#!/usr/bin/python2 """ hs.py - hokie stalker module author: mutantmonkey """ import ldap from urllib import quote as urlquote LDAP_URI = "ldap://directory.vt.edu" RESULTS_URL = "http://search.vt.edu/search/people.html?q={0}" PERSON_URL = "http://search.vt.edu/search/person.html?person={0:d}" l = ldap.initialize(LDAP_URI) """Search LDAP using the argument as a query. Argument must be a valid LDAP query.""" def search(query): result = l.search_s('ou=People,dc=vt,dc=edu', ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, query) if len(result) <= 0: return False return result def hs(phenny, input): """.hs - Search for someone on Virginia Tech People Search.""" q = input.group(2) if q is None: return q = q.strip() results = RESULTS_URL.format(urlquote(q)) try: s = search('(|(uupid={0})(mail={0})(cn={1}))'.format(q)) if not s: s = search('(|(uupid=*{0}*)(mail=*{0}*)(cn=*{1}*))'.format(q, '*'.join(q.split(' ')))) except ldap.FILTER_ERROR: phenny.reply('Filter error; try to avoid injection attacks in the future please.') return except ldap.SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED: phenny.reply('Too many results to display here; check out {0}'.format(results)) return except ldap.TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED: phenny.reply('Time limit exceeded; check out {0}'.format(results)) return if s: if len(s) >1: phenny.reply("Multiple results found; try {0}".format(results)) else: for dh, entry in s: person = PERSON_URL.format(int(entry['uid'][0])) phenny.reply("{0} - {1}".format(entry['cn'][0], person)) else: phenny.reply("No results found") hs.rule = (['hs'], r'(.*)') if __name__ == '__main__': print __doc__.strip()