 19 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 296 Sworn: 12 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.3 PCShare: 19.4 NDPShare: 16.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 31.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-10 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 34 Name: Windsor Lake: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's LIB: 80 PC: 18 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1368 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: St. John's LIB: 80 PC: 18 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 280 Sworn: 16 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.8 PCShare: 15.3 NDPShare: 16.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 34 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-11 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Windsor Lake: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's LIB: 82 PC: 23 NDP: 20 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1369 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: St. John's LIB: 82 PC: 23 NDP: 20 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 327 Sworn: 13 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.6 PCShare: 18.4 NDPShare: 16.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-12 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Windsor Lake: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 24 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 60.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1370 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 24 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 125 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 13 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.3 PCShare: 19.8 NDPShare: 19.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-13 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 17 Name: Windsor Lake: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 55 PC: 30 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1371 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: St. John's LIB: 55 PC: 30 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 257 Sworn: 15 Large: 55 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 51.4 PCShare: 28.0 NDPShare: 20.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 17 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-14 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 75 Name: Windsor Lake: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 75 PC: 35 NDP: 21 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1372 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: St. John's LIB: 75 PC: 35 NDP: 21 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 131 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 284 Sworn: 23 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 26.7 NDPShare: 16.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 75 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-15 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 40 Name: Windsor Lake: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 68 PC: 29 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1373 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: St. John's LIB: 68 PC: 29 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 268 Sworn: 9 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 24.4 NDPShare: 18.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 40 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-16 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Windsor Lake: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 30 PC: 24 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1374 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: St. John's LIB: 30 PC: 24 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 63 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 246 Sworn: 9 Large: 30 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.4 PCShare: 38.7 NDPShare: 12.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 24.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-17 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 13 Name: Windsor Lake: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 103 PC: 27 NDP: 24 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1375 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: St. John's LIB: 103 PC: 27 NDP: 24 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 154 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 368 Sworn: 37 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.9 PCShare: 17.5 NDPShare: 15.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 13 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-18 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Windsor Lake: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 117 PC: 33 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 72.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1376 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: St. John's LIB: 117 PC: 33 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 165 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 331 Sworn: 26 Large: 117 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 72.7 PCShare: 20.5 NDPShare: 6.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-19 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 36 Name: Windsor Lake: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 107 PC: 52 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.6 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1359 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: St. John's LIB: 107 PC: 52 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 171 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 290 Sworn: 19 Large: 107 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.6 PCShare: 30.4 NDPShare: 7.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 36 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-2 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 53 Name: Windsor Lake: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 134 PC: 44 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 69.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1377 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: St. John's LIB: 134 PC: 44 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 194 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 393 Sworn: 50 Large: 134 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 69.4 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 7.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 53 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-20 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Windsor Lake: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Windsor Lake PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 25 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1378 PEDName: Windsor Lake PEDNumber: 40 PEDPOLL: 40-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: St. John's LIB: 73 PC: 25 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 378 Sworn: 13 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.4 PCShare: 22.7 NDPShare: 10.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 28.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Windsor Lake DistPoll: 40-21 DIST: 40.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 111 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 17 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 109 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 98.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 178 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 109 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 12 Large: 109 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 98.2 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 111 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-17 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 111 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 18 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 115 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 98.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 179 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 115 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 16 Large: 115 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 98.3 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.2 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 111 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-18 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 72 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 19 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 100 PC: 0 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 180 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 100 PC: 0 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 222 Sworn: 11 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.2 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 4.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 72 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-19 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 2 PollName: Ramea LIB: 99 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.0 PCShare: 1.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 163 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Ramea LIB: 99 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 100 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 229 Sworn: 6 Large: 99 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.0 PCShare: 1.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-2 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 62 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 20 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 134 PC: 2 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 181 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 134 PC: 2 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 23 Large: 134 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.4 PCShare: 1.4 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 62 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-20 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 21 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 138 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 182 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 138 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 145 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 9 Large: 138 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.2 PCShare: 3.4 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-21 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 90 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 22 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 95 PC: 2 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.9 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 183 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Channel?Port aux Basques LIB: 95 PC: 2 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 189 Sworn: 19 Large: 95 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.9 PCShare: 2.0 NDPShare: 1.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 90 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-22 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 182 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 23 PollName: Margaree?Fox Roost LIB: 146 PC: 0 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.3 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 184 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Margaree?Fox Roost LIB: 146 PC: 0 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 147 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 258 Sworn: 14 Large: 146 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.3 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.0 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 182 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-23 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 24 PollName: Isle aux Morts LIB: 134 PC: 9 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 93.1 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 185 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Isle aux Morts LIB: 134 PC: 9 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 144 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 287 Sworn: 4 Large: 134 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 93.1 PCShare: 6.3 NDPShare: 0.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-24 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 25 PollName: Isle aux Morts LIB: 141 PC: 2 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.6 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 186 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Isle aux Morts LIB: 141 PC: 2 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 146 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 269 Sworn: 6 Large: 141 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.6 PCShare: 1.4 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-25 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 299 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 26 PollName: Burnt Islands LIB: 118 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 187 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Burnt Islands LIB: 118 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 285 Sworn: 13 Large: 118 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.2 PCShare: 0.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 299 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-26 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 27 PollName: Burnt Islands LIB: 112 PC: 0 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 99.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 188 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Burnt Islands LIB: 112 PC: 0 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 228 Sworn: 5 Large: 112 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 99.1 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-27 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 200 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 28 PollName: Rose Blanche, Harbour Le Cou and Diamond Cove LIB: 94 PC: 1 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 189 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Rose Blanche, Harbour Le Cou and Diamond Cove LIB: 94 PC: 1 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 232 Sworn: 9 Large: 94 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.9 PCShare: 1.0 NDPShare: 1.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 200 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-28 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 197 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 29 PollName: La Poile LIB: 40 PC: 0 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 100.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 190 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: La Poile LIB: 40 PC: 0 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 40 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 92 Sworn: 2 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 100.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 197 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-29 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 133 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 3 PollName: Ramea LIB: 96 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94.1 PCShare: 5.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 164 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Ramea LIB: 96 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 236 Sworn: 4 Large: 96 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.1 PCShare: 5.9 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 133 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-3 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 214 Name: Burgeo - La Poile: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PollNumber: 30 PollName: Rose Blanche LIB: 85 PC: 2 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 95.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 191 PEDName: Burgeo?La Poile PEDNumber: 3 PEDPOLL: 3-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Rose Blanche LIB: 85 PC: 2 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 214 Sworn: 5 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.5 PCShare: 2.2 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 214 Sept9_Dist: Burgeo - La Poile DistPoll: 3-30 DIST: 3.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 113 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 6 PollName: Burin LIB: 59 PC: 7 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 73.8 PCShare: 8. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 200 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Burin LIB: 59 PC: 7 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 216 Sworn: 8 Large: 59 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 73.8 PCShare: 8.8 NDPShare: 17.