#!/usr/bin/python3 """ foodforus.py - foodforus module author: mutantmonkey """ from tools import GrumbleError import hashlib import json import web API_URL = 'http://foodfor.vtluug.org' def _sign_vote(api_key, args): data = "ffu1" for k, v in sorted(args.items()): if k == 'sig': continue data += '{0}{1}'.format(k, v) data += api_key h = hashlib.sha256() h.update(data.encode('utf-8')) return h.hexdigest() def food(phenny, input): """.food""" key = input.group(2) or input.sender try: req = web.get(API_URL + '/food/' + web.quote(key.strip())) data = json.loads(req) except: raise GrumbleError("Uh oh, I couldn't contact foodforus. HOW WILL WE "\ "EAT NOW‽") restaurants = data['restaurants'][:4] times = data['times'][:4] restr = ", ".join(["{0} ({1})".format(r[0], r[1]) for r in restaurants]) tistr = ", ".join(["{0} ({1})".format(t[0], t[1]) for t in times]) if len(restr) > 0 and len(tistr) > 0: return phenny.say("{0} at {1}".format(restr, tistr)) else: return phenny.say("Sorry, people need to vote before we can food!") food.rule = (['food'], r'(.*)') def foodvote(phenny, input): """.foodvote""" if not input.group(2) or not input.group(3): return phenny.reply("You need to specify a place and time, as in "\ ".foodvote hokie haus 18:45") key = input.group(4) or input.sender postdata = { 'user': input.nick, 'restaurant': input.group(2), 'start': input.group(3), 'key': key.strip(), } postdata['sig'] = _sign_vote(phenny.config.foodforus_api_key, postdata) try: req = web.post(API_URL + '/vote', postdata) data = json.loads(req) except: raise GrumbleError("Uh oh, I couldn't contact foodforus. HOW WILL WE "\ "EAT NOW‽") if 'error' in data: phenny.reply(data['error']) else: phenny.reply("Your vote has been recorded.") foodvote.rule = (['foodvote'], r'(.*) (\d{2}:\d{2})( .*)?') def pickfood(phenny, input): key = input.group(2) or input.sender try: req = web.get(API_URL + '/food/' + web.quote(key.strip())) data = json.loads(req) except: raise GrumbleError("Uh oh, I couldn't contact foodforus. HOW WILL WE "\ "EAT NOW‽") if len(data['restaurants']) > 0 and len(data['times']) > 0: restaurant = data['restaurants'][0] time = data['times'][0] phenny.say("Food is {place} ({place_votes} votes) at {time} "\ "({time_votes} votes). Happy fooding!".format(place=restaurant[0], place_votes=restaurant[1], time=time[0], time_votes=time[1])) else: phenny.say("Sorry, people need to vote before we can food!") pickfood.rule = (['pickfood'], r'(.*)')