Laura, Crotty, Ireland "Absolutely delighted, shocked that Romney was seen as competition rather than someone to be pittied." Source | |
Danni Martin, United Kingdom "Sanity, moderation and intelligence won the day; the electorate saw through the disinformation and smearing of Obama and his presidency thus far." Source | |
Diletta Siagianni, Greece "Obama's re-election was the best was to start my way, it brought tears of joy to my eyes!" Source | |
Lone Schaumann, Denmark "As a woman, I am relieved! You cannot take away a woman's right to choose." Source | |
Andy Renals, Cyprus "Uplifted by the news that Obama has been re-elected but concerned that the obstacles to progress are so huge, climate change, budget deficit and terrorism." Source | |
Di Mac, Australia "Delighted that Obama gets a chance to finish cleaning up the mess he didn't cause." Source | |
Ellen, Kint, Belgium "Incredibly proud that America has made the decission to move forward, rather than backwards." Source | |
Stu Jackson, UK "Brilliant result. So pleased that the US voted for moderate, rational sense." Source |
Danielle, Werner, United Kingdom "I breathed a sigh of relief when I woke up and immediately checked the news." Source |
John Aston, Ireland "Relief that the world will be a safer place, rather than one that would have become totally unstable if Romney and his war-mongering cohorts had won." Source | |
Annie Hill, New Zealand "Obama will undoubtedly struggle and fail but Romney would have been a disaster." Source | |
Sally Watling, France "Well done America for not choosing an anti- abortion, anti-gay mormon as president!" Source |
Leonardo Definchley, United Kingdom "Happy that those who want to profit from global economic crisis have been kept out. Forward!" Source |
Barry Mainwaring, UK "It is the optimum outcome for bourgeois liberal capiitalism, identity politics.and of course anti-communism." Source | |
Stewart Shaw, Netherlands "Relief, and a modest amount of hope - but mainly relief. 4 years of Bush-Lite would be ruinous." Source |
Wilson Ho, Singapore "Delighted with the Obama victory as Romney lacked the ability to be a moral leader for the world." Source |
S, B, Ireland "It is the only real outcome, If the republicans had won, Romney may well have swung so far to the right, where all of his support is, that world war 3 would have been a distinct possibility, especially with his views on China and the middle east." Source |
Tim Kennedy, Australia "Obama provides some hope as the leader of the worlds largest plutocracy" Source | |
Igor Perisic, Montenegro "even though i am montenegrin I feel that my kids will enjoy in the same beautiful world" Source | |
Shayan, Bangladesh "It was not only a victory for Democrats and Americans but a victory for the whole world!" Source | |
Dag Hansen, Norway "Thank god the alliance of ultra conservative idiocy that now rule the republican party again suffer defeat." Source |
Penny Aagaard, Australia "Glad, US needs Obamacare, hoping for action on climate change, too." Source | |
swee yoke chew, Malaysia "Obama's coalition represents the current Internet generation while Republicans are hopelessly outdated in their values" Source | |
Susan Willcox Saunders, UK "Proud and happy, looking forward to Mr. Obama getting real work done in the next 4 years on climate change, health care, infrastructure, jobs!" Source |
Paul Skilbeck, USA "Mainly relieved that some small parts of USA will be kept out of the control of unregulated capitalists." Source |
Ross Howarth, UK "While not my election to judge I am pleased to see a victory for a collectivist enabling state over market individualism." Source |
Guilliana Castle, United Kingdon "His speech sums it up - defiant and hopeful for a united future" Source |
Karl, Ottomann, Austria "As an American living in Europe I am strechted between the ideals of two absolutely different political systems and nowadays I loath our superiority complex concerning other countries sometimes even though they are in the same phase of science, education and economy; Therefore I can sympathize with Obama's difficulties to repolish the image of the US and to cope with the devastating hole in the budget caused by 10 years of war and his efforts diminish this budget loss to the utmost and through that get the economy running and through all that establish a new US with a healthy care system with less day-to-day violence but which is still able to defend it's borders and values..." Source | |
