add .at command (need unit test)

mutantmonkey 2013-05-21 13:49:48 -04:00
parent e94ca0d74a
commit bc9d6f3453
1 changed files with 51 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -133,5 +133,56 @@ def remind(phenny, input):
else: phenny.reply('Okay, will remind in %s secs' % duration)
remind.commands = ['in']
r_time = re.compile(r'^([0-9]{2}[:.][0-9]{2})')
r_zone = re.compile(r'( ?([A-Za-z]+|[+-]\d\d?))')
import calendar
from modules.clock import TimeZones
def at(phenny, input):
message = input[4:]
m = r_time.match(message)
if not m:
return phenny.reply("Sorry, didn't understand the time spec.")
t ='.', ':')
message = message[len(t):]
m = r_zone.match(message)
if not m:
return phenny.reply("Sorry, didn't understand the zone spec.")
z =
message = message[len(].strip()
if z.startswith('+') or z.startswith('-'):
tz = int(z)
if z in TimeZones:
tz = TimeZones[z]
else: return phenny.reply("Sorry, didn't understand the time zone.")
d = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d", time.gmtime())
d = time.strptime(("%s %s" % (d, t)), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
d = int(calendar.timegm(d) - (3600 * tz))
duration = int((d - time.time()) / 60)
if duration < 1:
return phenny.reply("Sorry, that date is this minute or in the past. And only times in the same day are supported!")
# phenny.say("%s %s %s" % (t, tz, d))
reminder = (input.sender, input.nick, message)
# phenny.say(str((d, reminder)))
try: phenny.rdb[d].append(reminder)
except KeyError: phenny.rdb[d] = [reminder]
dump_database(phenny.rfn, phenny.rdb)
phenny.reply("Reminding at %s %s - in %s minute(s)" % (t, z, duration))
at.commands = ['at']
if __name__ == '__main__':