#!/usr/bin/env python """ validate.py - Phenny Validation Module Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2. http://inamidst.com/phenny/ """ import web def val(phenny, input): """Check a webpage using the W3C Markup Validator.""" if not input.group(2): return phenny.reply("Nothing to validate.") uri = input.group(2) if not uri.startswith('http://'): uri = 'http://' + uri path = '/check?uri=%s;output=xml' % web.quote(uri) info = web.head('https://validator.w3.org' + path) result = uri + ' is ' if isinstance(info, list): return phenny.say('Got HTTP response %s' % info[1]) if 'X-W3C-Validator-Status' in info: result += str(info['X-W3C-Validator-Status']) if info['X-W3C-Validator-Status'] != 'Valid': if 'X-W3C-Validator-Errors' in info: n = int(info['X-W3C-Validator-Errors'].split(' ')[0]) if n != 1: result += ' (%s errors)' % n else: result += ' (%s error)' % n else: result += 'Unvalidatable: no X-W3C-Validator-Status' phenny.reply(result) val.rule = (['val'], r'(?i)(\S+)') val.example = '.val http://www.w3.org/' if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())