""" test_hs.py - tests for the hokie stalker module author: mutantmonkey """ # add current working directory to path import sys sys.path.append('.') import re import unittest from mock import MagicMock, Mock from modules.hs import search, hs class TestHs(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.phenny = MagicMock() def test_search(self): data = search('john') assert len(data) >= 1 assert 'uid' in data[0] assert 'cn' in data[0] def test_single(self): input = Mock(group=lambda x: 'marchany') hs(self.phenny, input) out = self.phenny.reply.call_args[0][0] m = re.match( '^.* - http://search\.vt\.edu/search/person\.html\?person=\d+$', out, flags=re.UNICODE) self.assertTrue(m) def test_multi(self): input = Mock(group=lambda x: 'john') hs(self.phenny, input) out = self.phenny.reply.call_args[0][0] m = re.match( '^Multiple results found; try http://search\.vt\.edu/search/people\.html\?q=.*$', out, flags=re.UNICODE) self.assertTrue(m)