#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ lastfmn.py - lastfm module author: Casey Link """ import random import configparser, os import http.client from urllib.parse import quote as urlquote from urllib.request import urlopen from urllib.error import HTTPError from lxml import etree from datetime import datetime APIKEY = "f8f2a50033d7385e547fccbae92b2138" APIURL = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_key="+APIKEY+"&" AEPURL = "http://www.davethemoonman.com/lastfm/aep.php?format=txt&username=" config = configparser.RawConfigParser() config.optionxform = str config_filename = "" def setup(self): fn = self.nick + '-' + self.config.host + '.lastfm.db' global config_filename config_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn) if not os.path.exists(config_filename): try: f = open(config_filename, 'w') except OSError: pass else: f.write('') f.close() config_file = config.read(config_filename) if not config.has_section("Nick2User"): config.add_section("Nick2User") if not config.has_section("User2Nick"): config.add_section("User2Nick") if not config.has_section("Nick2Verb"): config.add_section("Nick2Verb") def lastfm_set(phenny, input): cmd = input.group(2) if not cmd or len(cmd.strip()) == 0: phenny.say("commands: user, verb") phenny.say("set : associates your IRC nick with your last.fm username.") phenny.say("example: lastfm-set user joebob") phenny.say("verb ,: customizes the verbs used when displaying your now playing info.") phenny.say("example: lastfm-set verb listened to, is listening to") return if cmd == "user": value = input.group(5) if len(value) == 0: phenny.say("um.. try again. the format is 'lastfm-set user username'") return set_username(input.nick, value) phenny.say("ok, i'll remember that %s is %s on lastfm" % (input.nick, value)) return if cmd == "verb": past = input.group(3) present = input.group(4) if len(past) == 0 or len(present) == 0: phenny.say("umm.. try again. the format is 'lastfm-set verb past phrase, present phrase' example: 'lastfm-set verb listened to, listening to'") return set_verb(input.nick, past, present) phenny.say("ok, i'll remember that %s prefers '%s' and '%s'" % (input.nick, past, present)) return lastfm_set.rule = (['lastfm-set'], r'(\S+)\s+(?:(.*?),(.*)|(\S+))') def now_playing(phenny, input): nick = input.nick user = "" arg = input.group(2) if not arg or len(arg.strip()) == 0: user = resolve_username(nick) # use the sender if not user: #nick didnt resolve user = nick else: # use the argument user = resolve_username(arg.strip()) if not user: # user didnt resolve user = arg user = user.strip() try: req = urlopen("%smethod=user.getrecenttracks&user=%s" % (APIURL, urlquote(user))) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 400: phenny.say("%s doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to set user" % (user)) return else: phenny.say("uhoh. try again later, mmkay?") return except http.client.BadStatusLine: phenny.say("uhoh. try again later, mmkay?") return doc = etree.parse(req) root = doc.getroot() recenttracks = list(root) if len(recenttracks) == 0: phenny.say("%s hasn't played anything recently. this isn't you? try lastfm-set" % (user)) return tracks = list(recenttracks[0]) #print etree.tostring(recenttracks[0]) if len(tracks) == 0: phenny.say("%s hasn't played anything recently. this isn't you? try lastfm-set" % (user)) return first = tracks[0] now = True if first.get("nowplaying") == "true" else False tags = {} for e in first.getiterator(): tags[e.tag] = e track = tags['name'].text.strip() artist = "" for e in tags['artist']: if e.tag == 'name': artist = e.text.strip() album = "unknown" if tags['album'].text: album = tags['album'].text date = None stamp = None if not now: date = tags['date'].get("uts") stamp = int(date) if now: present = get_verb(nick)[1] phenny.say("%s %s \"%s\" by %s on %s" %(user.strip(), present.strip(), track, artist, album )) return else: past = get_verb(nick)[0] phenny.say("%s %s \"%s\" by %s on %s %s" %(user.strip(), past.strip(), track, artist, album, pretty_date(stamp))) now_playing.commands = ['np'] def tasteometer(phenny, input): input1 = input.group(2) if not input1 or len(input1) == 0: phenny.say("tasteometer: compares two users' musical taste") phenny.say("syntax: .taste user1 user2") return input2 = input.group(3) user1 = resolve_username(input1) if not user1: user1 = input1 user2 = resolve_username(input2) if not user2: user2 = input2 if not user2 or len(user2) == 0: user2 = resolve_username(input.nick) if not user2: user2 = input.nick try: req = urlopen("%smethod=tasteometer.compare&type1=user&type2=user&value1=%s&value2=%s" % (APIURL, urlquote(user1), urlquote(user2))) except (HTTPError, http.client.BadStatusLine) as e: if e.code == 400: phenny.say("uhoh, someone doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to set user") return else: phenny.say("uhoh. try again later, mmkay?") return doc = etree.parse(req) root = doc.getroot() score = root.xpath('comparison/result/score') if len(score) == 0: phenny.say("something isn't right. have those users scrobbled?") return score = float(score[0].text) rating = "" if score >= 0.9: rating = "Super" elif score >= 0.7: rating = "Very High" elif score >= 0.5: rating = "High" elif score >= 0.3: rating = "Medium" elif score >= 0.1: rating = "Low" else: rating = "Very Low" artists = root.xpath("comparison/result/artists/artist/name") common_artists = "" names = [] if len(artists) == 0: common_artists = ". they don't have any artists in common." else: list(map(lambda a: names.append(a.text) ,artists)) common_artists = "and music they have in common includes: %s" % ", ".join(names) phenny.say("%s's and %s's musical compatibility rating is %s %s" % (user1, user2, rating, common_artists)) tasteometer.rule = (['taste'], r'(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+))?') def save_config(): configfile = open(config_filename, 'w') config.write(configfile) configfile.close() def set_verb(nick, past, present): verbs = "%s,%s" % (past,present) config.set("Nick2Verb", nick, verbs ) save_config() def get_verb(nick): if config.has_option("Nick2Verb", nick): return config.get("Nick2Verb", nick).split(',') return ["listened to","is listening to"] def set_username(nick, username): old_user = resolve_username(nick) if old_user: config.remove_option("User2Nick", old_user) config.set("Nick2User", nick, username) config.set("User2Nick", username, nick) save_config() def resolve_username(nick): if config.has_option("Nick2User", nick): return config.get("Nick2User", nick) return None def pretty_date(time=False): """ Get a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp and return a pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago', 'just now', etc """ from datetime import datetime now = datetime.now() if type(time) is int: diff = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(time) elif not time: diff = now - now second_diff = diff.seconds day_diff = diff.days if day_diff < 0: return '' if day_diff == 0: if second_diff < 10: return "just now" if second_diff < 60: return str(second_diff) + " seconds ago" if second_diff < 120: return "a minute ago" if second_diff < 3600: return str( second_diff // 60 ) + " minutes ago" if second_diff < 7200: return "an hour ago" if second_diff < 86400: return str( second_diff // 3600 ) + " hours ago" if day_diff == 1: return "Yesterday" if day_diff < 7: return str(day_diff) + " days ago" if day_diff < 31: return str(day_diff // 7) + " weeks ago" if day_diff < 365: return str(day_diff // 30) + " months ago" return str(day_diff // 365) + " years ago" if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())