
167 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters!

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters that may be confused with others in your current locale. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to highlight these characters.

import json
import lxml.html
import re
from requests.exceptions import HTTPError
from urllib.parse import quote, unquote
import web
r_tr = re.compile(r'(?ims)<tr[^>]*>.*?</tr>')
r_paragraph = re.compile(r'(?ims)<p[^>]*>.*?</p>|<li(?!n)[^>]*>.*?</li>')
r_tag = re.compile(r'<(?!!)[^>]+>')
r_whitespace = re.compile(r'[\t\r\n ]+')
r_redirect = re.compile(
abbrs = ['etc', 'ca', 'cf', 'Co', 'Ltd', 'Inc', 'Mt', 'Mr', 'Mrs',
'Dr', 'Ms', 'Rev', 'Fr', 'St', 'Sgt', 'pron', 'approx', 'lit',
'syn', 'transl', 'sess', 'fl', 'Op', 'Dec', 'Brig', 'Gen'] \
+ list('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
no_abbr = ''.join('(?<! ' + abbr + ')' for abbr in abbrs)
breaks = re.compile('({})+'.format('|'.join([
no_abbr + '[.!?](?:[ \n]|\[[0-9]+\]|$)',
'', '', '', '', '',
def format_term(term):
term = term.replace(' ', '_')
term = term[0].upper() + term[1:]
return term
def deformat_term(term):
term = term.replace('_', ' ')
return term
def format_section(section):
section = section.replace(' ', '_')
section = quote(section)
section = section.replace('%', '.')
section = section.replace(".3A", ":")
return section
def parse_term(origterm):
if "#" in origterm:
term, section = origterm.split("#")[:2]
term, section = term.strip(), section.strip()
term = origterm.strip()
section = None
return (term, section)
def good_content(text, content):
if text.tag not in ['p', 'ul', 'ol']:
return False
if not content.strip():
return False
if not
return False
if text.find(".//span[@id='coordinates']") is not None:
return False
return True
def search_content(text):
if text is None:
return None
content = text.text_content()
while not good_content(text, content):
text = text.getnext()
if text is None:
return None
content = text.text_content()
return content
def extract_snippet(match, origsection=None):
html, url = match
page = lxml.html.fromstring(html)
article = page.get_element_by_id('mw-content-text')
if origsection:
section = format_section(origsection)
text = article.find(".//span[@id='{0}']".format(section))
url += "#" + unquote(section)
if text is None:
return ("No '{0}' section found.".format(origsection), url)
text = text.getparent().getnext()
content = search_content(text)
if text is None:
return ("No section text found.", url)
text = article.find('./p')
if text is None:
text = article.find('./div/p')
content = search_content(text)
if text is None:
return ("No introduction text found.", url)
sentences = [x.strip() for x in breaks.split(content)]
return (sentences[0], url)
class Wiki(object):
def __init__(self, endpoints):
self.endpoints = endpoints
def unescape(s):
s = s.replace('&gt;', '>')
s = s.replace('&lt;', '<')
s = s.replace('&amp;', '&')
s = s.replace('&#160;', ' ')
s = s.replace('&quot;', '"')
return s
def text(html):
html = r_tag.sub('', html)
html = r_whitespace.sub(' ', html)
return Wiki.unescape(html).strip()
def search(self, term):
exactterm = format_term(term)
exactterm = quote(exactterm)
exacturl = self.endpoints['url'].format(exactterm)
html = web.get(exacturl)
return (html, exacturl)
except HTTPError:
term = deformat_term(term)
term = quote(term)
apiurl = self.endpoints['api'].format(term)
result = json.loads(web.get(apiurl))
except ValueError:
return None
result = result['query']['search']
if not result:
return None
term = result[0]['title']
term = format_term(term)
term = quote(term)
url = self.endpoints['url'].format(term)
html = web.get(url)
return (html, url)