104 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
104 lines
2.8 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
codepoints.py - Phenny Codepoints Module
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re, unicodedata
from itertools import islice
def about(u, cp=None, name=None):
if cp is None: cp = ord(u)
if name is None:
try: name = unicodedata.name(u)
except ValueError:
return 'U+%04X (No name found)' % cp
if not unicodedata.combining(u):
template = 'U+%04X %s (%s)'
else: template = 'U+%04X %s (\xe2\x97\x8c%s)'
return template % (cp, name, u.encode('utf-8'))
def codepoint_simple(arg):
arg = arg.upper()
r_label = re.compile('\\b' + arg.replace(' ', '.*\\b') + '\\b')
results = []
for cp in xrange(0xFFFF):
u = unichr(cp)
try: name = unicodedata.name(u)
except ValueError: continue
if r_label.search(name):
results.append((len(name), u, cp, name))
if not results:
r_label = re.compile('\\b' + arg.replace(' ', '.*\\b'))
for cp in xrange(0xFFFF):
u = unichr(cp)
try: name = unicodedata.name(u)
except ValueError: continue
if r_label.search(name):
results.append((len(name), u, cp, name))
if not results:
return None
length, u, cp, name = sorted(results)[0]
return about(u, cp, name)
def codepoint_extended(arg):
arg = arg.upper()
try: r_search = re.compile(arg)
except: raise ValueError('Broken regexp: %r' % arg)
for cp in xrange(1, 0x10FFFF):
u = unichr(cp)
name = unicodedata.name(u, '-')
if r_search.search(name):
yield about(u, cp, name)
def u(phenny, input):
arg = input.bytes[3:]
ascii = True
for c in arg:
if ord(c) >= 0x80:
ascii = False
if ascii:
if set(arg.upper()) - set('ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ '):
extended = True
else: extended = False
if extended:
# look up a codepoint with regexp
results = list(islice(codepoint_extended(arg), 4))
for i, result in enumerate(results):
if (i < 2) or ((i == 2) and (len(results) < 4)):
elif (i == 2) and (len(results) > 3):
phenny.say(result + ' [...]')
# look up a codepoint freely
result = codepoint_simple(arg)
if result is not None:
else: phenny.reply("Sorry, no results for %r." % arg)
text = arg.decode('utf-8')
# look up less than three podecoints
if len(text) <= 3:
for u in text:
# look up more than three podecoints
elif len(text) <= 8:
phenny.reply(' '.join('U+%04X' % ord(c) for c in text))
else: phenny.reply('Sorry, your input is too long!')
u.commands = ['u']