#!/usr/bin/python3 """ linx.py - linx.li tools author: andreim author: mutantmonkey """ from urllib.error import HTTPError from tools import GrumbleError import web import json def get_title(url, channel): """ Have linx retrieve the (augmented) title """ try: return web.post("http://linx.li/vtluuggettitle", {'url': url, 'channel': channel}) except: return def linx(phenny, input, short=False): """.linx - Upload a remote URL to linx.li.""" url = input.group(2) if not url: phenny.reply("No URL provided. CAN I HAS?") return try: req = web.post("http://linx.li/vtluug", {'url': url, 'short': short}) except (HTTPError, IOError): raise GrumbleError("THE INTERNET IS FUCKING BROKEN. Please try again later.") data = json.loads(req) if len(data) <= 0 or not data['success']: phenny.reply('Sorry, upload failed.') return phenny.reply(data['url']) linx.rule = (['linx'], r'(.*)') def lnx(phenny, input): """ same as .linx but returns a short url. """ linx(phenny, input, True) lnx.rule = (['lnx'], r'(.*)') def lines(phenny, input): """.lines () - Returns the number of lines a user posted on a specific date.""" if input.group(2): info = input.group(2).split(" ") if len(info) == 1: nickname = info[0] date = "today" elif len(info) == 2: nickname = info[0] date = info[1] else: phenny.reply(".lines () - Returns the number of lines a user posted on a specific date.") return else: nickname = input.nick date = "today" try: req = web.post("http://linx.li/vtluuglines", {'nickname': nickname, 'date': date, 'sender': input.nick, 'channel': input.sender}) except (HTTPError, IOError): raise GrumbleError("THE INTERNET IS FUCKING BROKEN. Please try again later.") phenny.reply(req) lines.rule = (['lines'], r'(.*)') def posted(phenny, input): """.posted - Checks if has already been posted.""" message = input.group(2) if not message: phenny.say(".posted - Checks if has already been posted.") return try: req = web.post("http://linx.li/vtluugposted", {'message': message, 'sender': input.nick, 'channel': input.sender}) except (HTTPError, IOError): raise GrumbleError("THE INTERNET IS FUCKING BROKEN. Please try again later.") phenny.reply(req) posted.rule = (['posted'], r'(.*)') if __name__ == '__main__': print(__doc__.strip())