261 lines
8.3 KiB
261 lines
8.3 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
lastfmn.py - lastfm module
author: Casey Link <unnamedrambler@gmail.com>
import random
import ConfigParser, os
from urllib import quote as urlquote
from urllib2 import urlopen, HTTPError
from lxml import etree
from datetime import datetime
APIKEY = "b25b959554ed76058ac220b7b2e0a026"
APIURL = "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/?api_key="+APIKEY+"&"
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
config.optionxform = str
config_filename = ""
def setup(self):
fn = self.nick + '-' + self.config.host + '.lastfm.db'
global config_filename
config_filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/.phenny'), fn)
if not os.path.exists(config_filename):
try: f = open(config_filename, 'w')
except OSError: pass
config_file = config.read(config_filename)
if not config.has_section("Nick2User"):
if not config.has_section("User2Nick"):
if not config.has_section("Nick2Verb"):
def lastfm_set(phenny, input):
cmd = input.group(2)
if not cmd or len(cmd.strip()) == 0:
phenny.say("commands: user, verb")
phenny.say("set <username>: associates your IRC nick with your last.fm username.")
phenny.say("example: lastfm-set user joebob")
phenny.say("verb <past>,<present>: customizes the verbs used when displaying your now playing info.")
phenny.say("example: lastfm-set verb listened to, is listening to")
if cmd == "user":
value = input.group(5)
if len(value) == 0:
phenny.say("um.. try again. the format is 'lastfm-set user username'")
set_username(input.nick, value)
phenny.say("ok, i'll remember that %s is %s on lastfm" % (input.nick, value))
if cmd == "verb":
past = input.group(3)
present = input.group(4)
if len(past) == 0 or len(present) == 0:
phenny.say("umm.. try again. the format is 'lastfm-set verb past phrase, present phrase' example: 'lastfm-set verb listened to, listening to'")
set_verb(input.nick, past, present)
phenny.say("ok, i'll remember that %s prefers '%s' and '%s'" % (input.nick, past, present))
lastfm_set.rule = (['lastfm-set'], r'(\S+)\s+(?:(.*?),(.*)|(\S+))')
def now_playing(phenny, input):
nick = input.nick
user = ""
arg = input.group(2)
if not arg or len(arg.strip()) == 0:
user = resolve_username(nick) # use the sender
if not user: #nick didnt resolve
user = nick
else: # use the argument
user = resolve_username(arg.strip())
if not user: # user didnt resolve
user = arg
user = user.strip()
req = urlopen("%smethod=user.getrecenttracks&user=%s" % (APIURL, urlquote(user)))
except HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 400:
phenny.say("%s doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to set user" % (user))
phenny.say("uhoh. try again later, mmkay?")
doc = etree.parse(req)
root = doc.getroot()
recenttracks = list(root)
if len(recenttracks) == 0:
phenny.say("%s hasn't played anything recently. this isn't you? try lastfm-set" % (user))
tracks = list(recenttracks[0])
#print etree.tostring(recenttracks[0])
if len(tracks) == 0:
phenny.say("%s hasn't played anything recently. this isn't you? try lastfm-set" % (user))
first = tracks[0]
now = True if first.get("nowplaying") == "true" else False
tags = {}
for e in first.getiterator():
tags[e.tag] = e
track = tags['name'].text.strip()
artist = tags['artist'].text.strip()
album = tags['album'].text.strip()
date = None
stamp = None
if not now:
date = tags['date'].get("uts")
stamp = int(date)
if now:
present = get_verb(nick)[1]
phenny.say("%s %s \"%s\" by %s-%s" %(user.strip(), present.strip(), track, artist, album))
past = get_verb(nick)[0]
phenny.say("%s %s \"%s\" by %s-%s %s ago" %(user.strip(), past.strip(), track, artist, album, pretty_date(stamp)))
now_playing.commands = ['np']
def tasteometer(phenny, input):
input1 = input.group(2)
if not input1 or len(input1) == 0:
phenny.say("tasteometer: compares two users' musical taste")
phenny.say("syntax: .taste user1 user2")
input2 = input.group(3)
user1 = resolve_username(input1)
if not user1:
user1 = input1
user2 = resolve_username(input2)
if not user2:
user2 = input2
if not user2 or len(user2) == 0:
user2 = resolve_username(input.nick)
if not user2:
user2 = input.nick
req = urlopen("%smethod=tasteometer.compare&type1=user&type2=user&value1=%s&value2=%s" % (APIURL, urlquote(user1), urlquote(user2)))
except HTTPError, e:
if e.code == 400:
phenny.say("uhoh, someone doesn't exist on last.fm, perhaps they need to set user")
phenny.say("uhoh. try again later, mmkay?")
doc = etree.parse(req)
root = doc.getroot()
score = root.xpath('comparison/result/score')
if len(score) == 0:
phenny.say("something isn't right. have those users scrobbled?")
score = float(score[0].text)
rating = ""
if score >= 0.9:
rating = "Super"
elif score >= 0.7:
rating = "Very High"
elif score >= 0.5:
rating = "High"
elif score >= 0.3:
rating = "Medium"
elif score >= 0.1:
rating = "Low"
rating = "Very Low"
artists = root.xpath("comparison/result/artists/artist/name")
common_artists = ""
names = []
if len(artists) == 0:
common_artists = ". they don't have any artists in common."
map(lambda a: names.append(a.text) ,artists)
common_artists = "and music they have in common includes: %s" % ", ".join(names)
phenny.say("%s's and %s's musical compatibility rating is %s %s" % (user1, user2, rating, common_artists))
tasteometer.rule = (['taste'], r'(\S+)(?:\s+(\S+))?')
def save_config():
configfile = open(config_filename, 'wb')
def set_verb(nick, past, present):
verbs = "%s,%s" % (past,present)
config.set("Nick2Verb", nick, verbs )
def get_verb(nick):
if config.has_option("Nick2Verb", nick):
return config.get("Nick2Verb", nick).split(',')
return ["listened to","is listening to"]
def set_username(nick, username):
old_user = resolve_username(nick)
if old_user:
config.remove_option("User2Nick", old_user)
config.set("Nick2User", nick, username)
config.set("User2Nick", username, nick)
def resolve_username(nick):
if config.has_option("Nick2User", nick):
return config.get("Nick2User", nick)
return None
def pretty_date(time=False):
Get a datetime object or a int() Epoch timestamp and return a
pretty string like 'an hour ago', 'Yesterday', '3 months ago',
'just now', etc
from datetime import datetime
now = datetime.now()
if type(time) is int:
diff = now - datetime.fromtimestamp(time)
elif not time:
diff = now - now
second_diff = diff.seconds
day_diff = diff.days
if day_diff < 0:
return ''
if day_diff == 0:
if second_diff < 10:
return "just now"
if second_diff < 60:
return str(second_diff) + " seconds ago"
if second_diff < 120:
return "a minute ago"
if second_diff < 3600:
return str( second_diff / 60 ) + " minutes ago"
if second_diff < 7200:
return "an hour ago"
if second_diff < 86400:
return str( second_diff / 3600 ) + " hours ago"
if day_diff == 1:
return "Yesterday"
if day_diff < 7:
return str(day_diff) + " days ago"
if day_diff < 31:
return str(day_diff/7) + " weeks ago"
if day_diff < 365:
return str(day_diff/30) + " months ago"
return str(day_diff/365) + " years ago"
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip() |