#!/usr/bin/python2 """ chillmeter.py - .chill measures chill level of the channel author: Casey Link author: mutantmonkey so chill bro. """ import random, time # chill decay rate per minute chill_decay_rate = 5 chill_words = [ # words that make the place chill ("chill", 1), ("bro", 1), ("fist bump", 2), ("fistbump", 2), ("natty", 1), ("natties", 2), ("head nod", 1), ("she said", 1), ("keystone", 1), ("sandwich", 1), ("lax", 2), ("lacrosse", 2), ("pinny", 2), ("bowl", 1), ("slampiece", 2), ("smirnoff", 1), ("ices", 1), ("iced", 1), # words that unchill the place ("dude", -1), ("suck", -2), ("desi", -1), ("lame", -2), ("imageshack", -1), ("microsoft", -1), ("btreecat", -1), ("homework", -1), ("project", -2), ("test", -2), ("exam", -2), ("4chan", -1), ("digg", -1), ] # all things chill chill_things = [ ("natty", "natties"), ("smirnoff ice", "smirnoffs"), ("bong hit", "bong hits"), ("case of keystone", "cases of keystone"), ("fist bump", "fist bumps"), ("head nod", "head nods"), ("bro", "bros"), ("bowl", "bowls") ] # keeps a finger on the pulse of the chillness def measure(phenny, input): chill = measure.channels.get(input.sender, 0) now = time.time() if now - measure.last_tick > 60: measure.last_tick = now if chill > 0: chill -= chill_decay_rate chill = max(0, chill) elif chill < 0: chill += chill_decay_rate chill = min(0, chill) measure.channels[input.sender] = chill if ".chill" in input: return # dont self count for w in chill_words: if w[0] in input.lower(): chill += w[1] measure.channels[input.sender] = chill measure.rule = r'.*' measure.priority = 'low' measure.last_tick = time.time() measure.channels = {} def chill(phenny, input): """.chill - Measure the current channel chillness level.""" level = measure.channels.get(input.sender, 0) n = random.randint(1,2) items = [] used = set() for i in range(n): if level == 0: amount = random.randint(5, 10) elif level < 0: amount = random.randint(10, -level * 2 + 10) else: amount = random.randint(1, level) item = random.choice(chill_things) while item in used: item = random.choice(chill_things) used.add(item) if amount == 1: item = item[0] # singular else: item = item[1] # plural items.append("%s %s" % (amount, item)) item_str = ", ".join(items) #print level, item_str if level <= 0: message = "WARNING: CHILL LEVEL IS DANGEROUSLY LOW. RECOMMEND %s" % (item_str.upper()) else: message = "chill level is currently: %s" % (item_str) phenny.say(message) chill.commands = ['chill'] chill.priority = 'low' if __name__ == '__main__': print __doc__.strip()