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Minor in Cyber security} {Aug. 2015 -- Dec. 2018} + \small{\item{ + \textbf{Languages/Tools}{: C, Python, Java, Bash, Git, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS, Jenkins} \\ + }} + \resumeSubHeadingListEnd + + +%-----------EXPERIENCE----------- +\section{Experience} + \resumeSubHeadingListStart + +% -----------Multiple Positions Heading----------- +% \resumeSubSubheading +% {Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016} +% \resumeItemListStart +% \resumeItem{Apache Beam} +% {Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines} +% \resumeItemListEnd +% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd +%------------------------------------------- + + \resumeSubheading + {DevOps Engineer} {Aug. 2019 -- Present} + {Ozmo, Inc}{Blacksburg, VA} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{Improved code reliability with Continuous Integration testing} + \resumeItem{Built central monitoring stack with Grafana, ELK, Kafka, and helped ingest existing services alert on} + \resumeItem{Helped build event-driven search service in AWS: \\ \href{https://ozmo.com/insights/building-a-world-wide-real-time-search-service/}{https://ozmo.com/insights/building-a-world-wide-real-time-search-service}} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeSubheading + {Systems Engineer }{Jan. -- July 2019} + {Solers, Inc}{Arlington, VA} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{Worked with Docker Swarm and Ansible} + \resumeItem{Deployed central logging solution for clustered environment} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeSubheading + {Research Assistant - Analyzed Netflow data, created BT "hacking" device} {Sep. 2016 -- Dec. 2017} + {Hume Center at Virginia Tech}{Blacksburg, VA} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{Learned about issues with large data sets} + \resumeItem{Intercepted data from keyboards, mice, and other BLE devices} + \resumeItem{Utilized Ubertooth One and worked with devs on IRC} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeSubheading + {S.W.A.T Technician} {Aug. 2016 -- May. 2017} + {Virginia Tech College of Engineering}{Blacksburg, VA} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{Assisted customers with software/OS installation} + \resumeItem{Diagnosed installation and network issues} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeSubHeadingListEnd + + +%-----------PROJECTS----------- +\section{Projects} + \resumeSubHeadingListStart + \small{\item{\textbf{GitHub}{: \href{https://github.com/paulwalko}{github.com/paulwalko}}}} + + \resumeProjectHeading + {\textbf{Virginia Tech Linux/Unix Users Group (VTLUUG)} $|$ \emph{\href{https://vtluug.org/}{vtluug.org}, \href{https://github.com/vtluug}{github.com/vtluug}}} {2016 - Present} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{\textbf{FreeIPA/LDAP}{: Maintain accounts for email, shell access, and webserver.}} + \resumeItem{\textbf{\href{https://vtluug.org/wiki/Infrastructure}{Rebuilt Infrastructure}}{: Updated services to deploy with Ansible and run all services with Docker.}} + \resumeItem{\textbf{Organized funds}{: Obtained \$1300 for new servers and equipment; oversaw purchasing additional components.}} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeProjectHeading + {\textbf{Outdoor Club at Virginia Tech (OCVT)} $|$ \emph{\href{https://ocvt.club/}{ocvt.club}, \href{https://github.com/ocvt}{github.com/ocvt}}} {2017 - Present} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{\textbf{\href{https://github.com/ocvt/dolabra}{Dolabra}}{: Built backend API in Golang + front-end in plain HTML/JavaScript. Used Open-ID Connect for auth, Stripe for payments, and Docker for testing and deployment in AWS.}} + \resumeItem{\textbf{Appalachian Trail Maintenance}{: Regularly clear trail of trees, brush, and clean shelters.}} + \resumeItemListEnd + + + \resumeProjectHeading + {\textbf{Free/Open Software Contributions}}{} + \resumeItemListStart + \resumeItem{\textbf{2019 -- Present}{: \href{https://archiveteam.org/}{Archive Team}: Help archive Internet services and manage massive amounts of data.}} + \resumeItem{\textbf{2013 -- Present}{: Use and contribute to \href{https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/pew9000}{OpenStreetMap}.}} + \resumeItem{\textbf{2011 -- 2015}{: Android mod testing/discussion; Helped test and provided feedback for new Linux Games.}} + \resumeItemListEnd + + \resumeProjectHeading + {\textbf{Eagle Scout, Troop 306}} {2013} + \resumeSubHeadingListEnd + + +%------------------------------------------- +\end{document} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/resume.pdf b/resume.pdf index c66ef74..598e532 100644 Binary files a/resume.pdf and b/resume.pdf differ