
38 lines
1.4 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - Freenode Specific Stuff
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer,
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
def replaced(phenny, input):
command =
responses = {
'cp': '.cp has been replaced by .u',
'pc': '.pc has been replaced by .u',
'unicode': '.unicode has been replaced by .u',
'compare': '.compare has been replaced by .gcs (googlecounts)',
'map': 'the .map command has been removed; ask sbp for details',
'acronym': 'the .acronym command has been removed; ask sbp for details',
'img': 'the .img command has been removed; ask sbp for details',
'v': '.v has been replaced by .val',
'validate': '.validate has been replaced by .validate',
'thesaurus': ".thesaurus hasn't been ported to my new codebase yet",
'rates': "moon wanter. moOOoon wanter!",
'web': 'the .web command has been removed; ask sbp for details',
'origin': ".origin hasn't been ported to my new codebase yet"
try: response = responses[command]
except KeyError: return
else: phenny.reply(response)
replaced.commands = [
'cp', 'pc', 'unicode', 'compare', 'map', 'acronym', 'img',
'v', 'validate', 'thesaurus', 'rates', 'web', 'mangle', 'origin'
replaced.priority = 'low'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()