""" test_calc.py - tests for the calc module author: mutantmonkey """ import unittest from mock import MagicMock, Mock from modules.calc import c, py, wa class TestCalc(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.phenny = MagicMock() def test_c(self): input = Mock(group=lambda x: '5*5') c(self.phenny, input) self.phenny.say.assert_called_once_with('25') def test_py(self): input = Mock(group=lambda x: "'test'*3") py(self.phenny, input) self.phenny.say.assert_called_once_with('testtesttest\n') def test_wa(self): input = Mock(group=lambda x: 'airspeed of an unladen swallow') wa(self.phenny, input) self.phenny.say.assert_called_once_with('25 mph (miles per hour)')