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.7 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 113 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-6 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 54 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 7 PollName: Burin LIB: 66 PC: 10 NDP: 28 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 63.5 PCShare: 9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 201 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Burin LIB: 66 PC: 10 NDP: 28 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 273 Sworn: 20 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.5 PCShare: 9.6 NDPShare: 26.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 54 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-7 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 52 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 8 PollName: Burin LIB: 80 PC: 3 NDP: 29 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: 2. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 202 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Burin LIB: 80 PC: 3 NDP: 29 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 18 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.4 PCShare: 2.7 NDPShare: 25.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 52 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-8 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 9 PollName: Burin LIB: 68 PC: 7 NDP: 31 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: 6. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 203 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Burin LIB: 68 PC: 7 NDP: 31 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 106 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 241 Sworn: 14 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffbb80 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.2 PCShare: 6.6 NDPShare: 29.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-9 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 119 Name: Cape St. Francis: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 1 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 32 PC: 60 NDP: 15 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 246 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 32 PC: 60 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 107 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 171 Sworn: 12 Large: 60 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.9 PCShare: 56.1 NDPShare: 14.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 58.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 119 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-1 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 108 Name: Cape St. Francis: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 10 PollName: Torbay LIB: 54 PC: 103 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 32.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 255 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Torbay LIB: 54 PC: 103 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 169 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 309 Sworn: 25 Large: 103 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.0 PCShare: 60.9 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 108 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-10 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 96 Name: Cape St. Francis: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 11 PollName: Torbay LIB: 52 PC: 79 NDP: 14 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 35.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 256 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Torbay LIB: 52 PC: 79 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 145 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 305 Sworn: 33 Large: 79 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.9 PCShare: 54.5 NDPShare: 9.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 96 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-11 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Cape St. Francis: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 12 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 93 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 37.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 257 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 93 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 169 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 390 Sworn: 33 Large: 93 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.1 PCShare: 55.7 NDPShare: 7.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-12 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 136 Name: Cape St. Francis: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 13 PollName: Torbay LIB: 39 PC: 139 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 20.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 258 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Torbay LIB: 39 PC: 139 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 188 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 313 Sworn: 55 Large: 139 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 20.7 PCShare: 73.9 NDPShare: 5.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.1 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 136 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-13 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Cape St. Francis: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 14 PollName: Torbay LIB: 43 PC: 100 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 29.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 259 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Torbay LIB: 43 PC: 100 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 31 Large: 100 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 29.1 PCShare: 67.6 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-14 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 194 Name: Cape St. Francis: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 15 PollName: Torbay LIB: 41 PC: 114 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 24.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 260 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Torbay LIB: 41 PC: 114 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 165 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 327 Sworn: 30 Large: 114 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 24.8 PCShare: 69.1 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.2 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 194 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-15 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 97 Name: Cape St. Francis: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 16 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 103 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 35.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 261 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 103 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 175 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 322 Sworn: 47 Large: 103 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 35.4 PCShare: 58.9 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 97 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-16 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 132 Name: Cape St. Francis: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 17 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 85 NDP: 7 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.3 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 262 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Torbay LIB: 62 PC: 85 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 154 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 271 Sworn: 44 Large: 85 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.3 PCShare: 55.2 NDPShare: 4.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 132 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-17 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 124 Name: Cape St. Francis: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 18 PollName: Torbay LIB: 66 PC: 98 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.2 PCShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 263 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Torbay LIB: 66 PC: 98 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 173 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 330 Sworn: 49 Large: 98 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.2 PCShare: 56.6 NDPShare: 5.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.6 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 124 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-18 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 90 Name: Cape St. Francis: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 19 PollName: Torbay LIB: 60 PC: 72 NDP: 19 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 39.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 264 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Torbay LIB: 60 PC: 72 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 153 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 290 Sworn: 33 Large: 72 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.7 PCShare: 47.7 NDPShare: 12.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 90 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-19 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Cape St. Francis: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 2 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 47 PC: 92 NDP: 10 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 247 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Logy Bay?Middle Cove?Outer Cove LIB: 47 PC: 92 NDP: 10 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 149 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 242 Sworn: 31 Large: 92 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.5 PCShare: 61.7 NDPShare: 6.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-2 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 104 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 33 PollName: Noggin Cove LIB: 42 PC: 29 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 806 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Noggin Cove LIB: 42 PC: 29 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 183 Sworn: 12 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.8 PCShare: 39.2 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 104 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-33 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 70 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 34 PollName: Frederickton LIB: 25 PC: 41 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 807 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Frederickton LIB: 25 PC: 41 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 2 Large: 41 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.7 PCShare: 56.9 NDPShare: 8.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 70 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-34 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 57 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 35 PollName: Davidsville LIB: 35 PC: 7 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.1 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 808 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Davidsville LIB: 35 PC: 7 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 46 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 121 Sworn: 7 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.1 PCShare: 15.2 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 57 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-35 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 74 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 36 PollName: Main Point LIB: 35 PC: 8 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.5 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 809 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Main Point LIB: 35 PC: 8 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 44 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 117 Sworn: 12 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 79.5 PCShare: 18.2 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 74 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-36 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 122 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 37 PollName: George's Point and Harris Point LIB: 53 PC: 34 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 810 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: George's Point and Harris Point LIB: 53 PC: 34 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 89 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 331 Sworn: 8 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 60.2 PCShare: 38.6 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.3 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 122 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-37 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 116 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 38 PollName: Clarke's Head LIB: 51 PC: 23 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 68.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 811 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Clarke's Head LIB: 51 PC: 23 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 75 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 207 Sworn: 14 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 68.0 PCShare: 30.7 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 33.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 116 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-38 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 124 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 39 PollName: Wings Point LIB: 29 PC: 20 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 56.9 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 812 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Wings Point LIB: 29 PC: 20 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 51 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 5 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 56.9 PCShare: 39.2 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 124 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-39 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 4 PollName: Dover LIB: 58 PC: 10 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 85.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 777 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Dover LIB: 58 PC: 10 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 236 Sworn: 9 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.3 PCShare: 14.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 27.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-4 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 255 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 40 PollName: Victoria Cove and Rodgers Cove LIB: 53 PC: 39 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 813 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Victoria Cove and Rodgers Cove LIB: 53 PC: 39 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 98 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 213 Sworn: 14 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.1 PCShare: 39.8 NDPShare: 6.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 255 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-40 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 149 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 41 PollName: Horwood LIB: 22 PC: 26 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 44.0 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 814 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Horwood LIB: 22 PC: 26 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 50 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 3 Large: 26 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 44.0 PCShare: 52.0 NDPShare: 4.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 149 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-41 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 134 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 42 PollName: Stoneville LIB: 28 PC: 40 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.2 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 815 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Stoneville LIB: 28 PC: 40 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 68 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 9 Large: 40 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.2 PCShare: 58.