#!/usr/bin/python3 """ logger.py - logger for privacy-protecting IRC stats author: mutantmonkey """ import os import random import sqlite3 def setup(self): fn = self.nick + '-' + self.config.host + '.logger.db' self.logger_db = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn) self.logger_conn = sqlite3.connect(self.logger_db) c = self.logger_conn.cursor() c.execute('''create table if not exists lines_by_nick ( channel varchar(255), nick varchar(255), lines unsigned big int not null default 0, characters unsigned big int not null default 0, last_time timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, quote text, unique (channel, nick) on conflict replace );''') def logger(phenny, input): if not logger.conn: logger.conn = sqlite3.connect(phenny.logger_db) sqlite_data = { 'channel': input.sender, 'nick': input.nick, 'msg': input.group(1), 'chars': len(input.group(1)), } c = logger.conn.cursor() c.execute('''insert or replace into lines_by_nick (channel, nick, lines, characters, last_time, quote) values( :channel, :nick, coalesce((select lines from lines_by_nick where channel=:channel and nick=:nick) + 1, 1), coalesce((select characters from lines_by_nick where channel=:channel and nick=:nick) + :chars, :chars), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, coalesce((select quote from lines_by_nick where channel=:channel and nick=:nick), :msg) );''', sqlite_data) c.close() if random.randint(0, 20) == 10 and not input.group(1)[:8] == '\x01ACTION ': c = logger.conn.cursor() c.execute('update lines_by_nick set quote=:msg where channel=:channel \ and nick=:nick', sqlite_data) c.close() logger.conn.commit() logger.conn = None logger.priority = 'low' logger.rule = r'(.*)' logger.thread = False if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())