
423 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - Phenny Weather Module
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer,
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re, urllib
import web
from tools import deprecated
r_from = re.compile(r'(?i)([+-]\d+):00 from')
r_json = re.compile(r'^[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t]+$')
r_string = re.compile(r'("(\\.|[^"\\])*")')
env = {'__builtins__': None, 'null': None,
'true': True, 'false': False}
def json(text):
"""Evaluate JSON text safely (we hope)."""
if r_json.match(r_string.sub('', text)):
text = r_string.sub(lambda m: 'u' +, text)
return eval(text.strip(' \t\r\n'), env, {})
raise ValueError('Input must be serialised JSON.')
def location(name):
name = urllib.quote(name)
uri = '' % name
for i in xrange(10):
u = urllib.urlopen(uri)
if u is not None: break
bytes =
results = json(bytes)
try: name = results['geonames'][0]['name']
except IndexError:
return '?', '?', '0', '0'
countryName = results['geonames'][0]['countryName']
lat = results['geonames'][0]['lat']
lng = results['geonames'][0]['lng']
return name, countryName, lat, lng
class GrumbleError(object):
def local(icao, hour, minute):
uri = ('' +
try: bytes = web.get(uri % icao)
except AttributeError:
m =
if m:
offset =
lhour = int(hour) + int(offset)
lhour = lhour % 24
return (str(lhour) + ':' + str(minute) + ', ' + str(hour) +
str(minute) + 'Z')
# return (str(lhour) + ':' + str(minute) + ' (' + str(hour) +
# ':' + str(minute) + 'Z)')
return str(hour) + ':' + str(minute) + 'Z'
def code(phenny, search):
name, country, latitude, longitude = location(search)
if name == '?': return False
sumOfSquares = (99999999999999999999999999999, 'ICAO')
from icao import data
for icao_code, lat, lon in data:
latDiff = abs(latitude - lat)
lonDiff = abs(longitude - lon)
diff = (latDiff * latDiff) + (lonDiff * lonDiff)
if diff < sumOfSquares[0]:
sumOfSquares = (diff, icao_code)
return sumOfSquares[1]
def f_weather(self, origin, match, args):
""".weather <ICAO> - Show the weather at airport with the code <ICAO>."""
if origin.sender == '#talis':
if args[0].startswith('.weather '): return
icao_code =
if (not len(icao_code) == 4) or \
(len(icao_code) > 1 and icao_code[0] in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ' and
icao_code[1] in 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'):
icao_code = code(self, icao_code)
else: icao_code = icao_code.upper()
if not icao_code:
self.msg(origin.sender, 'No ICAO code found, sorry')
uri = ''
try: bytes = web.get(uri % icao_code)
except AttributeError:
if 'Not Found' in bytes:
self.msg(origin.sender, icao_code+': no such ICAO code, or no NOAA data')
metar = bytes.splitlines().pop()
metar = metar.split(' ')
if len(metar[0]) == 4:
metar = metar[1:]
if metar[0].endswith('Z'):
time = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: time = None
if metar[0] == 'AUTO':
metar = metar[1:]
if metar[0] == 'VCU':
self.msg(origin.sender, icao_code + ': no data provided')
if metar[0].endswith('KT'):
wind = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: wind = None
if ('V' in metar[0]) and (metar[0] != 'CAVOK'):
vari = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: vari = None
if ((len(metar[0]) == 4) or
visibility = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: visibility = None
while metar[0].startswith('R') and (metar[0].endswith('L')
or 'L/' in metar[0]):
metar = metar[1:]
if len(metar[0]) == 6 and (metar[0].endswith('N') or
metar[0].endswith('E') or
metar[0].endswith('S') or
metar = metar[1:] # 7000SE?