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 134 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-42 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 450 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 43 PollName: Port Albert LIB: 11 PC: 15 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 816 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Port Albert LIB: 11 PC: 15 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 27 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 60 Sworn: 3 Large: 15 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.7 PCShare: 55.6 NDPShare: 3.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 450 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-43 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 951 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 44 PollName: Change Islands LIB: 64 PC: 37 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.1 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 817 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Change Islands LIB: 64 PC: 37 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 103 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 213 Sworn: 1 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.1 PCShare: 35.9 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 951 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-44 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 244 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 45 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 45 PollName: Stag Harbour LIB: 37 PC: 10 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 77.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 818 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-45 PollNumber: 45 PollName: Stag Harbour LIB: 37 PC: 10 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 48 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 115 Sworn: 5 Large: 37 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 77.1 PCShare: 20.8 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 244 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-45 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 45.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 200 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 46 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 46 PollName: Little Seldom and Seldom LIB: 53 PC: 4 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 819 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-46 PollNumber: 46 PollName: Little Seldom and Seldom LIB: 53 PC: 4 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 117 Sworn: 10 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.8 PCShare: 6.8 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 200 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-46 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 46.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 115 Name: Fogo Island - Cape Freels: 47 descriptio:
PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PollNumber: 47 PollName: Seldom LIB: 92 PC: 11 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.6 PCShar timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 820 PEDName: Fogo Island?Cape Freels PEDNumber: 13 PEDPOLL: 13-47 PollNumber: 47 PollName: Seldom LIB: 92 PC: 11 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 199 Sworn: 14 Large: 92 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.6 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 115 Sept9_Dist: Fogo Island - Cape Freels DistPoll: 13-47 DIST: 13.000000 POLL: 47.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 7 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 66 PC: 28 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 452 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 66 PC: 28 NDP: 4 IND: 34 Rejected: 2 Total: 134 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 267 Sworn: 21 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 21.2 NDPShare: 3.0 IndShare: 25.8 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-7 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 22 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 8 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 46 PC: 37 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 40 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 453 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 46 PC: 37 NDP: 3 IND: 27 Rejected: 2 Total: 115 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 270 Sworn: 20 Large: 46 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 40.7 PCShare: 32.7 NDPShare: 2.7 IndShare: 23.9 Turnout: 39.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 22 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-8 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 48 Name: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PollNumber: 9 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 54 PC: 54 NDP: 2 Result: Tie LibShare: 37.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 454 PEDName: Grand Falls?Windsor?Buchans PEDNumber: 16 PEDPOLL: 16-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Grand Falls?Windsor LIB: 54 PC: 54 NDP: 2 IND: 35 Rejected: 3 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 19 Large: 54 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #c3c3a2 LibShare: 37.2 PCShare: 37.2 NDPShare: 1.4 IndShare: 24.1 Turnout: 55.0 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 48 Sept9_Dist: Grand Falls-Windsor - Buchans DistPoll: 16-9 DIST: 16.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 696 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 1 PollName: Port de Grave LIB: 116 PC: 102 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 487 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Port de Grave LIB: 116 PC: 102 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 218 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 406 Sworn: 17 Large: 116 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.2 PCShare: 46.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 696 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-1 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 77 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 10 PollName: Butlerville LIB: 106 PC: 21 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 496 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Butlerville LIB: 106 PC: 21 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 314 Sworn: 16 Large: 106 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.8 PCShare: 16.4 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 77 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-10 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 139 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 11 PollName: Shearstown LIB: 102 PC: 30 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 497 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Shearstown LIB: 102 PC: 30 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 321 Sworn: 17 Large: 102 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.5 PCShare: 21.9 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 139 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-11 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 115 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 12 PollName: Shearstown LIB: 137 PC: 19 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 498 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Shearstown LIB: 137 PC: 19 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 158 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 312 Sworn: 11 Large: 137 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.7 PCShare: 12.0 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 115 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-12 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 224 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 13 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 114 PC: 71 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.0< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 499 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 114 PC: 71 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 187 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 314 Sworn: 30 Large: 114 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.0 PCShare: 38.0 NDPShare: 1.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.4 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 224 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-13 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 107 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 14 PollName: Tilton LIB: 58 PC: 18 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 500 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Tilton LIB: 58 PC: 18 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 76 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 194 Sworn: 4 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.3 PCShare: 23.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 107 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-14 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 214 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 15 PollName: Tilton LIB: 70 PC: 20 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 75.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 501 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Tilton LIB: 70 PC: 20 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 94 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 207 Sworn: 5 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 75.3 PCShare: 21.5 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.3 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 214 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-15 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 42 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 16 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 72 PC: 37 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 502 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 72 PC: 37 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 259 Sworn: 7 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.9 PCShare: 33.3 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 42 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-16 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 91 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 17 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 53 PC: 29 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 503 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Spaniard's Bay LIB: 53 PC: 29 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 180 Sworn: 6 Large: 53 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.6 PCShare: 35.4 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.1 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 91 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-17 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 141 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 18 PollName: Bishop's Cove LIB: 47 PC: 44 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 504 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Bishop's Cove LIB: 47 PC: 44 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 156 Sworn: 10 Large: 47 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.5 PCShare: 47.3 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 141 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-18 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 104 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 19 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 65 PC: 49 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 505 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 65 PC: 49 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 117 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 12 Large: 65 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.6 PCShare: 41.9 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.5 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 104 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-19 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 273 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 2 PollName: Bareneed LIB: 63 PC: 46 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.3 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 488 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Bareneed LIB: 63 PC: 46 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 110 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 210 Sworn: 11 Large: 63 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 41.8 NDPShare: 0.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 273 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-2 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PollNumber: 20 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 69 PC: 53 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 54. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 506 PEDName: Harbour Grace?Port de Grave PEDNumber: 17 PEDPOLL: 17-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Upper Island Cove LIB: 69 PC: 53 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 231 Sworn: 7 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 54.3 PCShare: 41.7 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Harbour Grace - Port de Grave DistPoll: 17-20 DIST: 17.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Lake Melville: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 5 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 86 PC: 35 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1157 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 86 PC: 35 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 217 Sworn: 45 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.5 PCShare: 28.7 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-5 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Lake Melville: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 6 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 31 PC: 19 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 53.4 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1158 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 31 PC: 19 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 139 Sworn: 12 Large: 31 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.4 PCShare: 32.8 NDPShare: 13.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-6 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Lake Melville: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 7 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 41 PC: 19 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 62.1 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1159 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 41 PC: 19 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 4 Total: 70 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 159 Sworn: 12 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 62.1 PCShare: 28.8 NDPShare: 9.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.9 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-7 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 24 Name: Lake Melville: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 8 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 66 PC: 23 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 65.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1160 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 66 PC: 23 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 249 Sworn: 18 Large: 66 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 65.3 PCShare: 22.8 NDPShare: 11.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 24 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-8 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Lake Melville: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Lake Melville PollNumber: 9 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 68 PC: 59 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1161 PEDName: Lake Melville PEDNumber: 22 PEDPOLL: 22-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Happy Valley?Goose Bay LIB: 68 PC: 59 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 146 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 28 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.6 PCShare: 40.4 NDPShare: 13.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Lake Melville DistPoll: 22-9 DIST: 22.