head: fix .head and add response time

mutantmonkey 2011-12-28 17:45:11 -05:00
parent 9594c33266
commit 92ea5b5310
1 changed files with 143 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,13 @@ Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse, http.client, urllib.parse, time, http.cookiejar
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
import http.client
import http.cookiejar
import time
from html.entities import name2codepoint
import web
from tools import deprecated
@ -17,55 +23,56 @@ opener = urllib.request.build_opener(urllib.request.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
def head(phenny, input):
"""Provide HTTP HEAD information."""
uri = input.group(2)
uri = (uri or '')
if ' ' in uri:
uri, header = uri.rsplit(' ', 1)
else: uri, header = uri, None
"""Provide HTTP HEAD information."""
uri = input.group(2)
uri = (uri or '')
if ' ' in uri:
uri, header = uri.rsplit(' ', 1)
else: uri, header = uri, None
if not uri and hasattr(phenny, 'last_seen_uri'):
try: uri = phenny.last_seen_uri[input.sender]
except KeyError: return phenny.say('?')
if not uri and hasattr(phenny, 'last_seen_uri'):
try: uri = phenny.last_seen_uri[input.sender]
except KeyError: return phenny.say('?')
if not uri.startswith('htt'):
uri = 'http://' + uri
# uri = uri.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=')
if not uri.startswith('htt'):
uri = 'http://' + uri
# uri = uri.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=')
start = time.time()
try: info = web.head(uri)
except IOError: return phenny.say("Can't connect to %s" % uri)
except http.client.InvalidURL: return phenny.say("Not a valid URI, sorry.")
info = web.head(uri)
info['status'] = '200'
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
return phenny.say(str(e.code))
except http.client.InvalidURL:
return phenny.say("Not a valid URI, sorry.")
except IOError:
return phenny.say("Can't connect to %s" % uri)
if not isinstance(info, list):
try: info = dict(info)
except TypeError:
return phenny.reply('Try .head http://example.org/ [optional header]')
info['Status'] = '200'
newInfo = dict(info[0])
newInfo['Status'] = str(info[1])
info = newInfo
resptime = time.time() - start
if header is None:
data = []
if 'Status' in info:
if 'content-type' in info:
data.append(info['content-type'].replace('; charset=', ', '))
if 'last-modified' in info:
modified = info['last-modified']
modified = time.strptime(modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
data.append(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC', modified))
if 'content-length' in info:
data.append(info['content-length'] + ' bytes')
phenny.reply(', '.join(data))
headerlower = header.lower()
if headerlower in info:
phenny.say(header + ': ' + info.get(headerlower))
msg = 'There was no %s header in the response.' % header
if header is None:
data = []
if 'Status' in info:
if 'content-type' in info:
data.append(info['content-type'].replace('; charset=', ', '))
if 'last-modified' in info:
modified = info['last-modified']
modified = time.strptime(modified, '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z')
data.append(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC', modified))
if 'content-length' in info:
data.append(info['content-length'] + ' bytes')
data.append('{0:1.2f} s'.format(resptime))
phenny.reply(', '.join(data))
headerlower = header.lower()
if headerlower in info:
phenny.say(header + ': ' + info.get(headerlower))
msg = 'There was no %s header in the response.' % header
head.commands = ['head']
head.example = '.head http://www.w3.org/'
@ -74,118 +81,118 @@ r_entity = re.compile(r'&[A-Za-z0-9#]+;')
def f_title(self, origin, match, args):
""".title <URI> - Return the title of URI."""
uri = match.group(2)
uri = (uri or '')
""".title <URI> - Return the title of URI."""
uri = match.group(2)
uri = (uri or '')
if not uri and hasattr(self, 'last_seen_uri'):
uri = self.last_seen_uri.get(origin.sender)
if not uri:
return self.msg(origin.sender, 'I need a URI to give the title of...')
title = gettitle(uri)
if title:
self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ': ' + title)
else: self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ': No title found')
if not uri and hasattr(self, 'last_seen_uri'):
uri = self.last_seen_uri.get(origin.sender)
if not uri:
return self.msg(origin.sender, 'I need a URI to give the title of...')
