#!/usr/bin/env python """ info.py - Phenny Information Module Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2. http://inamidst.com/phenny/ """ def doc(phenny, input): """Shows a command's documentation, and possibly an example.""" name = input.group(1) name = name.lower() if name in phenny.doc: phenny.reply(phenny.doc[name][0]) if phenny.doc[name][1]: phenny.say('e.g. ' + phenny.doc[name][1]) doc.rule = ('$nick', '(?i)(?:help|doc) +([A-Za-z]+)(?:\?+)?$') doc.example = '$nickname: doc tell?' doc.priority = 'low' def commands(phenny, input): # This function only works in private message if input.sender.startswith('#'): return names = ', '.join(sorted(phenny.doc.keys())) phenny.say('Commands I recognise: ' + names + '.') phenny.say(("For help, do '%s: help example?' where example is the " + "name of the command you want help for.") % phenny.nick) commands.commands = ['commands'] commands.priority = 'low' def help(phenny, input): response = ( "Hey there, I'm a friendly bot for this channel. Say \".commands\" " + "to me in private for a list of my commands or check out my wiki " + "page at %s. My owner is %s." ) % (phenny.config.helpurl, phenny.config.owner) #phenny.reply(response) phenny.say(response) #help.rule = ('$nick', r'(?i)help(?:[?!]+)?$') help.commands = ['help'] help.priority = 'low' def stats(phenny, input): """Show information on command usage patterns.""" commands = {} users = {} channels = {} ignore = set(['f_note', 'startup', 'message', 'noteuri', 'logger', 'snarfuri', 'measure', 'messageAlert']) for (name, user), count in list(phenny.stats.items()): if name in ignore: continue if not user: continue if not user.startswith('#'): try: users[user] += count except KeyError: users[user] = count else: try: commands[name] += count except KeyError: commands[name] = count try: channels[user] += count except KeyError: channels[user] = count comrank = sorted([(b, a) for (a, b) in commands.items()], reverse=True) userank = sorted([(b, a) for (a, b) in users.items()], reverse=True) charank = sorted([(b, a) for (a, b) in channels.items()], reverse=True) # most heavily used commands creply = 'most used commands: ' for count, command in comrank[:10]: creply += '%s (%s), ' % (command, count) phenny.say(creply.rstrip(', ')) # most heavy users reply = 'power users: ' for count, user in userank[:10]: reply += '%s (%s), ' % (user, count) phenny.say(reply.rstrip(', ')) # most heavy channels chreply = 'power channels: ' for count, channel in charank[:3]: chreply += '%s (%s), ' % (channel, count) phenny.say(chreply.rstrip(', ')) stats.commands = ['stats'] stats.priority = 'low' if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())