Bob Sh, uk "Americans are proving to be more alert and intelligent to choose what's good for THEM not the 'big-pockets'!" Source |
John Lincoln, United Kingdom "Relief and gratitude to the American people for choosing the right man." Source |
Sabrina, Brazil "It feels like a sad day in U.S. history for this president to have 4 more year." Source | |
Sian L, England "I'm so relieved that the rational, humane side of the States won last night; not only in re-electing Obama but in passing marriage equality in several states and in defeating extremist candidates like Akin and Mourdock." Source | |
Aristotle Kallis, Uk "That beautiful sensation of tears filling your eyes while you are smiling, not knowing why either has happened" Source | |
Mike Deegan, London, UK "Relieved Romney didn't get it. Obama has time to keep Medicare and the other socially responsible reforms on track." Source |
Paul Rowlston, South Africa "Vast relief. The prospect of a Zomney Apocalypse was too much too frightening for words. 1st black president is a 2 term president. hurrah." Source |
Peter Roberts, U K "Immense relief as US hopefully will offer leadership based on rationality and not ideology" Source | |
John O'Kane, UK "Obama is bright, his heart is in the right place and the world he wants I want too." Source |
David Hill, UK "Born in 1943 And very interested in politics, I cannot remember a single US election that has had any significant impact on UK life" Source |
Cynthia Beatt, Germany "The notion of Romney as president was terrifying, so huge relief, despite desire to tackle Obama on issues such as drones and Israel's criminal abuse of human rights." Source | |
John, Uk "Obama must seize his reelection to work across the divide shown by the narrowness of his victory" Source | |
Erin Edwards, United States "I am beyond thrilled that President Barack Obama has been reelected for a second term." Source | |
Michael Eyles, Australia "USA has huge problems that will not be solved by simplistic Tea Party slogans" Source | |
Tom Triglone, Germany "Relieved- it feels good to have someone I would be comfortable speaking to as president of the USA" Source | |
JM, Spain "Really happy and relieved, Obama's victory is good both for Americans and Europeans" Source | |
Melissa Symons, England "Beyond relief. Romney was going to set the country back years in terms of liberty and acceptance." Source | |
Tara Bradford, Netherlands "I am elated and relieved that hope and reason won the day over corporate-funded naysayers...." Source | |
Sam Walsh, United Kingdom "The whole world will benefit from America's decision, I only hope once Obama's done with American he can come over here and kick Cameron into touch!" Source | |
Aboatner, USA "What a shame! Forget trying to find a job, we will trying to find food within 4 years! So disappointed!" Source | |
Roche Myburgh, England "Absolute relief. But it serves once again to remind us that inbetween elections, politicians present a poor picture of what voters truly believe." Source |
Francois Le Grand, Brazil "An American president focused on bridging inequalities and determined to implant a significant healthcare system? Pinch me! Parabéns Obama!" Source |
Ruby Osborn, UK "Thank god for that, I know Obama hasn't been perfect but he's still been good and Romney scares me." Source | |
Rich Marsh, UK "A black incumbant Democrat in a recession won on a platform of gay rights and abortion choice. Says it all, really." Source | |
Bill Evans, Canada "There is no way America would change Presidents during a war, and they have 2." Source | |
Lisa, USA "Very embarrassing for us as a Nation to election twice a socialist and user of all things he states to stand against." Source | |
Karen Bester, Northern Ireland / UK "Feckin' delighted! Breathing a massive sigh of relief too :)" Source | |
Helen, Parker, Rwanda "A victory for health, education, women's rights and equality for gay people" Source | |
Emily, United States "Relieved that the president has the opportunity to continue pursuing his progressive vision." Source | |
Nathan Robinson, UK "A Obama's win some important reforms will continue, Romney's l'ess government' policies were risky." Source | |
Reggie, UK "Elated!!! Obama has been given a great opportunity to continue the road to recovery. Best of luck to Obama and the US." Source | |