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 1234 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 1 PollName: Cobbs Arm, Rogers Cove, Pike's Arm, Too Good Arm, and Green Cove LIB: 80 PC: 41 NDP: 3 Result: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1185 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Cobbs Arm, Rogers Cove, Pike's Arm, Too Good Arm, and Green Cove LIB: 80 PC: 41 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 8 Large: 80 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.5 PCShare: 33.1 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 1234 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-1 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 326 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 10 PollName: Twillingate (Bayview) LIB: 38 PC: 81 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 31.1< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1194 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Twillingate (Bayview) LIB: 38 PC: 81 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 218 Sworn: 12 Large: 81 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.1 PCShare: 66.4 NDPShare: 2.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 53.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 326 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-10 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 955 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 11 PollName: Twillingate (Bayview), Kettle Cove, Black Duck Cove, Ragged Point, Little Harbour, and Purcell's Harbour LIB: 50 PC:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1195 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Twillingate (Bayview), Kettle Cove, Black Duck Cove, Ragged Point, Little Harbour, and Purcell's Harbour LIB: 50 PC: 79 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 134 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 265 Sworn: 9 Large: 79 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 37.9 PCShare: 59.8 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.9 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 955 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-11 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 679 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 12 PollName: Indian Cove, Newville and Hillgrade LIB: 44 PC: 39 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1196 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Indian Cove, Newville and Hillgrade LIB: 44 PC: 39 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 204 Sworn: 7 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 53.0 PCShare: 47.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 679 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-12 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 248 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 13 PollName: Fairbanks LIB: 25 PC: 37 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.3 PCSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1197 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Fairbanks LIB: 25 PC: 37 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 62 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 140 Sworn: 6 Large: 37 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.3 PCShare: 59.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 248 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-13 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 461 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 14 PollName: Virgin Arm LIB: 37 PC: 69 NDP: 2 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 34.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1198 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Virgin Arm LIB: 37 PC: 69 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 210 Sworn: 15 Large: 69 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.3 PCShare: 63.9 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 461 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-14 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 434 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 15 PollName: Virgin Arm, Carter's Cove and Chanceport LIB: 35 PC: 92 NDP: 1 Result: PC - 70-79.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1199 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Virgin Arm, Carter's Cove and Chanceport LIB: 35 PC: 92 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 128 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 250 Sworn: 6 Large: 92 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ff8080 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 27.3 PCShare: 71.9 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 434 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-15 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 182 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 16 PollName: Bridgeport LIB: 35 PC: 15 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 70.0 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1200 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Bridgeport LIB: 35 PC: 15 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 50 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 106 Sworn: 3 Large: 35 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 70.0 PCShare: 30.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 182 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-16 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 351 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 17 PollName: Moreton's Harbour LIB: 29 PC: 28 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1201 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Moreton's Harbour LIB: 29 PC: 28 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 58 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 125 Sworn: 3 Large: 29 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 48.3 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 351 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-17 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 259 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 18 PollName: Valley Pond LIB: 24 PC: 24 NDP: 0 Result: Tie LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1202 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Valley Pond LIB: 24 PC: 24 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 48 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 76 Sworn: 2 Large: 24 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.0 PCShare: 50.0 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 61.5 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 259 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-18 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 365 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 19 PollName: Tizzard's Harbour LIB: 12 PC: 23 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 34.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1203 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Tizzard's Harbour LIB: 12 PC: 23 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 35 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 44 Sworn: 5 Large: 23 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.3 PCShare: 65.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 71.4 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 365 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-19 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 389 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 49 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 49 PollName: Lewisporte LIB: 82 PC: 44 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.1 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1233 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-49 PollNumber: 49 PollName: Lewisporte LIB: 82 PC: 44 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 301 Sworn: 19 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.1 PCShare: 34.4 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 389 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-49 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 49.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 289 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 5 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 72 PC: 71 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.3 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1189 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 72 PC: 71 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 277 Sworn: 7 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.3 PCShare: 49.7 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 289 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-5 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 162 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 6 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 92 PC: 82 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 52.6 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1190 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Twillingate LIB: 92 PC: 82 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 175 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 300 Sworn: 13 Large: 92 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 52.6 PCShare: 46.9 NDPShare: 0.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 162 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-6 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 406 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 7 PollName: Twillingate North and South LIB: 41 PC: 91 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1191 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Twillingate North and South LIB: 41 PC: 91 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 135 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 256 Sworn: 14 Large: 91 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.4 PCShare: 67.4 NDPShare: 2.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 406 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-7 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 897 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 8 PollName: Crow Head and Twillingate LIB: 75 PC: 55 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1192 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Crow Head and Twillingate LIB: 75 PC: 55 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 131 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 206 Sworn: 15 Large: 75 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.3 PCShare: 42.0 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 59.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 897 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-8 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 190 Name: Lewisporte - Twillingate: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PollNumber: 9 PollName: Twillingate North and Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 70 NDP: 0 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1193 PEDName: Lewisporte?Twillingate PEDNumber: 23 PEDPOLL: 23-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Twillingate North and Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 70 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 22 Large: 70 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.7 PCShare: 59.3 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.1 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 190 Sept9_Dist: Lewisporte - Twillingate DistPoll: 23-9 DIST: 23.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 67 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 1 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 48 PC: 91 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 31.8 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1277 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 48 PC: 91 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 152 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 319 Sworn: 10 Large: 91 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 31.8 PCShare: 60.3 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.2 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 67 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-1 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 28 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 10 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 72 PC: 54 NDP: 22 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 48.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1286 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 72 PC: 54 NDP: 22 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 148 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 17 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 48.6 PCShare: 36.5 NDPShare: 14.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.0 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 28 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-10 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 19 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 11 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 68 PC: 42 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1287 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 68 PC: 42 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 123 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 280 Sworn: 17 Large: 68 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 34.4 NDPShare: 9.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.4 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 19 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-11 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 16 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 12 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 51 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 46.8 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1288 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 58 PC: 51 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 295 Sworn: 17 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 46.8 PCShare: 41.1 NDPShare: 12.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.7 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 16 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-12 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 38 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 13 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 56 PC: 47 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1289 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 56 PC: 47 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 259 Sworn: 15 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.5 PCShare: 39.8 NDPShare: 12.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.4 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 38 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-13 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 16 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 14 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 44 PC: 31 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 50.6 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1290 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 44 PC: 31 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 87 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 238 Sworn: 16 Large: 44 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 50.6 PCShare: 35.6 NDPShare: 13.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.3 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 16 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-14 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 29 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 15 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 49 PC: 32 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1291 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 49 PC: 32 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 188 Sworn: 8 Large: 49 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.7 PCShare: 36.4 NDPShare: 8.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.9 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 29 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-15 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 16 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 42 NDP: 14 Result: Tie LibShare: 42.9 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1292 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 42 PC: 42 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 100 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 236 Sworn: 13 Large: 42 Result: Tie CatColour: #D4D4D4 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.9 PCShare: 42.9 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.2 OldResultC: #D4D4D4 geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-16 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 17 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 41 PC: 54 NDP: 16 Result: PC - 40-49.9 LibShare: 36.9 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1293 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 41 PC: 54 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 12 Large: 54 Result: PC - 40-49.9 CatColour: #1a62ff LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #1a62ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.9 PCShare: 48.6 NDPShare: 14.