#!/usr/bin/python3 """ hs.py - hokie stalker module author: mutantmonkey """ import web import lxml.etree SEARCH_URL = "https://webapps.middleware.vt.edu/peoplesearch/PeopleSearch?query={0}&dsml-version=2" RESULTS_URL = "http://search.vt.edu/search/people.html?q={0}" PERSON_URL = "http://search.vt.edu/search/person.html?person={0:d}" NS = NS = '{urn:oasis:names:tc:DSML:2:0:core}' """Search the people search database using the argument as a query.""" def search(query): query = web.quote(query) try: req = web.get(SEARCH_URL.format(query)) except (HTTPError, IOError): phenny.say("THE INTERNET IS FUCKING BROKEN. Please try again later.") return xml = lxml.etree.fromstring(req.encode('utf-8')) results = xml.findall('{0}searchResponse/{0}searchResultEntry'.format(NS)) if len(results) <= 0: return False ret = [] for entry in results: entry_data = {} for attr in entry: entry_data[attr.attrib['name']] = attr[0].text ret.append(entry_data) return ret def hs(phenny, input): """.hs - Search for someone on Virginia Tech People Search.""" q = input.group(2) if q is None: return q = q.strip() results = RESULTS_URL.format(web.quote(q)) s = search(q) if s: if len(s) >1: phenny.reply("Multiple results found; try {0}".format(results)) else: for entry in s: person = PERSON_URL.format(int(entry['uid'])) phenny.reply("{0} - {1}".format(entry['cn'], person)) else: phenny.reply("No results found") hs.rule = (['hs'], r'(.*)') if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())