
305 lines
7.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
""" - Phenny Clock Module
Copyright 2008-9, Sean B. Palmer,
Licensed under the Eiffel Forum License 2.
import re, math, time, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, locale, socket, struct, datetime
from decimal import Decimal as dec
from tools import deprecated
TimeZones = {'KST': 9, 'CADT': 10.5, 'EETDST': 3, 'MESZ': 2, 'WADT': 9,
'EET': 2, 'MST': -7, 'WAST': 8, 'IST': 5.5, 'B': 2,
'MSK': 3, 'X': -11, 'MSD': 4, 'CETDST': 2, 'AST': -4,
'HKT': 8, 'JST': 9, 'CAST': 9.5, 'CET': 1, 'CEST': 2,
'EEST': 3, 'EAST': 10, 'METDST': 2, 'MDT': -6, 'A': 1,
'UTC': 0, 'ADT': -3, 'EST': -5, 'E': 5, 'D': 4, 'G': 7,
'F': 6, 'I': 9, 'H': 8, 'K': 10, 'PDT': -7, 'M': 12,
'L': 11, 'O': -2, 'MEST': 2, 'Q': -4, 'P': -3, 'S': -6,
'R': -5, 'U': -8, 'T': -7, 'W': -10, 'WET': 0, 'Y': -12,
'CST': -6, 'EADT': 11, 'Z': 0, 'GMT': 0, 'WETDST': 1,
'C': 3, 'WEST': 1, 'CDT': -5, 'MET': 1, 'N': -1, 'V': -9,
'EDT': -4, 'UT': 0, 'PST': -8, 'MEZ': 1, 'BST': 1,
'ACS': 9.5, 'ATL': -4, 'ALA': -9, 'HAW': -10, 'AKDT': -8,
'AKST': -9,
'BDST': 2}
TZ1 = {
'NDT': -2.5,
'BRST': -2,
'ADT': -3,
'EDT': -4,
'CDT': -5,
'MDT': -6,
'PDT': -7,
'YDT': -8,
'HDT': -9,
'BST': 1,
'MEST': 2,
'SST': 2,
'FST': 2,
'CEST': 2,
'EEST': 3,
'WADT': 8,
'KDT': 10,
'EADT': 13,
'NZD': 13,
'NZDT': 13,
'GMT': 0,
'UT': 0,
'UTC': 0,
'WET': 0,
'WAT': -1,
'AT': -2,
'FNT': -2,
'BRT': -3,
'MNT': -4,
'EWT': -4,
'AST': -4,
'EST': -5,
'ACT': -5,
'CST': -6,
'MST': -7,
'PST': -8,
'YST': -9,
'HST': -10,
'CAT': -10,
'AHST': -10,
'NT': -11,
'IDLW': -12,
'CET': 1,
'MEZ': 1,
'ECT': 1,
'MET': 1,
'MEWT': 1,
'SWT': 1,
'SET': 1,
'FWT': 1,
'EET': 2,
'UKR': 2,
'BT': 3,
'ZP4': 4,
'ZP5': 5,
'ZP6': 6,
'WST': 8,
'HKT': 8,
'CCT': 8,
'JST': 9,
'KST': 9,
'EAST': 10,
'GST': 10,
'NZT': 12,
'NZST': 12,
'IDLE': 12
TZ2 = {
'ACDT': 10.5,
'ACST': 9.5,
'ADT': 3,
'AEDT': 11, # hmm
'AEST': 10, # hmm
'AHDT': 9,
'AHST': 10,
'AST': 4,
'AT': 2,
'AWDT': -9,
'AWST': -8,
'BAT': -3,
'BDST': -2,
'BET': 11,
'BST': -1,
'BT': -3,
'BZT2': 3,
'CADT': -10.5,
'CAST': -9.5,
'CAT': 10,
'CCT': -8,
# 'CDT': 5,
'CED': -2,
'CET': -1,
'CST': 6,
'EAST': -10,
# 'EDT': 4,
'EED': -3,
'EET': -2,
'EEST': -3,
'EST': 5,
'FST': -2,
'FWT': -1,
'GMT': 0,
'GST': -10,
'HDT': 9,
'HST': 10,
'IDLE': -12,
'IDLW': 12,
# 'IST': -5.5,
'IT': -3.5,
'JST': -9,
'JT': -7,
'KST': -9,
'MDT': 6,
'MED': -2,
'MET': -1,
'MEST': -2,
'MEWT': -1,
'MST': 7,
'MT': -8,
'NDT': 2.5,
'NFT': 3.5,
'NT': 11,
'NST': -6.5,
'NZ': -11,
'NZST': -12,
'NZDT': -13,
'NZT': -12,
# 'PDT': 7,
'PST': 8,
'ROK': -9,
'SAD': -10,
'SAST': -9,
'SAT': -9,
'SDT': -10,
'SST': -2,
'SWT': -1,
'USZ3': -4,
'USZ4': -5,
'USZ5': -6,
'USZ6': -7,
'UT': 0,
'UTC': 0,
'UZ10': -11,
'WAT': 1,
'WET': 0,
'WST': -8,
'YDT': 8,
'YST': 9,
'ZP4': -4,
'ZP5': -5,
'ZP6': -6
TZ3 = {
'AEST': 10,
'AEDT': 11
# TimeZones.update(TZ2) # do these have to be negated?
r_local = re.compile(r'\([a-z]+_[A-Z]+\)')
def f_time(self, origin, match, args):
"""Returns the current time."""
tz = or 'GMT'
# Personal time zones, because they're rad
if hasattr(self.config, 'timezones'):
People = self.config.timezones
else: People = {}
if tz in People:
tz = People[tz]