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #A8D4FF geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-17 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Mount Pearl - Southlands: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PollNumber: 18 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 82 PC: 48 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 57.7 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1294 PEDName: Mount Pearl?Southlands PEDNumber: 25 PEDPOLL: 25-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Mount Pearl LIB: 82 PC: 48 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 142 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 19 Large: 82 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.7 PCShare: 33.8 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Mount Pearl - Southlands DistPoll: 25-18 DIST: 25.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 173 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 30 PollName: Bartlett's Harbour LIB: 39 PC: 4 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1057 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Bartlett's Harbour LIB: 39 PC: 4 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 44 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 108 Sworn: 2 Large: 39 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.6 PCShare: 9.1 NDPShare: 2.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 173 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-30 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 601 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 31 PollName: Eddies Cove West and Barr'd Harbour LIB: 20 PC: 1 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1058 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Eddies Cove West and Barr'd Harbour LIB: 20 PC: 1 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 22 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 45 Sworn: 1 Large: 20 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 95.2 PCShare: 4.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 601 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-31 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 204 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 32 PollName: Hawke's Bay LIB: 103 PC: 18 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1059 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Hawke's Bay LIB: 103 PC: 18 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 127 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 298 Sworn: 14 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.1 PCShare: 14.2 NDPShare: 4.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 204 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-32 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 159 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 33 PollName: River of Ponds LIB: 87 PC: 7 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1060 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: River of Ponds LIB: 87 PC: 7 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 168 Sworn: 0 Large: 87 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.1 PCShare: 6.9 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 60.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 159 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-33 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 333 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 34 PollName: Port Saunders LIB: 83 PC: 9 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1061 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Port Saunders LIB: 83 PC: 9 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 227 Sworn: 13 Large: 83 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.4 PCShare: 9.5 NDPShare: 3.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 333 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-34 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 120 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 35 PollName: Port Saunders LIB: 69 PC: 14 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1062 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Port Saunders LIB: 69 PC: 14 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 86 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 282 Sworn: 13 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.2 PCShare: 16.5 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 120 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-35 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 135 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 36 PollName: Port au Choix LIB: 101 PC: 13 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.9< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1063 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Port au Choix LIB: 101 PC: 13 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 4 Large: 101 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.9 PCShare: 10.9 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 135 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-36 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 527 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 37 PollName: Port au Choix LIB: 79 PC: 26 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1064 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: Port au Choix LIB: 79 PC: 26 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 111 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 283 Sworn: 8 Large: 79 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.2 PCShare: 23.4 NDPShare: 5.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.1 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 527 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-37 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 594 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 38 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 38 PollName: Shoal Cove West, Reefs Harbour and New Ferolle LIB: 111 PC: 9 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1065 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-38 PollNumber: 38 PollName: Shoal Cove West, Reefs Harbour and New Ferolle LIB: 111 PC: 9 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 4 Large: 111 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.0 PCShare: 7.4 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 594 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-38 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 38.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 851 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 39 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 39 PollName: Main Brook and Burnt Point LIB: 113 PC: 12 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibSha timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1066 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-39 PollNumber: 39 PollName: Main Brook and Burnt Point LIB: 113 PC: 12 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 130 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 222 Sworn: 10 Large: 113 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 86.9 PCShare: 9.2 NDPShare: 3.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 851 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-39 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 39.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 336 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 4 PollName: Ship Cove and Cape Onion LIB: 41 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1031 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Ship Cove and Cape Onion LIB: 41 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 47 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 80 Sworn: 2 Large: 41 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.2 PCShare: 12.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 57.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 336 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-4 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 400 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 40 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 40 PollName: Croque and St. Juliens LIB: 32 PC: 0 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1067 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-40 PollNumber: 40 PollName: Croque and St. Juliens LIB: 32 PC: 0 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 34 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 73 Sworn: 2 Large: 32 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.1 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 5.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 400 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-40 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 40.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 511 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 41 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 41 PollName: Conche LIB: 78 PC: 6 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.8 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1068 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-41 PollNumber: 41 PollName: Conche LIB: 78 PC: 6 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 147 Sworn: 4 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.8 PCShare: 7.1 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 511 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-41 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 41.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 279 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 42 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 42 PollName: Roddickton LIB: 120 PC: 9 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.3 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1069 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-42 PollNumber: 42 PollName: Roddickton LIB: 120 PC: 9 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 130 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 331 Sworn: 12 Large: 120 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.3 PCShare: 6.9 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.9 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 279 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-42 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 42.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 149 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 43 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 43 PollName: Roddickton LIB: 100 PC: 3 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 96.2 < timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1070 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-43 PollNumber: 43 PollName: Roddickton LIB: 100 PC: 3 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 104 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 293 Sworn: 9 Large: 100 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 96.2 PCShare: 2.9 NDPShare: 1.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 149 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-43 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 43.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 121 Name: St. Barbe - L'Anse Aux Meadows: 44 descriptio:
PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bide Arm LIB: 70 PC: 2 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 97.2 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1071 PEDName: St. Barbe?L'Anse Aux Meadows PEDNumber: 29 PEDPOLL: 29-44 PollNumber: 44 PollName: Bide Arm LIB: 70 PC: 2 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 132 Sworn: 12 Large: 70 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 97.2 PCShare: 2.8 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.4 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 121 Sept9_Dist: St. Barbe - L'Anse aux Meadows DistPoll: 29-44 DIST: 29.000000 POLL: 44.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 23 PollName: Kippens LIB: 93 PC: 30 NDP: 15 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 67.4 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1543 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Kippens LIB: 93 PC: 30 NDP: 15 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 327 Sworn: 30 Large: 93 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 67.4 PCShare: 21.7 NDPShare: 10.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-23 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 24 PollName: Kippens LIB: 84 PC: 37 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1544 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Kippens LIB: 84 PC: 37 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 137 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 286 Sworn: 20 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.3 PCShare: 27.0 NDPShare: 11.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-24 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 71 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 25 PollName: Kippens LIB: 86 PC: 47 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 59.7 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1545 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Kippens LIB: 86 PC: 47 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 144 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 270 Sworn: 24 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 59.7 PCShare: 32.6 NDPShare: 7.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.0 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 71 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-25 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 173 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 26 PollName: Kippens LIB: 71 PC: 37 NDP: 14 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 58.2 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1546 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Kippens LIB: 71 PC: 37 NDP: 14 IND: 0 Rejected: 2 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 26 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 58.2 PCShare: 30.3 NDPShare: 11.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.6 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 173 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-26 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 167 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 27 PollName: Kippens LIB: 92 PC: 31 NDP: 19 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.8 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1547 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Kippens LIB: 92 PC: 31 NDP: 19 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 271 Sworn: 28 Large: 92 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.8 PCShare: 21.8 NDPShare: 13.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 167 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-27 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 119 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 28 PollName: Port au Port East LIB: 72 PC: 29 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 66.1< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1548 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Port au Port East LIB: 72 PC: 29 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 109 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 229 Sworn: 10 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 66.1 PCShare: 26.6 NDPShare: 7.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.6 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 119 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-28 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 605 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 29 PollName: Point au Mal and Fox Island River LIB: 64 PC: 6 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1549 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Point au Mal and Fox Island River LIB: 64 PC: 6 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 79 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 147 Sworn: 16 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.0 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 11.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 605 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-29 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 240 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 3 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 42 PC: 7 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1523 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Stephenville LIB: 42 PC: 7 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 51 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 203 Sworn: 17 Large: 42 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.4 PCShare: 13.7 NDPShare: 3.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 23.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 240 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-3 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 175 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 30 PollName: Port au Port East LIB: 69 PC: 26 NDP: 18 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 61.