#!/usr/bin/env python """ admin.py - Phenny Admin Module Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2. http://inamidst.com/phenny/ """ def join(phenny, input): # Can only be done in privmsg by an admin if input.sender.startswith('#'): return if input.admin: phenny.write(['JOIN'], input.group(2)) join.commands = ['join'] join.priority = 'low' def part(phenny, input): # Can only be done in privmsg by an admin if input.sender.startswith('#'): return if input.admin: phenny.write(['PART'], input.group(2)) part.commands = ['part'] part.priority = 'low' def quit(phenny, input): # Can only be done in privmsg by the owner if input.sender.startswith('#'): return if input.owner: phenny.write(['QUIT']) __import__('os')._exit(0) quit.commands = ['quit'] quit.priority = 'low' def msg(phenny, input): # Can only be done in privmsg by an admin if input.sender.startswith('#'): return if input.admin: phenny.msg(input.group(2), input.group(3)) msg.rule = (['msg'], r'(#\S+) (.*)') msg.priority = 'low' def me(phenny, input): # Can only be done in privmsg by an admin if input.sender.startswith('#'): return if input.admin: msg = '\x01ACTION %s\x01' % input.group(3) phenny.msg(input.group(2), msg) me.rule = (['me'], r'(#\S+) (.*)') me.priority = 'low' if __name__ == '__main__': print __doc__.strip()