Rachael, Ball, Ireland "Cautiously hopeful, after being disillusioned since my naively ecstatic response to his first election. Happier about some of the LGBT wins, wins for women, and recreational cannabis legalisation, concerned about Republican controlled Congress." Source |
Kristian Channon, United Kingdom "Four more years, gains in both houses for the Democrats, the first all-female state congressional delegation, the first openly gay senator and the red carpet laid for the first female president in history. What a day to be a democrat and (even if you don’t know it or if it’s too complicated for you to understand it) an American. Congratulations America, you made the right decision. Now for some bipartisan cooperation to help the economy and balance the budget, federal legislation for same sex marriage and ‘fairer’ immigration rights. Note to the GOP: As of last night, diversity is and will always be the last key to the White House." Source |
Kim Rezel, UK "Relieved it wasn't Romney and grateful that Obama gets another term to achieve the goals he's set out from the beginning." Source | |
Phil Terry, France "Relief - as another poster has already noted - I live in Tx but still voted for the President" Source |
Alexandra MacMillan, Canada "Extremely thrilled we are able to see a great man continue to run Canada's neighbour" Source |
Decontee George, Liberia "Obama is a true leader and retaining his post is incredible, it's time to unite." Source | |
Janet Reinsdorf, Canada "As an American Canadian, I'm overjoyed that the land of my birth will have Obama for another four years." Source | |
Jan Hebditch, at home "It being the second term, then, hopefully, good sense & good counsel will hold sway with a president who will take heed of history, but will not live in the past." Source | |
David, United States "Given the choice presented, the better candidate prevailed. I would have liked having a better choice to make though." Source | |
Paul Farrant, United Kingdom "Relieved and delighted - While the partisan blowards will cry about how hellish things are, they are rarely objective opinions. This really is a victory for moderation, progressivism, pragmatism, and makes good sense for the challenges of the 21st century. Well done America, the rest of the world has had a little faith in you restored." Source |
Choco Late, England "Obama is just better looking ;) - I don't have any effect on the outcome, so I might as well resort to looks!" Source |
Whitney Hill, United Kingdom "As an American voting from London, I'm overjoyed that the same country that gave Bush 8 years to mess up the economy has given Obama 8 years to fix it." Source |
Andrew Talbot, United Kingdom "Relief that one of history's great individuals gets another chance to improve things" Source |
Diane Matsakis, United States "I feel so relieved that once again right winged extremism has been held at bay" Source |
Robert Warner, United State "Thank goodness oppression in the name of conservatism was rejected here in the US!" Source |
Alex, Jones, UK "Relieved that bible-quoting, gun-toting, isolationist american politics are becoming less appealing to the US voter!" Source | |
Chris Dooks, Scotland "America's only chance at compassionate policies being at least talked about, it's still not enough of course. Anything that raises the blood pressure of Donald Trump is OK by me." Source |
Shawn O'Donnell, United Kingdom "I am relieved, by both the outcome and the fact that it is over." Source |
Zahid Aslam, Ireland "Best pundit's characterisation of the electorate so far: It's the economy, but we're not stupid!" Source |
Jim Buckley, United Kingdom "He needs to try harder to put his words into action and have a positive effect on the world" Source |
Barrie Stanfield, Canada "Happy that the party that's on the wrong side of historical progress lost this election." Source | |
Naomi, United Kingdom "Joyouslt relieved - just hope the rep dominance in the house of reps don't do their bitter best to p all over the parade" Source | |
Todd Schweikert, USA "I can't believe we will have 4 more years of the welfare, socialist President." Source |
Andrea, York, United States "I am overcome with relief that the rights of women, minorities, and LGBQT individuals will have a chance to advance rather than regress." Source |
Lundy, John, UK "Indifferent about the outcome, but terrified at the over-the-top coverage of this by the Guardian" Source |
