169 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
169 lines
4.6 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
irc.py - A Utility IRC Bot
Copyright 2008, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import sys, re, time, traceback
import socket, asyncore, asynchat
class Origin(object):
source = re.compile(r'([^!]*)!?([^@]*)@?(.*)')
def __init__(self, bot, source, args):
match = Origin.source.match(source or '')
self.nick, self.user, self.host = match.groups()
if len(args) > 1:
target = args[1]
else: target = None
mappings = {bot.nick: self.nick, None: None}
self.sender = mappings.get(target, target)
class Bot(asynchat.async_chat):
def __init__(self, nick, name, channels):
self.buffer = ''
self.nick = nick
self.user = nick
self.name = name
self.verbose = True
self.channels = channels or []
self.stack = []
import threading
self.sending = threading.RLock()
def write(self, args, text=None):
if text is not None:
self.push(' '.join(args) + ' :' + text + '\r\n')
else: self.push(' '.join(args) + '\r\n')
def run(self, host, port=6667):
self.initiate_connect(host, port)
def initiate_connect(self, host, port):
if self.verbose:
message = 'Connecting to %s:%s...' % (host, port)
print >> sys.stderr, message,
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.connect((host, port))
def handle_connect(self):
if self.verbose:
print >> sys.stderr, 'connected!'
self.write(('NICK', self.nick))
self.write(('USER', self.user, '+iw', self.nick), self.name)
def handle_close(self):
print >> sys.stderr, 'Closed!'
def collect_incoming_data(self, data):
self.buffer += data
def found_terminator(self):
line = self.buffer
if line.endswith('\r'):
line = line[:-1]
self.buffer = ''
# print line
if line.startswith(':'):
source, line = line[1:].split(' ', 1)
else: source = None
if ' :' in line:
argstr, text = line.split(' :', 1)
else: argstr, text = line, ''
args = argstr.split()
origin = Origin(self, source, args)
self.dispatch(origin, tuple([text] + args))
if args[0] == 'PING':
self.write(('PONG', text))
def dispatch(self, origin, args):
def msg(self, recipient, text):
# Cf. http://swhack.com/logs/2006-03-01#T19-43-25
if isinstance(text, unicode):
try: text = text.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeEncodeError, e:
text = e.__class__ + ': ' + str(e)
# No messages within the last 3 seconds? Go ahead!
# Otherwise, wait so it's been at least 0.8 seconds + penalty
if self.stack:
elapsed = time.time() - self.stack[-1][0]
if elapsed < 3:
penalty = float(max(0, len(text) - 50)) / 70
wait = 0.8 + penalty
if elapsed < wait:
time.sleep(wait - elapsed)
# Loop detection
messages = [m[1] for m in self.stack[-5:]]
if messages.count(text) >= 3:
text = '...'
if messages.count('...') >= 1:
self.write(('PRIVMSG', recipient), text)
self.stack.append((time.time(), text))
self.stack = self.stack[-10:]
def notice(self, dest, text):
self.write(('NOTICE', dest), text)
def error(self, origin):
import traceback
trace = traceback.format_exc()
print trace
lines = list(reversed(trace.splitlines()))
report = [lines[0].strip()]
for line in lines:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('File "/'):
report.append(line[0].lower() + line[1:])
else: report.append('source unknown')
self.msg(origin.sender, report[0] + ' (' + report[1] + ')')
except: self.msg(origin.sender, "Got an error.")
class TestBot(Bot):
def f_ping(self, origin, match, args):
delay = m.group(1)
if delay is not None:
import time
self.msg(origin.sender, 'pong (%s)' % delay)
else: self.msg(origin.sender, 'pong')
f_ping.rule = r'^\.ping(?:[ \t]+(\d+))?$'
def main():
# bot = TestBot('testbot', ['#d8uv.com'])
# bot.run('irc.freenode.net')
print __doc__
if __name__=="__main__":