Location name: W. North Ave. and N. Mount St.
Lat/Long: 39.309915, -76.644963
icon-marker: 1_blue
Location name: 1700 block of Presbury St.
Lat/Long: 39.307981, -76.645242
icon-marker: 2_blue
Location name: Druid Hill Ave. and Dolphin St.
Lat/Long: 39.301197, -76.627619
icon-marker: 5_blue
Location name: Baltimore Central Booking and Intake Center
Lat/Long: 39.299100, -76.610450
icon-marker: wht_circle
Location name: Mount St. and Baker St.
Lat/Long: 39.306719, -76.644812
icon-marker: 3_blue
Location name: N. Fremont Ave. and Mosher St.
Lat/Long: 39.300238, -76.635081
icon-marker: 4_blue
Location name: 1600 W. North Ave.
Lat/Long: 39.310440, -76.643100
icon-marker: 6_blue
Location name: Western District police station
Lat/Long: 39.300696, -76.644950
icon-marker: 7_blue