cond = []
while (((len(metar[0]) < 5) or
metar[0].startswith('+') or
metar[0].startswith('-')) and (not (metar[0].startswith('VV') or
metar[0].startswith('SKC') or metar[0].startswith('CLR') or
metar[0].startswith('FEW') or metar[0].startswith('SCT') or
metar[0].startswith('BKN') or metar[0].startswith('OVC')))):
metar = metar[1:]
while '/P' in metar[0]:
metar = metar[1:]
if not metar:
self.msg(origin.sender, icao_code + ': no data provided')
cover = []
while (metar[0].startswith('VV') or metar[0].startswith('SKC') or
metar[0].startswith('CLR') or metar[0].startswith('FEW') or
metar[0].startswith('SCT') or metar[0].startswith('BKN') or
metar = metar[1:]
if not metar:
self.msg(origin.sender, icao_code + ': no data provided')
if metar[0] == 'CAVOK':
metar = metar[1:]
if metar[0] == 'PRFG':
cover.append('CLR') # @@?
metar = metar[1:]
if metar[0] == 'NSC':
metar = metar[1:]
if ('/' in metar[0]) or (len(metar[0]) == 5 and metar[0][2] == '.'):
temp = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: temp = None
if metar[0].startswith('QFE'):
metar = metar[1:]
if metar[0].startswith('Q') or metar[0].startswith('A'):
pressure = metar[0]
metar = metar[1:]
else: pressure = None
if time:
hour = time[2:4]
minute = time[4:6]
time = local(icao_code, hour, minute)
else: time = '(time unknown)'
if wind:
speed = int(wind[3:5])
if speed < 1:
description = 'Calm'
elif speed < 4:
description = 'Light air'
elif speed < 7:
description = 'Light breeze'
elif speed < 11:
description = 'Gentle breeze'
elif speed < 16:
description = 'Moderate breeze'
elif speed < 22:
description = 'Fresh breeze'
elif speed < 28:
description = 'Strong breeze'
elif speed < 34:
description = 'Near gale'
elif speed < 41:
description = 'Gale'
elif speed < 48:
description = 'Strong gale'
elif speed < 56:
description = 'Storm'
elif speed < 64:
description = 'Violent storm'
else: description = 'Hurricane'
degrees = wind[0:3]
if degrees == 'VRB':
degrees = u'\u21BB'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees <= 22.5) or (degrees > 337.5):
degrees = u'\u2191'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 22.5) and (degrees <= 67.5):
degrees = u'\u2197'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 67.5) and (degrees <= 112.5):
degrees = u'\u2192'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 112.5) and (degrees <= 157.5):
degrees = u'\u2198'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 157.5) and (degrees <= 202.5):
degrees = u'\u2193'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 202.5) and (degrees <= 247.5):
degrees = u'\u2199'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 247.5) and (degrees <= 292.5):
degrees = u'\u2190'.encode('utf-8')
elif (degrees > 292.5) and (degrees <= 337.5):
degrees = u'\u2196'.encode('utf-8')
if not icao_code.startswith('EN') and not icao_code.startswith('ED'):
wind = '%s %skt (%s)' % (description, speed, degrees)
elif icao_code.startswith('ED'):
kmh = int(round(speed * 1.852, 0))
wind = '%s %skm/h (%skt) (%s)' % (description, kmh, speed, degrees)
elif icao_code.startswith('EN'):
ms = int(round(speed * 0.514444444, 0))
wind = '%s %sm/s (%skt) (%s)' % (description, ms, speed, degrees)
else: wind = '(wind unknown)'
if visibility:
visibility = visibility + 'm'
else: visibility = '(visibility unknown)'
if cover:
level = None
for c in cover:
if c.startswith('OVC') or c.startswith('VV'):
if (level is None) or (level < 8):
level = 8
elif c.startswith('BKN'):
if (level is None) or (level < 5):
level = 5
elif c.startswith('SCT'):
if (level is None) or (level < 3):
level = 3
elif c.startswith('FEW'):
if (level is None) or (level < 1):
level = 1
elif c.startswith('SKC') or c.startswith('CLR'):
if level is None:
level = 0
if level == 8:
cover = u'Overcast \u2601'.encode('utf-8')
elif level == 5:
cover = 'Cloudy'
elif level == 3:
cover = 'Scattered'
elif (level == 1) or (level == 0):
cover = u'Clear \u263C'.encode('utf-8')
else: cover = 'Cover Unknown'
else: cover = 'Cover Unknown'
if temp:
if '/' in temp:
temp = temp.split('/')[0]
else: temp = temp.split('.')[0]
if temp.startswith('M'):
temp = '-' + temp[1:]
try: temp = int(temp)
except ValueError: temp = '?'
