105 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
105 lines
3.3 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env python
oblique.py - Web Services Interface
Copyright 2008-9, Sean B. Palmer, inamidst.com
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re, urllib
import web
definitions = 'https://github.com/nslater/oblique/wiki'
r_item = re.compile(r'(?i)<li>(.*?)</li>')
r_tag = re.compile(r'<[^>]+>')
def mappings(uri):
result = {}
bytes = web.get(uri)
for item in r_item.findall(bytes):
item = r_tag.sub('', item).strip(' \t\r\n')
if not ' ' in item: continue
command, template = item.split(' ', 1)
if not command.isalnum(): continue
if not template.startswith('http://'): continue
result[command] = template.replace('&', '&')
return result
def service(phenny, input, command, args):
t = o.services[command]
template = t.replace('${args}', urllib.quote(args.encode('utf-8')))
template = template.replace('${nick}', urllib.quote(input.nick))
uri = template.replace('${sender}', urllib.quote(input.sender))
bytes = web.get(uri)
lines = bytes.splitlines()
if not lines:
return phenny.reply('Sorry, the service is broken.')
def o(phenny, input):
"""Call a webservice."""
text = input.group(2)
if hasattr(phenny.config, 'services'):
services = phenny.config.services
else: services = definitions
if (not o.services) or (text == 'refresh'):
old = o.services
o.services = mappings(services)
if text == 'refresh':
msg = 'Okay, found %s services.' % len(o.services)
added = set(o.services) - set(old)
if added:
msg += ' Added: ' + ', '.join(sorted(added)[:5])
if len(added) > 5: msg += ', &c.'
return phenny.reply(msg)
if not text:
return phenny.reply('Try %s for details.' % services)
if ' ' in text:
command, args = text.split(' ', 1)
else: command, args = text, ''
command = command.lower()
if command == 'service':
msg = o.services.get(args, 'No such service!')
return phenny.reply(msg)
if not o.services.has_key(command):
return phenny.reply('Sorry, no such service. See %s' % services)
if hasattr(phenny.config, 'external'):
default = phenny.config.external.get('*')
manifest = phenny.config.external.get(input.sender, default)
if manifest:
commands = set(manifest)
if (command not in commands) and (manifest[0] != '!'):
return phenny.reply('Sorry, %s is not whitelisted' % command)
elif (command in commands) and (manifest[0] == '!'):
return phenny.reply('Sorry, %s is blacklisted' % command)
service(phenny, input, command, args)
o.commands = ['o']
o.example = '.o servicename arg1 arg2 arg3'
o.services = {}
def py(phenny, input):
service(phenny, input, 'py', input.group(2))
py.commands = ['py']
def snippet(phenny, input):
py = "BeautifulSoup.BeautifulSoup(re.sub('<.*?>|(?<= ) +', '', " + \
"eval(urllib.urlopen('http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/serv" + \
"ices/search/web?v=1.0&q=" + urllib.quote(input.group(2)) + \
"').read().replace('null', 'None'))['responseData']['resul" + \
"ts'][0]['content'].decode('unicode-escape')), convertEntities=True)"
service(phenny, input, 'py', py)
snippet.commands = ['snippet']
if __name__ == '__main__':
print __doc__.strip()