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1550 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Port au Port East LIB: 69 PC: 26 NDP: 18 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 113 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 190 Sworn: 13 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 61.1 PCShare: 23.0 NDPShare: 15.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 55.7 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 175 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-30 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 283 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 31 PollName: Boswarlos LIB: 26 PC: 4 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.3 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1551 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Boswarlos LIB: 26 PC: 4 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 35 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 91 Sworn: 3 Large: 26 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 11.4 NDPShare: 14.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 37.2 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 283 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-31 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 234 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 32 PollName: Port au Port West and Aguathuna LIB: 46 PC: 12 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1552 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Port au Port West and Aguathuna LIB: 46 PC: 12 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 64 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 128 Sworn: 7 Large: 46 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.9 PCShare: 18.8 NDPShare: 9.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 234 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-32 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 235 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 33 PollName: Port au Port West and Felix Cove LIB: 60 PC: 27 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1553 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Port au Port West and Felix Cove LIB: 60 PC: 27 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 95 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 189 Sworn: 11 Large: 60 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 63.2 PCShare: 28.4 NDPShare: 8.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.5 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 235 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-33 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 130 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 34 PollName: Campbells Creek LIB: 24 PC: 18 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: 47.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1554 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Campbells Creek LIB: 24 PC: 18 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 51 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 71 Sworn: 11 Large: 24 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 47.1 PCShare: 35.3 NDPShare: 17.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 62.2 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 130 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-34 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 449 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 35 PollName: Ship Cove, Jerry's Nose, Abrahams Cove and Lower Cove LIB: 48 PC: 33 NDP: 3 Result: Lib timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1555 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Ship Cove, Jerry's Nose, Abrahams Cove and Lower Cove LIB: 48 PC: 33 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 84 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 207 Sworn: 22 Large: 48 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 57.1 PCShare: 39.3 NDPShare: 3.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.7 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 449 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-35 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 176 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 36 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 36 PollName: Piccadilly LIB: 72 PC: 27 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 LibShare: 64.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1556 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-36 PollNumber: 36 PollName: Piccadilly LIB: 72 PC: 27 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 112 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 261 Sworn: 43 Large: 72 Result: Lib - 60-69.9 CatColour: #b30000 LibCat: #b30000 PCCat: #80a8ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 64.3 PCShare: 24.1 NDPShare: 11.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.8 OldResultC: #FF1A1A geometry_v: 176 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-36 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 36.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 140 Name: Stephenville - Port au Port: 37 descriptio:
PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PollNumber: 37 PollName: West Bay and Piccadilly LIB: 46 PC: 31 NDP: 16 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 LibShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1557 PEDName: Stephenville?Port au Port PEDNumber: 34 PEDPOLL: 34-37 PollNumber: 37 PollName: West Bay and Piccadilly LIB: 46 PC: 31 NDP: 16 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 234 Sworn: 4 Large: 46 Result: Lib - 40-49.9 CatColour: #ff1a1a LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 49.5 PCShare: 33.3 NDPShare: 17.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.1 OldResultC: #FF8080 geometry_v: 140 Sept9_Dist: Stephenville - Port au Port DistPoll: 34-37 DIST: 34.000000 POLL: 37.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 73 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 28 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 35 PC: 41 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 42.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1647 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 35 PC: 41 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 82 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 183 Sworn: 16 Large: 41 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 42.7 PCShare: 50.0 NDPShare: 7.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.2 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 73 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-28 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 46 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 29 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 44 PC: 68 NDP: 9 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 36.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1648 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 44 PC: 68 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 121 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 279 Sworn: 18 Large: 68 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.4 PCShare: 56.2 NDPShare: 7.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 46 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-29 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 18 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 3 PollName: Paradise LIB: 57 PC: 81 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 40.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1622 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Paradise LIB: 57 PC: 81 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 142 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 316 Sworn: 18 Large: 81 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 40.1 PCShare: 57.0 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 18 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-3 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 30 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 30 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 18 PC: 81 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 70-79.9 LibShare: 17.6 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1649 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 18 PC: 81 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 195 Sworn: 20 Large: 81 Result: PC - 70-79.9 CatColour: #003099 LibCat: #ffb3b3 PCCat: #003099 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 17.6 PCShare: 79.4 NDPShare: 2.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #0F87FF geometry_v: 30 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-30 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 74 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 31 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 32 PC: 54 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.8 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1650 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 32 PC: 54 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 92 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 181 Sworn: 17 Large: 54 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.8 PCShare: 58.7 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.5 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 74 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-31 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 32 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 37 PC: 79 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 30.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1651 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Conception Bay South LIB: 37 PC: 79 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 272 Sworn: 12 Large: 79 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.3 PCShare: 64.8 NDPShare: 4.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-32 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 155 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 33 PollName: Paradise/Conception Bay South LIB: 53 PC: 109 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 32 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1652 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Paradise/Conception Bay South LIB: 53 PC: 109 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 165 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 368 Sworn: 33 Large: 109 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 32.1 PCShare: 66.1 NDPShare: 1.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 155 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-33 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 214 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 34 PollName: Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 73 NDP: 3 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1653 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 73 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 296 Sworn: 14 Large: 73 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.7 PCShare: 58.9 NDPShare: 2.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 214 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-34 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 234 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 35 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 35 PollName: Paradise LIB: 108 PC: 160 NDP: 13 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 38.4 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1654 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-35 PollNumber: 35 PollName: Paradise LIB: 108 PC: 160 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 281 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 412 Sworn: 90 Large: 160 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 38.4 PCShare: 56.9 NDPShare: 4.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 56.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 234 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-35 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 35.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 19 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 4 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 4 PollName: Paradise LIB: 25 PC: 42 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 34.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1623 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-4 PollNumber: 4 PollName: Paradise LIB: 25 PC: 42 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 73 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 229 Sworn: 17 Large: 42 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 34.7 PCShare: 58.3 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.7 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 19 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-4 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 4.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 60 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 5 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 5 PollName: Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 69 NDP: 5 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 39.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1624 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-5 PollNumber: 5 PollName: Paradise LIB: 48 PC: 69 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 122 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 304 Sworn: 17 Large: 69 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 39.3 PCShare: 56.6 NDPShare: 4.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 60 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-5 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 5.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 64 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 6 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 6 PollName: Paradise LIB: 58 PC: 75 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1625 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-6 PollNumber: 6 PollName: Paradise LIB: 58 PC: 75 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 139 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 329 Sworn: 24 Large: 75 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff1a1a PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 41.7 PCShare: 54.0 NDPShare: 4.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 39.4 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 64 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-6 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 6.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 37 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 7 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 7 PollName: Paradise LIB: 50 PC: 76 NDP: 12 Result: PC - 50-59.9 LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1626 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-7 PollNumber: 7 PollName: Paradise LIB: 50 PC: 76 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 138 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 347 Sworn: 16 Large: 76 Result: PC - 50-59.9 CatColour: #0049e6 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0049e6 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: 55.1 NDPShare: 8.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 38.0 OldResultC: #75BAFF geometry_v: 37 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-7 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 7.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 49 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 8 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 8 PollName: Paradise LIB: 51 PC: 86 NDP: 4 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1627 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-8 PollNumber: 8 PollName: Paradise LIB: 51 PC: 86 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 141 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 390 Sworn: 42 Large: 86 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 36.2 PCShare: 61.0 NDPShare: 2.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.6 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 49 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-8 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 8.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Topsail - Paradise: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PollNumber: 9 PollName: Paradise LIB: 58 PC: 35 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 LibShare: 55.8 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1628 PEDName: Topsail?Paradise PEDNumber: 36 PEDPOLL: 36-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Paradise LIB: 58 PC: 35 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 105 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 317 Sworn: 24 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 50-59.9 CatColour: #e60000 LibCat: #e60000 PCCat: #4d85ff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 55.8 PCShare: 33.7 NDPShare: 10.