# metar.py # Copyright (c) 2013, mutantmonkey # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. import datetime INTENSITY = { "-": "light", "+": "heavy", "VC": "in the vicinity:", } DESCRIPTOR = { "MI": "shallow", "PR": "partial", "BC": "patches", "DR": "low drifting", "BL": "blowing", "SH": "showers", "TS": "thunderstorm", "FZ": "freezing", } PRECIPITATION = { "DZ": "drizzle", "RA": "rain", "SN": "snow", "SG": "snow grains", "IC": "ice crystals", "PL": "ice pellets", "GR": "hail", "GS": "small hail", "UP": "unknown precipitation", } OBSCURATION = { "BR": "mist", "FG": "fog", "VA": "volcanic ash", "DU": "widespread dust", "SA": "sand", "HZ": "haze", "PY": "spray", } CLOUD_COVER = { "SKC": "clear", "CLR": "clear", "NSC": "clear", "FEW": "a few clouds", "SCT": "scattered clouds", "BKN": "broken clouds", "OVC": "overcast", "VV": "indefinite ceiling", } OTHER = { "PO": "whirls", "SQ": "squals", "FC": "tornado", "SS": "sandstorm", "DS": "duststorm", } import re class Weather(object): cover = None height = None wind_speed = None wind_direction = None intensity = None descriptor = None precipitation = None obscuration = None other = None conditions = None def describe_wind(self): if self.wind_speed is not None: if self.wind_speed < 1: return "calm" elif self.wind_speed < 4: return "light air" elif self.wind_speed < 7: return "light breeze" elif self.wind_speed < 11: return "gentle breeze" elif self.wind_speed < 16: return "moderate breeze" elif self.wind_speed < 22: return "fresh breeze" elif self.wind_speed < 28: return "strong breeze" elif self.wind_speed < 34: return "near gale" elif self.wind_speed < 41: return "gale" elif self.wind_speed < 56: return "storm" elif self.wind_speed < 64: return "violent storm" else: return "hurricane" else: return 'unknown' def windsock(self): if self.wind_direction is not None: if (self.wind_speed <= 22.5) or (self.wind_speed > 337.5): return '\u2191' elif (self.wind_speed > 22.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 67.5): return '\u2197' elif (self.wind_speed > 67.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 112.5): return '\u2192' elif (self.wind_speed > 112.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 157.5): return '\u2198' elif (self.wind_speed > 157.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 202.5): return '\u2193' elif (self.wind_speed > 202.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 247.5): return '\u2199' elif (self.wind_speed > 247.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 292.5): return '\u2190' elif (self.wind_speed > 292.5) and (self.wind_speed <= 337.5): return '\u2196' else: return '?' def __repr__(self): chunks = [] if self.cover: chunks.append(self.cover) chunks.append('{0}°C'.format(self.temperature)) if self.pressure: chunks.append('{0} hPa'.format(self.pressure)) if self.conditions: chunks.append(self.conditions) wind = self.wind_speed if self.wind_speed is not None else '?' chunks.append('{note} {speed} m/s ({windsock})'.format( note=self.describe_wind(), speed=wind, windsock=self.windsock())) ret = ', '.join(chunks) + ' - {station} {time}' return ret.format(station=self.station, time=self.time.strftime("%H:%MZ")) def build_regex(key, classifier): ret = "|".join([re.escape(x) for x in classifier.keys()]) return r"(?P<{key}>{regex})".format(key=re.escape(key), regex=ret) def weather_regex(): ret = r'\s' ret += build_regex('intensity', INTENSITY) + r'?' ret += build_regex('descriptor', DESCRIPTOR) + r'?' ret += build_regex('precipitation', PRECIPITATION) + r'?' ret += build_regex('obscuration', OBSCURATION) + r'?' ret += build_regex('other', OTHER) + r'?' ret += r'\s' return re.compile(ret) def parse_temp(t): if t[0] == 'M': return -int(t[1:]) return int(t) def parse(data): w = Weather() data = data.splitlines() metar = data[1].split() w.metar = data[1] w.station = metar[0] metar = metar[1:] # time time_re = re.compile(r"\d{2}(?P\d{2})(?P\d{2})Z") m = time_re.search(w.metar) if m: w.time = datetime.time(hour=int(m.group('hour')), minute=int(m.group('min'))) # mode #if metar[0] == "AUTO": # metar = metar[1:] # wind speed wind_re = re.compile(r"(?P\d{3})(?P\d+)(G(?P\d+))?(?PKT|MPS)") m = wind_re.search(w.metar) if m: w.wind_direction = int(m.group('direction')) if m.group('unit') == "KT": # convert knots to m/s w.wind_speed = round(int(m.group('speed')) * 1852 / 3600) if m.group('gust'): w.wind_gust = round(int(m.group('speed')) * 1852 / 3600) else: w.wind_gust = None else: w.wind_speed = int(m.group('speed')) if m.group('gust'): w.wind_gust = int(m.group('gust')) else: w.wind_gust = None metar = metar[1:] # visibility # 0800N? visibility_re = re.compile(r"(?P(?P\d+)SM|(?P\d{4})\s|CAVOK)") m = visibility_re.search(w.metar) if m: if m.group('dist'): w.visibility = m.group('dist') elif m.group('disti'): w.visibility = m.group('disti') elif m.group('vis') == 'CAVOK': w.cover = "clear" w.visibility = m.group('vis') else: w.visibility = None # runway visibility range # conditions matches = weather_regex().finditer(w.metar) for m in matches: if not m: continue weather = [] if m.group('intensity'): w.intensity = INTENSITY[m.group('intensity')] weather.append(w.intensity) if m.group('descriptor'): w.descriptor = DESCRIPTOR[m.group('descriptor')] weather.append(w.descriptor) if m.group('precipitation'): w.precipitation = PRECIPITATION[m.group('precipitation')] weather.append(w.precipitation) if m.group('obscuration'): w.obscuration = OBSCURATION[m.group('obscuration')] weather.append(w.obscuration) if m.group('other'): w.other = OTHER[m.group('other')] weather.append(w.other) if len(weather) > 0: w.conditions = " ".join(weather) # cloud cover cover_re = re.compile(build_regex('cover', CLOUD_COVER) +\ r"(?P\d*)") matches = cover_re.finditer(w.metar) for m in matches: w.cover = CLOUD_COVER[m.group('cover')] w.height = m.group('height') # temperature temp_re = re.compile(r"(?P[M\d]+)\/(?P[M\d]+)") m = temp_re.search(w.metar) if m: w.temperature = parse_temp(m.group('temp')) w.dewpoint = parse_temp(m.group('dewpoint')) # pressure pressure_re = re.compile(r"([QA])(\d+)") m = pressure_re.search(w.metar) if m and m.group(1) == 'A': # convert inHg to hPa w.pressure = round(float(m.group(2)) * 0.3386389) elif m: w.pressure = int(m.group(2)) else: w.pressure = None return w if __name__ == "__main__": import glob for station in glob.glob('test/metar/*.TXT'): with open(station) as f: print(parse(f.read()))