title = gettitle(uri)
if title:
self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ': ' + title)
else: self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ': No title found')
f_title.commands = ['title']
def noteuri(phenny, input):
uri = input.group(1)
if not hasattr(phenny.bot, 'last_seen_uri'):
phenny.bot.last_seen_uri = {}
phenny.bot.last_seen_uri[input.sender] = uri
uri = input.group(1)
if not hasattr(phenny.bot, 'last_seen_uri'):
phenny.bot.last_seen_uri = {}
phenny.bot.last_seen_uri[input.sender] = uri
noteuri.rule = r'.*(http[s]?://[^<> "\x01]+)[,.]?'
noteuri.priority = 'low'
titlecommands = r'(?:' + r'|'.join(f_title.commands) + r')'
def snarfuri(phenny, input):
if re.match(r'(?i)' + phenny.config.prefix + titlecommands, input.group()):
uri = input.group(1)
title = gettitle(uri)
if title:
phenny.msg(input.sender, '[ ' + title + ' ]')
if re.match(r'(?i)' + phenny.config.prefix + titlecommands, input.group()):
uri = input.group(1)
title = gettitle(uri)
if title:
phenny.msg(input.sender, '[ ' + title + ' ]')
snarfuri.rule = r'.*(http[s]?://[^<> "\x01]+)[,.]?'
snarfuri.priority = 'low'
def gettitle(uri):
if not ':' in uri:
uri = 'http://' + uri
uri = uri.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=')
if not ':' in uri:
uri = 'http://' + uri
uri = uri.replace('#!', '?_escaped_fragment_=')
title = None
localhost = [
'http://localhost/', 'http://localhost:80/',
'http://localhost:8080/', '',
'', '',
'https://localhost/', 'https://localhost:80/',
'https://localhost:8080/', '',
'', '',
for s in localhost:
if uri.startswith(s):
return phenny.reply('Sorry, access forbidden.')
title = None
localhost = [
'http://localhost/', 'http://localhost:80/',
'http://localhost:8080/', '',
'', '',
'https://localhost/', 'https://localhost:80/',
'https://localhost:8080/', '',
'', '',
for s in localhost:
if uri.startswith(s):
return phenny.reply('Sorry, access forbidden.')
redirects = 0
while True:
info = web.head(uri)
redirects = 0
while True:
info = web.head(uri)
if not isinstance(info, list):
status = '200'
status = str(info[1])
info = info[0]
if status.startswith('3'):
uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(uri, info['Location'])
else: break
if not isinstance(info, list):
status = '200'
status = str(info[1])
info = info[0]
if status.startswith('3'):
uri = urllib.parse.urljoin(uri, info['Location'])
else: break
redirects += 1
if redirects >= 25:
redirects += 1
if redirects >= 25:
return None
try: mtype = info['content-type']
return None
if not (('/html' in mtype) or ('/xhtml' in mtype)):
return None
try: mtype = info['content-type']
return None
if not (('/html' in mtype) or ('/xhtml' in mtype)):
return None
bytes = web.get(uri)
#bytes = u.read(262144)
bytes = web.get(uri)
#bytes = u.read(262144)
except IOError:
except IOError:
m = r_title.search(bytes)
if m:
title = m.group(1)
title = title.strip()
title = title.replace('\t', ' ')
title = title.replace('\r', ' ')
title = title.replace('\n', ' ')
while ' ' in title:
title = title.replace(' ', ' ')
if len(title) > 200:
title = title[:200] + '[...]'
def e(m):
entity = m.group(0)
if entity.startswith('&#x'):
cp = int(entity[3:-1], 16)
return chr(cp)
elif entity.startswith('&#'):
cp = int(entity[2:-1])
return chr(cp)
char = name2codepoint[entity[1:-1]]
return chr(char)
title = r_entity.sub(e, title)
m = r_title.search(bytes)
if m:
title = m.group(1)
title = title.strip()
title = title.replace('\t', ' ')
title = title.replace('\r', ' ')
title = title.replace('\n', ' ')
while ' ' in title:
title = title.replace(' ', ' ')
if len(title) > 200:
title = title[:200] + '[...]'
def e(m):
entity = m.group(0)
if entity.startswith('&#x'):
cp = int(entity[3:-1], 16)
return chr(cp)
elif entity.startswith('&#'):
cp = int(entity[2:-1])
return chr(cp)
char = name2codepoint[entity[1:-1]]
return chr(char)
title = r_entity.sub(e, title)
if title:
title = title.replace('\n', '')
title = title.replace('\r', '')
else: title = None
return title
if title:
title = title.replace('\n', '')
title = title.replace('\r', '')
else: title = None
return title
if __name__ == '__main__':