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 30.8 OldResultC: #FF4D4D geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Topsail - Paradise DistPoll: 36-9 DIST: 36.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 59 Name: Torngat Mountains: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Torngat Mountains PollNumber: 1 PollName: Rigolet LIB: 87 PC: 3 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.6 PCShare: 3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 1659 PEDName: Torngat Mountains PEDNumber: 37 PEDPOLL: 37-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Rigolet LIB: 87 PC: 3 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 97 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 219 Sworn: 11 Large: 87 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.6 PCShare: 3.1 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.2 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 59 Sept9_Dist: Torngat Mountains DistPoll: 37-1 DIST: 37.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 99 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 19 PollName: Lawn LIB: 96 PC: 16 NDP: 11 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.0 PCShare: 1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 213 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Lawn LIB: 96 PC: 16 NDP: 11 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 124 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 268 Sworn: 4 Large: 96 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.0 PCShare: 13.0 NDPShare: 8.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.6 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 99 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-19 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 168 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 2 PollName: Burin (Port au Bras) LIB: 36 PC: 0 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.0 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 196 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Burin (Port au Bras) LIB: 36 PC: 0 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 40 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 148 Sworn: 2 Large: 36 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #ffffff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.0 PCShare: 0.0 NDPShare: 10.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 26.7 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 168 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-2 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 119 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 20 PollName: Lord's Cove LIB: 67 PC: 5 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.5 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 214 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Lord's Cove LIB: 67 PC: 5 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 139 Sworn: 8 Large: 67 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.5 PCShare: 6.8 NDPShare: 2.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 119 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-20 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 290 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 21 PollName: Point au Gaul and Taylor's Bay LIB: 56 PC: 2 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 94. timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 215 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Point au Gaul and Taylor's Bay LIB: 56 PC: 2 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 59 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 78 Sworn: 5 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 94.9 PCShare: 3.4 NDPShare: 1.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 71.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 290 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-21 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 456 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 22 PollName: Lamaline LIB: 121 PC: 27 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.7 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 216 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Lamaline LIB: 121 PC: 27 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 150 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 225 Sworn: 13 Large: 121 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.7 PCShare: 18.0 NDPShare: 1.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 63.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 456 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-22 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 449 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 23 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 23 PollName: Point May LIB: 104 PC: 6 NDP: 4 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 91.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 217 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-23 PollNumber: 23 PollName: Point May LIB: 104 PC: 6 NDP: 4 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 114 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 197 Sworn: 11 Large: 104 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 91.2 PCShare: 5.3 NDPShare: 3.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.8 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 449 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-23 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 23.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 291 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 24 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 24 PollName: Fortune LIB: 86 PC: 14 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 80.4 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 218 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-24 PollNumber: 24 PollName: Fortune LIB: 86 PC: 14 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 108 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 13 Large: 86 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 80.4 PCShare: 13.1 NDPShare: 6.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 47.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 291 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-24 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 24.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 91 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 25 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 25 PollName: Fortune LIB: 73 PC: 9 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 88.0 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 219 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-25 PollNumber: 25 PollName: Fortune LIB: 73 PC: 9 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 83 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 166 Sworn: 5 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 88.0 PCShare: 10.8 NDPShare: 1.2 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.5 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 91 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-25 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 25.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 35 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 26 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 26 PollName: Fortune LIB: 122 PC: 5 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.1 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 220 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-26 PollNumber: 26 PollName: Fortune LIB: 122 PC: 5 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 255 Sworn: 12 Large: 122 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.1 PCShare: 3.6 NDPShare: 9.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 35 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-26 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 26.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 31 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 27 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 27 PollName: Fortune LIB: 91 PC: 4 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.2 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 221 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-27 PollNumber: 27 PollName: Fortune LIB: 91 PC: 4 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 102 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 198 Sworn: 12 Large: 91 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.2 PCShare: 3.9 NDPShare: 6.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.6 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 31 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-27 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 27.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 102 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 28 PollName: Fortune LIB: 130 PC: 11 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 222 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: Fortune LIB: 130 PC: 11 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 145 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 252 Sworn: 24 Large: 130 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.5 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 102 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-28 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 131 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 29 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 104 PC: 13 NDP: 23 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 74.3 PCShare timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 223 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 104 PC: 13 NDP: 23 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 140 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 262 Sworn: 16 Large: 104 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 74.3 PCShare: 9.3 NDPShare: 16.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 131 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-29 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 203 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 3 PollName: Burin LIB: 51 PC: 4 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.3 PCShare: 6.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 197 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Burin LIB: 51 PC: 4 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 62 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 211 Sworn: 3 Large: 51 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.3 PCShare: 6.5 NDPShare: 11.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 29.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 203 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-3 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 69 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 30 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 84 PC: 10 NDP: 2 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.5 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 224 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 84 PC: 10 NDP: 2 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 96 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 215 Sworn: 7 Large: 84 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.5 PCShare: 10.4 NDPShare: 2.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 69 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-30 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 44 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 31 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 83 PC: 13 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 82.2 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 225 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 83 PC: 13 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 101 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 178 Sworn: 6 Large: 83 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 82.2 PCShare: 12.9 NDPShare: 5.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.9 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 44 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-31 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 56 Name: Burin - Grand Bank: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PollNumber: 32 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 105 PC: 9 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.7 PCShare:< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 226 PEDName: Burin?Grand Bank PEDNumber: 4 PEDPOLL: 4-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Grand Bank LIB: 105 PC: 9 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 118 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 12 Large: 105 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.7 PCShare: 7.7 NDPShare: 2.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 45.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 56 Sept9_Dist: Burin - Grand Bank DistPoll: 4-32 DIST: 4.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Cape St. Francis: 9 descriptio:
PEDName: Cape St. Francis PollNumber: 9 PollName: Torbay LIB: 40 PC: 85 NDP: 6 Result: PC - 60-69.9 LibShare: 30.5 PCShare: 64 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 254 PEDName: Cape St. Francis PEDNumber: 5 PEDPOLL: 5-9 PollNumber: 9 PollName: Torbay LIB: 40 PC: 85 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 131 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 284 Sworn: 24 Large: 85 Result: PC - 60-69.9 CatColour: #0039b3 LibCat: #ff4d4d PCCat: #0039b3 NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 30.5 PCShare: 64.9 NDPShare: 4.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 42.5 OldResultC: #42A1FF geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Cape St. Francis DistPoll: 5-9 DIST: 5.000000 POLL: 9.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 62 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 1 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 1 PollName: Bay de Verde LIB: 78 PC: 2 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 279 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-1 PollNumber: 1 PollName: Bay de Verde LIB: 78 PC: 2 NDP: 13 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 93 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 180 Sworn: 5 Large: 78 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.9 PCShare: 2.2 NDPShare: 14.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 50.3 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 62 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-1 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 1.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 291 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 10 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 10 PollName: Northern Bay LIB: 61 PC: 7 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 79.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 288 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-10 PollNumber: 10 PollName: Northern Bay LIB: 61 PC: 7 NDP: 8 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 78 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 227 Sworn: 0 Large: 61 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 79.2 PCShare: 9.1 NDPShare: 10.4 IndShare: 1.3 Turnout: 34.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 291 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-10 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 10.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 143 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 11 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 11 PollName: Ochre Pit Cove LIB: 40 PC: 7 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 76.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 289 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-11 PollNumber: 11 PollName: Ochre Pit Cove LIB: 40 PC: 7 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 52 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 142 Sworn: 3 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 76.9 PCShare: 13.5 NDPShare: 9.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 35.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 143 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-11 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 11.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 374 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 12 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 12 PollName: Western Bay LIB: 112 PC: 18 NDP: 12 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 290 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-12 PollNumber: 12 PollName: Western Bay LIB: 112 PC: 18 NDP: 12 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 142 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 301 Sworn: 5 Large: 112 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.9 PCShare: 12.7 NDPShare: 8.