elif (not and origin.nick in People:
tz = People[origin.nick]
TZ = tz.upper()
if len(tz) > 30: return
if (TZ == 'UTC') or (TZ == 'Z'):
msg = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ', time.gmtime())
self.msg(origin.sender, msg)
elif r_local.match(tz): # thanks to Mark Shoulsdon (clsn)
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, (tz[1:-1], 'UTF-8'))
msg = time.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y %H:%M:%SZ", time.gmtime())
self.msg(origin.sender, msg)
elif TZ in TimeZones:
offset = TimeZones[TZ] * 3600
timenow = time.gmtime(time.time() + offset)
msg = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S " + str(TZ), timenow)
self.msg(origin.sender, msg)
elif tz and tz[0] in ('+', '-') and 4 <= len(tz) <= 6:
timenow = time.gmtime(time.time() + (int(tz[:3]) * 3600))
msg = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S " + str(tz), timenow)
self.msg(origin.sender, msg)
try: t = float(tz)
except ValueError:
import os, re, subprocess
r_tz = re.compile(r'^[A-Za-z]+(?:/[A-Za-z_]+)*$')
if r_tz.match(tz) and os.path.isfile('/usr/share/zoneinfo/' + tz):
cmd, PIPE = 'TZ=%s date' % tz, subprocess.PIPE
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=PIPE)
self.msg(origin.sender, proc.communicate()[0])
error = "Sorry, I don't know about the '%s' timezone." % tz
self.msg(origin.sender, origin.nick + ': ' + error)
timenow = time.gmtime(time.time() + (t * 3600))
msg = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S " + str(tz), timenow)
self.msg(origin.sender, msg)
f_time.commands = ['t'] = 't'
f_time.example = '.t UTC'
def beats(phenny, input):
"""Shows the internet time in Swatch beats."""
beats = ((time.time() + 3600) % 86400) / 86.4
beats = int(math.floor(beats))
phenny.say('@%03i' % beats)
beats.commands = ['beats']
beats.priority = 'low'
def divide(input, by):
return (input // by), (input % by)
def yi(phenny, input):
"""Shows whether it is currently yi or not."""
quadraels, remainder = divide(int(time.time()), 1753200)
raels = quadraels * 4
extraraels, remainder = divide(remainder, 432000)
if extraraels == 4:
return phenny.say('Yes! PARTAI!')
elif extraraels == 3:
return phenny.say('Soon...')
else: phenny.say('Not yet...')
yi.commands = ['yi']
yi.priority = 'low'
def tock(phenny, input):
"""Shows the time from the USNO's atomic clock."""
u = urllib.request.urlopen('')
info =
phenny.say('"' + info['Date'] + '" -')
tock.commands = ['tock']
tock.priority = 'high'
def npl(phenny, input):
"""Shows the time from NPL's SNTP server."""
# for server in ('', ''):
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
client.sendto(b'\x1b' + 47 * b'\0', ('', 123))
data, address = client.recvfrom(1024)
if data:
buf = struct.unpack('B' * 48, data)
d = dec('0.0')
for i in range(8):
d += dec(buf[32 + i]) * dec(str(math.pow(2, (3 - i) * 8)))
d -= dec(2208988800)
a, b = str(d).split('.')
f = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
result = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(d).strftime(f) + '.' + b[:6]
phenny.say(result + ' -')
else: phenny.say('No data received, sorry')
npl.commands = ['npl']
npl.priority = 'high'
if __name__ == '__main__':