Country/Territory: Albania
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Algeria
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Argentina
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Australia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized in some states)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: One or two plants may be privately grown for personal use in the Australian Capital Territory and South Australia. Personal grows of up to two plants are decriminalized in the Northern Territory.
Country/Territory: Austria
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Belgium
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized for 1 bedrocan female plant)
Country/Territory: Belize
Possession: Illegal, but mostly tolerated
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Bolivia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Botswana
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Brazil
Possession: Illegal, but mostly tolerated
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Belarus
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Bulgaria
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Cambodia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal (decriminalized)
Transport: Illegal (decriminalized)
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Canada
Possession: Illegal (but mostly tolerated)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Chile
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (Chile plants cannabis for medicinal use)[25]
Country/Territory: China
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Colombia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (Legal up to 20 plants for personal consumption)
Country/Territory: Comoros
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Costa Rica
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)[32]
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Croatia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)[33]
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Cuba
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Cyprus
Possession: Illegal (small amount decriminalized for medical uses)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized for some farms to grow Hemp)
Country/Territory: Czech Republic
Possession: Illegal (possession of up to 15g decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal (purchase of up to 15g legal; sale of medical cannabis legal, otherwise sale illegal)
Transport: Illegal (up to 15g decriminalized/Medical subject to license legal)
Cultivation: Illegal (cultivation of up to 5 bushes decriminalized/Cultivation for medical purposes subject to license legal)
Country/Territory: Denmark
Possession: Illegal, but mostly tolerated
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Dominica
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Ecuador
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Egypt
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Estonia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Ethiopia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Finland
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: France
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Germany
Possession: Illegal (Legal if permission is given by "Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices")
Sale: Illegal (Legal if permission is given by "Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices")
Transport: Illegal (Legal if permission is given by "Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices")
Cultivation: Illegal (Legal if permission is given by "Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices")
Country/Territory: Greece
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Greenland
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Honduras
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Hong Kong
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Hungary
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Iceland
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Indonesia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: India
Possession: Illegal, but legal in several states such as West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa Tripura, and the North East due to hindu customs
Sale: Illegal, but legal in several states such as West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa Tripura, and the North East due to hindu customs
Transport: Illegal, but legal in several states such as West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa Tripura, and the North East due to hindu customs
Cultivation: Illegal, but legal in several states such as West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa Tripura, and the North East due to hindu customs
Country/Territory: Ireland
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Israel
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Italy
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Jamaica
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Legal (up to five plants)
Country/Territory: Japan
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Jordan
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Laos
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Latvia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Lebanon
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Lithuania
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Luxembourg
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Macau
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Macedonia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Malaysia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Malta
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Mexico
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Montenegro
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Nepal
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Netherlands
Possession: Legal in smoking areas, decriminalized for personal use
Sale: Legal (only for coffeeshops)
Transport: Illegal (but for coffee shops not enforced)
Cultivation: Illegal (exceptions for personal use)
Country/Territory: New Zealand
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: North Korea
Possession: Legal
Sale: Legal
Transport: Legal
Cultivation: Legal
Country/Territory: Northern Mariana Islands
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Norway
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Pakistan
Possession: Illegal, but mostly tolerated
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized for personal use)
Country/Territory: Panama
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Paraguay
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Peru
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal (decriminalized)
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Philippines
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Poland
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Portugal
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal (decriminalized)
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Puerto Rico
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Romania
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Russia
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal (decriminalized)
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized)
Country/Territory: Saudi Arabia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Serbia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Singapore
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Slovakia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Slovenia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Cannabis cultivation is not illegal for cannabis growers, growing cannabis with ≤ 0.2 % THC on a ≤ 0.1 ha surface, or ≥ 0.1 ha surface with a governmental permit for cannabis cultivation.[123]
Country/Territory: Somalia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: South Africa
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: South Korea
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Spain
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Sri Lanka
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Sweden
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Syria
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Taiwan
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Tunisia
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Turkey
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: United Arab Emirates
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: United Kingdom
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: United States
Possession: Illegal at the federal level (but legal at the state level in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska and the cities of Portland and South Portland, Maine and in Washington, D.C.; decriminalized in 18 states, medicinal legal in 25 states and Guam. All Indian Reservations are allowed to regulate cannabis laws, Laws varies by reservation.)
Sale: Illegal at the federal level (but legal at the state level with a state issued license in Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. Legal medicinal sales in several additional states. All Indian Reservations are allowed to regulate cannabis laws, Laws varies by reservation. )
Transport: Illegal at the federal level (but legal at the state level within the states of Colorado, Washington, Oregon, and Alaska. Legal for medicinal patients in several additional states. All Indian Reservations are allowed to regulate cannabis laws, Laws varies by reservation.)
Cultivation: Illegal at the federal level (but legal at the state level for individuals/commercial in Colorado, Alaska and Oregon, individual but not commercial in Washington, D.C., and only commercially in Washington. Medicinal growing is legal in several states as well. All Indian Reservations are allowed to regulate cannabis laws, Laws varies by reservation.)
Country/Territory: Ukraine
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized), possession of quantities of up to 5 grams
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal (decriminalized), possession of quantities of up to 5 grams
Cultivation: Illegal (decriminalized) up to 10 plants
Country/Territory: Uruguay
Possession: Legal
Sale: Legal
Transport: Legal
Cultivation: Legal
Country/Territory: Uzbekistan
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Venezuela
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Vietnam
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: U.S. Virgin Islands
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized), possession of quantities of up to an ounce
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Zimbabwe
Possession: Illegal
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal
Country/Territory: Switzerland
Possession: Illegal (decriminalized)
Sale: Illegal
Transport: Illegal
Cultivation: Illegal