else: temp = '?'
if pressure:
if pressure.startswith('Q'):
pressure = pressure.lstrip('Q')
if pressure != 'NIL':
pressure = str(int(pressure)) + 'mb'
else: pressure = '?mb'
elif pressure.startswith('A'):
pressure = pressure.lstrip('A')
if pressure != 'NIL':
inches = pressure[:2] + '.' + pressure[2:]
mb = int(float(inches) * 33.7685)
pressure = '%sin (%smb)' % (inches, mb)
else: pressure = '?mb'
if isinstance(temp, int):
f = round((temp * 1.8) + 32, 2)
temp = u'%s\u2109 (%s\u2103)'.encode('utf-8') % (f, temp)
else: pressure = '?mb'
if isinstance(temp, int):
temp = u'%s\u2103'.encode('utf-8') % temp
if cond:
conds = cond
cond = ''
intensities = {
'-': 'Light',
'+': 'Heavy'
descriptors = {
'MI': 'Shallow',
'PR': 'Partial',
'BC': 'Patches',
'DR': 'Drifting',
'BL': 'Blowing',
'SH': 'Showers of',
'TS': 'Thundery',
'FZ': 'Freezing',
'VC': 'In the vicinity:'
phenomena = {
'DZ': 'Drizzle',
'RA': 'Rain',
'SN': 'Snow',
'SG': 'Snow Grains',
'IC': 'Ice Crystals',
'PL': 'Ice Pellets',
'GR': 'Hail',
'GS': 'Small Hail',
'UP': 'Unknown Precipitation',
'BR': 'Mist',
'FG': 'Fog',
'FU': 'Smoke',
'VA': 'Volcanic Ash',
'DU': 'Dust',
'SA': 'Sand',
'HZ': 'Haze',
'PY': 'Spray',
'PO': 'Whirls',
'SQ': 'Squalls',
'FC': 'Tornado',
'SS': 'Sandstorm',
'DS': 'Duststorm',
# ? Cf.
'TS': 'Thunderstorm',
'SH': 'Showers'
for c in conds:
if c.endswith('//'):
if cond: cond += ', '
cond += 'Some Precipitation'
elif len(c) == 5:
intensity = intensities[c[0]]
descriptor = descriptors[c[1:3]]
phenomenon = phenomena.get(c[3:], c[3:])
if cond: cond += ', '
cond += intensity + ' ' + descriptor + ' ' + phenomenon
elif len(c) == 4:
descriptor = descriptors.get(c[:2], c[:2])
phenomenon = phenomena.get(c[2:], c[2:])
if cond: cond += ', '
cond += descriptor + ' ' + phenomenon
elif len(c) == 3:
intensity = intensities.get(c[0], c[0])
phenomenon = phenomena.get(c[1:], c[1:])
if cond: cond += ', '
cond += intensity + ' ' + phenomenon
elif len(c) == 2:
phenomenon = phenomena.get(c, c)
if cond: cond += ', '
cond += phenomenon
# if not cond:
# format = u'%s at %s: %s, %s, %s, %s'
# args = (icao, time, cover, temp, pressure, wind)
# else:
# format = u'%s at %s: %s, %s, %s, %s, %s'
# args = (icao, time, cover, temp, pressure, cond, wind)
if not cond:
format = u'%s, %s, %s, %s - %s %s'
args = (cover, temp, pressure, wind, str(icao_code), time)
format = u'%s, %s, %s, %s, %s - %s, %s'
args = (cover, temp, pressure, cond, wind, str(icao_code), time)
self.msg(origin.sender, format.encode('utf-8') % args)
f_weather.rule = (['weather'], r'(.*)')
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__