diff --git a/modules/dict.py b/modules/dict.py
index df9025d..ac29a2e 100755
--- a/modules/dict.py
+++ b/modules/dict.py
@@ -11,79 +11,11 @@ import re, urllib
import web
from tools import deprecated
-formuri = 'http://wordnet.princeton.edu/perl/webwn?s='
r_li = re.compile(r'(?ims)
r_tag = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
r_parens = re.compile(r'(?<=\()(?:[^()]+|\([^)]+\))*(?=\))')
r_word = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z0-9\' -]+$')
-def f_wordnet(self, origin, match, args):
- """Gives the definition of a word using Wordnet."""
- command = 'w'
- term = match.group(2)
- term = term.encode('utf-8')
- if origin.sender != '#inamidst':
- if not r_word.match(term):
- msg = "Words must match the regexp %s" % r'^[A-Za-z0-9\' -]+$'
- return self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ": " + msg)
- if ('--' in term) or ("''" in term) or (' ' in term):
- self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ": That's not in WordNet.")
- return
- bytes = web.get(formuri + web.urllib.quote(term)) # @@ ugh!
- items = r_li.findall(bytes)
- nouns, verbs, adjectives = [], [], []
- for item in items:
- item = r_tag.sub('', item)
- chunks = r_parens.findall(item)
- # self.msg(origin.sender, item)
- if len(chunks) < 2: continue
- kind, defn = chunks[0], chunks[1]
- if command != 'wordnet':
- defn = defn.split(';')[0]
- if not defn: continue
- defn = defn[0].upper() + defn[1:]
- if kind == 'n':
- nouns.append(defn)
- elif kind == 'v':
- verbs.append(defn)
- elif kind == 'adj':
- adjectives.append(defn)
- if not (nouns or verbs or adjectives):
- self.msg(origin.sender, "I couldn't find '%s' in WordNet." % term)
- return
- while len(nouns + verbs + adjectives) > 3:
- if len(nouns) >= len(verbs) and len(nouns) >= len(adjectives):
- nouns.pop()
- elif len(verbs) >= len(nouns) and len(verbs) >= len(adjectives):
- verbs.pop()
- elif len(adjectives) >= len(nouns) and len(adjectives) >= len(verbs):
- adjectives.pop()
- if adjectives:
- adjectives[-1] = adjectives[-1] + '.'
- elif verbs:
- verbs[-1] = verbs[-1] + '.'
- elif nouns:
- nouns[-1] = nouns[-1] + '.'
- for (i, defn) in enumerate(nouns):
- self.msg(origin.sender, '%s n. %r: %s' % (term, i+1, defn))
- for (i, defn) in enumerate(verbs):
- self.msg(origin.sender, '%s v. %r: %s' % (term, i+1, defn))
- for (i, defn) in enumerate(adjectives):
- self.msg(origin.sender, '%s a. %r: %s' % (term, i+1, defn))
-f_wordnet.commands = ['wordnet']
-f_wordnet.priority = 'low'
uri = 'http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary_/%s.html'
r_info = re.compile(
(.*?) )|(?:(.*?))'
diff --git a/modules/etymology.py b/modules/etymology.py
index 12da548..30257f2 100755
--- a/modules/etymology.py
+++ b/modules/etymology.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ abbrs = [
'cf', 'lit', 'etc', 'Ger', 'Du', 'Skt', 'Rus', 'Eng', 'Amer.Eng', 'Sp',
'Fr', 'N', 'E', 'S', 'W', 'L', 'Gen', 'J.C', 'dial', 'Gk',
'19c', '18c', '17c', '16c', 'St', 'Capt', 'obs', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar',
- 'Apr', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'c', 'tr'
+ 'Apr', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'c', 'tr', 'e', 'g'
t_sentence = r'^.*?(?> sys.stderr, 'Warning: ignoring spurious arguments'
+ # Step Two: Check Dependencies
+ check_python_version() # require python2.4 or later
+ check_dotdir() # require ~/.phenny, or make it and exit
# Step Three: Load The Configurations
config_modules = []