David Cormack, UK "OK, butcan't forget Barack's comment in 2008 that "It's about letting down the American people at a rate they can cope with"." Source |
Andy Dunn, Canada "Four more years of pandering to corporate interests at the expense of the poor." Source |
Sean Dawson, United Kingdom "Obama promises and delivers. What more could the US want in a president?" Source |
Finn Archer, UK "Best of a bad bunch, and as far as the rest of the world is concerned neither made any challenge to the status quo of US foreign policy. More of the same no matter whos in power." Source | |
Luiz A. da Silveira, Brazil "It's a relief that the liberal statesman defeated the reactionary plutocrat." Source | |
David Briscoe, Ireland "Apparently the best is yet to come - Hopefully some of the 'best' things will include finally getting around to closing down Guantanamo bay, a token effort to stop killing Pakistani peasants with drone strikes, and a slightly more combative stance on banks." Source |
Robin Simenauer, New Zealand "Very relieved that the Republicans have once again been kept out of office. For the sake of the planet." Source |
Jean Marcel Maillard, France "Reporting the election night for uni, in a pro-romney far right meeting, 5H17 Obama wins, it was a funny night!" Source | |
David Laturner, UK "There was a certain amount of comic potential in a Romney presidency, while Obama still faces gridlock, but I'm relieved all the same." Source |
Dean Campbell, England "I was excited, the whole world wanted Obama, he is a man of the world." Source |
Rick Innis, Canada "Relieved that the US will have another 4 years of progressive social policies." Source | |
Tim Gibson, UK "pleased for America and the world but worried about the ability of the Republican majority in The House to frustrate change just because they can." Source | |
Samantha, United States "We can now continue the progression to a better and more accepting America." Source | |
bea, UK "A cathastrophe! Suffering, detention, torture & killings will exagerate - US (not only) needs true revolution!" Source | |
Peter Holmes, Canada "4 years was not long enough to turn the tide of the economic disaster left by the Republicans" Source |
Diane Ellis, United States "Extremely disappointed to see that Americans trust this failure of a president with four more years." Source |
Andi Woo, USA "First election I've ever been old enough to properly understand and I was utterly stressed up until Obama was announced president, at which point I screamed with happiness. :)" Source | |
Elizabeth, Canada "Elated and relieved !!! but tired fm tweeting all day and night to convince Americans Romney is disasterous! Well done America - you made the right choice." Source | |
Sarah Glenn, United Kingdom "Very happy and proud of Americans for wanting a positive next four years." Source |
rob, uk "President Obama is great and will make America stronger again - Best person to be USA President and honest and true. be strong and move forward!" Source |
Brianna, United States "Relieved that we will continue to have a man leading the country who actually views his citizens as equal." Source | |
Dan Lyons, Canada "Ecstatic that vision and long term thinking triumphed over big money and short term greed." Source | |
Lysaght, Australia "Relieved that Obama won, hopeful that he will do better, anxious that neither candidate saw value in significantly reducing military spending" Source |
Tamara Luz, United States "I am happy and relieved, but it is interesting to interact with those who aren't because they don't really understand the progressive/liberal position." Source |
Andrew Bath, Australia "Continually disturbed by the lack of focus on some serious issues: the US's ever expanding drone wars and indefinite detention with the NDAA legislation being just two of many neglected issues in the campaign." Source |
Sonja Hookway, UK "Very pleased and relieved, he is under appreciated- shame on the Beeb and Marr for their negativity the night before an election that affects the human race..." Source |
David Kemp, Scotland "Delighted, though I never doubted that Obama would win. Thought press/TV were dishonest in pretending outcome would be closer than it was." Source | |
Stuart Wilks-Heeg, UK "Am pleased that Obama health care reforms will remain in place, plus the world always feels safer with a Democrat in the White House." Source | |