from PIL import Image import requests from io import BytesIO ASCII_CHARS = [ '#', '?', '%', '.', 'S', '+', '.', '*', ':', ',', '@'] def scale_image(image, new_width=100): """Resizes an image preserving the aspect ratio. """ (original_width, original_height) = image.size aspect_ratio = original_height/float(original_width) new_height = int(aspect_ratio * new_width) new_image = image.resize((new_width, new_height)) return new_image def convert_to_grayscale(image): return image.convert('L') def map_pixels_to_ascii_chars(image, range_width=25): """Maps each pixel to an ascii char based on the range in which it lies. 0-255 is divided into 11 ranges of 25 pixels each. """ pixels_in_image = list(image.getdata()) pixels_to_chars = [ASCII_CHARS[pixel_value/range_width] for pixel_value in pixels_in_image] return "".join(pixels_to_chars) def convert_image_to_ascii(image, new_width=100): image = scale_image(image) image = convert_to_grayscale(image) pixels_to_chars = map_pixels_to_ascii_chars(image) len_pixels_to_chars = len(pixels_to_chars) image_ascii = [pixels_to_chars[index: index + new_width] for index in xrange(0, len_pixels_to_chars, new_width)] return "\n".join(image_ascii) def handle_image_conversion(image_filepath): response = requests.get(image_filepath) image = image_ascii = convert_image_to_ascii(image) return(image_ascii)