45 lines
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45 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
info.py - Phenny Information Module
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
def doc(phenny, input):
"""Shows a command's documentation, and possibly an example."""
name = input.group(1)
name = name.lower()
if phenny.doc.has_key(name):
if phenny.doc[name][1]:
phenny.say('e.g. ' + phenny.doc[name][1])
doc.rule = ('$nick', '(?i)help +([A-Za-z]+)(?:\?+)?$')
doc.example = '$nickname: help tell?'
doc.priority = 'low'
def commands(phenny, input):
# This function only works in private message
if input.startswith('#'): return
names = ', '.join(sorted(phenny.doc.iterkeys()))
phenny.say('Commands I recognise: ' + names + '.')
phenny.say(("For help, do '%s: help example?' where example is the " +
"name of the command you want help for.") % phenny.nick)
commands.commands = ['commands']
commands.priority = 'low'
def help(phenny, input):
response = (
'Hi, I\'m a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list ' +
'of my commands, or see http://inamidst.com/phenny/ for more ' +
'general details. My owner is %s.'
) % phenny.config.owner
help.rule = ('$nick', r'(?i)help(?:[?!]+)?$')
help.priority = 'low'
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()