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<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset='UTF-8'>
<title>Paul Walko - MUS 3064 Midterm Project</title>
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/distanceFunction.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
Select 1 or more tracks to play, then press 'Play':<br />
<br />
<input type='checkbox' id='pineswamp_at'>Appalachain Trail</input> <br />
<input type='checkbox' id='pilotmtn'>Pilot Mountain</input> <br />
<input type='checkbox' id='huck_roundabouts_bridge'>Huckleberry Trail</input> <br />
<br />
<button id='PlayPause'/>Play/Pause</button> <br />
let tracks = {'pineswamp_at': {'counter': 0, 'bpm': 0, 'content': []},
'pilotmtn': {'counter': 0, 'bpm': 0, 'content': []},
'huck_roundabouts_bridge': {'counter': 0, 'bpm': 0, 'content': []}};
let bassSynth;
function mySetup() {
// Process track data
for (track in tracks) {
// Load tracks
let xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', 'gpx/' + track + '.xml', false);
// Parse tracks
let points = xmlhttp.responseXML.getElementsByTagName('trkpt');
for (let j = 1; j < points.length; j++) {
// Get distance since last point
let prevlat = points[j - 1];
let prevlon = points[j - 1].attributes.lon.value;
let lat = points[j];
let lon = points[j].attributes.lon.value;
let distance = getDistance(prevlat, prevlon, lat, lon, 'M');
// Time since last track
let prevtime = (new Date(points[j - 1]
.children[1].textContent)).getTime() / 3600000;
let time = (new Date(points[j].children[1]
.textContent)).getTime() / 3600000;
time = time - prevtime;
// Get speed & elevation then add to dict
//// Avg speed is about 10 MPH, so to make this usable
//// everything is scaled by x10, which is used as the
//// BPM
let speed = (distance / time) * 10;
let elevation = points[j].children[0].textContent;
// TODO calculate direction
tracks[track]['content'].push({/*'direction': direction, */
'speed': speed, 'elevation': elevation});
// This should always be true but it doesn't hurt to make sure
if (tracks[track]['content'].length > 0) {
tracks[track]['bpm'] = tracks[track]['speed']
// Overall BPM is 200, but the actual tracks don't always play on
// every beat.
// For example with a 150 BPM tune, the counter for that tune
// plays a beat every 200 / 150 beats.
Tone.Transport.bpm.value = 140;
loopBeat = new Tone.Loop(beats, '16n');
bassSynth = new Tone.MembraneSynth().toMaster();
document.querySelector("#PlayPause").addEventListener("click", function(){
function beats(time) {
bassSynth.triggerAttackRelease('c1', '8n', time);
window.addEventListener('load', mySetup);