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 46.4 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 374 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-12 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 12.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 287 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 13 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 13 PollName: Broad Cove, Blackhead and Adams Cove LIB: 85 PC: 7 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 291 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-13 PollNumber: 13 PollName: Broad Cove, Blackhead and Adams Cove LIB: 85 PC: 7 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 99 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 226 Sworn: 4 Large: 85 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 85.9 PCShare: 7.1 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 43.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 287 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-13 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 13.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 167 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 14 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 14 PollName: Kingston, Small Point and Spout Cove LIB: 62 PC: 6 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 292 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-14 PollNumber: 14 PollName: Kingston, Small Point and Spout Cove LIB: 62 PC: 6 NDP: 3 IND: 1 Rejected: 0 Total: 72 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 174 Sworn: 1 Large: 62 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 86.1 PCShare: 8.3 NDPShare: 4.2 IndShare: 1.4 Turnout: 41.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 167 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-14 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 14.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 155 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 15 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 15 PollName: Perry's Cove LIB: 40 PC: 5 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.3 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 293 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-15 PollNumber: 15 PollName: Perry's Cove LIB: 40 PC: 5 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 48 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 89 Sworn: 2 Large: 40 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.3 PCShare: 10.4 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.7 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 155 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-15 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 15.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 178 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 16 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 16 PollName: Salmon Cove LIB: 103 PC: 1 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.0 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 294 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-16 PollNumber: 16 PollName: Salmon Cove LIB: 103 PC: 1 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 113 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 222 Sworn: 7 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.0 PCShare: 0.9 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 178 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-16 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 16.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 195 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 17 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 17 PollName: Salmon Cove LIB: 119 PC: 15 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.2< timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 295 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-17 PollNumber: 17 PollName: Salmon Cove LIB: 119 PC: 15 NDP: 7 IND: 2 Rejected: 0 Total: 143 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 265 Sworn: 6 Large: 119 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 83.2 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 4.9 IndShare: 1.4 Turnout: 52.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 195 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-17 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 17.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 92 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 18 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 18 PollName: Victoria LIB: 125 PC: 11 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 86.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 296 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-18 PollNumber: 18 PollName: Victoria LIB: 125 PC: 11 NDP: 5 IND: 4 Rejected: 1 Total: 146 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 334 Sworn: 13 Large: 125 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 86.2 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 3.4 IndShare: 2.8 Turnout: 42.1 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 92 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-18 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 18.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 75 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 19 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 19 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 71 PC: 8 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.5 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 297 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-19 PollNumber: 19 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 71 PC: 8 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 85 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 250 Sworn: 9 Large: 71 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.5 PCShare: 9.4 NDPShare: 7.1 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.8 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 75 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-19 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 19.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 2 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 2 PollName: Bay de Verde LIB: 64 PC: 6 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 84.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 280 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-2 PollNumber: 2 PollName: Bay de Verde LIB: 64 PC: 6 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 76 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 167 Sworn: 5 Large: 64 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 84.2 PCShare: 7.9 NDPShare: 7.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-2 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 2.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 107 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 20 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 20 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 58 PC: 9 NDP: 7 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 298 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-20 PollNumber: 20 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 58 PC: 9 NDP: 7 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 74 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 219 Sworn: 6 Large: 58 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.4 PCShare: 12.2 NDPShare: 9.5 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 32.9 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 107 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-20 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 20.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 125 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 21 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 21 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 97 PC: 13 NDP: 13 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.2 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 299 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-21 PollNumber: 21 PollName: Carbonear LIB: 97 PC: 13 NDP: 13 IND: 1 Rejected: 1 Total: 125 Cancelled: 1 Registered: 322 Sworn: 0 Large: 97 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ebebe0 LibShare: 78.2 PCShare: 10.5 NDPShare: 10.5 IndShare: 0.8 Turnout: 38.8 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 125 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-21 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 21.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 109 Name: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde: 22 descriptio:
PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bristol's Hope LIB: 38 PC: 6 NDP: 9 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 71.7 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 300 PEDName: Carbonear?Trinity?Bay de Verde PEDNumber: 6 PEDPOLL: 6-22 PollNumber: 22 PollName: Bristol's Hope LIB: 38 PC: 6 NDP: 9 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 53 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 152 Sworn: 4 Large: 38 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #ffd7b3 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 71.7 PCShare: 11.3 NDPShare: 17.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 34.0 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 109 Sept9_Dist: Carbonear - Trinity - Bay de Verde DistPoll: 6-22 DIST: 6.000000 POLL: 22.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 240 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 28 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 28 PollName: York Harbour LIB: 140 PC: 17 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 87.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 612 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-28 PollNumber: 28 PollName: York Harbour LIB: 140 PC: 17 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 3 Total: 163 Cancelled: 2 Registered: 281 Sworn: 21 Large: 140 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 87.5 PCShare: 10.6 NDPShare: 1.9 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 54.0 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 240 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-28 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 28.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 302 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 29 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 29 PollName: Frenchman's Cove LIB: 73 PC: 6 NDP: 0 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 92.4 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 613 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-29 PollNumber: 29 PollName: Frenchman's Cove LIB: 73 PC: 6 NDP: 0 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 80 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 194 Sworn: 3 Large: 73 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #ffffff IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 92.4 PCShare: 7.6 NDPShare: 0.0 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 40.6 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 302 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-29 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 29.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 83 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 3 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 3 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 69 PC: 14 NDP: 5 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 LibShare: 78.4 PCS timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 587 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-3 PollNumber: 3 PollName: Corner Brook LIB: 69 PC: 14 NDP: 5 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 88 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 228 Sworn: 13 Large: 69 Result: Lib - 70-79.9 CatColour: #990000 LibCat: #990000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 78.4 PCShare: 15.9 NDPShare: 5.7 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 36.5 OldResultC: #E60000 geometry_v: 83 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-3 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 3.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 65 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 30 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 30 PollName: John's Beach LIB: 56 PC: 5 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.3 PCSh timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 614 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-30 PollNumber: 30 PollName: John's Beach LIB: 56 PC: 5 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 62 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 116 Sworn: 3 Large: 56 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.3 PCShare: 8.1 NDPShare: 1.6 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 52.1 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 65 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-30 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 30.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 100 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 31 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 31 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 103 PC: 16 NDP: 8 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 81.1 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 615 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-31 PollNumber: 31 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 103 PC: 16 NDP: 8 IND: 0 Rejected: 1 Total: 128 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 241 Sworn: 19 Large: 103 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 81.1 PCShare: 12.6 NDPShare: 6.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 49.2 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 100 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-31 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 31.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 101 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 32 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 32 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 123 PC: 7 NDP: 6 Result: Lib - 90-100 LibShare: 90.4 PC timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 616 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-32 PollNumber: 32 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 123 PC: 7 NDP: 6 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 136 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 247 Sworn: 18 Large: 123 Result: Lib - 90-100 CatColour: #4d0000 LibCat: #4d0000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 90.4 PCShare: 5.1 NDPShare: 4.4 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 51.3 OldResultC: ##800000 geometry_v: 101 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-32 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 32.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 98 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 33 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 33 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 107 PC: 11 NDP: 1 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 89.9 timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 617 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-33 PollNumber: 33 PollName: Benoit's Cove LIB: 107 PC: 11 NDP: 1 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 119 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 236 Sworn: 10 Large: 107 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #e6eeff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 89.9 PCShare: 9.2 NDPShare: 0.8 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 48.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 98 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-33 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 33.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |
geometry_vertex_count: 102 Name: Humber - Bay of Islands: 34 descriptio:
PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PollNumber: 34 PollName: Halfway Point LIB: 76 PC: 12 NDP: 3 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 LibShare: 83.5 P timestamp: begin: end: altitudeMo: tessellate: -1 extrude: -1 visibility: -1 drawOrder: icon: snippet: Seq: 618 PEDName: Humber?Bay of Islands PEDNumber: 19 PEDPOLL: 19-34 PollNumber: 34 PollName: Halfway Point LIB: 76 PC: 12 NDP: 3 IND: 0 Rejected: 0 Total: 91 Cancelled: 0 Registered: 196 Sworn: 9 Large: 76 Result: Lib - 80-89.9 CatColour: #660000 LibCat: #660000 PCCat: #b3cbff NDPCat: #fff2e6 IndCat: #ffffff LibShare: 83.5 PCShare: 13.2 NDPShare: 3.3 IndShare: 0.0 Turnout: 44.4 OldResultC: #B30000 geometry_v: 102 Sept9_Dist: Humber - Bay of Islands DistPoll: 19-34 DIST: 19.000000 POLL: 34.000000 import_not: altitudeMo_ft_style: icon_ft_style: snippet_ft_style: |